THYEIMICHIGAN DAIL" ............ ,.......,r__ , Publication in thle Bulietin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Voue IEIlNESDAY.I' NOVkflIWR 8 , 192:1 7 IajunecI To the Faculty-: Professors and instructors who wish to have their checks deposited monthly, may arrange to do so by calling at the Secretary's office beforer Nov. 26. SH{IRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary. To the Deans:e There will be no conferences of the Deans on Nov. 8 or Nov. 15. The next conference will, take place Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 10 a. mn. in the Pre ri- dent's office. M. L. BURTON., Scholarly Publications by Faculty: Members of the faculties are asked to send lists of their scholarly pub- lications, July 1. 1920, to June 30, 1921,, to the office of the Graduate School NOT LATER THAN NOON ON SATURDAY, NOV 11. Lists, should be com- plete as to all information called for following the form here given, booksj being given first, then articles, and both being in chronological order: Doe, John A. New theories about the elements. A. Bookmaker and Co. New York, 1921. xi, 301 p., .10 pls. What I have found about it.: (With James Smith) Am. J. Sci., 1921, v 50, p. 21-100, 3 figs.s Lists should be typewritten. Blanks, in letter size, may be had at the office. ALFRED H. LLOYD., U~niversity Lectures~: Dr Edward Sapir, Anthropologist of the Victoria Memorial Museum, Ot- tawa, Canada, will deliver two University lectures, which will be illus- trated, on Monday, Nov. 27, and Tuesdlay, Nov.* 28, on the subject, "The West Coast Indians of Canada" and "The Art of the Indians of Canada". Both lectures will be at 4:15 p. mn. in thel Natural Science Auditorium. The puble is invited. F. E. ROBBINS. Senate Council Meeting's:j The remaining meetings of the Senate Council for the year will be held on Dec. 11, Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 12, May 14, and June 11. - F. E. ROBBINS. Advfsory Conuaittee Qon University ]Extension: There will be a meeting of the Advisory Committee on University Ex- tension in the Extensionl office, Room 8, University Hall, on Thursday after- noon, Nov. 9, at 4:30 p. m,. W. D. HENDERSON. Journalism 133: The class in the Country Newspaper will leave University Hall at 2 o'clock today, Wednesday, Nov.. 8, to inspect the plant of the "Saline Ob- server-." Round trip fare, seventy-five cents. Have exact change ready. E. G. BURROWS. Senior Electrical Engineers: Will leave for Detroit on Special car from corner State and Packard .Streets at 2 p rn.' Friday, Nov. 10, to inspect the Industrial Lighting Exhibit at Hotel Taller at 4 p. im. and Connor's Creek Power House of the Detroit Edison Company at 8 p. in. Lectures on this, po wer plant will be given in Room 248. Engineering building at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. A. H. LOVELL. Ex-Service Nen and Women: The residents of Betsy Barbour House will have open house for all ex- service meni and women,; Armistice Day, Nov 11, from 4 ,to 6 o'clock. JEANETTE PERRY. Art Exhibition:. Under the auspices .of the Ann Arbor Art Association there wrill be an exhibition of the paintings of, Nikolai Roerich, the. Russian, artist, in the. west gallery of Alumni Memorial Hlall, Nov 5 to 26,, inclusive, from 1:30 to 5 p. in. BRUCE MI. DONALDSON. American Chemical Society, U. of M. Sction: The next meeting will be, held on Thursday, Nov. 9, at 8 p.,im. in the Chemical Amphitheater. Professor W. Lee Lewis, Chairman of the Depart- nient of Chemi>>s tyNor thwest ern Un iverity, will deliver an adress on ",'lie Org anic lhcist-at Wor'k." I The nmeeting ,will be open to thet nublie -and l~l in trested are vecom~ ae to~ attcnd. C. C. MEiLO.,C11E, Serear. ITwilight Orpainilial ' Professor Earl V. Moore will give the folowing program at thle '.Fw- light Organ Recital in Hill Auditorium WedflCsdlay .fternoon ct 4:1x). The general public is cordially invited, except tOat c~rN" i lI not be admcii e iunless t !hey shall have first secured adm~ission tip kets at thehUniversity School of Music. ! Cothique Suit e l3oe11'll Prelude to 'Lhngi"(Wagner) ; ',!rchle Rleligiceuse, Opuis 15, No. 2 (Guilmnant). C!i. ARLlFS A. SINK, Secretar,. From here Dr. L(ewtis'will go to Al- i on whiere he wil speak at Allbion College., Wi'de in Ann Ardor Dr Lewis it the guest ofIthe Amr ican Society of ' -t iversity f MIicigan. I A PERSONAL MESSAGE A Lasting Remembrance, rich in sentiments and N A ; , P d hk - - ; : ' , a 1..: T -i :c r , Q , r?'' ; r w ; r " ,. :- I pleasant memories. Your ,. Christmas Portracit by r. MVary ("lardlel(Concert:I ' Attenton Is agaiTn caled to the fact that the concert 1by'J-Mary Garden01, in th.e Choral Un inSeries, will tek~ place" on rru.,.d ve~nig, Dec. 5, instead of en 'the date ~previoualy noucd (1 ARL PS N. SINK, Socretary. Quadrangle: + Meeting 8,,p. ni. Wed:nesdayy at homne of Professor Phillips, 1959 Cam- bridge Road. Dr. Theophile Raphael ivill discuss "Treneds in Psycho-path- ology." L. J. CARR. j I sian artist, daily in the West Gallery Iof Alumi Memorial halIl. This col- t V11HAT' SG OING ON Iection isp'aced on display under aie nui-, ofthe Ann Arbor Art Wes~erwlash(difaill (11 ice 'will be! NOTICE--Copy for this cofun should held Saturday, Nov. 25, at the Pact:- 'be submiitted by 5:30 o'clock of argil ace dema'. T'ickets may be re- the day before publication, sceed now by calling C. F. Gal o- I way, 2593-P4. 4:1- 'iaailiglht orgaii recital by i 0111 MA'I) )MAROON PEA'AS ARE I E~arl V. Moore in Hill auditorium. CRiU~~ IANWFR~ 7 :30-American Legion,, University - goat 303, meets at Union. (Continued from page 7) 7E0~lilhdPr nvriy0 selves from this kind of an offensive; ict0higan cluPmeesinnion. t o In straight football Chicago is un-- 7 Micign clubnmeetsinpin. dne oubtedly the, more powerful of the hallk two elevens but as long as Wilce rea- 7ha3l-Sl. n oiim et lizes the fact it will avail them very I little. An open game will be in or- ion. der unless both teams radically THUSDA .change the methods of play whic-h 1:~-h TeHeUSeDAtii! u they have used in the other games of ,..0--ll resmennjet a yillatt I heseason. ditorium.___ ___ 7 :15-411 Socieda41 Hisjmlicen meets in I1)11. E I , INVTi~ OROF room 205, University hall. IIY'WISIT E", TO LECTIU:II!;: 4 :34l-z-Special lmeeting' of PeliziiSyvainial club. Dr. W. Lee Lewis of Northwestern S:[3O--American Chienical society, Una- university will speak on "The Organ- iv;ersity section meets in Chemiical 'ic Chemist at Work", at 8 o'clock amphitheater.c Thursday night, Nov. 9., in the Chem-. i stry amphitheatre. Dr. Lewis was a i I'-iOT WECIS captain in the. Chemical Warfare Edlitorial side of the '3 ichfig aneushi' service at Wash., D. C., during th(- I will not meet this week:.. ; .i aix and (lid a great deal of work on There is an exhibition of the painat-' toxic gases; being the inventor of the ings of Nicolas Roerich, noted Ruis- famous, gas known as "Lewisite." 4k k" .=Pl . : 0 Sith, Hammond, Under- wood, RemiAngton, Rloyal, or any standard type- writer you may prefer. See uns before you buy. 0. D.Morrill 17 Ni keI3Arcide i 000*0114 PHOTOGRAPHER SSIT'T1lN(R NOWII and assure yourself ai_,sotlnt ------ satisfaction - STATE STREET Ca/l'343-W for appointment - Jr RM7- __ f Just Rceive 811*1de males Y TL 9 $10.85 i ether case r NIVERSTY R BOOKSTORE A few brief mmns a small expense, an~d your entire Christmas gift, problem is solved jt( t 3 1 i { 3 f i V !i i t r i J A Beautiful -with' Photographs! i inxeniePresent 00 t t ! q1 : i' L MESH frm their tissue wrappings! ,._K) Surpassingly smart. And different. ~j) Priced lower than styles of such character have ever been marked before ? They will go qky Come early Secial at $19.50 - $59.50 t ~ Another group at $16.9.E! /4 124 SOUTH MAIN I1I ijI : j ACCEPTABLE TI EVERY LAD)Y NoV. hurried, Ivry, red shoppirng tours, lio du~plication by oth'er gibers; e)'verv friend and rela-. tibw happy. Telepho le' 604- W A large size compact powder of excel- lent quality, agreeably perfumed in a beau- tiful box, for I E k(1 1 4( t t tt E E $1*00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY We have arranged with a jeweler to en- grave an initial at our expense on each box sold before Saturday night. } Calkins-Fletcher Drug' Co. 321 So. State St., F..& S. University Aves., ';tats & Packard Sts. 6o19 Eist Liberty Street t i 'r t r F } E UMMUMMMOW ./ --t-oday Em Is YOUR hance Tw- & -r-'T, y ( ,tip.,-r.I' ... i eG S)j , r . ' , , a a t . j . '{.y. A NTT AT T 1% FER TT "? aflll T27