-~ ~ ~ Ml;. :iVIL.lll ~1 fand11Kelly Ad141ess'ed 3etllg' 111il11°Aid"Itorivini Yeste rday Kelly, '241., of the Student A, andl Carl Rr'andt, oif the puib- ?akin. depnainent, were the in_ a college ediucation, and urgedat the freshmen adopt somne sort of moral 'scent the University after graduation. Results of' the class nominations' will he announced in a later issue of The .Daily. . , NewsOf Te Da BAZARM'TO RAISE E~DUCATIONAL FUND The entire proceeds of .a bazaar]I which will open tonight, in the, Ann Sarbor high school will go to the sup- part of the teaching program at the P'niverslty hospital. The bazaar is given by the' King's Daughters orders, of AnnArbor. It will open with a, cafeteria' supper at 5:30' o'clock this even ing;,~and remain open, from x4nie until six o'clock tomorrow. I Many booths have been arranged, which sell fancy work, candy,. aprons, white-elephants, home baked ;goods,. canned fruits and jellies, cut flowers and plants. regular University lecture series pro- g.The subjects chosen by Dr. Sapir are: "The:Wesit Coast Indians of Can- ada" and "The Art of the Indians of Canada." Both lectures, to which.~he general public is invited, will be gjv- en at 4:15 o'clocki in the Natuiral Sci- ence auditoirictm. GAS'TON GETS RECOUNT Students to ]Discuss Prohibition Student delegates from 40 nations l will attend the International Student i conference which is to be held! at. To- ronto, Canada, Nov. 24-29. The purpose of the meeting, which is. fostered by the Intercollegiate Prohibition asso- ciation, is to advance the united world student movement against al- coholism., In connection: with this work the association is offering an es- say contest which is open to all stu- dents. Full information concerning the essay nay be obtained' at Lane hall. COACHES ASK FRESHMEN AMD)' RESERVES TO REPORT TONIGHT Caetani is -New Envoy Rome, Nov. 9:-Prince Gelasio Cae-j tani, member of parliament, was 'nam- ed envoy to thle United States, instead of Baron Avezzano, to succeed Ambas- sador, Ricci. Greece Needs $10,,00,0001 VICTORY DAY DANCE AT DEXTER, FRIDAY, NOV. 10 KENNEDY'S SOCIETY ORCHESTRA I it ricipal speakzers at the All-f resh ss meeting hel~d yesterday 'afternoon Hill auditorium, after which the shman lit class officers were nom-1 ted by the class.r belly, .the first, speaker, urged the shmien to present a united front toI difficulties that were to face themI aclass in'their- college life. The only thing .thAt can p)reveni class of '26; from becoming they Est pow~er'ful' inflience on the' ca'm.:" is dissension within the ranks," ,fared the speaker. De also, stress- the importance of outside activi- sin the University, volunteeringl 'sonally to assist freslwmen 'in pick-I out the activitie-s hert suited to ir respective abilities% " 3randt emphasized in his, taOwlth ;t that Micigan is m~ore than a col- ;e. "Michigan is above all a human ;titution," lie said, "Just as a col- ,e education involves more than mtal development. There .is more n four years difference between the rage freshman in the University d the average senior. The total dif- ,ence constitutes a college educes n." Brandt pointed out the, possibilities Ward ing Receives Famous Musician Eugene, Nov. 9.-"The majority. ofl the Vilininzos "want their independence, but they' want it'.with some form of American w-otection. The interests of bocth the Phiippines, and America will be bst served if we keep on in: some sort of loose union, unless ;the Philip- pines really do not want it." This is the opinion expressed by Dr. Watsen 1). Bostor count. of tor was A. Gasti who wa 420 vote Lodge,I "Smthrecntl .retrne, fom:the Under the direction of. Miss Ruby tentions Philipine island=, in his :address be-' Carlton the instruction of chilaren in recting fore the student body in Villard. Ithe wards, of. the University hospitalj ery city -- -is fully .under way. Miss Carlton is setting Seattle, Nov. 9.-With thre~e cony- being assisted in her work by several state co: plete crews turning out for Varsity students from the ,school of education. every night, competition for this year~s' She plans the. work of the volunteer FORME] crew is already becoming keen. Men teachers. This. type of work not only from Dilst year's frosh eight are allowvsfor the carrying on of, the arngn the strongest contenders, acs education of 'childr'en' being treated at ReC cording . to Coach "Rusty" Callow, the hospital, .but -also gives the stu- dents, training- in difficult branches of { sity bas Cambridge,- Nov. 9. - The Harvard ; teaching.j Ann Ar" Athletic association announced last1 as supef night that :since final applications fox1 Pl.EDWARLD_ SAPIR TO GIVE Coke Mi tickets to, the fYale-Harvard game a~-I TWO IIJSTR ATEJ) LE]LETURES was pas ceeded the capacity o h aebw church by 13,500, graduate three-seat appli- Dr.,Edward Sapir, anthropologist of; Dr. W~ cations would have to be cut to two. the .Victoria Memorial Museum in Ot- o6f 12c This year has seen an unpreeedent- taw a, Canada, will deliver two Illus- commur ,ed,. demiand,. for' tickets, to the annual trated lectures on Nov.. 27 and 28.1i for wor clash ,between Yal'e;'and the. Univer- . These ,will:, be given as part of the vonic tr sity and even the howl with its seat- ing Iapzcity of 74,500 has proved in- '4sulticont. to satisfy deniands from th4 graduates and undergraduates of the two uiiersities.: Try a "Daily" liner if you want to r get real results.-A dv. n, Nov. 9.-A. statewide re- fthe vote cast for state sena-_ assured today. Col. William. ton, the demiocratic .candidate as apparently. defeated by 8,- es by Senator Henry Cabot Rtepublcan, tarned ,out his in- recnoune etedy recomputations in ev- and town in the, hope of up- the results. The republican ammittee took similar, action. ;R "A" BASEBALL MAN ACCEPTS MISSION CHIARG~E Chiarles C. Webber, former var- seball mnan: and a resident of rbor has' accepted a Rosition wintendent of mission work in ission, Pa. Until recently he star of thie Fifth avenue M. E. in Denver, Colo. Vebber will supervise the work churches and chapels, three nity houses, a mssion home 000,000 to feed' her people this win- , ter, says the minster of supplies. W M Gr11 ,,DA" E in~ "FR ALL 10Fx US" I A new Comedy In"Three Acts In view of the fact that the fresh- men and Reserves, will meet the Var- sity in a game at Ferry J field at 21 o'clock Saturday, Coaches Mather and Fisher are anxious that every fresh- man and reserve report for practice tonight at south Ferry field. A check up is to be made on the personnel of' the two squads and the coaches fur-, ther wish. to ascertain the physical i condition of some of the men who have! been practicing only part time on ac- count of injuries. IMichigan; Daily and Chimes for $4.50.1 SPECIAL IN CAPS SEE DAVIS TOGGERY AD ON SPORT PAGE SFUSEFtT Nights 51O.75.I;I.CO MI OHIG ~ and Sat,25a and Sio Ovaosite Cadillac Hte~tl Ibiain779'0 THE pIWTELEGO fPresents J. GALSWCrRTH{Y'S PowerfuIl Drama and JOHN BARRYMORE'S Trium~phal S cess +F All t' TODAY' Peter B. Kyrie Wrote It-and You Know Petetf! G' ,kers, and the raining school. MVcCrtm Sla-' I WHITREY T"hEATRE' Sunday, November 12 i NA, Crisp, Cool Days Miake Your Toes Tingle There is no need for any one to lose half the thrill of a football game because of this crisp cool wea'ther. We have just received a supply of rearm woolen sport's hose, gloves and scarfs with fetching caps to match. Thepycare just the thing for Fall and Winter wear. I i 3 i Ii I ._ , ' 1 _, : t COMEDY and NEWS AFTERNOONS 25c EVENINGS ,35a TONIGHT ONLY-Football Glimpses of the CHICAGO7--P RINCETO-N .Cad COMIN, 'ubolih alcuiiin to ,Ube young iRAjab" The CAMPUS ThealraE TODAY AND ;: Where Love anid Daring Rule d Ill.' ; " '0: John Pllip SOUsa ~r