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November 10, 1922 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-10

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i 0 , , I o I - - - I imm

There will be a meeting of fresh!
girls at 5 o'clock Tuesday, immedia
ly after the hygiene lecture in Sa
Caswell Angell hall. The purpos
the moeting is to elect a fresh:
girls' social committee.
Rehearsals for "The Knight of1
Burning Pestle" are as follows: Th
o'clock, Act IV; 4 o'clock, Act V. T
will be held in Hill auditorium.
Chaperones for weel-end dan
are as follows: Armory, Friday-M
E. G. 'Heartt; Saturday-Mrs. H.
Caike; Union, Friday-Mrs. Ph:
Reynolds; Saturday-Mrs. H. W. B

- Elizabeth Lieberman made one goal doma, '24. The association started
for the sophomores. f three years ago, but was inactive last
In the game played by the seniors year.f
and 'freshmen, Ithe seniors won with a The nurses are signing up for their
score of 3 to 0, goals being made by choice of three sports, swimming, bas-
Marion Brown, Bonar VanZandt, and ket ball or aesthetic dancing. They
aa: Martha Dodd. will join the classes of the campusI
at4- The championship will be decided women in aesthetic dancing. As these
r tomorrow when the sophomores play classes are held in the evening, and
e of the freshmen at 1:15 o'clock at Palm- the gymnasium is used on other nighti
an erg field, the seniors playing the jun- for class basketball practice theI
fors at 4:30 o'clock. nurses' basketball will not continue'
. - past the opening of the aesthetic danc-
the NLJISES ELECT OFFICERS ing classes. The swimming tank is at
ree FOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONa their disposal any night of the week.
The atihletic association of the 20 per cent discount on Christmas
Nurses training school elected the card and stationery engraving order,
ces following officers at a meeting Wed- received before November 10. Select
Irs. nesday evening: president, Helen Vin, from our large stock and avoid the
N-. 23, Vide p'esideiit; Thelma Stegemran, December rush. 0 . D. Morrill, 17
lis '23, secretary-treasurer, Natalia Per-, Nickels Arcade.-Adv.

Women To Ieet man will do the work and at the same
time help the Women's Ieague.
Yarn Men At Show
Do you want a man-a good look-! 'SPEAK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL
ing, strong featured man? The Alpha
Xi Delta girls have unique plans for: Harry G. Kipke, '24, star varsity
providing each woman with a man at backfield man, and E. R. Vander-
providingeach bVoort, '24, varsity tackle who was in-
the Flower show to be given at Ba- jured in the Ohio State game, will
hour gymnnasiuM tomorrow and Sat71
urday. speak this afternoon at a mass meet- .
These young suttors will be madg Ing in the Ann Arbor high school.;
of maize and blue yarn and will be The purpose of the meet is to stir up
sold at 10 cents. For those who are enthusiasm over the game tomorrow
very anxious to have one and who are when the hgh school team wll meet:
unable to go to the Flower show they the strong Saginaw E~astern team on!.
will be on sale at the Woman's League Wines field. Both teams are contend-'
party which will be given the Friday ers for the state title.
before the Wisconsin game.
eIvery one will -be wearing their Dance: Ypsi tonight. Bergin's
college colors at the game. A little First.-Adv.


You are to blame 'yourmelf :m yaur mimeographed book or out-
We will furnish proof which yotu my read and correct yourself,
we will correct the stencils verbltim with your returned proof-then
imeograph your books.






Hikers will leave Barbour gymnas-
fim at 9 o'clock Saturday morning.
Honor points will be given for this
Playing two .fve-minute overtime
periods, the sophomore hockey team
defeated the junior team by a score of
2 to 1 in a game Thursday afternoon
at Palmer field. At the, end of the
regular time the score was 0 to 0.
During the first overtime period the
Junior team made a score of 1, the
sophomores following immediately
with a goal by Martha Howell. in
site of the darknessha second over-
tine period was necessary, in which
Screen--Today ;
Arcade-Betty Compson in "To I
Have and to Hold;" Al St. I
John in his latest comedy.
Majestic-Peter B. Kine's "Kin-
dred of the Dust," with Miriam
Cooper and Ralph Graves;
comedy and news review.
Orpheum-Viola Dana in "See-
ing's Believing;" and comedy.
Wuerth-Betty Compson in "Al-
ways the Obman;" comedy and
Stage-This Week
Garrick (Detroit)-William Hod
ge in "For All of Us."
Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) -
Bonstelle company in John f'
Galsworthy's "Justice."



"Bigger Than Weather"
A Line We're Proud to Represent
Patrick greatcoats, overcoats, ulsters
and mackinaws are now ready for your
inspection. Smart garments, made entire-
ly by Patrick, from the raw wool tofin-
ised garment.
The reason Patrick quality is so firm-
ly established is that only the highest
grade, pure, virgin wool "from sheep that
thrive in the snow" is used.
There's a style to Patrick coats that is
distinctive; a roomy comfort - and un-
matchable wear.

Starts November 12

Buy your winter coat now.
splendid Patrick garments.

See these

. E.

Duluth - Minnesota

Would You Refuse to Help Those
in Your City, Who Are Homeless,
Unclothed and Uncared for?

If Anyorne ShouldAsk You-

J i +. 0 7,

L What is the purpose of the Community Fund?
To substitute one general appeal for twelve separate appeals; to quicken tbe interest of the entire coi-
munity in all its welfare work; to stimulate thinking in terms of twelve activities lnst-ad of onec
2. What Are Its Principles?
It is an intelligent plan for mutual helpfulness. It is a plan for applying sound business methods to the
financial side of social work without losing the personal interest.
3. Is the Community Fund Plan Followed Elsewhere?
Yes, 69 cities have successfully adopted the idea.
4. Has the Community Fund the Endorsement of Leading Citizens a o the A tivities Themselves?
5. Who Is Running the Community Fund?
It is managed in the last analysis by the people 4f Ann Arbor, since every contributor has a votie. it
is actively directed by a ;Board of Directors, elected by the contrihutors.
6. Does The Community Fund Attempt to Direct the Organizations Represented?
It does not atiempt to dictate general administrative policies. Such functions belong to the directors
Qf each organization.
7. What Are the Requirements for Participation by the Activities?
Every activity must be effectively engaged in charitable, civic, relief or welfare work whose worth
to the Community is unquestioned.
8. Are All the Participating Activities Investigated?
Yes, by the Board of Directors of the Comunity Fund, which detetmines their eligibility.
g. What Is the Scope of the Work Done by the Twelve Activities at Present Represented in the Community
Child welfare, care for the aged, relief, civic and health service.
io. How Is the Budget of the Community Fund Arrived at?
On the basis of detailed estimates submitted by each participa;iing activity, which are impartially exam-
ined, checked and revised by the Budget Committee.


309 South Main Street

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An nonce
. fbdd i

idf oa


z . What Is the Relation Between the Directors and the Budget Committee?
The Budget Committee examines the detailed estimates and certifies them to
12. How Is the Money to Be Apportioned?
In accordance with the approved etsimates.
13. What Are the Needs of the Community Fund?
$45,608. Twelve month's financing for twelve activities.
14, Why Is $45,608 Needed?
It represents the minimum sum required to carry on the work for 1923.
15. Will There Be Another Campaign Later On?
Not for a whole year,
M6. May I Designate My Gift?

the Board f Direcors.

.,xtraord s aire
,romy£Arce rT1riomnphe
to the Statue of Liberty
The Foreign Fair brings a new world
for you to see.
Have you ever 'wondered what a foreign shop
looks like? Come in today or tomorrow and
3ee our displays of imported goods. Mr. Bab-
cock, our foreign buying agent, has spent the,
entire summer collecting the beautiful articles.
that will be on display here today and tomor-
The variety of the displays is tremendous.
There are French perfumes, Parisian dress
trimmings and china, even Dresden boudoir
lamps and Vienna figures. Spanish scarfs and
French gloves, and- English leather goods, in
fact a host of charming things are waiting for
you to see and admire them!


17. What Are the Practical Results of the Community Flnd?
There is an increase of co-operation between organi:.ations; they do not spend their time raising
money, thereby allowing more time to their own work; each organization is required .to have an exact
budges, which increases efficiency in both collecting and expending money-a dollar dOQes more work;
arouses wide public interest in all of the community activities.
J$. Do I Get 'My Money's Worth?
Every dollar put in the Community Fund buys a dollar's worth of material comfort and service. Every
possible penny of every gift will reach those who really need it.
ig. Why Every Citizen a Giver?
The people of our Community are our own peo ple. If they suffer we suffer, because they are our own
people. We are all benefited directly by those agencies which make for better citize~rship and improved
Supposing They Were Yours
"Untie the Heart Strigs and the Purse
Strings, they Need Your Help" '
On Sunday, November 12
A Volunteer Solicitor will call on you for your pleg ...





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