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November 09, 1922 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-09

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-arainaL i eams
Even As Game Nears'

, i

,When Michigan meets Wisconsin strength and their downfall at the
e thvnr ino tli prapt bttl cWolverine linemen's hands does not

tats year one of te greatesL DaLes IvvclluA& Zalalo c iL
of the season should present itself. mean as much as it might. Wiscon-
Providing Wisconsin conquers the 11- sin's forward wall proved superior to
the Gophers but the Gopher line,
lini next week as she is popularly ex- though heavy, was inexperienced. The
peeted to do, the clash with the Wolv- battle between the lines however will
erines will decide which of the two not display anywhere near the amount°
teams will be forced out of the Con- of headwork that will be exhibited by
ference race. Although Wisconsin has the backs and ends.
not engaged in any blttles of any sig- If overconfidence does not set in
nificance this season her victory last among the Wolverines, they will have
week over Minnesota which in turn the moral advantage, playing on their
had gained a 9 to 0 victory over the home field before some 40,000 support-
Buckeyes the week before is evidence ers. On the other hand Wisconsin
that the Badgers really possess a has no daner of being overconfident
powerful eleven. Michigan on the and her ability to really play football
other hand has a machine which is was in no way endangered by the
commonly conceded to be one of the - esence of rival rooters when she
best in the country. Her two over- triumphed over her old rivals, the Go-
whelming victories over Ohio and I-plers, at Minneapolis last week. From
linlois were the work of a wonderful all appearances it will be the great-
team and as a result of them thee st battle of the present Conference
Wolverines have been picked as first season with the Big-'t4en title hanging
choices for the Big-Ten title. . in the balance.
Wolverines Have Slight Edge
Although the Wolverines have an
edge on their opponents as far as past
records this season go, the teams seem BOXING
the Illinois-Badger contest there will TIS Y19H
be more of a basis for comparison.
There seems to be little question thatI
the Cardinal will be able to down the CQ;ACH SULLIVAN hAS MORE EN-
Illini but the decisiveness of the vic- TLUSJAST REPORTlN(
tory will be of significance. The op- EVERY DAY
posing backfields of Michigan and#
Wisconsin are nearly on a par. Cap-
tain Williams, halfback, who showed Bcxing classes in Waterman gym-
to great advantage in the -Minnesota nasium under the direction of Coach
battle last week is a great player but Sullivan have never before been as
his ability will be more than offset
by the calibre of his opponent, Harry large as they are this rear. Just whatt
Kipke. The other Scarlet half, Gib- has occasioned this tremendous par..
son, will meet his equal in either ticipation in the art is hard to deter-
Steger or Keefer. Cappon, rated with mine but, according to Sullivan, it can
Locke of Iowa, as one of the greatest be taken that the sport is fast gaining
fullbacks in the country has a slight f the approval of the student body.
edge on Taft, although the Badger Is Most of the pupils are beginners but
the faster of the two. there are large numbers of the old-
Probably the greatest contest in the er pupils working out every day and
game will result among the opposing if plans go through for a boxing tc m,
ends. Captain Goebel and Kirk, the] lack of material will not interfere.
greatest pair of wingmen Michigan Several good men are being developed
has had in many a year will meet in addition to the veterans from last
powerful opposition in Tebel and year. One of the best things noticed
Fr: ,h. All four men are hardy vet- in the workouts is the presence of men
er,,n and tAcir ability is a known 'in all weight classes. Most of the men
quantity. Capt..Goebel is the most naturally fall in the lightweight and
versatile of the four, being able to welterweight divisions but there is an
bass, drop-kick, and punt with a great abundance of bantams, feathers, mid-
degree of dependability. girk, Goe- dleweights, light heavies, and a few
bel's running mate, was mentioned by heavyweights. No boxing coach was
Walter Camp for his work in the ,ver confronted with the variety of
Buckeye game. material that Coach Sullivan has this
Lines Not So Powerful yea.. -
Not much can be said for either line. All work so far, for the beginners,
In the earlier games both walls have has consisted mainly of learning the
shown themselves comparitively rudiments of the game, such as stance,
strong but neither can be said to be position of the arms and legs, and first
powerful. Michigan's line was strong steps in simple blows. Left jabbing is
enough to push back the Buckeye wall also being indulged in and as this is
and the nhext week after losing Van- one 'of the most important attributes
derVoort from a tackle position the Il- in scientific boxing, the coach intends
lini. were quelled. However, neither to spend most of the first half of this
O. S. U. or the Suckers have shown semester in teaching his men how to
themselves to possess any great master the punch, or at least to have


t °



some understanding of it because the
left jab has been fully mastered by
only a few men such as Leonard, Brit-
ton, and Mike Gibbons, all of whom:
are considered masters of the game.
New apparatus will be obtained,
through the efforts of the Student
Welfare and Intramural offices. A ring
will be ready for use in a few days
and a large number of boxing gloves
have already been ordered. Just where
the ring will be set up is undecided
for the lack of space in Waterman,
gymnasium has evidenced itself this
year more than ever.

W ill Have Pour Irector in this sport will be the all-
ca"Tpus affair. This race will be run FOr f STVDEN1
X-Country M eets over the short two nile course, just as
the Independent and fraternity con-V R O N STREE TTAXI
- rtests. Those who are eligible for
(Conitinued from Page Six) this meet are the men who have
intention to enter teams. It is expect- j trained so that they will be able to
ed that 100 men will face the starter. withstand the rigors of the run. DAY OR R X 0tT
Among those societies entering five The winner in the all-fresh event
man teams are: Delta Upsilon, Kap- will be the only winners who will be
barred from entrance. All the con-
pa Beta Psi, Rappa. Nu, Phi Delta testanits in the Independent and fin-
!Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sigmia Itriymeswl eeiil.\~ Kuu~uEu~uguuhuunuuawfuIfu~iiunp~u
Delta,.Phi Chi, Delta Tau Upsilon, Phi ter;_itymeetswilbe eigile.\ fr
SigmaKappa, Beta Theta Pi, Delta
Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Aiitofliobile Club Seeks New MemberM M c.A N D kM
Phi, Acacia, Alpha Tau Omega, Del- MmT"'ershnp the Ann Arbor auto-
ta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma, m bile club has been increasing stead-
Sigma Alpha: Epsilon,. Sigma Chi, Nu ily due to a membershi: drive, which,V
S glna Nu, Delta Theta Phi, Kappa starting Nov. 1 will continue throughI
Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Epsi- Dec. . The. goal set for the 34 solic-
Ion Pi. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Xi P i Phi, itors was 500 members or an increase IT A F1TT1 N(
Zeta Beta Tau, and Pi Upsilon Rho.' o 300 over the present enrollment, S TEAZMFITN
The team scoring the most points will The men chosen to solicit were from a
be urepa .- with toge silver loving every business and nrofession and the Wil
first week were able to obtain 50 new 215 E. HURON PHONE 214-F
ne last event scheduled 'by the di- members for the club. -,s5E mu:Iuuunuua#uunuzwg8us. -

FOR 0. S. U.
(Special to The Daily)
Chicago, Ill., Nov. 7.-Realizing that
Ohio State has a tricky combination
of aerial and line plays which are
hard to stop Coach Stagg is giving his
men a stiff week's drill on defensive
tactics. The Maroon players are go-
ing into scrimmage this week With a
spirit that sh~ows they do not under-
rate their Buckeye adversaries, and.
exect to fight for victory.
Despite the fact that Captain Hal
Lewis again injured his shoulder in
Monday's scrimmage, it is believed
that he will be able to playnext Sat-
urday. A general shifting of the line
has put Lewis at end, where his speed
and dash should help fill the gap made
by Strohmeiers' shift to quarter.
IDickson has recovered from his in-
jury- and will probably take his old
position on one of the wings. Lampe
is in fine form and should do his part
in breaking up the Buckeye interfer-
ence. Fletcher and Gowdy will play
the tackles and Proudfoot, Rhorke
and Pondelidk will play guards next
to King at the pivot position,
Coach Stagg has been working his
backs in defensive tacticshand, will
probably open tlie. game with the fol-
lowing backfield: Strohmeier at quar-
ter; the Thomas brothers at the lialfs
Bill Zorn at full, "Cullie" Byler, Mc
Masters, Leggette and Caruso will be
held in reserve.

,. '

t '"

', U

Religous -Preiorenes Compild
More than 8,700kstudents have a re-
ligious prefercnce as a survey of the
religious census shows; 5,871 students
are members c(. some church and
1,453 gave a preference; while 1,245
had no preference. This census is
compiled by the Student Christian as-
sociation and is gathered from the
data furnished by the students when
they register.
Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50.

Friday and Saturday




X60, $65 Hart Schaff-

ner & Marx Suits

1 -

Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min-
imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three
cents per word per day if charged. White spece charged for at rate
of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones.
Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance.

WE WANT one or two live wire stu,'
dents to market our line of high
grade pure gum rubber aprons,
household specialties, etc., direct to
the consumer. Large commission
paid. A chance to make real mon-
ey. Write immediately. Sunbeam
Merchandise Company, 2458 West
Grand Boulevard, Detroit. 39-2
IT WOULD be advisable for the young'
' man who took a brown ulster from
the second floor of the Law bixild-
ing Monday morning to return it to
that spot at once. Criminal prose-
cution will be started next Friday.
PARTY WHO took notebook from the
Majestic Billiards belonging tof
Murray M. Wilber is wellknown and
if he does not return it, he will be
reported and his name and address
will be published. 40-2
HANSELMAN-735 Haven Ave. Pro-
fessional photographer. Films de-
veloped 10c. Prints 3-4-5c. 37-6
WILL SELL $50 overcoat for $301
$rand new. Must have the Money.
2874-M. 39-2
WANTED-A roommate. Can get
board with student's mother. Near,
campus. Call 349-J for in informa-
tion. 40
WANTED-To tutor students in Span-
ish I and ;II. Call 2236-R and ask
for Bromberg after 8 p. m. 39-2
WANTED-Two or more tickets for
the Wisconsin game. Call 691-J for

WANTED-Two or three tickets for
the Wisconsin game. Call 796. 1
LOST-A Cornell gold football some-
time on Saturday. Owner very an-
xious to recover. Finder please call
251. Reward. 40-3
LOST-Boy's watch and chaain be-
tween S. University Ward School
and 638 E. University. Call Ann
Arbor Press, Phone 1. 40
LOST-A bead hand bag between Uni-
versity Library and Foster's. Find-
er please return to Box A, Daily of-
fice. 39-2
LOST-Log log slide rule, initials on
case. Please notify H. A. Storms,
1107 Prospect Street. Phone 3095-J.
LOST-De Molay sister pin, Monday
morning. Finder .please call 2151-
W after 6 o'clock. Reward. 39-2
LOST- Eversharp silver pencil be-
tween Mary St. and campus. Call
23f5-M. 39-3!
LOST-Spectacles in case. FinderI
please call 0. J. Peterson, Phone
1125-W. 40-2
FOR SALE--Hollier 8, touring. Only
run 12,000 miles, excellent mechan-
ical condition. Winter curtains,
open with doors. $175.00 cash, or
terms to right party. Call 2951-W
after 5 p. in. 38-3
FOR RENT-A mahogany Knable pi-
ano, $5 per month. Also Singer
sewing machine. Phone 1227-R. 40

8 An hour a day of Pocket,
Carom, or Three Cushion
]Billiards is fire for mind
* and bo ly of every Liclii-
U gn mian.
* U
k e
! We try to treat you righ t°
Coney Island Lunch
Always at Your Service
PHONE 1995-J
We Deliver Right to Your
Fried Ham
Ham and Egg
Cold Chicken
Soft Drinks
Ice Cream
Address ..........
Our Speciailty
hia-e Your nuiiiay Breakfast

$48 50

T 14E finest suits that are made! Only
superb woolens used; grays,
browns, etc., with faint overplaids -
the newest in patterns. Three and four
button sacks, with short vents4 Every
suit has two pairs of trousers. Aston-
ishing values at this special two-day

An expljt g uaran tee which
says-Satisfaction, or money back




hain Street at Washington




WANTED-One ticket for the Wiscon-
sin game. Call Rosenthal 1525-M.

' .'

___ _ '

r+ i+i rr.r1 r Yi rr.r... rrr p_



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