THE WEATHER VOL.; XXXIII. No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1922, TAKE CUT THAT MEMBERSHIP PPTCN Ti V 2'1T1' 'W TT ,. ._.__ 1 EXPLOS'ON TRAPS N INETY-OHR MEN LESS THAN HALF ACCOUNTED FOR AT 10:30 LAST EVENING More than 175 team workers of the Michigan Union Life Membership drive to be held today, tomorrow, and Thursday will this morning begin their campaign in which they will try to have 1,400 students sign for life memberships amounting to approxi- mately $70,000. Thetmoney realized from the drive will be used for the Union building fund. Details of the campaign were ar- ranged at a meeting - of all drive workers held last night at the Union at which Thomas I. Underwood, 23L president of the Union, Maynard A Newton, '22, chairman last year of the life membership drive committee, and Calvin 0. Campbell, '24E, this year's chairman of the drive, spoke on sub- lects relative to the drive, All drive members are to meet at 10:15 o'clock on each evening of the drive to turn in the names of those students whom they have seen with the results of their soliciting at the drive desk in the main lobby of the Union. Twenty Teams Will Solicit Twenty teams each consisting of 10 members and a captain will do the work of the drive. Every team, mem- ber has been given a list of 15 stu- dents listed according to geographic distribution whom he is to visit before Friday. Two of the 20 teams will be known as special teams: "The Faculty Team" under the direction of J. D. Briscoe, '24E, whose duty it is to vis- ii. members of the faculty, and "The. Flying Squadron" under the direction of T. G. Crabbe, '24, whose task will be that of visiting students who de- clined to subscribe to life member- ships, or who have failed to see the reason for taking out such member- ships. To the team subscribing the highest number of life memberships will be given a steak dinner at the Union, and to the team member securing the high- est number of subscriptions will be awarde the Otto H. Hans silver loving cup. Also each member of the *11n- ning team will be given a souvenir ribbon which will entitle the wearer to dance at the Union, Nov. 17. Membersilp Is $50 Solicitors are urged to sign up men upon visiting them, even though they prefcr to sign life membership con- tracts the first payment of which may not be made before graduation, since (Continued on Page Five) STTE WILL VOTE O TTE [ODAYS J1lin Syn Korea's 22-year-old Joan of Arc, Julia Syn, has arrived in the United States and is on her way to Philadel- phia to pursue her studies. Japanese authorities attempted to prevent her from sailing, but she eluded them. &ISCNSINT.ICKET SUPPLY EHUSTED Every Seat in Ferry Field Taken; Thousands of Grads andi Others RefusedI 300 SEATS HELD FOR FACULTY AND STUDENTS Every available seat ,in Ferry field for the Michigan-Wisconsin football game to be held on Nov. 18 has been sold, was the statement given out last night by the Athletic association tick- et department. There ar ow slightly over 300 students and faculty mem- bers who have not yet dent in their applications and the ticket office will hold seats for them up until Nov. 18. This means that approximately 40,- 000 tickets have been sold tp to date almost two weeks before Ithe game. On Nov. 1 the quota reserved for al- umni was completely exhausted, more than 18,000 reservations having al- ready been made for grads, and it was estimated that if more tickets had been available they could have been sold at the rate of 1,500 a day. Since then hundreds have been turn- ed away from the ticket offices and money returned to more than 1,000 alumni. Student and faculty applica- tions have all come in except for 300. One reserved seat is being, held for each of these student and faculty cou- pon book holders and may be obtain- ed until Nov. 18. After this day they1 will be used to help fill the alumni overdemand. The right of student and faculty members to purchase additional tick- ets has expired with the tremendous, ESTIMATE NUMBER OF DEAD AT FIFTY-FIVE Foul Air! Prevents Further Rescue) Work Until Entry Caut Be Cleared (By Associated Press) Spangler, Penn., Nov. 6.-Fifty-five of the 94 miners who went down into the Reilly mine of the Reilly Coal company here this morning, a few minutes before the working was torn by an explosion, were unaccounted for when the rescue crew came up the shaft at 10:30 tonight and all are be- lieved to have lost their lives. Hope that some of the missing men were still alive was reflected in re- Sportswhich came to the surface that a brattice, built of old timbers by miners after the explosion had cut off a part of number eight heading to the left of the main entry, had been found. "Look Behind This Wall" "Look behind this wall", had been burned in a smooth place on a tim- ber by an acetylene lamp. Knowing that experienced miners would take every means to help their rescuers. this startling sentence was taken to mean that the men were still alive. but no attempt was made tp tear down the brattice for the mainĀ° entry was filled with gas, and the United States bureau of mines engineers feared that such a course would send ( the deadly poison to where the men, already weakened by hours of anxi- ety, and unprotected by oxygen hel- nits, were hidden. Gas Kills Canaries They hoped to have the entry in a 1 short time cleared of gas, when they said the brattice would be demolished.7 They determined on this course after one of their canary birds, taken withl them from Pittsburgh, had died iri the foul air. At another point in the mine a c heavy fall of slate from the roof had completely clogged the entry. Backe of it, rescuers declared, they could' hear voices, and they attacked it vig- orously, in the hope of finding some J of the entombed men alive, althoughi they received no answer to repeatedi calls.E Rescuers Work Steadily Rescue forces were made up of skilled miners from Spangler and vi- cinity in charge of engineers from the United States bureau of mines and the mine rescue crew of the Cambria Steel company, which arrived this af- ternoon. - They worked unceasingly in shortf relays, bratticing the working so asr to move the gas and admit the pure air from above. No indication as to1 when the work would be completed was announced.r J LITS TO AGAIN ELECT COUNCILMEN A meeting of the junior lit class for the purposeof, electing two ma mbers to the Student council will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Na- tural Science auditorium. Due to the filing of a protest tak- ing exception to certain alleged ir- regular proceedings, the Student council has declaredginvalid the elec- tion held last Thursday. The meet- ing was not conducted under the su- pervision of any members of the coun- cil, but permission had been obtained to hold it. There will be three councilmen to take charge of the proceedings at the meeting to be held tomorrow. Offi- cial ballots will be used. CLASSES MAYPAY DUES AGAIN TODAY Booths Will Be Open at Same Places In Order That All May Participate WILL BAR THOSE NOT PAID FROM ACTIVITIES OF CLASS Treasurers of all classes in the en- gineering and literary colleges with .he exception of the freshman literary class will continue to collect dues to- day. The returns from "Class Dues Day" yesterday were satisfactory, ac- cording to Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, but is was felt that everyone did not have a chance to pay on account of the crowds between classes. The senior literary class collected the highest amount of any in the Un- iversity, taking in more than $700. Less than 50 sophomores and 100 jun- ior lits had reported by 5 o'clock when the lit booth in University hall closed. Approximately 10 per cent of the students in the engineering col- lege paid their dues at the table in the second floor corridor of the Engineer- ing building. Classes in the Medical school and Dental college did not participate in the general drive, as members have been solicited by individual subscrip- tion. Many of the classes in these schools have more than a 90 per cent payment to date. Treasurers of all classes wish it to be understood that undergraduates who do not pay their dues will be ex- cluded from all class activities. It is desirable that dues be paid in order that these activities may be commenc- ed as soon as possible. Representatives of the lit classes will be in the booth of University hall from 9 to 5 o'clock today. Engineer- ing students may pay their dues in the second floor corridor of the Engin- eering building. Hobbs To Talk At Press Club Meet Members of the Students' Press club will hear Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology department, at the club's regular bi-monthly meeting and lunch- eon at 6:05 o'clock this evening at the Union. Professor Hobbs will speak of his experiences abroad last year and will also touch on the relation of the newdpaper to scientific research, There will be music during the luncheon, and it is reported that the Press club's own newspaper, "The lorgue," will make its initial appear- nce at the conclusion of the meeting. Admission will be by membership ard. Tickets tothe luncheon will be n sale today at the Michigan Union esk and the Women's League booth n University Hall. PROPOSE TO 9ADD TWO MEMBERS TO SENATECOUNCiL DESIRE TO TAKE IN DEAN OF WOMEN AD DR. F. E. ROBBINS WOULD RESTOR E C UAPEL SERVICES ON CAMPUS Committee Determined to Recommend Candidates for Honorary Degrees Recommendations which may lead to the addition of two new members to the Senate Council, and reports on current affairs of the University were brought here before the Senate Coun- cil and the University Senate in their regular meetings yesterday. A proposal originating in the Coun- cil meeting recommended -that the dean of women and the assistant to' the president, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, be made members of the Senate Coun cil. Dean Jean Hamilton is a member of the Senate by action of the Board of Regents. The recommendation wa referred to the Senate for final ac- tion. Paul L. Buckley, assistant secretary of the University, was appointed fi- nancial secretary of the Union to suc- ceed Prof. Evans Holbrook. The ap- pointment was made by a committee consisting of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Graduate school and Dean Hen- ry M. Bates of the Law school. A communication from Prof. Fran- cis W. Kelsey, suggesting that the Un- iversity revive the custom of holding chapel services, was approved unan- imously by the members of the Senate council and later referred to the Sen- ate for consideration. The latter body placed the matter on the program for its next meeting, Jan. 15. Says It Formerly Existed In his letter to the council, Profes- sor Kelsey stated that such an insti- tution formerly existed, and that it could be restored in the form of pure- ly non-sectarian services. ;He ,ug gested that it be held in conjunction with the Wednesday Twilight recitals, given by the School of Music, the serv- ices to consist of choir singing and an address on a subject n keeping with the spirit of the meeting and consistent with the unbiased attitude of a state institution on religion. A discussion of the method used in recommending candidates for honor- ary degrees at the 1923 Commence- ment, resulted in a decision to turn over the work of recording the names of candidates to a committee to be appointed by the Senate Council. This work was done last year by Frank E. Robbins, assistant . to the President. The process of receiving recommenda- tions for degrees from committees of the University faculties will be used as in former years. Final action on the names of the candidates will probably be taken on Dec. 11. Bursley Reports Shooting Incident An amendment to the plan of or- ganization of the Senate Committee on student affairs, to- make the mem- bership of that body rotative, was brought before the Senate Council meeting. The amendment was later referred to the Senate meeting. Dean Joseph A. Bursley read a re- port on the shooting of a University student by an officer at Carey, 0. In (Continued on Page Two) Banits yria 'ENSIN TO -OPESN SALES DRIE POLLS iN ANN ARBOR TO BE FROM 7 A. M. UNTIL 8 P, .. OPEN In today's election voters in Michi- gan will decide whether or not three amendments are to be made to the con- stitution as well as electing members of congress, state officers and county officers. Most of the interest in state wide circles centers on the senatorial race with local stress on the county election. The proposed amendments to the con- stitution of the state are as follows: First, amendment relative to empower- ing the legislature to authorize mu- nicipalities to condemn and take the fee to excess lands and property for parks, etc., and to issue bonds there- for; second, amendment relative to au- thorizing the enactment of an income tax law; third, an amendment relative to authorizing the incorporation of ports and districts, with power to en- gage in work of internal improvement. The polling places in the city of Ann Arbor are: First ward, basement of city hal, Second ward, ward build- ing on S. Ashley street; Third ward, wrd building on Miller avenue; Furtih ward, basement of Armory on N. Fifth avenue; Fifth ward, ward! building on corner of Swift and Pon- tiac streets; Sixth ward, old engine house on E. University avenue; Sev- enth ward, first precinct, city build- ing on Mary street; Seventh ward, second precinct, Eberbach school, cor- ner of Wells street and Forest ave-' nue. The polls will be open at 7 a. m. overdemand coming in from the alum- HERM ONTLII nI ni 'and other sources. Student pre- eec o p ference- on application will be observ- ed until tomorrow night. The sale of tickets this year has IU ItUII T004Y completely shattered all previous ree- ords for all games. The M. A. C. game CLAUDE L. PICKENS, '23, WILL drew 7,000 more than ever before, the Illinois game filled the field to capac- LEAI ANNUAL DRIVE ity, and the Wisconsin tickets have FOR FUNDS sold out 18 days before the game, withj thousands being refused on account of Presbyterian students are planning lack of space. More applications for to raise $1,20b in their annual drive tickets have been received from al- this year which takes place today, to- umni for the Wisconsin game than morrow and Thursday. Claude L. Pick- for any previous contest in the history ens, '23, is campaign manager, with of the University. Esther Mahaffy, '24, Charles I. Camp- In speaking of the great demand bell, '25L, Arnold E. Stoll, '23E, Vin- for tickets this year Harry Tilletson, ton Brashear, '23E, and Lucille Welty, of the Athletic office, said: "We have '23Ed., as assistant campaign mana- been completely landslided with ap- gers. This year it is called the Dr. plications, the heaviest it has ever Bob McCandliss-Hoover Campaign for been in any year. In order to take $950 of the money raised goes to sup- care of all students and faculty first, port Dr. "Bob" McCandliss, '21M, in his however, we 9are saving them their medical work on the Island of Hal- quota until Nov. 18, when they will nan, China, and $100 to continue and, be used for the alumni who had to be expand the work for boys and girls in refused. Their quota was exhausted the Hoover factory district. The re-' on Nov. 1." imamiing $150 goes for national, state,, and local expenses. There are 1,250 Presbyterian stu- dents registered in the University and this drive will be confined to them and to those interested in Presbyterian Wilfred B. Shaw, general secretary Young People's society. Last yeart of the Alumni Association, has issued over $1,000 was raised and this year a call for snapshots of campus activ- they hope to go over the top with ities to aid in giving real Michigan at- $1,200.; mosphere to the Michigan Alumnus.. C C 1 YEARLINGS j Paving Program Finished Tomorrow Ann Arbor's paving program will be finished tomorrow as far as the+ work of the city is concerned. Work of filling between the tracks of the city street car line has been com- pleted and service will be resumed asE soon as the concrete sets enough to: permit heavy traffic. OST: Everything from fountain pens to overcoats are lost around the campus. And in most every case someone finds them. Have you lost something you would like to recover? Many people find that the best way to get back an article they have lost. is to put a classified ad in the Michigan Daily, under the "Lost" classification. If you want to run an ad, leave CARL G. BRA COMBINED C TO WILL HOLD NDT TO SPEAK TO GLASSES; 1926 LITS ORGANIZE All freshmen in all schools and col- I UU IIM l UldL dlLL LVlC1 pus is the great impediment t leges in the University will meet at cational progress. A student w 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Hill D0 0 i[ tually studies is considered qL auditorium for a mass meeting, at IM ES l"So long as students, either which Carl G. Brandt, of the public pose or as an actuality, take t speaking department, will speak on In a statement given out yesterday titude that intellectual merit subjects vital to freshmen. Vernon afternoon, Vernon F. Hillery, 25Lai among the highest values of < Hillery, '25L, president of the Student president of the Student council, d life we are not liable to acco: council, will also speak. clared that the privilege accorded to much by our complicated org After the speeches, which are not the salesmen of student .bicat I tion of curricula or the promul expected to last more than half an of selling on the campus was beingof epistemological theories. Th hour, all the freshmen except those of flagrantly abused He expressed him is: 'Can it be brought about in the literary college will be dismissed, self as believing that unless steps ican colleges that social presti and that class will be organized by the were taken by the salesmen them- taches to the man who achieves committee appointed by the council I selves to correct the situation, the lectual distinction?' As things for that purpose. Class offiers will be privilege would be removed. now, to be a highbrow is fatal tc both nominated and elected at this sa"Selling privileges on the campus, pus recognition." time, said Hillery, " ise open to students Sphinx will then collect the lass only, but such is a privilege and j dues from all those present, giving should not be overdone. In order that a an aid to the class treasurer in picking the matter, it might be well to state out delinquents. These ribbons will be that all publications are given the Chimes, campus literary mag worn Friday, when the remainder of privilege of selling their publications, experienced the best day in it the class dues will be collected. and all other student organizations tory Saturday when its entire Fifty cents will be paid for every pic- ture accepted, one dollar for the best: Princeton Triangles Under Way Princeton, N. J.-Final dancing try-