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November 09, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-09

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Sale Hurried
The early completion of the sale re-
resulted, it is said, from 'the propost-
tion made by some Battle Creek men
to buy the site for a sum reported to
be $125,000. It was planned to use
the location for a hotel. What Uni-
versity buildings will occupy,this cor-
ner is not known. It is speculated that
the department af business adminis-
tration may be housed here, but it is
also suggested that a gymnasium or
possibly the administrative offices of
the University may occupy the space.
The agreement provides that the
University will pay the price .for the
property named by a board of ap-
praisal,the church officers agreeing
to accept the amount thus decided on.
Two Houses Also Bought
Included in the proposed purchase
is the property now occupied by the
Catholic Students' chapel and the two
residences. The land fronts 98 feet
on South State street and extends
back approximat,-y 200 feet on East
Jefferson street. The agreement reads
that although the University will col-
lect the revenue from the residences.
after Dec. 1, 1922, it will not come into
possession of the chapel until Nov. 1,
In order that a.chapel for the stu-
dents may be provided, it is expected
that work on the proposed Catholic
Students' dormitory will be started
immediately. It will probably be nec-
essary to use one floor of the dormitory!
temporarily for chapel purposes until
a new chapel site can be secured andi
the building erected.
Till Present Sba.W's "The Devil's
Disciple" Tonight
Prof. Ray K. Immel, of the public
speaking department, will give a
reading of Bernard Shaw's famous
play, "The Devil's Disciple" at 7 o'-
clock this evening in the auditorium
of University hall. Professor Immel
has given this play reading a number
of times during his extension recitals
throughout the state. There will be
no admission charge. All students
who are interested are invited.
This recital is the first of a series
of like entertainments which are t(%
be given under the direction of the
public speaking department, which
has been guided in the choice of sub-
jects for the recitals. by the requests
and suggestions of students.

Continued Suecess Promises Total inI
Excess of 1400 By Campaign's
Close Tonight
One thousand life memberships in
the Michigan Union have been sub-
scribed for by men students of the
University during the first two day
of the drive whicn negan Tuesday and Alex. J. Groesli
will end tonight. The quota for the
drive, 1400, will be overtopped with
today's campaigning, if the 200 drive
workers are as successful today as ENSAN CAM
they were yesterday and Tuesday, and
approximately $70,000 will be added
,f signed pledges.
to the Union building fund in the form R
Kirshner Has High Team
The names of the captains whose Higher Total Than Last
teams are'the five highest in rank for ward of Second Da
the total number of life memberships forts
secured follow with the numbers of
their teams and the number of sub- TOMORROW DECLARED
scriptions which they each obtained: DAY TO PURCHA
. A. Kirsher, '25, 118 memberships, -
team number 7; T. E. Fiske, '25, 105 Results of the 1923 Mi
memberships, team number 3; F. C.
Pollin, '24E, 96 memberships, team sales campaign, now ab
number 14; Gifford Upjohn, '25, 72 its third day, point towa:
memberships, team nuimber 17; and successful drive in the h
R.. V. Halsey,- '25, 69 memberships, nul oeta 5
tem dbe annual. More than 850 e
team numuber 5.
Those teams members having the have already been obtai
five highest numbers of memberhips 250 more than was sec
seured at the count last night se: secon day, of last year's
Nathan Schlafer, '23, 33 memberships. In speaking of the dr
Nathaniel Ely, '25E, 31 memberships, M. Brown, '23, business
T. E. Fiske, 25, 31 memberships, E. the 'Ensian, desred pa
C. Starke, '24, 22 memberships, and emphasize he fact that
W. P. Hendershit, '24, 21 memberships. of this ee therewill t
Prize Promisedo waytforeeyoere wi
To the man having secured the high- of the orannual, as there
est number of life memberships when s drive , subscript
the drive ends this evening at 10:15 springd trve or suscrip
o'clock\ will be awarded The Otto -I. eds
Hans silver loving cup, a personal This year the price of
gift from the alumnus in whose hon- has been reduced 50 cen
or the cup has been named. The of last year, making the
team getting the largest number of as is expected, 3,000 co
memberships will be given a steak scribed for, an additional
dinner at the Union ata time to be 50 cents will be given. F
announced later, and will also be do not wish to pay the
awarded souvenir ribbons which will chase price at the present
admit the workers wearing them to cial plan' has been devi
the Union dance Nov. 17. the payments may bec
The two special squads, "The Fly- now, and half at the tim
ing Squadron," captained by T. G tion. Under this plant
Crabbe, '24, and the "Faculty Squad," the year book will be $5.
under the direction of J. D. Briscoe, The two departments o
'24E, have been successful in their most emphasis will be pl
work in view of the difficulty they letics and features section
meet in competing with the other letics section is to be e
squads, according to C. A. Campbell, improved, and the feat
'24t, chairman for the drive, will devote about 100 pa
- graphs of prominent juni
fllflT[IS PITfliors on the campus. An
of this section will be gi
pictorial review of the y
In size, this year's 'E
16 Page Rotogravure Edition Will the same as last year, as
Appear Nov. 18 ment believes that to be
fective and satisfactory s
Football will be the principal fea- The cover design is also
ture of The Daily pictorial edition, to ardized. A different col
appear on the morning of the Wiscon- is planned for each year.
sin game, Nov. 18. This issue will be -
a 16 page rotogravure, and will con- Pennsylvania Club )fee









Startles Nation



Methods of raising money to send
the Varsity band to the , A1nneeota
game came under discussion 'at'the
meeting of the Student council last
night at the Union. No definite4 means'
were 'decided' upbn, however, but a
committee was appointed to Investi-
gate this matter by 'canvassing cam-
pus opinion and to take any definite
action needed.
The committee appointed consisted
of Edward Haug, '23E, G. H. Belote,
'23M, E. H. Lundin, '23A, and Lawrence+
Snell, '23. These men will report to
the council on Saturday at its office
in University hall. Carlton Pierce,
'23M, manager of the Varsity band, ad-
dressed the members of the council+
and stated that the band would like
to go to Minnesota, but, due to a re-
quest of the Board of Regents and the
Athletic association, it could take no
steps to raise the -money itself. The
plan to have a freshman and reserve
football game to'raise the money was
vetoed in the council because of the
various activities taking place Satur-
day. These activities include the Ann
Arbor and Saginaw . football game,
which draws a crowd, the Atmistice'
day meeting in Hill auditorium and
other activities.
To Decorate Nov. 18
T. J. Reicliman, '23D, reported on
the plans for decorations of stores and
houses for the Wisconsin game. It is
planned to have both the University
and business sections of the town dec-
orated with the Michigan and Wiscon-
sin colors and a cup will be awarded
the best decorated house. The judges
and rules for judging will be an-
nounced within the next few days.,
Prof. F. B. ,Wahr, 'assistant dean of
students, will explain .the rooming sit-
uation, on the campus at the next
meeting. -Professor Wahr hft al-
ready offered to speak before the coun-
cil on this. subject.
The committee on the Wisconsin pep
meeting was appointed as follows:
James Hume, '23, chairman, George
Hoffman, '24, G. F. Young, '24D and R.
L. Taylor, .'23P. President Marion L.
'Burton has 'accepted an invitation to
speak at' this time.
(Continued on Page Two)

Year Is Re-
ay's Ef-
out to start
rds the most
istory of the
ned. This is
ured by 'the
ive, Sheldon
manager of
xticularly to
after Friday
e no possible
p for abcopy
will be no
ions. He al-
will be print-
the 'Ensian
nts over that
cost $5. If
pies are sub-
reduction of,
or those who
entire pur,
time, a spe-
sed whereby
divided, half
e of publica-
the price of
on which the
aced are ath-
ns. The ath-
enlarged and
ures section
ges to photo-
ors and sen-
other portion
ven over to a
nsian will be I
the manage-
the most ef-
ize yet used.
to be stand-
or, however,
ets Tonight

Upheavals in Senate and House An.
tielpated with Conservatives
(By Associated Press)
Detroit, Nov. 8.-By first overcom-
ing a plurality of over 13,000, and then
coming in on the final count with a
majority of 11,000 over his opponent,
Senator Charles E. Townsend, Re-
publican, former Gov. Woodbridge N.
Ferris yesterday assured himself of
election to the United States senate.
Ferris is the first Democrat ever to
be chosen to the senate from the state
of Michigan, and was elected in the
face of a sweeping state victory by
the Republican party.
The unofficial vote tonight, complete
except for 261 precincts, many of them
in sparsely settled counties, gave Fer-.
ris a lead in the Michigan senatorial
contest of approximately 16,000. Gov-
ernor Groesbeck and the state ticket
also maintained a sweeping majority.
The votes for the chief offices
For senator, 2265 precincts out of
2906, Townsend 260,795, Ferris 276,-
730. For governor, 2531 precincts,
Groesbeck, 317,451, Cumnlus 1$9,881.
For lieutenant governor 1800 pre-
cincts. Read, republican, 208,490;
McKenzie, democrat, 170,281.
Washington, Nov. 8.-Th . election
results aredue to work a considerable
upheaval in the Senate, probably> in
leadership and certainly in important
committee posts, despite continued re-
publican control.
Primarily, the present republican.
majority of 24 is reduced to probably
12, as compared with the existing
lineup of 60 republicans and 36 dem-
Republican leaders have said they
would welcome a somewhat reduced;
and more cohesive majority. Theya
get the reduction, but enhanced co-
hesiveness was declaredtoabe ques-
tionable in view of the election of
what have been termed radical, pro-
gressive, or liberal members. Both
partres lose powerful veterans, and
secure strong adhesions.
New York, Nov. 8.-Control of the
next House continued in doubt, with
the republicans leading 209. to 198 on
returns received here tonight. The 26,
remaining districts scattered through-
out the country held the key to the
necessary 218 majority. The repub-
licans held the Senate, but with' a re-;
duction of half a dozen votes.
Republican casualities which broke,
with the first returns yesterday de-
feating Governor Miller and Senator
Calder of New York continued with
somewhat lessened force today as re-
turns dribbled in. They told of fur-
ther republican losses in the Senate
and House and govenors and state
legislatures, although the belated
Congressional results were somewhat
more favorable to the republicans.
Denver,' Col., Nov. 8.-William E.
Sweet, democrat, was elected gover-
nor of Colorado at yesterday's 'elec-
tion, on .the face of returns tonight.
Helena, Mont., Nov. 8.-Retirns
from the 828 precincts out of 1525 in
the state, give Burton K. Wheeler,
democrat, 63,309 votes for 'United
States Senator to 46,341 for Carl W.
Riddick, republican,
Seattle Wash., Nov. 8.-Returns
from 2053 precincts, out of 2246 in
the state ,n yesterday's election for
United States senator, gives Poinde-
ter, republican, 115,527, Dill, demo-
crat, 119,886.
Oshkosh, Wis., Nov. 8.--"I am not.
disappointed, but I am sorry, sorry
that Wisconsin will send Robert M.
LaFollette back to the United States
senate with a record such as his dur-
ing and since the war," this is the{

statement of Mrs. Jessie Jac. Hoop-
er of Oshkosh, Democratic party can-
didate for the United States senate
who was defeated in the Taollette

Woodbridge N. Ferris
eration, declared in a statement to-
"One after another the stalwart old
defenders of privilege, greed, oppres-
sion, and reaction, went down to de-
,feat," he added.
Indianapolis, Nov.: 8.-Three fea-
tures tonight stand out above all else
in Indiana's statewide election of yes-
terday. They are: the victory of Sam-
uel M. .Ralston, Democrat. over Albert
J. Beveridge,' in the face of Republi-
can victories generally throughout the
ticket, the shattering of the solid Re-,
publican representation to the nation-
al house of representatives, from the,
13 congressionalrdistricts,'with three
Democrats assured victories, and the
continued majority. of the Republican
party in both branches of the state


Support by Alumni and Commerc
Organizations Carries lim
Ahead of Party
New York, Nov. 8.-Dr. Royal
Copeland, New York City health cc
missioner, who will succeed Sena
William A. Calder at Washington,
widely known for his studies of
inception and spreading of infectic
diseases and plagues.
Dr. Copeland. was born in Dext
Mich. He is an alumnus of the U
versity of Michigan, having gradua
from the Medical school in 1889. 1
several years' after his graduation,
studied in Europe, taking work in E
land, France, Germany, Switzerla
and Belgium. On his return, he eng
ed in the practice of his profess
at Bay City for five years. He v
then appointed to a position on
University medical faculty where
served in various capacities for mo
In 1901, while a professor, Dr. Co
lanid became mayor of Ann Arbor.
1907 he became president of the bo.
of education, and in the follow
year, went to New York. He beca
health commissioner of the city f4
Hyearsago, by appointment of Ma:

legislature. ,Robert H. Clancy, democrati
CLASS PREFERENCE, didate from the first congrei
district of Michigan, yesterda
FOR TICKETS ENDED feated Hugh Shepherd, repu
The final returns had not been:r
ed late last evening.
Student class preference on the re- Clancy, a prominent alumnus
maining Wisconsin game tickets end-, University, was a graduate c
ed at 5 o'clock last night. There are class of '07. While in the Univ
now but a few student and faculty he was prominent in many camp
coupon book holders who have not yet tivities, having been president
s t p-e class in 1907, and vice presid
sent i their applications. One seat the Student council in the sam
apiece will be reserved for each of 'He also served on various Union
these until Nov. 15, when the remain- mittees. Clancy was strongl
ing seats will be put on general sale. ported in the election by the
Standing room for 3,500 has been of the University, and by s
opened up and orders are being re- strong commercial organizatic
cived for reservations until next addition to the regular democra
Wednesday. After that time if there ganization.
is any remaining room tickets will be Shepherd, his opponent, is a
put on sale at the Athletic association ate of Harvard.
ticket office.
Marine Engineers Attend Coni
Pull Pullman Party Prof. H. C. Sadler and Prof.
Seattle, Nov. 8.-Dancing in a dec- Bragg, both of the department
orated dining car, punch served by rine engineering and naval ar
the Great Northern railway, music ture, left Tuesday for New Yor
from a 24 piece band, and a store of where they are attending, the c
big apples loaded on at Wanatchee tion of the Society of Naval arc
added much to the gayety, returning and Marine Engineers. Pro
from the Washington State university- Bragg has been preparing a
University of Washington football which he will read before the s
game. The special train contained 10 They plan to return to Ann
cars. ' ,. I Saturday.


Earl V. Moore was heard at the
weekly Twilight Organ recital in Hill
auditorium yesterday afternoon in al
performance which was the poorest
of all his concerts within our mem-
ory. As usual, the size of the audi-
ene was uninspiring, but on this par-
ticular occasion those who failed to
attend did not miss the musical treat
usually provided. The organ was evi-
dently not working well, and Profes-
sor Moore's playing did not measure
up to its accustomed high standard. r
The fine prelude to "Lohengrin"
failed to give much of its inherent
beautv. the interpretation heing fre-I

case, Guilmant was indebted to Han-
del's chorus "Lift Up Your Heads, O
Ye Gates" from the "Messiah."
The theme is first developed in the,
major key, followed by a fugue in the
minor. written in the scholarly vein
characteristic of Guilmant. The Han-:
del motive reappears at the close of
the fugue, and, mingling with the
fugue motive, leads to an impressive,
{ fortissimo finale..
Boellmann's "Gothique Suite,"' Op.
25 was the only other number on the:
,program. Lest we should appear to!
have been completely out of sorts yes-
terdav. we hasten to record that this

tain pictures of general campus inter-
The cover will consist of a picturec
of the Varsity band in block M for-J
mation on Ferry field. Another fea-
ture of the issue will be a full paget
drawing of Coach Yot, Coach Little,l
and Captain Paul Goebel, the big three-
of Michigan football, by James House,
'23, editor of the Gargoyle.
Action snaps of recent games in
which Michigan has participated, pho-
tos of various players, side lights on
the games, will form a large part of
the remainder of the issue.
,'Lits Elect Councilmen
George Hoffman and James Rice
were elected to the Student council at
the meeting of the junior literary
class held yesterday afternoon in Nat-
ural Science auditorium. A meeting
of the class is planned for the near
future for the purpose of taking some
action on the J-Hop, the election of a
certain number of committeemen of
which is given each junior class of
the University.
Student Directory Issue Sold Out
All of the 2700 cnnies nf the 1Q99.

Members of the Pennsylvania club
will hold a special meeting at 7:30
o'clock tonight in room 205, Mason
hall. Various important matters are to
be considered and all students from
the Keystone state'- are urged to be
Don't Read This
If You Have,
A Job:
But if you haven't, and are look-
ing for one, here's the way to
find it - advertise in the Daily.
Lots of fellows have found good
jobs by putting an ad in under
the "Wanted" classification.
And you'll also find jobs ad-
vertised in the same place.
If you have an ad, call the
Daily Offie -

Prof. F. W. Keisey, of the Latin de-
partment, whose letter to President
Marion L. Burton caused the discus-
sion of a University chapel service
at the meeting of the University Sen-
ate Tuesday, said yesterday that such
services formed a part of the routine
of the American college until the lat-
ter part of the last century, and that
in many colleges the practice of hold-
ing a daily service is still kept up.
"At the University of Michigan,"
said Professor Kelsey, "the chapel
service was formerly held in the
morning. Different rooms were used,
for the purpose, but the room last
used as a chapel was in the main
buildmng and occupied the space now
utilized for the Summer school and
Extension service, by Registrar A. G.
Hall, and Dean J. A. Bursley. Chapel
was held in this room until the early
90's, when the necessity for increasing
the space allotted to administrative
offices in University hall led to the
erecting of partitions and the neces-
sary abandonment of the room as a
"President James Burrill Angell
himself conducted the chapel services,
and the exercises were simple but im-
pressive. Attendance was voluntary,

Various attempts were made
a suitable hour for a simple r
service which would not i
with the schedule of the liter
partment or the professional
but no solution satisfactory
could be found.
"Now, however, the large
ance at the Twilight recitals
that many students have avail
hour between 4 and 5 oclock o
nesday afternoon. An outs
feature of the chapel service
ing to the tentative plan nom
consideration, would be the
music, interpreted by a choi
the direction of Prof. Earl V.
This would give the student p
the course of the year an opp
to hear a representative sele
the greatest religious anthems
ferent periods and schools. T
sicale program would thus sup]
the concerts of the Choral Ut
orchestral series, and the
Twilight recital, by opening
great field.
"The religious exercises w
simple and entirely consiste
the non-sectarian character o
institution. The President of
iversity would conduct the
and from time to time invite

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