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November 08, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-08

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VOL, XXXIII, No. 39'



Leading In RaceFM C
For U. S. Senate M. A. C. Director
Praises Varsity
r, rr:Pf Nov. 6, 1922.
Editor, Michigan Daily,



Wins New York Senate
Smith Defeats Governor

(By Associated Press)
Detroit, Nov. 7.-United States Sen-
ator Charles E. Townsend's lead over
W. N. Ferris for the Senatorship was
approximately 5,000 at a late hour
last night. Reports from 290 dist-
ricts, which did not include the vote
from any of the larger cities, gave
Townsend 22,042; Ferris 17,130.
Governor Alex J. Groesbeck held a
comfortable lead over the democrat-
ic candidate for the office, A. M. Cum-
mins, on the early tabulations.
A close vote was recorded on the
proposed income tax amendment on
returns from rural districts, the
cqunt from the first 83 districts re-
cording 2757 for and 2843 against.



Proceeds Will Send Varsity Band To
l.nnesota; Students Invited to
Council Meeting
Discussion of plans for raising mon-
ey to send the Varsity band to the
Minnesota game will be the principle
business before the Student council
at its meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight
at the Union. A proposed plan whiel
is likely to see favorable action is that
of a football game between the fresh-
man and reserve teams to be held at
2:30 o'clock on Saturday. An admis-
sion price of 50 cents will be charg-
Any one who is interested in the
plans for raising the money may at-
tend the Student council meeting to-
night. The above plan has been pro-
posed to the council by several stu-
dents on the campus as the most feas-,
ible way of getting the required sum
Reports will be read by the commit.
tee on decorations for the Wisconsin
game and on the prize to be offeree
for the best decorated house.
All new councilmen are to attend
the meeting tonight at which time
they will be sworn into the council
flfllI 'n riniurn ornim

Dear Sir:
Allow me, please, through the col-
umns of your paper to extend hearty

All Men Listed Accounted For
Latest Discoveries at

- 3

congratulations to your Coaches, team
and students on the remarkable foot-
ball team developed this season.
All M. A. C. wishes Michigan suc-
cess in the two following games. We
hope the Conference championship
will come to Michigan.
Sincerely yours,

Campus Flivvers
Given Approval
Is student ownership of automobiles
detrimental to the grade of univer-
sity scholarship?-and does it tend tc
create a social distinction among the
students of the university? These and
other equally important questions
have been bothering several immi-
nent pedagogues throughout the coun-
try lately. In fact it has stirred the
University of Texas to such an extent
that the Board of Regents has taken
definite action to abolish the offending
fitvvers from the campus. No one
except resident graduate students may
o~vn a car and remain in attendance

Great Hymns Discussed' by
of the School of


(By Associated Press)
Spangler, Pa, Nov. 7.-Recovery of
five more bodies in the Reiley mine
late today brought the total of known
dead from the mine explosion to 80
and accounted for all of the 112 men
officially listed at the time of the dis-
aster. Thirty men have been rescued
alive, three of whom died later.
sThe task of removing the dead was
started at 2 o'clock this morning and
was still in progress at a late hour.
The bodies were carried directly to
Miners hall that has been converted
into a temporary morgue. Troops have
been in action keeping the crowds
from the mouth of the mine.
Rescue workers have been in the
mine since noon yesterday. They en-
countered bodies of men less than 100
feet from fresh air but pressed on
beyond. Several hundred' feet farther
on they found a brattice with a
scrawled message stating that there
were 29 miners farther on. The re-
maining bodies were found huddled to-
gether in a group near the interior of
the mine.
The explosion that was responsible
for the deaths of the miners is the
fifth that has occured in the Reiley
mine. Officials in charge have not yet
issued a statement as to the cause of
the explosion, but they state that the
mine was examined and found free
from gas but a short time before.

New York, Nov. 7.-Early returns
from the National elections failed to
indicate the political composition of
the next congress. The solid South as
usual returned Democratic delega-
tions from Georgia, Louisiana, and
Mississippi on early counts, with in-
dications that other Democratic
strongholds were in no danger.
The outstanding result'of the early
returns was the defeat of Governor
Miller, in New York, by Alfred E.
Smith, the democratic governor of
two years. ago. Smith carried Syra-
cuse, the home city of Governor Mil-
er by 6704 votes. The defeat of the
incumbent was early conceded by Re-
publican headquarters.
The first overt urn in the Senate
came when the New York state Re-
publican committee conceded the de-
feat of Senator Calder and the elec-
tion of Dr. Royal S. Copeland, New
York City health commissioner. Sen-
ator Calder is a member of three im-
portant Senate committees.
Two turnovers were reported in the
House when early returns were com-
pleted. Crodell Hull, of Tennesee,
won over the Republican incumbent
of the fourth district, and James G.
Danly defeated B. L. Fairchild, of the
24th New York district. All women
candidates for the House included in
the early returns were defeated.
In the Senatorial race, early re-
turns resulted as follows: Senator
James A. Reed, democrat, led . R.
Brewster, by 9,846 votes in 687 out
of 3,873 precincts. Senator R. M. La-
Follette was elected by an estimated
200,000 majority over Mrs. Jessie
Hooper, in Wisconsin. In Maryland,
W. C. Bruce, demnocratse a A
led J. 1. Francee, Republican n
bent by 4,631 votes. Texas gave ti
Rayfield, democrat, a lead of 58,729
votes over the republican candidate
George Peddy. Returns from 579 out
of 3,395 precincts in Indiana gave
Senator Ralston, democrat, .99,643 and
Beveridge, republican, 96,433. M. M.
Meely, democrat, led Senator Howard
Sutherland, in West Virginia with
more than one fifth of the votes tabu-
lated. Four democratic candidates for
the House also led their republican
opponents. Smith W. Brookhart, Re-,
publican, led the democratic nominee,
Clyde Herring, by 2 to 1, in Iowa. In
Connecticut Senator McLain, republi-
caa was in the lead. Senator Lodge
was ahead in the Massachusetts race
on early returns but later was his
opponeti, Gaston, who jclaimed an
18,000 lead with one-third the dist-
ricts reported.

Multil fLuwtH 511UYV


at the University of Texas after Jan1---
What is the sentiment of officials a' CONVENTION HERE
the University of Michigan, you ask? FRIDAY
Several prominent officials and mem-
hers of the faculty have voiced their Floral displays froni Michigan, Il-
op nions, among them Dr. Arthur G. linois, Indiana, and parts of Canada
Hall, registrar of the literary col- will be one of the main features of
lpge. the annual convention of the State
"Naturally they would be a bad in- Florists' society which is to be held
fluence in high schools," he says. in Ann Arbor over this week end. The
"just as the high school fraternities flower exhibit which will be held in
have been, but'I can not see that they Barbour gymnasium will open on Fri-
are wreaking much havoc at the Uni-. day afternoon.
versity of Michigan. I do not' agree In connection with the State Flor-
with the Texas regents that student , ists' convention,, the first district
owned cars are a detrimental influ- meeting of the Florists' Telegraph
ence on the scholastic standard of the' Delivery association,.will be held. Al-
school. That is a problem for the though this will be primarily a dist-
various instructors and they should rict meeting, the national officers of
be capable of handling it. the association will be present.
"The question of creating a. greater The largest individual exhibit will
class distinction is almost a joke. be the chrysanthemum display which
Consider the type of cars used by the the University botanical gardens will
men who can afford them and then present. 840 square feet of space has
ask yourself if such wrecks could been reserved for this display which
breed an atmosphere .o'f aristocracy will include a large number of exhi
and detrimental class distinction. bition types of chrysanthemum, from
"Of course there is a moral issue the small pompoms to the large "foot-
concerned n this problem as well," ball" variety. The local exhibit will
continued Dr. Iall, "but I think that also include a group of small chrys-
if we attempt to remedy this by an anthemum plants, known as the
abolishment of cars on the campus "movie actor' group, the flowers be-
we would be merely attacking the ing named after such movie stars as
symptoms and not the fundamental Mary Pickord and Wallace Reid.
cause of the trouble." The chrysanthemum display will
serve as a background for the chris-
$1400 COLL ECTED tening of the new variety of this flow-
er which has been cultivated by El-
IN LAST DUES DAY mer Smith of Adrian. This flower has
been bred from a small pompom
More than $1,000 in dues was col- flower and by cultivation is now one
lected by class treasurers yesterday, of the largest known chrysanthe-
the last "Class Dues day.'. The sen- mums. It is a deep yellow in color
for lits reported the highest collec- and is at its best between Nov. 10 ane
tions, $500 having been received. This " 15. . 1 r.. ,,
brings the total collection of this class j Other contributions to the Flower
to the. $1200 mark. show will be the Dale Estate at Bram
Increased payment was evident in pton, Ontario, which will send a large
many of the literary and engineering display of orchids. Several Chicago
classes. The sophomore lits reported growers will contribute American
a 20 percent increase in the number beauty and other types of roses and.
of members paid. seasonable plants, and retail houses
Students in all classes who have belonging to the association will con-
not paid their dues can do so by see- tribute displays in the form of such
ing their respective class treasurers. things as table decorations and brid-
It is emphasized that those who do al bouquets.
not pay their dues will be excluded Dancing will be held in Barbour
from all class activities. Senior lit gymnasium both Friday and Satur-
dues are $3.50 and are payable by day evenings, beginning at 8 o'clock
mail to Burton E. Dunlop, '23, 1617 Flowers will be on sale during the
Washtenaw Ave. dance as at all other times during the

More than 150 persons, consisting
of students, faculty members, and
ity residents, attended the first ses
sion of the program of the Institute
of Religious Education which was held
last night at Lane hall.
The program was opened by George
')scar Bowen; of the School of Music,
,vho addressed the entire assembly
-n great hymns, their propriety for
certain occasions, why they are great,
Ind why they are inspirational. Fol-
:owing the general assembly meeting,
which'lasted from 7 until 7:15 o'clock,
the members of assembly divided into
three discussion groups.
Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the de-
partment of Semetics, addressed his
group on "The Relation of the Old
Testament to Christianity." Prof. C.
0. Davis, of the department of second-
ary education, spoke on "Teaching
Methods" while Prof. J. E. Kirkpat-
rick, of the political science depart-
ment, talked on "Origin and Develop-
'nent of Religious Ideas and Institu-
tions." These discussion periods end-
:d at 8 o'clock.
Three more discussions groups were
held beginning at 8 o'clock. The first
of these was on "Some Changing Re-
ligious Concepts" headed by Prof.
John R. Brumm, of the journalism de-
nartment. The second of these was on
the "Oral Interpretation of the Bi-
ble," led by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister,
af the department of public speaking.
The third was on the "Story of the
Bible," conducted by Thomas M. Iden,
of tPe Ann Arbor Bible Chair.
The second session of the Institute
will be held Nov. 14 in Lane hall. The
:nen named in the foregoing paragraph
ill conduct the six discussion groups
it the same hours, continuing discus-
sion upon the subjects upon which
they talked last night. For details of
the program, those interested are ask-
ed to see Ross McFarlane; '23, chair-
man of the Institue, phone 2738, or
H. C. Coffman at Lane hall.
"Metabolism in Diabetes" was the
subject of a speech given by Dr. P. L.
Marsh at the monthly meeting of the
Junior Research club last night. The
other speaker of the evening, Dr. G.
A. Lindsay, assistant professor of
physics, chose for his text the "X-Ray
Spectra and Atomic Structure." I
The Junior Research club was or-
ganized some time ago for the young-
er memberd of the faculty who are in-
terested in scientific research.- Stu-
dents in the university are not eligi-
ble for membership unless they have
an A. B. degree. Graduates may be-
come members upon certain condi-
tions. This club is an outgrowth of
the Research club which is a scien
tific organization composed of the old-
er men of the faculty. These two re-
search clubs are devoted to the study
of all sciences except the political and
social sciences.
Jimmy Lavan, '13, former Michigan
baseball captain, has been taken ill at
Tokio, Japan. He is a member of the
All-star Major League team from the
United States, which is now touring
the Orient. He will be unable to par-
ticipate in the remaining games.
Since his graduation from the Uni-
versity, he has been a shortstop with
the St. Louis National League team.
Alpha Omicron Alpha Initiates
Five senior medical students were

} Six hundred and ten life member-
ships in the Michigan Union were sub-
S- ":..:scribed- for yesterday, the first day of
the Union's Life Membership drive
which will continue today, and end to-
::0"morrow night, by students through
the work of the 20 teams working on
captains all of whom are 'headed by
C. A. Campbell, '24E, chairman of the
drive. This is an increase of 180 mem-
.erships over the number secured on
the first day of the drive held last
year, and is decidedly more than a
third of the quota set for the cam-
The names of the captains of the
nye teams securing the largest num-
ber of life memberships follow in the
order of their ranking with the nun-
hey of the teams: E. A. Kirshner,
'25, team number 7, 71 memberships;
. V. Halsey, '25, team number 5, 64
memberships; T. E. Fiske '25 team
number 3, 63 memberships; F. C. Pol-
nli, '24E, team number 14, 57 member-
ships; and Gifford Upjohn, '25, team
number 17, 52 memberships.
"x:; The five men securing the 'largest
p number of memberships follow with
- the number of memberships which
Ex-Iriemer Lloyd George snapped af- 'they have added to their credit: Na-
te; Leeds spepcm than Schiefer, '25M, 23; Nathaniel
Ex-Premier Lloyd George of Eng- ? Ely, '25E, 19; T. E. Fiske, '25, 18; R.
land, may have been whipped, but V. Halsey, '25, 17; and E. C. Stark,
he's not discouraged by any means. '24. S. of M., 16.
At Leeds, where he made his first out- Tn commenting upon the success of
of-office campaign speech, he appear- the initial day of the drive, Campbell
ed confident that the coming elections =a.1, "I aAm well satisfied with the
will vindicate him. mnusual success of the drive's begin-
---n--,-an wish to e-press my thanks

Over 425' subscriptions to the 1923
Michiganensian were taken in yester-
day as a result of the selling cam-
paign now being carried on by the
'Ensian staff. The drive will contirue
,or three days more.
Although those in 'charge are not
thoroughly satisfied with the resalts
of the first day's efforts, they say that
the drive can still be made one of the
most successful in the history of the
year book. It is their belief that the
campaign, starting as it did almost
simultaneously with several - othe-l

caught the student body at an unfor-
tunate time, but that before the drive
is over all students will became
aware of the fact that this is the only
chance of the year to obtain an 'Eu-
The management particularly de-
sires to draw attention to the fact
that the cost of the year book for this
year is $5, a reduction of 50 cents over
that of last year, and that if 3,000 cop-
ies are subscribed, there will be a
further reduction of 50 cents. Stu-
dents may divide the cost of the book
into two payments, one at this time,
and one at the time of the appear-
ance of the book. As there is con-
siderable expense entailed in the
keeping of these accounts, an addition-
al 50 cents will be charged to those
taking advantage of the offer.
As stated yesterday, salesmen will
be stationed at both ends of the diag-
onal and directly in front of the Li-
brary. Desks will also be placed in
the main corridor of University hall
and in the Library. Subscriptions will
be taken at these places from 9 to 12
o'clock in the morning and 1 to 4:30
o'clock each afternoon throughout the

. A. student life membership costs
Carl G. Brandt, of the public speak-1 $50, payable in five annual $10 pay-
ing department, will address the en- ments, the first .to he reduced to .$6
ifmade before Dec. I following the
tire freshman class of the Universityf mad frDec. Afollowin the
yea r of graduation. After this tim"
at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in expires, a life 'membership will cost
Hill auditorium, on a subject of im- him $100 to be made in five $20 pay-
portance to every yearling no matter mens, or to be made upon subscrip-
of what department. Vernon Hillery, tion.
'23, president of the Student council,;
will also speak at the meeting.
After the speeches, which are not
hour, all freshmen except those of the
literary college will be dismissed, and I
the committee appointed by the Stu-
dent council for the organization of
the freshmen will take charge of the CLASS TO MEET AT 3 O'CLOCK TO.
nomination and election of all class DAY TO ELECT STUDENT
officers. COUNCILMEN
After the elections, the class dues
will be collected by members of Junior literary committees were an-
Sphinx, who will give each man a rib- nounced yesterday by Hugh Duffield,
bon to wear Friday, when the remain- president of the class. There are to be
der of the dues will be collected by be six permanent groups with other
the treasurer-elect. ' subsidary committees to be appoint-
The Student council has planned ed as the occasion demands. The six
this meeting in order to form a con- committees already announced con-
tact between the freshmen in the va- sist of the social, the finance, the ath-
rious schools and colleges, and to se- letic, the auditing, the publicity and
cure a spirit of cooperation between the advisory committees.
the yearlings and the council. The The social committee is headed by
speakers also hope to impress on the Thomas Kindel, with 'Robert Moriar-
freshmen their responsibilities to the ity, Lawrence Dooge, Carl Weinman,
University. Howard Donahue, Elizabeth Duffield,
Catherine Riggs, Elizabeth Hunm-
Sphreys,andRBlanche Kynast as co-
26 GLEE CLUB TO MEET workers. Walter Scherer and John
Bacon are chairman and member of
Freshmen of all classes will tryout the finance committee respectively.
for the Freshman Glee club at 3 o'- William Merner is chairman of the
clock this afternoon in room 308 of athletic committee, with Hardy Ma-
the Union. Frank R. Thomas, direct- grath, Frederick Gilner, and Robert
or of the vocal section, will conduct 'Young, members. The auditing coi-
the tryouts. 1 mittee will consist of Lawrence Fav-
It is pointed out by the Varsity Glee rot, chairman. John Lawton, and
clubs members that this is the only Donald McCabe. The publicity conr-
opportunity which freshmen have of mittee is headed by Harry Hoey; and
participating in any work of this kind the advisory committee work will be
during their first year here, and that executed by the two former presidents
benefit for yearlings is to be gainedj of the 1924 class, Donald Steketee and
from experience in the club. As soon Harry Kipke.

E. V. Moore To Present Lohengrin
Prelude At Weekly Organ Recital

* Flower show. A low smilax covered
trellis will separate the exhibit from
the dancers. The proceeds of the
dance on Saturday evening will go to
the Women's League, the American
Legion, theGun and. Blade club and
th. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Tick-

Earl V. Moore of the School of Mu- the delicate Grail harmonies on the ets may be obtained from members of
sic will be soloist at the regular week- strings; the rich, warm color of the the three latter organizations or at
ly Twilight Organ recital to be given Lohengrin motive on the flutes; the Wahr's and Graham's bookstores.
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Hill glorious, triumphant climax of the Admittance to the Flower show will
auditomium. The following program is full organ; and the dying away of the be25 cents and tickets may be oh-
announce': music into the Grail harmonies again tained from members of the Women's
Gothique Suite, Op. 25.. .Boellmann -all this is a poem in tones depicting League, at Mack's and Goodyear's
the descent from heaven of the Holy stores downtown, or at the door.
Choral-Introduction; Mute Gothi- Grail and its return to its celestial
que; Priere a Notre Dame; Toccata!llitp etGrn teMitsacelestial
by Lfeon: Boellinman, (1862-1897), com-I dwelling place. Graduate Michigan Doctor Dies
Dr. Karl Von Ruck, internationally
poser, organist, and pianist, was a pu. Marche Religieuse, Opus 15, No. 2, known authority and specialist on the
pil of Gigout, and though called by the by Guilmant. The principal theme of treatment and prevention of tubercu-
"grim reaper" in the prime of his cre- this march is the motive of Handel's losis, died at Ashville, N. C., Sunday,
ative activity, he left a number of chorus, "Lift up your heads, 0 ye Nov. 5. He had been ill for several

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