THE MICHIGAN DAILY t STS SHOW SKILL; IMi ririiiivPRDrflIT Iacovleff Paintings Show Queer Russian And Japanese Characters WOMEN WILL GIVE with outside students. The club D f A e OER A WOMEN WILLGV plans to secure members of the fac- ARMISTICE PARTY uity to speak, from time to time, on economic and social topics. CHORUSES IN NEW STArimistice day will include, among _its functions in honor of ex-service UNION WILL OPEN ID NING MASTER WSENDS SHlORT men, the third annual party to be giv- CAMPAIGN TODAY I en by Betsy Barbour house from 4 o'- Lbse something? A classified the Daily will find it.-Adv. Iix (By L. H.) Sunday, in Detroit, I experienced Music of charm and musicians of; skill combined to make the first con- again that sense quickening that ani-. cert of the School of Music faculty mated me when I first read Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray," -and that exquisite thrill of my first one of great interest. The audience talk with a tremendous life influence. was appreciative and its size was grat- On Sunday I attended an exhibition of ifying. the paintings and water colors of Al- 93ndr I l 1Pff nt the DePtroit Insti- Russian genius is "Soochow by Moon- light," a decorative Panel which takes4 one's breath away. It is a Chinese wa-{ The performance of Haydn's Quar- tet in B fiat, played by Mr. and Mrs.t Samuel P. Lockwood, Miss MarianG Struble, and Mr. Herbert. Grant, was1 noteworthy. It was played withr1 satisfying unity and lack of confu- sion, yet the instruments were well-'l blended. The composition, undramat-I ic in mood, held a thematic interest that was enhanced by .emphatic ac-; centing, unity of attack, and fine fin-. ish. of technique throughout Partic- ularly pleasing was' the clearness andE spirit with which passages of distinct counterpoint formation were done. t Mr. Lockwood's solo work showed a perfection of technique and a skill of interpretation' that added to the spriteliness of Hubay's Hejre Kati,1 the thoughtful hood \of Tschaikovshy's Christmas, the stately deliberation ofj Mozart's Minuet, and the color and dramatic intensity of Zarzychi's Ma-I zurka. The tone qualities of the vio- lin and piano in combination weres rather harsh and lacking in mellow-E ness. Miss Lundell's effective ac-E companying was pleasing.C Mrs. Rhead's performance of four; Chopin numbers was received witb enthusiasm. She played with remark- able ease and finish, and increased in spirit and skill, as her performance progressed, the Waltz, Opus 37, No. 3, being done most gracefully and color- fully. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, singing to- gether, were unusually delightful. Their voices blend. in harmonious per- fection, and their excellent enuncia- tion, particularly of the French and Italian songs,' so consistently chosen as to type, added considerably to the effectiveness and feeling of 'their singing. The appealing and dramatic interpretation of the duet from Ma- dame Butterfly was proof of their ver- satility, which, witht'theirtcharm of manner, w~on for them the hearty braise of a delighted audience.A i R. A. H. Ainrican Jazz Band Sweeps England London.-English musicians are becoming worried over the recent in' flux of American jazz artists who are coming in constantly increasing num- bers to satisfy the Britishers' crave for' the modern dance. Musicians unionai are even considering a canipaign to boycott hotels and music halls who em- ploy American music, in an attempt to keep down the invasion. exanUre iacovien acUcYre "V UL 1.W.i tute of Art. Iacovleff is a Greco-Rus- sian painter who belongs to no -school and whose works have no national. Russian characteristics. The works shown in Detroit are Chinese and Jap. anese scenes and characters, and de- picts a veritable "Oriental Comedie Humaine". One painting-"A Chinese Head"' -is dumfounding; a terrible face and t~nfftrl of a n ild -i1-1 nahnc w~r yet lull of a chiud-aike pathos wien its colored skin, bristling hair, cock- eyed expression, and half-open mouth. "The Woman With Masks" is a por- trait of a long necked, short statured woman in whoop skirt and holding a mask in each hand. "The Three Masks," it might have been called, for her face is a third mask. This paint- ing and "Portraits at Port Cros" which shows a group of summer clad intellectuals on a 'sea cliff, bring out Iacovleff's individual, crisp, taffeta- like quality of the brush. The lofty, serene faces with their staring bluej eyes are disturbing. Everything is elongated showing the influence of El Greco, whom lacovleff studied in Spain. A wonderful water color of this I I tee scene, painted entirely in iy III a si'ck'. .11 . V A tIe V1'\ 1 ANi weird green. It calls to mind the TOUCIES TO WORK clock until 6 o'clock Saturday after-' odor of ether, hours that had better ___ noon. The party will begin immedi- be forgotten, and thoughts that have ately after the close of the ceremon ' oecrooked. "The Absinthe Drink- Roy Iloyer, a member of the cast at, fe h ls ftecrmn gone coiked.p"trayslnofeaDri of Fred Stone's "Tip Top," was in Ann ies which will be held in Hill audi- er", which is a portrayal of a Russi- Arbor over the week-end supervising torium.? an Jew m the last stages of ecstatic the dances of the sixteenth Michigan Various stunts and attractions are misery and idiocy caused by the green- Union opera, 'In and Out." Due to the being planned by the committee. MoreE eyed Lady Absinthe, gives us Iacov- nee'ssity of rejoining his company this than 250 ex-service men and women leff's incisor-like delving to life. week,his stay was very short. He attended last year and it is expected I recall "The Boy Sea Weed Fish-worked continuously with the cast and that the attendance this year will be er",--a splendid, nude, cocoa-colored chorus of the opera, however, putting equally as large. youth with the stride of a Hercules, the finishing touches on the dances he Invita ons have been sent to Gun pushing a huge ball of yellow sea- set last spring, and evolving new ! and Blade, Veterans of Foreign Wars,, weed down a green slope. What is Isteps. y and the American legion so that as this man trying to get at? One gets !Due to the consistent rehearsals, many as possible may be reached. An the sense of a flight beyond our com- i the dances set last spring required lit- invitation is extended to all ex-serv- prehension, of a strange modern ecs- tle correction, so Hoyer was able to ice men and women on the campus, tasy and the coming of a new age. devote all his time to bringing out new regardless of whether or not they be- dances. This is Hoyer's third year di- long to the organizations mentioned. SAYS RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS j recting the dancing for the opera., NO HARDER THAN FRENCH Each spring he has been here for PROF. A. E. WOOD ADDRESSES about 10 days and usualy returns . CHINESE FRIENDLY CIRCLE "rs once or twice in the fall to see the That to learn Russian well is no work-outs. Prof. A. E. Wood, of the sociology harder than to learn French well," is The new dances which he set this department, spoke to the members of the opinion of Prof. Clarence Meader week-end are adapated from some of the Chinese Friendly circle at a meet- of the Russian department. Profes- the latest New York steps, and are in- ing which was held last night in Wes- sor Meader has taught the Russian tended to fit the costumes which the ley hall. language and literature in the Univer- chorus will wear while performing The club was organized this year, sity since 1908 and since that time it them. It is expected that Hoyer will the aim in view being to more close- has grown steadily in favor. Besides; return again before the opera is pro- ly unite the Chine'se students among being popular in point of number it duced. themselves and to promote friendships has attracted a variety of nationalities as well. At present there are Russ- ians, Chinese, Czecho-Slovaks, and Poles beside the large number of Am- ericans taking the course. T Y (Continued from Page One.) the Union may consider these pledges as collateral and may secure money on them if necessary. Every may have A student life membership costs $50, payable in five annual payments of $10 each, the first to be reduced to $6 if made before Dec. 1 of the last year of his residence upon the campus. After one year's time following graduation a life membership costs $100 which may be made in five annual $20 pay' ments. The Union now has approximately 22,000 life members. The large num- ber of members is due to some ex- tent to the fact that alumni realize that the Union is an effective bond between them and the University, says the Committee in charge of the cam- paign. The drive is the most effective way of paying off the $350,000 which is still owed on the building. Allies Ignore Demands Constantinople, Nov. 6.-The Allied commissioners refuse to discuss the demands of the Angora government that only one warship at a time enter Turkish harbors, and then only with the consent of the Turkish authori- Shower - One a The Sun . fi l r shines Buta Shower, Bath I' ties. feels good A Y7! if you are 19 .> 6-. - Kb'DAK mS YOU GO E 1& ' i1 A 4, I. Pictures about the Campus- Ayour classmates, fo r example. with their snug sombreros that grow smaller with each rain--are equipped with a good Rubber Cap fin to make now and begin to grow priceless in your Senior year. SAMPLES Permanently on Display at GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 336 South State Street Arin Arbor. Nicigan Designed by Picture-making the KODAK way is easy and enjoyable. we'll show you. 719 N. UNIVELSITY Come in and "The Quarry" Drug and Prescription Stor Oa CLAUDE DRAKE PROPRIETOR Phone$08 WHITEHOUSE & HARDY BROADJWAYAr40" STREET 144 WEST42"NDSTREET MamopourA OKRA OUSE BLu, KNIcKRsoCKER BwLDlNoG _' NEW YORK r mm makA that iheilmometer climb!! u I HE '23 'Ensian drive begins today and continues through Friday. When the 3,000 mark is passed, each subscription automatically dropps 50c. By subscribing early you make this reduc- tion doubly sure and help to the success of the '23 MICHIGANENSIAN. 0 09 .. YE -._. _* U... s -- rwi£~ ~ i 'W7 ..filvt r -u g ..qrs .sw. AlLol.k AWUL .u .-r- - - ~ rarm - bk ask- 1FIbAOM Amofts APUL a I-i_' wm* ee VWmL~w "w 1. 7 7 -f- 7 - I u . ie ®PkAf' lu '7 7 mu n -u , a - M®ULA's7 "' U N mu m m7m7w1!S A .A - 7 L7 kv