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KaiseriA Augua Vitori as Spy,
Modest Jiomelover, Wiihela's
Allied Commissioners eceive Credit
For Averting War Over Turkish Dispute
R- I
Ousted, Idolizes
The .University
Here is loyalty! A student in the
engineering college- forced to, leave
school last semester on account of
poor work, recently wrote a letter to
Professpr Louis A. Hopkins, secretary
of the college, in which he stated that
the influence of Michigan and things
Michigan had become such a part of
him that it would be his one ambition
in life to make a record at some other
college which would permit him to
return to Ann Arbor and graduate.
Following is a portion of the letter:
"The following has very little bear-
The Hague, Nov. .-Gossip in Ger-
many has it that the marriage tomor-
row of former Emperor William of
Germany and Princess -Iermine of
Reuss augurs a far more wise and
workable union than that betwoen
William and his first wife, Princess
Augusta Victoria, which took place
in February, 1881 and terminated just
40 years and two months later when
she died an exile from her beloved
Ther are many who are able to see
much in: common \between the ex-
Emperor and his bride-to-be,. despite
the difference In their ages; while
back in 1881, when the whole German
Empire was in festive attire to cele-
brate the marriage of its heir appar-
ent, even the most optimistic were
compelled to admit that the two royal
scions could not have been farther
apart had they been of differnt worlds.
First Wife Not Congenial
Princess Augusta was shy, trustful,
essentially feminine, a lover of her'
home, and with no sympathy for pomp
and cermony. For more than 12 years
of her married life she was a semi-
invalid. -
The bridegroom, on the other hand,
was already feveilshly active and pos-
sessed of insatiable ambition. He lov-
ed display, never tired of arraying
himself in gaudy uniforms, and was
happy only when he could play a lead-
i ng part before the whole world. These,
were the differences that the world
at large saw. 'Those who were inti-
mate with either or both of the prin-
cipals, however, knew that the private
order of their lives was even farther
from agreement.
In matters pertaining to love and1
marriage, Prince William had his own
-ideas, which hle ived up to with al-
iost noisy scrupulousness. i enbe-
lieved, first and always, that a Oman,
whetiher he be exalted or not, should
choose his wife as she would herd
gown-for qualities that would wear
well - Intellectual strength or bril-
liancy, emotional vigor, and pro-
nounced character were not among
the qualities he looked for in a wife.
Kaisrin Lived Secluded
Fortunatey, it was many years af-
ter hern married life began before'
Princess Augusta had any important
roles to perform, thus she managed
to continue with her simple habits
without provoking unfriendly com-
ment. She had no experience with
court life and knew little if anything
about cities, therefore it was years be-
fore she mastered the details of her
royal social status.
Yet with all their disparity of ten-
peraments, those who had predicted
an unhappy union for the Crown
Prince were forced, as the years wore
on, to admit that their judgment had
played them false. Never were there
any well founded rumors of separa-
tion, or even of disagreement. The
political wiseacres, who usually are
able to assign a reason for all royal
Stterances or actions, were hopelessly
tsea when one day William issued a
statement charcterizing Empress Au-
glista as "a precious pearl; the type
of all the virtues of a Germanic Prin-
cess. To her I owe it that I am able
to tackle and perform in a cheerful
spirit the diflicult duties of my posi-
"NEser of the Nursery"
Docile and unintersted in affairs of
state, Empress Augusta neveretheless
was supreme ;within the palace walls.-
The accounts, the orders, the supplies,
the arrangement of the bill of fare,
and the management of her seven
children wer under her immediate su-
pervision. Once the Emperor told
one of his officers that he wanted the
oung princes to learn how to paddle
a canoe. When the officer mentioned
it to the empress, she refused to hear
of them taking such risks.
"But the Kaiser has already given
the order," said the officer,
"That may be as you say," she re-
plied, smilirg, "he is the Kaiser of
Germany, but I am the Kaiser of the
New Wife the Opposite
Princess Hermine, on the other
hand, is understood to enjoy and re-
spect all the royal traditions which
Princess Augusta abhorred. While
she is hardly known beyond the Ger-
man borders, and seldom if ever was
mentioned, even in the newspapers of
Germ:y before her engagement to
the ex-Emperor was announced, still
there are many households in Central
Europe which profess to have an in-
Five S&4es Will Hold Rceferunduni ' i for '"lDrys" Says+
On Soldic Bonu; Propo- ack Sportsmanship
sition. Loyalty)
V - /y,-
Membe is r t ane Allied high cinmizbsion, p1hotogriphed at tih Brtish enibawsy Constantnople.General Harrington
of Engla nd, Dr. Tridjob of Norway, Uniral Ma 'k L. Braistl of America, Sir Thomas- Runibold3
of England, and Sig-u r Garsomc of Italy.
The memb'ers of the allied high commission in the Near E :st are receiving credit for what appeared to be the mak-
ings of a brand new world war over the Turkish dis )ute. The commissioners were largely responsible for the
ironing out of'the difficulties arising out of the Ore A defeat in Asia Minor by the forces of Kemal Pasha and
their disastrous defeat.
ing upon the. above subject," (the
transfer of his cradits to another
school) "but I feel that I should tell
you about by impressions of 'Michi-
gan.' During my stay at Michigan.
that charming spirit has so permeated
my soul that I can only think of this
one institution as a real man's col-
lege. To me, Michigan is the mighty
standard by which all other colleges
are judged. Everything that is Mich-
igan is ideal and almost sacred to me,
and regardless of what institution I
enter, I will always think of Michigan
"My only satisfaction in life is to
graduate from Michigan, but not unt-
til I have staged a come-back, if you
please, in another college wlich can
be done only by a man who thinks
New York, Nov. 4.-Four milpions of CIc(v-_lnnd, 0., Nov. 4.-Prohibition
7oters woo will go to the polls next under the Volste;d law and the 18th
Tuesday to participate in the national Lr)endment has resolved itself into a
contest:of ballots, one of the most in- oueY ion of law enforcement, Wayne
teresting features will be the question H. Wheelci, general counsel for the
of prohibition, which will come up in Anti-Saloon Lenue, declared today in
different forms in virtutlIy all sec- sum ing up the d y fight against the
lions of the country. wr> ref udu:u ir 0 T'o. The pro-
Illinos and Ohio appear to be the bi.i i n. 8: n: fment vs written into
Uvo-ie samiping grouinds of the 'hE (Xns ltitn nf the United States
stets. Beth states will submit the :lfter more of education and prepara-
question of prohibition direct to the W eu on the part of the people and by
people in the form of referendums to larger proportionate majority of the
amend the state and Federal laws in staes than any other amendment, he
such a manner that they will legalize said. "It is so difficult to amend the
the manufacture and sale of beer and constitution of the United States that
light wines. The issue also has been no amendment ever adopted has ever
reflected in the congressional cam- been reqealed," he continued. "It nat-
paigns in both states.' Illinois has 14 orally follows that the part which was
candidates for Congress who are pre- adopted by the largest Tmajority will
pared to stand o'r fall with the wets, not be the first to be changed or re-
while seven others are as definitely pealed. Facing the facts, therefore,
pledged to the drys. In Ohio 14 candi". the 18th amendment in all human
dates are' opposed to. prohibition and probability will remain in the Consti-
28 have come out in favor of it. ' tution as long as the government it-
self stands.
.Few AvTUwedly We;
"Thoroughly Tested And Practical," SENIORCOMMITTEE
Says Prof. Clavel of Direct Method CHAIRMEN MEET
-Committee chairmen of the senior
" A thoroughly tested and practi- the meaning of the word he is at- he thefimeetin t se
cal method of teaching languages" is tempting to explain.
the way Prof. Marcel Clavel of the From concrete nouns and simple Union yesterday. The meeting was
French department, recently summed verbs, the student gradually branches -led by Robert D. Gibson, president of
up the "direct methd" of teaching out into the study of words expressing the senior lit class. He instructed
languages, used now almost exclus- more abstract ideas. This is com- the class committeechairmen as to
ively in France and other European paratively easy if a fairly comprehen- the functions o each of the fifteen
countries. sive vocabulary of the simpler words committees, at the first meeting of
senior committee chiirmen Friday in
"This method," said Prfessor Cla- has been formed.. the Union. Inasmuch as the senior
vel, "differs radically from the Ameri- The "direct" plan has been eriti- lit class of 1923 is the largest ever
can and English ways of teach ng Ian- cized for several reasons. Some crit-
guage, and has several features which ics say that it violates all laws of rea- son "t t university," said G
at first sight would seem highly im- son, that it is based on the wrong out' an extensive social program."
sot it is bae onh t h wron
Tokio, Nov. 4.-Discussing the fig-
ures of Lloyd's Shipping register
showing that in the amount of m6Y-
cantile marine tonnage Japan is third
among the nations, being surpassed
only by the United Kingdom and the
United States, the Oriental Economist,
a Japanese commercial monthly ,says
the chief caused for the Empire's de-
velopment in this line have been the
protection and assistance afforded by
the government, and the three wars in
which Japan has been engaged in the
last 25 years.
"The protection of the Governmient
(Continued on Page Twelve)
practical. The 'system hasa, trowever,
been in use in continental schools for
many years, and with a success that
is really astonishing.
The i dea which underlies the whole
idea of "direct" teaching is that a stu-,
dent may more easily learn a lan-
guage if from the beginning of hisl
study, he learns to associate the for-
principe. tners sa. LaL een Lougn
it were reasonable "n theory, it would
be highly i practical. The advocates,
hoowever, rel y that its basic principle
I s taken from nature itself, that it
meI- CTy 1traces' in a more systematic
way, the evolutIon of language in a
child. As proof of practicability,.
they cite the French schools where,
Cz~a Considering Amnesty,
To Lottery Law Breakers
eign word directly with the idea or
object for which it stands, without be-;
ing forced to think of it first through'
the medium of his own language. This
way of teaching, in other words, aims
to instruct the student without the aid+
of any intermediary.-
Suprisingly Simple;
The method as used in France to-
day is surprisingly simple. From the -
very first day of study, on one is al-,
lowed to speak in his native tongue.
fEvery effort is made to have the con-
ditions in the schoolroom as much as1
possible like those which would con-
front an immigrant in a foreign coun-
try. The teacher begins by pointing
'o any well known object in the room
and calling it by its name.' If, for in-
stance, a group of French students
are learning English, he points to a
chair or desk, repeating its name in
English and writing the word "chair",
on the blackboard. The students are
then -made to write the names in their
copy books, but instead of putting
down the name of the object with its
French equivalent beside it, lie draws
some sort of crude picture of the ob-
ject named. In this way he gets a
mental picture of the meaning of the
words that he has written- without
first thinking of them intterms of his
own tongue. .
Concrete Objects Taught
For several months, the teaching is
limited to material objects and the
simpler verbs. After the objects in the
i class room are exhausted, the teach-
er uses a series of pictures especially
designed for this method of teaching,
andwhich are 'now obtainable for use
in almost all languages. In these,
each object depicted is numbered and
indexed 'in a such a way that the stu-
dent may immediately associate the
scene with the proper word.
After the students have mastered
the meaning of several simple verbs,
they begin to study the tenses. The
teacher first gives the student a com-
mand. He says, for instance, "Shut
the window." The imperative is eas-
ily conveyed by an inflection of the
voice. As the student goes to the
window, he is taught to say "I will
shut the window;" as he shuts it he
says "I am shutting the window," and
so on.
Only occasionally is the native lan-
guage used, and then only as a check
on the students, or when the,-teacher'
is not certain that he has conveyed
I)etroit Sociologist Talks Tonight
Edwin Mirlock, Detroit probation
officer, will speak at a supper to be
after fair trials, it has been found to
yield far better results than the old
system of learning by translation and
has been adopted as the official teach-
ing method of the French nation.
Visualizatiop. vs. Translation
It enables the student to think in
the language he is studying, whereas
under the old system this is, impossi-
ble.. Few American students can
think of a horse as "cheval" when
dicticnaries, vocabularies and gram-
mars are all screaming "horse" at
him, say advocates.
The plan has also been shown to pro-
duce better results in teaching stu-
dents to speak a language as well as
write it. "At the end of two years of
study," said Profesor Clavel, "under
this method, a student is just as pro-
ficient at sneaking as he is at reading
or writing. This is one of the' glaring
faults cf the old system."
Havana, Cuba, Nov . 4.-Federal'
sinecures are an American importa-
tion, introduced into Cuba by Ameri-
l can officials, is the charge made in
the preamble to a bill recently ap-
proved by the senate granting amnes-
ty to all those who have broken the
law through their connection with the
national lottery. This official docu-
ment, tecause of the frankness with
which it reals with political graft,
aroused interest in view of the suc-
cess fo Major General E. H. Crowder
in securing the reformation on June
30 by presidential decree of the na-
tional lottery, by ending the illegal
collection through ticket jugling of
nearly $10,00,000 year.
"During the second American inter-
vention," says , the preamble in part,
"with such plausible intentions as the
solution of political difficulties and
the lending of economic assistance to
certain persons, posts were createdI
In all governmental departments
which in reality were not administ-
ered by those named to fill them, al-
though they drew the salaries.- ,
Governiment Consented ...;
It is supposed that Governor Ma-
goon adapted this practice to Cuba
from precdents set in his own coun-
try because the government of the
United States, which could not have
been ignorant of the practice, not only
did not prevent it, but consnted to
it, It was continued after the repub-
tic had been restored, under the pres-
idency of Major General Jose Miguel
"After the establishment of the 'a-
tional lottery, which has had the dou-
ble aspect of a source of public n.
come and a political weapon, imagin-
ary posts were increased considerab-
ly. Moreover, once the tickets had
begun to sell- at prices higher than
those fixed by law, collectorships were
I divided among politicians and persons
of influence and the names of persons
who never existed began to figure,
among the list of collectors."
System Continued Under U.- S.
This system of sinecures was con-
tinued throughout the eight years dur-
ing which General Mario G. Menocal
was president, according to the pre-
amble, and during the first year of the
administration of President Alfredo
Zayas. ,
"It is a fact that nobody can deny,"
the bill continues, "that during more
than 15 years the custom has existed
in absolutely all the fedral depart-
ments ani all classes of society have
benefitted by it. The number of fa-
vors secured by recipients was meat-"
ured by their influence. Whatever
An analysis of, the situationin 15 " AT endment BI MW, uicers
middle-western states, however, seems" "This amendment places upon Con,
to be more comforting to the drys than gres and the several states equal
to the wits, for of some 226 congres- power and obligation to enforce na-
sional candidates, who have pledged tion al prohibition, by effective legi-
sioal anddats wo htionedd The United States Supreme
themselves on the prohibition issue, ton. he Uite te Supreme
175 are avowedly dry and only 51 wet, court has said, after the 'opponents
In Texas, six are wet and 24 dry. Ev- of this measure had marshalled the
ery candidate in Oklahoma's eight dis- best legal argument they could pre-
tricts is dry, while Kansas, Minnesta, ent, that the amendment was binding
Michigan, North Dakota and Kentuc- upon every federal officer, every state
ky ignore the question.. 'officer and every individual within the
California and Massachusetts also jurisdiction of our country. They al-
will submit the wet and dry issue to so stated in that case, which involved
the people, although in forms less di-"only the power of Congress to define
rect than Illinois or Ohio In Callthe ter toxicating liquor and enact
the legislation to enforce the amend-
fornma it appears on the ballot as amnt
referendum nmeasure known as the Defines Purposes
Volst AActwhich would adothasse "The Association Against the -Pro-
chusetts the people will vote on a h i b-i t i o n Amendment announced
measure to formulate state prohibi- through its headquarters at Washing-
tion enforcement regulations in har- ton that its purpose is:
rth-the d"First: To repeal the national pro-
mony wit e Vlstead law. hibition act.
Party Platforms Wet "Second: To provide for light wine
Prohibition is a secondary issue in and beer under legislation adopted in
several other states, including New the states.
York and New Jersey,. for ihe Demo "Third: To repeal the amendment it-
cratic organizations in both state selfr
have inserted wet planks in their plat-
forms. Governor Edwards of New Jer- This program is indefensible be-
seywho as ben a uncmpro Ig cause it attempts to defeat the eight-
sey, who has been an uncompromising eenth amendrnent by ta king- away the
opponent of prohibition since long be- jeral entforcement code which make
fore the Volstead Act became effect- i deratief TeSnpreewcoras
.It operative. 1 The Supreme court has
ive, is running on a platform contain- . sid that it was the duty of Congress
ing a plank favoring the return of to enact n enforcement code. Cong
beer and light wines, and condemningdu tg
the prohibition law as having encour- oessdid itshlty, bept this organiza-
aged 'ootlegging. It is pointed out, ion ays it shall be repealed. If it
however, tht the out, is d one there will be no federal law
however, that the plank is not so to enforce the Constitution. This is
(Continued on Rage Twelve) nlullification pure and simnple.
State Wants to Repeal Law
Their second proposition is to sal-
II E0urohibitory legislation. This.would
Y we had prohibition. The wet states
5wcould bie wet and the dr i ate r-
main dry. O T SThirty-tree states adopted
prohibition before the Eighteenth
Six Courses, All Treating of Bible, amendment went into effect. Ths
. Are Offered by states weold remain 'dry' and possibly
~C.' A. some others. The other states would
eed Discusses anagership
Form Of .City Governmaaent
- That the decision of larger cities of
the United tSates as to whether, to
adopt the city manager form of gov-
ernment will depend largely on the
results of the experiment to be car-
ried on by the city of Cleveland when
it adopts this method of municipal gov-
ernment on January 1, 1923, is the
opinion of Prof. Thomas Harrison
Reed of the political science depart-
ment. "Many cities throughout the
country are being successfully admin-
istered by this means, principally
among the larger cities being Dayton
and Akron. Ohio. Many cities are op-
erating finder the commission form of
government, such as Buffalo and New
Drle-ans, while the great majority still
retain the one-man elective system
of administration the mayor is the
chief executive. New York, Detroit,
Chicago, San Francisco and Los- An-
geles are some of the better examples
of the mayorial system. .
Previous to coming to the Univer-
sity of Michigan this year, Mr. Reed
,vas city manager of the city of San
Jose, California. San Jose is a city
of approximately forty thousand. Such
a form of government has proven high-
ly successful in San Jose, according
o Professor Reed, which is evidenced
by the fact that-its continued use has
been assured for a term of years by
the election of a man to succeed Pro-
fessor Reed.
"It is1y opinion that the city coun-
ril form of government never has
nrnvn to lip 1-n rrv Pfii- fnnf 1" c-nifu1Prt% -
.two hundred thousand, and for this
reason the eyes of city officials are
looking toward Cleveland, to discover
if such a form of municipal admin-
istration is practical in a city con-
taining a large population. Cleve-,
land's population approximates eight1
hundred thousand."
The opening session of the Institute
of Religious Education, which will be
held at Lane Hall under the auspices
of the Student Christian association,
and which will be in charge of George
In explanation of the city manager
form of government, Professor Reed
said that usually five or seven com-
missioners, and sometimes nine in the
larger cities, are elected by the people,
who in their turn elect the city man-
ager. "The manager may be com-
pared to the head of a large corpora-
tion. He is given broad powers which
are only partially curbed by the com-
missioners. He has the power to ap-
point the other city officials such as
the chief of police and the chiefs 'of
the fire department, and to remove
them from office if he should find it
necessary. The commissioners in turn
may unseat the manager if they find
him incapable of performing his duty."
When asked if he would care to ac-
cept the duties of a city managership
in a. city such as Cleveland or New
York, Mr. Reed replied, "I would not
assume the responsibilities of such a
iob for $100,000 a year. It would be
a dog's life. The burden would be too
great. I do not in the least envy the
man who will be elected to such a
"The city manager form of govern-
ment has proven highly successful in
acts were realized by the authorities, Oscar Bowen, of the School of Music,
officials or individuals caused no will be held on Tuesday evening.
alarm nor criticism, except. in a few A general assembly will be held pre-
instances. vious to the two discussion periods, ?
The bill then states that this loot- I one lasting from 7:15 to 8 o'clock'
ing of the treasury became so general Tuesday evening, the other from 8 to
and was tolerated to such an extent # 8:45 o'clock. , During each discussion'
that custom made it possible to via- period three courses will be taught.
late the law with impunity. Switch- The names of the courses to be dis-
ing to the recent economic catastro- cussed during the first period and the
phe which- the republic has suffered, !:names*of those leading in their dis-!
the measure again passes responsibili-' cussion follow: "The Relation of
ty to the United States by declaring: j the Old Testament to Christian Lead-
Influence Caused Disaster ership" by Prof. Leroy Waterman of
"The recnet economic disasters we the denartment of Semetics; "Teach-
have suffered, due not to our admin- ing Methods" by Prof. Calvin O. Davis
istration but principally to our co-op- of the department of secondary edu-
eration with the United States in the cation; "Origin and Development of
great war, by increasing enormously Religious Ideas and Institutions" by1
our sugar production in response to Prof. J. E. Kirkpatrick of the politicalf
American indications, have revealed science department.
facts related to contracts, payments, The names of the courses to be dis-
etc., that have alarmed our people, cussed during the second period and
unaccustomed to these irregularities, the names of those who will teach
which are frequent in other countries them follow: "Some changing relig-
enjoying the reputation of being mod- ious concepts" by Prof. John R.{
l-.'~" Brrm.? tof'th department rof' ig'uin'- ,-,1
enact, under the program of the Asso-
ciation Against the Prohibition Amend-
ment, legislation which the plain in-
tent of the Eighteenth amendment pro-
hibits. The courts have taken judi-
cicl notice that beer and light wine -
are in oxicating liquors and the state
c4ann) 1 gnlize what the federal gov-
'rm lent Prohibits.
Ohio 'Lust dive Support
"The last part of this 'wet' organiza-
tion's program is the only part which
should appeal to low abiding citizens.
No one will deny that a self govern-
ing Veople have the right to change
their constitution or laws by the order-
ly riocess of government. When Ohio
helped to ratify the Eighteenth amend-
ment she assumed an obligation to
sustain and enforce it until it was
changed by the same legal process
by which it wax adopted.
Cleveland, O., Nov. 4.-Activities of
The Association Against the Prohibi-
tion Amendment are being
centered in Ohio this
fall in an effort to liberalize provis-
ions of the state prchibition amend-
ment and "to show the world and
congress that voters f Ohio have