DAR .I_ HU l IVPTHL of t e M rh o l o m t r i da 7 P Agive a reception from 4 to 6 o'clockR ! tomorrow afternoon. A ARCHERY CONTEST Nur7ses To Take E xas Tomlorrow "W", Orin Ia Plans are already in progress for the Freshmen spread, the annual for- mal reception given by the sophomore women in hocno r of the freshmen. , The fifth hygiene lecture will be given at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gymnasium. All freshmen and entering sophomores are required to attend., which will be held Nov. 25, in Barbour gymnasium, The opening event of Thr ilb eeigo h o the evening will be a grand march. Teewl eameigo h e Durig te eenig thre illbe ar-men of the senior literary class at 3:30 ious stunts. 'Tedi Bennetts orchestra Igymnas im. eron i aro- has been secured to f'urniish music for ;gymnsium dancing. The freshmren will be escortol 'to, Michigan Dames will meet at 8g and fromt the reception byi '_-or o'clock tonight at Newberry while the sophoinores will act as hios- al Profess or Ray K. Imimel will tesses, The patronessos will be Dean speak at this time. Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Marion L. Bier- - tons, the wives of the dns Dr. lElo- t'ryouts for the Freshmen Girls' ise W alker, Mi ss A rion 0. Wo C.IGle club will be held from 4 to 5 o' - Miss Marion Dawley, andl Miss i~lilcd- clack Frid ay afternoon in room 204 of red Sherman, '21. the School of Music, for girls who Alice Powrell, '2r, cha;irmian of the !were unable to be present at the first Freshmen spread 'o mm"ittee, ha s ip- tryouts. pointed the .follo-wing ; comnzi ttc - t chairmen: treasuf " third placezJoa ',san Beard of Registration of Nurses' At clast "Jige.and "Magg"ffwoi shave ~, ~ AtnatWdedy com'tfcllee Tos wo ath rdl, '2U. Out of' 10 aIros~v - lr' %T .shoty, carfuly i te dins o tesefuniby each contestant, ?biss Price mlade No.3 , at Lnig to write the see- caeulyth ong f hzefny a score of 113; Miss Willson, a score cdnurses' examlination to be. given peI ewl ega oko htt of 1ll ;and Miss Svenusgard, one of 53. in '1!22. rThe candidates .represent g ain their much needed education they !jH-onor points were awarded to th~e trainig schools and hospitals from Nave come to Michigan.1 winners, first place winning 30 hocnor evey %county in the state. They have been seen officially by a ;points and second place 20. The ne t e apianswllbrxaie reporter in a journalism class. Whzenj archery contest for wonmen will 1)b nteeolwngsbets;ntm communication on the subject was Ihold in the sprig on Field dtay. I and physiology, bacteriology and hy- takn up it Mcans, her bss h Students Announce Eng'a c incnt g~ene, commuznic able diseases, diete- expressed no fear that they would lose Announcement has been made at the tics, ateria niocica, surgical nursing, somne of their hiumor after attending Delta Delta Delta house of the engage-' obstetrical 'nursing, medical nursingi collepge. Hie also made the statement ment of Laurella Hollis, '24, to Kings- and nursing of sick children, and ethz- tliat he approved heartily of their ley Anderson, '23 E. Miss Hollis is a ics and history of nursing. No applic- choice of journalism as a course inas- I member of Wyvern society and Mr.: ant shall be considered eligible for muztch as they have so much newspa- Anderson is a member of Lambda Chi registration whose rating is less than ler work in real life. w -.ipha fraternity. !70 per cent on each subject. Aplic- These two comic characters have ants who failonaysbetmye the samne luck that is theirs in the pa- peip whn heLecae lieaferthir.f'M CuSE IIA~y IE re-examinedI at subsequent exainza- iight,;, for in class they are never call- Y( aLAI E~Ttonsthin onee ya vtotrpy ed on. The instructor does not even mn ffe kno tht heyar prsen eeryda Playgrounnd work will be studied as Richard M. Olirn. M. D., state corn- on the cover of a student's notebook. a course this year in the departnment msinro hati1reieto h ______________of physical education, if more than1 Michigan Board of Registration of i~ai igvenrs~~35 women sign uip for it. It is l~zro--' Nur'ses and Trained Attendants.' able thyat the hour for the court~e wa' De)an dean Ham-,ilton and M1ais eanz- be at 2 o'clock on Wednesdays withf _nette Perry dirce of Betsy I arbour i ; one additional hour. According to lzous, wil be tts .eITadYERTIE hos, ilbetegue ts of honor at, Miss Marion 0. Wod of the phst TE a. formal reception to be given by the# education department, it is nzecessa.r; udy Noe ic board of governors and residents of to have a class of at least 35 in orde-j u dy v 7 thle dormitory, Nov. 21. The board of to illustrate the work properly, so aD' ~- -° 1 iovernors \consists of Mrs. John R. women who ,are interested in a course Effinger, Mrs. J. 0. Schilotterbeck, Miss; of playground instruction are request- 1: dr rceadM~ nlo oe dt ino teblei or nTL 1 aa d r C r c e , a d M s El o J o e ed t si n o th b u l t n b a d i z c D etroit, B arb ou r gym n asiu m . I new lease on life. / 326 East Ann Phone 8 ' I '. RDE FOR EXECIS There is no better exercise than riding. If you are physically tired or mentally bored; a brisk trot around the boulevard will work 'wonders. In one short hour you will have gained a ® DO YOU WANT TO FEEL DRESSED UP? ASK CENTRAL FOR 628- Tell us you want it master-cleaned -- and your suit will come back to you with a fresh- ness , that must be seen to be appreciated. THE ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS 204 East Washington Phnone 628 vitations,, Ruth McDon ald; address- inag, Adelaide ',cherer; imu sic, Dorothiyj WILL TA ".rSOON "Give oOnce, but giv.e :nough for al,'' is the sloganI of the Community F'und as ec ation (rive, - to start eon 11, entire; in Hill auditorium. 7 o'- ci ck, Act I, scenes 1, 2, Act 11, scenes 1, 4, 7, Act 111, scene 1, Act IV, scenes 1, 3, 4, Act V, scene 1, in Newberry hal.t h6 I The chorus of "The Buring Pestle" will' clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Knight of the meet at 4 o'-I the parlors of' 4f The CA?"1PUS- Theatre '7:00-S:3, Here 's where lowi spades niaA'e ;fll houses .:c I . -: Sunday, Nov. 12. The Soliciting for subscriptins will' bec takhen care of; by the three men's clubls.: the E'X- chkange, the Kiwanis, and the Rotary. Letter°s were s:ent out ten 'days early to thfe old subscribers in order thiat they mn it _pl'an theirsucrpin ac coringly znd sed them in to the as'soe;;ationl. P1elewil not bie urged to grive mo10re than they can give free- ly, as; it is the a>i of the association thr.at funds should be given whole hleartedly or not at 'all. Honor points .for basket ball coach- ing- may be earned this year in the W omA en's Athletic. association, the) means for earning them to be sup- pl~ed by the department of physical edcti on. It is estimated' that about tenl women will be needed this winter to aid in coaching. For this work 50 hon;.or ~points- will be awarded. All w5omen wvho are interested in the work are reqjuested to r eport to the phys- ical educaton office in Barbour gymz- nasium as soon as possible.? jAll members of the freshmen hock- ' y team andl squad are requested to be at Palmer field and ready for prac- tice immediately after the hygiene lecture this afternoon. h .. ___ All women who. would like swvim- ming instruction are requested to sign their names, on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Girls interested in the Y. WN. C. A. Christmas workshop are asked to re- port from 2 to,'; o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall. Honoring Dean Jean Hamilton, the board of governors and the residents' ®U EN 111 3lm 31 1'U In In t I 0 0Nm m /6-n.. 7 U Ja 3 a l e o a l s Luxurous' Stuning.Econ mica. Bu now to me t enjoD manymonts ofwear Prcs r snatoalyreue Uoodycar' Lux2ios.SuhninEoo Ii r r { e i. 07, r<;E ^-....V y ..r7 " -- i ,t F-v' 'a .t 4, " d --" Yn7 . WQ Ii -. s r l f v,_ _j r i t rrl r rJy ~ /7he IIULLJANT LAUGING;; SUCCESofhe.~SEASCOI L- "Prices: .$11.10, $1-0)Sq,R &2, }?. [ e SEAT SALE FRIDAY .New York bau~erv Id viai# back pzc' of fifty I'daooces" - _____- A 11)EI) A CIIISTIE C01EI Y "L T 9 1 A eiaturing DOROTH DVORCE MLATINEE ALL SEATS 25 CENTS EVEN ING& TOTAL 25c WAIR TAX 4c 7TOTA L 35, . LAST TIME TODAY is Pa MAC GoC\°AN MEN" AT YTHETHAES 'ATC"'IOUT FORt BUITERFIELD'S ANNIVERSA IY WEEK N4 I Screenit-TolaY .. 'Arcade-Charlt s Ray ins "'the D Dece of Spades"; comedy S"Let 'Er Run," andi sport re- >View. t M~~ajestic-Thomas Mel-7hi in "- Tle Nan WoSaw '(-mo r- 'and comedy "The Ilamited -House," COMEDY NEWS I A Awl . Qrptbumn--"'Tho Hills of Miin '~Me,"with -J. P. Ml-c~owan;f j arylcomedy. I , me ~a T). . Gif(i's "Or- I lenand Dorothy ' Gs;c m- I Galswor-thy's "Justice." f_- ,0per coetdiscoutnt on Charistmas card and stationery engravingodrj z cei ved before November 1.0. Select fryfcm our latrge stock and a-void the! D'ccembier rus ,h. 0. D. Merrill, 17' Ni-ckels Arcade.-Adv.1 v ill buy a Corona, L. C. S._itha, Ilannoud, Under- iood, Reinligtoni, Royal, or any standard type- wr.iter you inay 'prefer. See w'; before you buy. . t rt'. ®U 61 t5',,.-. d >,cm y aI Q et i Kate Caxdt ort 'S~ithfYI/iritan MIRMEMI"m "-. 11 A Special Combination of Stage and Screen Features That Represent Anti Arbor's Best Entert ainmnent Value ,, a o a . ' , 11{" ' ,s: 0. -D. Morill 17 Hockels Aroido J id, GREA'T CAST. including Theo. Roberts Leatrice Joy June Elvidgo in the season's most unusual picture "THE 'MAN WHO SAW7, TOMORR XV" A Paramount Picture 'L6 :1rdte* bears. the° hardest blows ,o Fate., T~wo-®orphan sisters, -one.blid, one a victim of a, nobleman's .lust, brought near by a voice,'-are thr ztapart again by el thieF's greedand a s" iPs -Iaw.,The °runs the _gamut':oE all humar (emIotion 'I a ;; < f . ,: a4 .^ , .it R: ®r ~k~A~1 -WK Photogr'r to Michigan Students Established 1887 ON THlE STACT HARRY HOFFMAN AND THlE W7- 1 Awl f l BisH--op ERASTUS 0a HAVEN Served as President from 1863 to 1869 AMBASSADOR S EXTET'PE JUST ASK ANYONE ABOUT THEM A GOOD SCREEN COMEDY TO !I NO INCREASE IN PRICES EVENINGS - 35c MATINEES - 25c MATINEES AT ,2:00-3:30 INCLUDE STAGE FEA TURES ; ?c k ti e. _ Y FLOOD I'. COLN(, -'K / M f% %A# I, . 2 ILR. . Nnw . R 171,:t'!LTI8 %TTfiY