TI MICHIGAN DAILY Mop""", r. l_ Irilc ; a s! I / RYw .. . .d..,,, I 'CL 1INIlI I1UtIiJ ."'.... "'' '1 L Kr v )A N, YA LE'S NEW ENGLA ND CAPT A IN, HAILED AS ONE OF GRIDIRON'S STARS r.. PA PJ6~UWN. F w0.- CC A~fsA MRO MAM >TERM . , Jr a III I On a court along side that on which Commuittee Named to Aid Hall of Fame Intramura Items | 1ss *"lo*ie****,'-,Ead E HILI)BAEEI the Greiner-Dreyfus Latch wil be J. W. Ross, '23E, and W. O. Kling- N held, Rorick, Varsity tennis captain,|man,,'23M, have been appointed.by Greiner eliminated Cash in the last will meet Jerome at 3:30 o'clock in the Union to select the names of can- TRUNof the semi-final rounds in the All- the final round of the Varsity tennis didates to the "Hal of Fame" which utournament. Little need be said as the Union reently decided to install In campus tennis tournament yesterday to what will be disclosed in this its building. Only alumni may becan- Steve Farrell's cross country team afternoon at the Ferry field courts. match, for Rorick was a leading play- J didates for the gallery, and their will meet Ohio State and Illinois next The match went three sets before the or on the Varsity last spring and Jer- names must first be passed on by the Saturday at Ohio State. After the ex- decision was determined. Cash won ome placed high in the two intramural (board of directors of the Union before cellent showing of the team last Sat- the first set hands down, using fore- tournaments that were held last May. their pictures may be hung in the urdav when they ran wild with the I hand and backhand drives with much -~ "ball." I 7 t Ord SLAPS .4 { { Mr. N A5K6T SACC.. t. o. 0 j Y l rr mat } i c f" K 4.q ,'r ! "r' ts aJ ¢yj11$ ~ttprs - ~ FA,, f -/WV~wsr. 'PNZ -(-,...7A~#4 HI 11 JPI6Orfr { FOO 1TAs. Aggies, Steve feels that the Wolver- accuracy. Greiner took the remain- The schdule for this afternoon in ines have a fine chance of coming ing two sets and won the match. ie speedball is as follows: In the fra- through with flying colors next Satur- absorbed Cash's drives in these match- ternity league Nu Sigma Nu will meet day. However, there is not. much es and with his excellent cuts and. Alpba Sigma Phi in the last of the known about the hill and dale men, lobs earned a hard fought victory. seri-finals. The winner will meet Phi from these two schools. The match was hotly contested in IGamma Delta for the fraternity cham- Isbell's fine record to date makes it I every play and the final outcome was pionship. In the interclass competi- almost certain that he will be able to in doubt until the last match was tion the fresh lits will meet the fresh put up a strong fight- for first place more than half over. engineers in the first athletic event in the race at Columbus. Arndt and Greiner will meet Dreyfuss at 3 that the freshmen have been allowed Captain Bowen are also counted upon o'clock this afternoon, on the Ferry to participate. "'The teams are large to finish well up in front. If Captain field courts, in a five set match which and husky and are imbued with the Bowen had got away to a better start will decide the championship. usual freshman pep. in the race Saturday he would have -- given Isbell some competition. %t the two mile mark he was eleventh man and soon afterward pushed forward until he finished in third place. It is thought he would have done bet-t ter if he had stayed up in front a! the start of the race. asty as can be! Arndt has also showed marked im- provement and under more competi- tion he will turn in better time. Thej other men on the team are also- to be praised for their race and the im- provement they have shown. /Coach Farrell says that the team is in the best condition it has. been so far thl; S Woet r tatoes, Oc season and is also in finer shape than last year's team at the same time last fall. Dance at Ypsi every Friday even- ing, 8:30.-Adv. I ypwriters -~Rented or SolI on Easy Terma You can rent anyutypewriter you select from our catalog with -= the privilege of deducting from the purcha '1,riee all rental paid dur. ing thc: first six months, should you at any time decide to buy the type- writer. Or you can buy on small monthly payments. FREE TRIAL Any machine you select will be shipped to you on te-) days' free trial. If you are, not satisfied for any reason whatever, you send it back at our expense. ALL MAKESJ.Take your choice of all the latest models, Under. wood, Self-starting Reiington, Silent . C. .Smith, etc. Every machine is in perfect condition'-rebuilt by our exclusive Young Process, and backed by our iron-clad guarantee. You are satisfied or your money is refunded. 50 (%We save you from sa% SAVE / up on all machines. And you choose your typewriter from the largest selected stock in -America. Write for' our illustrated catalog, low prices and convenient terms. Young Typewrilter O, 25 West Lake St., Dept. 476, Chicago * ,'ll Try a "Daily" liner if you want to get real results.-Adv. 0 A. 'S .4: L i r t ti tlph Edward Jordan, captain of Yale eleven, is an athlete who is uc in his activity and student ership and is starring as Yale's >ack, as he did last season. e hails from the state far famed its rock bound coast, commonly vin as Maine, and takes up his e as a New England captain of a England team where two other England captains left off. All of, which proves that a semblance of the old New England spirit still hovers round our eastern coast. Jordan has been awarded two schol- arships for character and general ability. He.- has shone in three branches of sport-football, track athletics and baseball. During his fr shman year he won the shot-put in a dual meet with Princeton. He saw two years of war service with the navy in) foreign waters. He was out of the lineup at the time. c the "defeat. by Iowa, but returne4 shortly aferward to assist the Bulldog in living down the Hawkeye victory. The Yale line, under the eagle eye of Myron Fuller, has advanced stead- ily and, is beginning to show.results that should warrant a bloody strug- gle ,with Iarvard when November draws to a close. 20 per cent discount on Christmas card and stationery engraving orderj received before November 10. Select yrr h OLDfriendsaremore precious than riches. Don't miss a single one from your list this year. Choose the right cards andplentyofthem to carry warmth from your heart to friends oif old. Let them know at Yuletide that you are still their friend, though distance may divide. See ourfine selection today ICH with brown sugar; exceptionally sweet. Pre- pared in the manner that old. southern cooks recommend ard use. Served here daily for luncheon a n d dinner. Only 1Oc. tf. PRT MEN IN FIRST SRMAEOF YEAR" )ach Mather sent his pspiring bas. ers through their inititial scrim. e of the year on Monday night' all-fresh team of lJast year war to down a scrub team picked n the new men. While the session necessarily a brief one the coach able to get a general "dea of the .e of many of the try-outs -and an- aced a cut in the squad, the firs, he year. Four men were dropped r their scrimmage Mather sent teams selected from ten of his last 's veterans through a more rig- Ls game. The practice consists nly, so far, of running, pivoting goal shooting with the passing phase of the sport coming in for s, good deal of attention.- C. S. BERRY TELLS PROBLEMS AT EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE Dr. Charles S. Berry, professor of educational psychology, spoke at the educational conference held in Tap- pan hall, Monday . night. Professor Berry presented the problems of which his students were making- a special. study. These probims have to do with race differences, characteristics, of- fect' of superstitions 'on the general population, and relation of interest to ability. Miss Stutzman, research fellow at: Merrill-Palmer school, gave a talk on her work with children of pre-school: age by which she is trying to stand- ardize tests for children between the ages of three and six. r> from our large stock and avoid December rush. 0. D. Morrill, Nickels Arcade.-Adv. t the 17 Cafeteria DR. W. S. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office Hours .,Phone 9=12; 1 .'3- 321-Fl 612 East Liberty IRVING WARMOLTS, D. S. C. CHIROPODIST 706 FIrst Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 17464 0. D. MORRILL. Ybu b,'he one to bran her Brunswick Recorc 1nd she will wonder why others have never thought of It. Bruna- w~ck S5pr-Yeanture dance records 1_i~ve aspontsaneity -of rhythni L'iich the --wfillfind Irresistible. 'r. If h-rlikigsna for more serl- us music. there is a Brunswick record of her. favorite opera or ballad. 'Try one a r two of .these: r ._._ . f N, 5. 17 NICKELS ARCADE The Typewriter and Stationery Store No. The World 2314-75c Is Waiting for the Sunrise v Much Time You Waste >ening wood pen- neans loss of time effort. cSoll . all pencil sharpen- ! FATI CIGARETTES e.on n u ous' _r or ane The - minute a Victrola comes into your home you hold' a perpetual ticket to the world's best concerts, opera and vaudeville. Everything you particularly like, any- thing you long to hear, you can enjoy at its best through Victor Records by the greatest artists in the comfortable seclusion of your home. You select the program. The curtain rises when you are ready. And you can repeat your favorite numbers as often as you want, to your heart's content. . Think of some of your own pet songs! Come n and hear them as you'll find them only on Victor Records. -We'll be glad to play them for yOU. Eleanor .Isham Jones' Orchestra No. 2314 - .75c Are You Playing Fair? Say It While Dancing Isham Jones' Orchestra No. 2311 - 75c- Tricks Dancing Fool rsham Jones' Orchestra No. 2316 - 75c I'll Build a Stairway to Para- dice' Truly Carl Fenton's Orchestra s less to use than I pencils. double length leads, equal.to a seven inch pencil ia writing e. Guaranteed not to EATHERWEIGHT- . here-of light weight ilnum 50c. Rolled ,$1.00. ps and the other Inger- todels at your station. - co-operative store. .oil Redipoint Co., Inc. 'm. H. Ingersoll, Pres. urth Ave., New York City far TWENTY Y .. 1 .. ...:. ,. . . ,, 'Y' K :.., ,.Y.;;,,~a, ,,,, -and after all, what other cigarette is so highly respected b so many men?, THE PHONOGRAPH COMPANY ANN ARBOR Formerly STOFFLET PHONO .SHOP TWO STORES 110 East Washington Street PHONE 3060 Nickels Arcade, Over Post Office . PHONE 3000 Schaeere & Son V 11 MUSIC HOUSE 0 S. Main Street 1 _ e - H , ti ,sr ts vice" a vmuaiKtan Let Fatija smokers I I ' 3 fItell if- i