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November 10, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-10

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Galens Mysteries
Shown To Sixteen



Students fust Notify Union Now
Intention If Train Is To
Be, Secured


Sixteen neophytes; were shown the
mysteries of Galens, honorary junior
medical society, last night at the an-
nual banquet at the Union. The hon-
orary initiates were: Dr. Frederick A.
Coller, Dr. Preston M. Hickey, Dr.
Louis M. Warfield, Dr. John B. You-
mans. Other men, members of the
junior medical class, who were tak-
en in are: John M. Barns, LaMott F.
Bates, Louis A. Brunsting, Raymond
G. Finney, Roy O. Gilbert, Austin S.
Johnson, Russell S. Mustard, Robert
T. Monroe, Clarence D. Moll, Robert
H. Phillips, Walter M. Simpson, and
Edgar M. Stevenson.
The toastmaster for the evening was
Dr. Max M. Peet, who introduced the
speakers of the evening. Dr. Carl D.
Camp, Dr. Preston M. Hickey, Dr.
Frederick A. Coller, Warren W. Bab-
cock, Dr. Albert M. Barrett, Dr.
Louise M. Warfield, and Walter M.
Simpson delivered short addresses.
After the speeches the intiates were
put through the society's initiation
Fisher and Mather Prime Players For
Stiff Combat With Veterans

Purchase of Property Appraised
$610,000 Approved by


Co liege
5150,0 GRANT

Awenyds Learn
Druid Secrets
Two of the senior literary class
learned the secrets of Druids, senior
lit honor society, at a private initia-
tion held last night in the Union
Instead of the usual white robed
procession about the campus and
through the University buildings, the
men of the forest took the Awenyds
silently from the world and, in the
light of glowing torches, initiated
them in the confines of the chapter
Chosen for the privilege of learning
the ways - or the ancient men were
Robert D. Gibson and Coolidge Kreis.



he leadership of the 1924 3-hop.
which was relinquished by the junior
laws at their class meeting Monday.
will automatically go according to the
schedule drawn up by the Council,
to the members of the 1924 literary
class. The schedule of class leader-
ship for the Hop as arranged by the
council, each class of the schedule
having been advanced one year in its
leadership, is as follows: 1923, lits
1924, engineers; 1925, lits; 1926, lits;
1927, engineers; 1928 ,lits; 1929, lits;
1930, engineers, and 1931, lits. This
schedule is based on a proportional'
representation system, and was adopt-
ed last year by the council.
Professional Schedule DoubtfulJ
While the present schedule in-
cludes the professional schools on the
proportional representation. basis.
each professional school securing the
right to leadership of the Hop once
approximately every 20 years, it is
doubtful whether after the expiration
of the present schedule, any profes-
sional school will have the leadership
of the affair, in view of the unanimous
recommendation made last year by
the Student council that "only the
lit and engineering schools be con-
sidered" for the leadership after the
present schedule expires. It is also
provided that, in case the Hop is pro-
hibited for a year, "the class which
was due to have the chairmanship
that 'year shall not lose its right to
the leadership when the Hop is rein-
stated," each class being moved up
one year on the council schedule. I
The provision in the council reso-
lution relating to the membership of
the Hop committee formed from the
different classes, and to the council
committee in charge of the formation
of the former committee follows:
Council Committee In Charge
"Each year the Student council
shall at the beginning of the school
year appoint a Student council com-
mittee to determine how many mem-
bers shall constitute the Junior Hop
General committee, and' the member-
ship shall be determined in the pro-
portions shown by the class registra-
tion in the different schools and col-
leges. Membership in the committee
shall be given to the following junior
classes: lits, engineers, laws, medics,
pharmics, dents, architects, education-
al chool members, and to such other
junior classes as may be organized
hereafter, and shall have obtained rec-
ognition of such right by petition tc
the Student council.
"The council committee shall be ap-
pointed each year regardless of wheth-
er or not the Hop was allowed the
year previous, and in case the Hop wash
called off the year previous, it shall be
the duty of the council committee, aft-
er first obtaining the approval of the
Student council, to call junior class;
meetings of the larger classes,r to de-
termine whether or not such classes
desire a reinstatement of the Hop. If
the classes desire a reinstatement of
the Hop, their petitions shall be filed
by the council Hop committee with
the Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs or other such official faculty l
committee as shall pass on such mat-
Ticket Distribution Supervised
The distribution of tickets "shall be
made as nearly as nossible according.

Dr. Willam Solf
Dr. iliainh -Solf, newly appointed
German ambassador to Japan, recent-
ly was presented to president Hard-
ing by Ambassador Wiedfeldt. Solf
is 61i hisway to Japan to take up his
new duties.
shall go, and a complete report of the
Hop expenditures will be" filed with
the council.
The council committee for the 1924
Junior Hop, as provided by the Stu-
dent council, will consist of the fol-
lowing men: Howard J. Liverance,
'23, Herald C. Hunt, '23Ed, and E. C.
Haug, '23E.
Prominent Chicago and Detroit Crit-
les Will Choose Works From
Todd Group

Arrangements have been completed
by the Union whereby a special train
to the Minnesota game is insured pro-
viding 200 students signify their in-
tention of going. The rate for the
round trip, if the necessary number
is secured, will be $23.58 which is
considered exceptionally low and is1
only slightly more than the rate to
Wisconsin last year.
In order that the Union can know
deflnitely that the required number is
going all who desire to make the trip
should see Mr. Donovan, house manag-
er of. the Union, either today or to-
morrow and procure a railroad ex-
change slip. If 200 make it known
that they wish to go, final arrange-
ments will be made with the railroad
and these. slips can be exchanged 'for
tickets when Pullman reservations
may be made. If less than 200 ,sign
up money will be refunded for these
Although nothing definite has been.
done indications are that if the Spe-
cial train is secured it will leave Ann
Arbor about four o'clock Friday af-
ternoon and arrive in Minneapolis
about 10 o'clock Saturday morning.
On returning it will leave sometime
Saturday night and get back Sunday.
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students
will deliver the address of welcome
at the opening meeting of the State
Florists" convention which is to be

Lansing, Nov. 9.-The state adminis-
trative board at its meeting this
morning authorized the Board of Re-
gents of the University of Michigan to
condemn a land site for the new law
department buildings soon to be erect-
ed, the proposed site being appraised
at $610,000.
The , administrative board also
granted the University authorities
$150,000, with which to put in the foun-
dation and basement story of the new
literary building.
Donor Withholds Name
Sufficient funds to pay for the con-
struction of the new law buildings
have been donated to the University,
but on request of the donor, or don-
ors, their names are ,withheld. The
proposed new law department build-
ings will comprise a large dormitory,
equipped complete, even to a commo-
dious dining room and club accQm-
modations; also a law library and a
student building.

. Sine the Iteserve-freshmen foot-
ball classic has been called off, due:
to a conference ruling that admission
cannot be' charged at any athletic
event in which freshmen participate.
Coaches Fisher and Mather have de-
cided to send their squads against the
Varsity at 2:00 o'clock on Saturday
The game will have the earmarks
of a regular Big Ten game and will
be played "according to Hoyle" in ev-
ery department. Coach Mather has
whipped out a mighty fine team from
his squad and can be depended uponI
to send his men into the fray with a
goodly amount of information on how
to defeat the Varsity. Although his
material is lighter than the average
run of freshmen pigskin chasers.-
Coach Fisher's squad has received
many setbacks this year, as Coach
Yost has promoted a number of the
men to the Varsity and injuries have
played havoc with some of the oth-
Each team will play one half of the
game. It has not yet been decided
whether they will play straight halves

The appropriation granted yester-
day by the administrative board will,
add another portion of the entire site.
for the law group. Other appropria-
tions have been granted recently.
Work on the new literary building
will begin at once with the grant-
ing of the $150,000 to construct the
foundation and basement story. This
sum is part of the $750,000 originally
appropriated by the past legislature
for the first unit of the humanities
group. The first exterior designs for
the structure have been changed com-
pletely to such an extent that there
has been necessitated a slight revis-
ion of the first floor plans.
Kahn's Plan Accepted
Alumni and members of the facul-
ty have 'decided upon one of the three
exterior studies submitted by Archi-
tect Albert Kahn of Detroit. This de-
sign will conform more harmoniousy
with the other buildings of the cam-
pus. In general the buildings will be
classic, but straight lines together
with large windows, and an impress-
ive cornice are emphasized.I
Including the first floor the struc-
ture will be four stories in heiglt
marked by large columns extending
three stories. Stakes now in the
ground set more than 125 feet back
of State street indicate that the new
bulding will extend from Mason hall
to the old Museum. The first floor
plans drawn for the lit building pro-
vide for 28 classrooms besides offices,
for deans of the graduate and liter-
ary schools, and offices for faculty
members who have classes in the
structure. In addition several other
large rooms and two libraries are
With the construction of the frst
unit it will be possible to remove the
central section of University hall.

held at two o'clock this afternoon in or alternate in quarters so as.to give
In accordance with the agreement Barbour gymnasium. At this time the the men a rest during part of the
made between the University and Al- committee in charge will report on gamec
bert Todd of Detroit in regard to the the name of the new chrysanthemum from whom to pick a strong team and
art collection recently presented by which is to be christened tonight. This Coach Fisher's squad of reserves is
Mr. Todd to the University. . President flower is known as the largest flower strongly fortified in numbers. They
Marion L. Burton has completed the of its kind in existence and has been will be well prepared for any injur-
appointment of a committee of judges cultivated and bred in Michigan. Phil- ies, especially on the freshmen team,
who will select the works of art which Ip Breitmeyer, a well known Detroit as they have three dependable men for
will become the property of the Uni- florist, will deliver the address at the each position.
versity. evening meeting. , Both of the coaches are strong for
Ralph H. Booth, president of the To avoid any misunderstanding, the the tilt, as both organizations have
Detroit Institute of Art, Irving K. committee has announced that the been rejuvenated since the injury jinx
Pond, Chicago architect, Robert liar- Flower 7show which is being run in fell last week. The teams are not
sha, director of the art institute of connection with the convention ill cush with a galaxy of lays but itis
Chicago, and President Burton and be open to the public. Tickets may thetold fightingyspiritb Therehmen
Bruce Donaldson, director of the fine eprhsdatedorrfrn the old fighting spirit. The freshmen
Brue Dnalson drecor f te fnebe purchased_ at the door or from mentor is strong for this scrimmage,
arts department of the University as members of the Women's League. The for s shmn har hel the
ex-offlicio members make up the per- latter organization will receive the for the freshmen have ioeld the Var
sonnel of the committee proceeds from the door receipts. sityto a 6 to 0score one of the
Mr. Todd is a former congressman The flower displays and exhibits past scrimmages.
and a resident of Kalamazoo. At pres- have been arranged in such a way as
ent his collection is hung in his home to allow a large space in the center
and office'building in that city. The of the room for dancing. A canopy
ift includes many valuable books woven from smilax will form a falseI
and manuscripts as well as paintings ceiling while banks '-of chrysanthe-
by French, English and American ar- mums and roses will form the walls. Following a custom established at
tists. Its total value has never been The dancing will start at 8 o'clock on the opening of the house in 1920, the
appraised but it is estimated that it both Friday and Saturday evenings. residents of Betsy Barbour dormitory
would run well in to the hundreds of Trckets, which will be $1.00 per 'will give an Armistice day party from'
thousands of dollars. couple, may be bought at Wahr's and 4 to 6 oclock tomorrow afternoon, inl
The contract which was signed at Graham's bookstores. honor of all ex-service men and wo-
the time that the gift was offered pro- On Saturday evening the dancing men on the campus. The reception
vided that a committee of five should will be in the form of an Armistice will begin immediately after the close
be appointed by the President to se- day party and will be under the di- of the ceremonies which will be held
lect the parts of the collection which rection of the Women's League and in Hill auditorium.
would be especial assets to the Uni- the Veteran's Memorial committee The committee is planning various
versity. The gift was first announced which is composed of members of the stunts and attractions for the after-
on Oct. 7, the intervening time hav- American Legion, the Gun and Blade noon. While invitations have been
ing been spent in securing a commit- 'club, and the Veterans of Foreigu sent to Gun and Blade, Veterans of
tee capable of determining what part Wars. Foreign War's, and the American le-
of the collection the University ;gion, the attendance is not limited to


206 More Subscriptions Than At Same
Time Last Year; 1700 Short
of Quota
With- more than 1300 subscriptions
already obtanied, the sales staff of the
1923 Michiganensian enters upon the
fourth and last' day of its intensive
selling campaign. The number of per-
sons signing up is 200 greater than
the total gat this time in last year's
Attention is particularly called to
the fact that this is the last possible
time for anyone to reserve a copy of'
the 1923 'Ensian, as there will be net
other subscription drives held. All
students who have not as yet signed
up, and who intend to, are urged to
do so early in order .to avoid the in-
evitable eleventh hour rush.
Year Book A History
In speaking of the importance of
the 'Ensian to all members of the
student body, whether seniors or low-
er classmen, Sheldon M. Brown, '23,
business manager of the annual, em-,
phasized the fact that the 'Ensian is a
history of the school and not, as is
popularly supposed, a publication is-I
sued for- the graduating classes. Not
more than 100 pages are devoted to
seniors. The entire remainder of the
annual is given over to subjects of
particular interest and significance to
the undergraduate body.
The 'Ensian for this year is $5.00,
a reduction of 50 cents over that of
'last year. If, as is anticipated, 3,000
persons subscribe, an additional re-
fund of 50 cents will be mailed to all
subscribers. A special plan has been
devised for those who feel unable to
pay the full purchase price at this
time. Under this plan, three dollars
will be paid down, and the remainder
when the book is received next spring.
The total cost for those who take ad-
vantage of this plan will be $5.50.
Paintings by, Bethalny Lovell
What is considered by the 'Ensian
staff to be one of the outstanding
features of the 1923 edition is a ser-
ies of eight paintings by Bethany
Lovell, '25, reproduced in four col-
ors. These will be used as headings
for the eight main divisions of the
The two departments on which the
most stress has been lad are those
devoted to athletics and features. The
athletic section will be greatly en-
larged and illustrated with pictures ofi
the more significant athletic events of°
the year. The feature section will de-
vote about 100 pages to a "B. M. 0.
C." section which contains pictures
and short biographies of the more
prominent juniors and seniors. An-
other part will be devoted to a review,
in pictures, of the school year.
It is planned that, beginning with
this year, all editions of the Michigan-
ensian will be issued in a uniform
size, and with a standardized cover

580$99000DDED TO
Schlafer,'23, is Second High Man WII
102; Hendershot, '24, Fisk, '25
Third and Fourth
Sixteen hundred and fifty-thr
Michigan Union life membershil
were subscribed for by Universil
students in the Union Life Membe'
ship drive which began Tuesday ar
ended last night. This drive has se
cured more memberships than th
'of last year, and has added more ths
$80,000 in the form of pledges to t
Union building fund, which is appro:
imately $350,000.
Highest honors for the largest nun
ber of subscriptions secured go to I
C. Stark, '24, captain of team numbi
4, who obtained 104 pledges f Ii:
membership in the Union. The Oti
H. Hans loving cup- will be awarde
to him as a personal gift from U:
donor whose name it bears, The se
ond highest number of subscriptior
secured was 102 by Nathan Schafe
'23, worker on team number 7, w
held the 'high record during the fir
and second days of the drive. Ti
next three men rarking are: W.
Hemdershot, Jr., '24, w aith 80 membei
ships; T. E. Fiske, '25, who not 'on!
ranks in fourth place but i$ captai
of team number 3, having 65.membei
ships to his credit; and. R. V. Iase:
'25, who is both captain of team nun
ber 5 and winner of fifth place wit
44 memberships.
E. . kirshner, ' 5, is the captain c
the team securing the highest nm
bet of memberships, 202, and to tli
members of his team- will be give
a breakfast dinner at the Union i
the near future, as well as souveni
ribbons which when worn will entiti
the wearers to a Union dance Nov. 1'
The members of his team are: G. g
Bain, '25, P. D. Brombet'g, '25. Ns
than Schlafer, '23, Alfred Goldberi
'26D, H. B. Coates, '25E, C. W. Huni
er, '25E, Thomas Gilinore, '25, Cli
ford Pratt, '25, Paul Einstein, '25, an
Jack Barrett, '24.
E. C. Stark, '24; highest point ma
is captain of team number 16, whic
placed second with 149 membership:
Thomas E. Fiske, '25, an individum
point winner, is captain of team nun
ber 3, which placed third. Frank Po]
lin, '24E, is captain of team numbe
14, which placed fourth with 124 men
berships, and Gifford Upjohn, '25, i
captain of team number 17, whic
placed fifth in the team race,
Instructions were given last nigh
by Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour
nalistic fraternity, to its- delegate t
thc national convention of the orgar
ization this year to extend an invita
tion to the national chapter of th
fraternity to meet in Ann Arbor nex
year. The invitation was further aug
mented by a letter from Presiden
Marion L. Burton to the body express
ing the will of the University to hav
the meeting held here.
E. P. Lovejoy, Jr., 23, president o
the local chapter, is the delegat
chosen to attend the conclave thi

year which will be"'held at Manhat
tan, Kan., the 15, 16 and 17 of thi
Final plans were laid at the meet
ing last night in the Union to star
work on a style .book for the Univer
sity of Michigan.


Fire broke out yesterday afternoon
in the Forest avenue residence of
Prof. W. D. Henderson, .of the Uni-
versity extension - department. Al-
though no definite estimate has been
made of the damage, fire department
officials placed the loss at about
$3,000. The entire third story of the
house is gutted, and the first and
second floors have suffered consider-
able damage from water..
When first seen by neighbors, the
fire was already well under way, and
was spread all over the roof. Trouble
with the hydrant delayed the running
in of hose lines. After an hour of
brisk fighting, the fire department suc-!
' seed in getting the haziunder. con.

In order that The Michigan
Daily may properly handle all
news relating to sectional clubs,
all such organizations are re-
quested to send in to the city
desk a complete list of all offi-
cers, their names-, addresses, and
telenhone nunmbers The nlyi


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