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November 07, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-07

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of .Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $.so.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness, g6o.
Communications ,not to exceed 300 words
if signed, the signature not neceisarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events will be published in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
left zt or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.

for it identifies him with life on the
The student can secure these advan-
tages permanently for fifty dollars,
payable in five years. If he does not
become a life member, his official con-
nection with the Union will end at
When the debt on its building is
paid, the Union will be able to assume
a broader policy of development and to
serve its members even more efficient-
ly and lavishly than at present. The
students who realize this situation and
become life members will of course be
helping the Union, but they will also
be helping themselves by investing
their money wisely, and in a way that
is bound to bring them satisfactory
returns in the future.

WE HAVE often spoken of the al-,
truistic possibilities of this colyum,
of the great good of which we feel
sure it is capable. Today we have an
opportunity to demonstrate our con-
viction. We beg to call to notice
what would certainly be, we are sure,
a loss to literature.




Telephones, 2414 and 178-'l

In order that students might not be
pestered by the importunities of busi-
ness concerns trying to market their
products, the policy of the University
forbids any such outside interests
from using the campus as a , sales
Up to the present time student en-
terprises have been permitted to use
the campus for this purpose, provided
they have the support of the student
body in their undertaking. With the
ever increasing interests and activi-
ties of the University, however, comes
a gradual increase in sales campaigns
of one kind or another. Nearly all of
these campaigns are necessary, and


Nes Editor..--- '---------Paul Watzel
City Editor-..............s s J3. Young
Assistant City Editor .-.........Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman-......E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers .Iaiy Hoey
J. P. Dawson, Jr 3. E. Mack
L. J. IHershdorf-r R. C. Moriarty
H. A. Donahue

(From the Current Student Ditectory)1
"Annually the editor is called upon
to make use of what literary ability he
has in a foreword-the only time dur-
ing his years on the staff that such a
necessity arises. It is extremely
doubtful if anyone will ever read
this, outside of whoever corrects the
proof, yet the editor is overpowered
by, custom and herewith desires to
present a formal apology for whatever
errors may be present in this issue.
The staff has done their work to the
best of their ability and were exceed-
ingly careful to avoid mistakes, if hu-
manly possible. At this point the edi-
tor desires to make the annual stereo-
typed remark which never seems to
bring forth better results, very proba-
bly because nobody ever sees it. The
errors that do creep in are in a large
measure due to the incomplete and in-
accurate information given by the
student and often to writing which is
not legible."
* * *
Tie Answer Is No
I wonder
Is using
As a medium
To right
The wrong
He has done me?
I am
right disillusioned.
And RIGHT, we have your num-
* * *
damn cryptic.
* * *

Sports Editor ..............FP. H. lcPikce
Sunday Magazine Editor.......Delbert Clark
Womea's Editor--------Marion. Koch
Humor Editor. ..... ..Donald Coney
Conference Editor............I. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor................Robert Tarr
Music Editor..................r.E H. Ailes

M. H. Pryor
Dorothy Bennetts
Maurice Berman
R. A. Bilington
W. B. Butle
HI. C. Clark
A. 13. Connable
Evelyn J. Coughlin
Eugene Carmichael,
Bernadette Cote
Wallace F. Elliott
T. E. Fiske
Maxwell Fead

John Garlinzhouse
Isabel Fisher
Winona A. Iibbard
Samuel Moore
T. G. McShane
W. B. Rafferty
W. H. Stoneman
Virginia Tryon '
P'. Al. Wagner
A. P. Web bink
Franklin Dickinan
Joseph Epstein
J. W. Ruwitch
J. A. B34con

Telephone 9680
Advertising............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Adverisng ........ Etward F.'Conlin
Advertising . ...... .halter K. 'Scherer
Accounts ..........Laurence H. I. avrot
Circuieion............David . M. Park
Publication.............L. Beaumont Parks
Townsend H-. Wolfe Alfred Mf. White
Kenneth Seick Win. D. Roesser
George Rockwood Allan S. Morton
Perry M. Hayden James A. Dryer
Eugene L. Donne Win. H. Good
Wm. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman
J ohn C. Haskin A. Hartwell, Jr.
1arvey E. Reed J. Blumenthal
C. L. Putnam Howard Hayden
E. D. Arm antrout W. K. Kidder
H. W. Cooper Henry Freud
,Wallace Flowe Herbert P Bostwick
Edw .B. Riedle L. Pierce
Harold L. Hao
Night Editor-RALPH N. BYERS
The grand jury at Upper Sandusky
has returned indictments against offi-
cers at Cary, Ohio, for their part in.
the shooting of a Michigan student
the weekend of the Ohio State game.
Whether or not the officers n question
are found to be guilty of the charge
against them, the returning of indict-
ments signifies that the courts are be-
ginning to take cognizance of the fact
that policemen, as well as ordinary
citizens, are accountable to the law.
Too many officers in the employ of
municipalities fail to realize that the
power entrusted to them in the carry-
ing of a gun places upon them a grave
responsibility which they must ob-
serve. They are employed to protect
the public. A careless and indiscreet
use of the gun in supposedly perform-
ing their duties makes them rather a
menace to society than a protector.
Fortunately the recent shooting in-
cident, though causing a serious in-
jury, was not fatal in character. Last
summer, however, a Michigan student
was killed by an officer in an unjusti-
fled and unnecessary shooting. Other
cases of a like nature have occurred
throughout the country. Policemen
should be chosen for coolness and in-
telligence. In the exercise of their,
office they should be firm and iscreet.
If they are to lose their presence of
mind and use disciplinary methods of a
severity which the occasion does not
warrant, the consequences often are
worse than those caused by a complete
negligence of duty.

involve some article which is of value;
to the student body. And yet, it isI
only natural that in the midst of this
constant encounter with campus sales-
men the average student begins to
think that he is being unnecessarily
After all, this is somewhat true. With
so many organizations and enterprises
selling things the campus must be
used not as a place to urge students
to buy but rather as a place where an
article for sale can be displayed to stu-
dents who can then decide for them-
selves whether or not they care to ac-
quire it. The flooding of the campus
with student magazine-venders or the
employing of newsboy methods of vo-
ciferation, only annoy the prospective
buyer, and in the end do harm not,
only to the enterprise which has com-
mitted the offense, but to all others as
It is time that students use the cam-
pus 'more discreetly in the exercise of
their privilege to conduct sales there.
Every professor has his own indi-
viddal idea of the proper way to de-
liver his lectures. His material is or-
ganized in the way which he considers
best, and to persuade him to change
his method of lecturing would be dif-.
ficult. Nevertheless, it is worth while
observing that an obvious error on the
part of a few professors is the keep-
ing of the most important and essen-
tial part of the lecture material for
the close of the hour.
Occasionally a professor is found to
lecture for forty-five minutes on intro-
ductory material which the class rec-
ognizes as interesting but not funda-
mental; the last fifteen minutes is then
given over to the significant mate-
rial,-the really vital part of the lec-
ture is given at the period when the
class has begun to grow restless and
inattentive. Resorting to this system
of lecturing in afternoon classes is
particularly undesirable, for it is dur-
Ing the afternoon classes that concen-1
tration is most difficult. A consider-
able number of students in any class
may be able to concentrate their at-
tention on the lecture for one com-
plete hour. But others in the class
grow restless after the first forty-five,
minutes. They take out their watches,
begin to talk to their neighbors, or
shuffle their feet. They not only miss
the last part of the lecture, but they
distract the attention of the rest of
the class.
If professors were to recognize this
psychology of the class room, it is
likely that they would not reserve the
truly vital part of their lecture for the
last ten or fifteen minutes of the hour.
As they have said so ably in the
many years gone by, "Now's the time
to buy your 'Ensian."
For the sake of those who may not
know, "'Ensan" is the familiar term
for "Michiganensian", the official stu-
dent year book of the University.

(The Dartmouth)
We are reprinting today an editorial
from the Philadelphia Public Ledger,!
the first of a series written by Presi-
dent.Hopkins in elaboration of the
more important points contained in his
address at the opening of the college
year. These articles by the President
are of particular significance at this
time when the educational policies
enunciated by him a month ago are be-
ing made the subject of extensive dis-
cussion in every section of the coun-
try. It is gratifying to have this fur-
ther statement of conviction by Presi-
dent Hopkins himself, as there is no
man better able to formulate in deft-
nite terms the policies to which Dart-
mouth has committed itself, and for
the propagation of which the College
intends to work during the coming
It is' of interest to note at this point
that the great majority of adverse
criticism of the President's opening
address has come from the officers of
state institutions which by the nature
of their foundation are not dependent5
on private endowment for funds with
which to expand either in number ofj
students or in curriculum. Inasmuch
as their expenses are met by public
appropriation, thereby opening for.
them a field of almost unlimited en-1
largement, they are not confrontedI
with the problem of keeping their en-
rollments within any prescribed figure.
They can continue to grow without
check as long as the public feels a
need for more college education for
itself. "College for all" is their poli-
cy; and well it may be since the pub-
lic is footing the bill.
It is not a theory that confronts the
colleges of private endowment; there
is a practical problem brought about
by the unprecedented popularity of the
colleges at the present time. Dart-
mouth was the first to feel the need of
a definite selective process by which it
could assure itself of " choosing the
comparatively few men best fitted to
take advantage of the opportunities it
offers. Other institutions are follow-
Ing; and if present tendencies contin-
ue we believe the time will soon come
when every private institution will be
forced to adopt some such system as
that put into operation this year' by
Dartmouth. It is not a question of
what the colleges wish to do; it is
what they have to do.
There is another phase which has
become increasingly apparent to collge
administrators during recent years but
which still appears to be outside the
calculations of many of our state-sup-
ported institutions. It is the natural
desire of the colleges to obtain for
themselves the men best adapted to
the carrying out of its purposes. No
dead wood is wanted. A man not in
sympathy with the educational purpos-
es of a college is nothing more than
a drag upon it; he is receiving-either

The confirmed addict to the note-
taking habit is as helpless without his
loose-leaf sheets as a "coke" fiend
without his "snow." It paralyzes his
thinking capacity. He is lost. He
cannot find the key to his knowledge.
Which leads us to suspect that when
the note-book is thrown into the gar-
bage can after the finals, the student
is as free from the taint of knowledge
as he was before taking the course.
The point of this editorial is rather
vague. The moral is not: the diligent
note-taker usually drags down his A.,
You will be surprised at the large
results obtained at low cost from a
"Daily" classified ad--Adv.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--
6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., :oo a.m., 9:05
a.mn. and hourly to 9:05 P.M.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)--g:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local CarsEast Bound-7 :oo a.m.
i and every two hours to 9 :oo p. m,
1 1:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only---1:40
p.m., ix: i sa.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
12:!() p.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4 To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.





!"IME! 2 '3'E HURO PHONE 214-F1l ~


. ..- . _ ...--- -- *-"4'
...... ,. ..a. ,. .w,.., ., +.«



1 2
6 7 8 9
13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30

3 4:
10 11
17 18
24 25

More and more history shows that
robertaed hair is not so new. We come
across a play called "The Girls Who
Gets Her Hair Cut Short" by a Latin
poet Menander who flourished in the
fourth century B. C.
* * *
PEOPLE are buying student directo-
Why do the people buy ditto ditto?
Because they wanna see if they're
in it.
Is that all?
No, besides they wanna find out the
name of the
Freshman girl in their French class.

Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where °D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)


I .. ._... ...v _._...

LAST SUNDAY we accidentally forgot 4 reluctntly or'indifferently-attention
ourself, yielded to persuasion, and that could more profitably be devoted
went to church. to another. Were the colleges to oper-
We really ought t'b have known bet- ate under the plan of admitting all ap-
ter. ( plicants regardless of qualifications the
And ewith all due expressions of re- n -eegrls o ulfct
And ithalldueexprssins f r- Imen intellectually alert would be held
pentance, we sincerely promise back by those incapable of appreciat-
that we won't do it again - not ing or deriving benefit from the in-!
right away, anyhow. struction given them.
It was like this. President Hopkins has done well to
We went to church expecting to hear emphasize the point that the public it-
something that would thrill us to self would eventually be the loser if
the depth of our soul, I it were able to insist that the colleges
Something inspiring and uplifting,, offer their training to the many who
that would give us grace to en- would derive no appreciable benefit
counter that bluebook we are go- from it but who would be unconsci-
ing to have Thursday. ously preventing the complete devel-
Well, we heard something up-lifting, opment of the few who inevitably will
all right. later become society's best assurance
We were durn near held up for all the for "the perpetuation of the ideals of
cash our pocket-book held, and learning and culture among men."
then some.-E Looking at the matter strictly from the
During the course of the procedure, point of view of reason, and freed
we were appealed to for a donation from the influence of the sentimental
in just about as many ways as and popular fallacies so often associ-
there are quills on, porcupine. ated with the idea of democracy, it
The Reverend touch the children, then seems that by granting admission in-
in the announcements he touched discriminately to all comers, the state
the grown people, colleges are in danger of defeating the
Then in the sermon he twisted around highest purposes of education, to
to the congregation as a whole, which they as well as privately endow-
Then a certain person got up and took ed institutions have committed them-
forty-five minutes to tell what they selves.
wanted the money for, Education for all?-Yes; but college
And he also appealed to everybody he education only for those. who are fit-
could think of. ted for it, and who can profit from it.
And after all that, the Reverend re- By the support of such a policy can
membered that he had forgotten the public best serve its own inter-
the College Students, ests.
And he got up agaifi and lit into them
for the sake of the Church. NOTA BONA
And finally, after all that, we went (Daily Maroon)
home with the words of the bene-I
diction ringing in our ears, and In grammar school nobody thinks of
Our pocket-book weeping great salty1 preserving for reference before an ex-
tears am, the words of wisdom uttered by
Al this in the name of religion. the teacher. In high school the loose-

H lState and William
On the econd floor at 324 S. State St.
For three dys more we will offer you your
choice of our su ts and top-coats at a reduction

New foulards - won-
derful color combi-
atons --

Everyone not now a life member of
the Michigan Union will have an op-,
portunity of becoming one during the
next few days. The Union is not so-
liciting charity in this campaign, but
has numerous advantages to offer the
life member which tend to make the
proposition more of an investment1
than a donation.
The Union represents an expendi-
ture of some million and a quarter

About this time of the year the
writer of point editorials can't very
well talk about keeping off the grass,
so he turns his attention to surprise
It is almost time for someone to
spring the joke about the freshman
who didn't buy an alarm clock be-
cause he was told that "Chimes"
would wake him up.
Patience is always rewarded. The
Students Directory is with us at last,


VEE. leaf notebookiis gently introduced to
VEE.*;the seekers after knowledge. In Uni-
" versity the student who doesn't take
'Buy a Directory." sezzee. ( the de-notes is as scarce as the bobbed-hair-
mon.) ed Juliet without her vanity case.
Note-taking is the most traditional of
"Ho much are they?" asks the he 'all campus traditions. It is a dis-
(the fac.). ease, and a disease which becomes
* * * more virulent as the student advances



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