T14E MICHIGAN* DAILY a SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, THE MICHIGAN DATLY SUNDAY, NOVEMB~ER 5, 'APIIA XI DELTA'S YARN MIEN WILL SWELL LEAGUE FUNDS } o i gment the University of Michi- gan League fund, the members of the A? 0:- s'i Delta -,o ority have arranged LO .ke y21111n menl of maize and blue yarn to sell for the Michigan-Wiscon- sin game. The sale will be opened next Friday at the Flower show in Barbour gym- nasium. The yarn men will be sold for ten cent~s each. Residence halls, sororities and league houses will be canvassed and in addition plans have been mhade to sell the yarn men at, the 'Women's League party on the Fri- day before the game.. CHII OMEGA WILL ENTERTAIN AT BIDGE PARTY FOR LEAGUE Benefit bridge teas are being given again this year. Last winter and Sprig these teak , which were given for the Michigan League, proved sue essful and plans have been inaugur- 1c to continue them again this sea- ~n. The members of Chi Omega will .,.certain with a bride tea on the af- ,en'noons of Nov. 24 and 25. Ticket;, ;r'ill be on sale at the end of this week ;. t the candy booth in University haill aind will be priced at $.75 per person or $3.00 for a table. For the benefit of those who do not play bridge, arrangements will be made for other games. Candy and various fancy articles will be sold on both afternoons. NATURAL SCIENCE BUII)ING COURT GARDlEN UJNDE1R WAY Work is now well. unfier way on the garden which is 'being constructed in the court of the Natural Science build- ing by the building and grounds de- partment. The garden plot is to ex-; tend entirely around the edge of the court, while other spaces are being staked off in the center of the opening. plot At the present time more than half of that the cement curbing for the circular cold has been laid and'it Is expectedl the work will. be finished before weather interferes. SPECIAL OFFER: MEL TICKETS: $5.50 FOR 5.00 SUNI)_ Y IIN 'ER AND SUPPER, AFTERI-DINN ER LU~tNCHES WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD FOODS SERTEI) AT MJODERATE PRICES. FREE DANCIlNG FLOOR The Chinese adn "GET THlE HABIT" k / GeilreaI Mee of New York Central railroad yards at Ashtabula, 0., coal shipping center,, showing truing of coal enrouto to. customers. Icailr4 ;d officials" have recntly declared that their roads are now practically caught up with coal shipments and in a position to handle. coming shipments, which means that the old bugaboo "coal shortage" is a bit farther away than it has been for three months. The situation in 'the yards at Ashitabula, 0., shown above, is said to be typ;- ' " ~ the eoal shipping conditions about the country. the h itr. h cino -t oehn o alA Diy story takes place in the S(?, Y classified ad will sell it for your.Av. Seas. London, India, and Nei=:rYork.__-________ ARCADE A I. n as,,.,.esLa mc Street Phone x1549 10. Sunday through We 'dnesdmy Al rann Combining Stage of Unusual Excellence Twvo Beautiful Womren-One.. Offered 'Ih M n u//JJI IJwa~~ - p~ll £ w a y 00pi e s i s 11 11 t~ t ; ,~ t C t s t s Q THEt SESNSMStNSA I'UE1j~ij;1"IiliIII/1I1 111 GREA imellig damain wichthe opuar flU1i111I' 'L ,i rntn nw "rn riI~-In mtI1 W f',l fir 1 ti I I F:44 . ;., t , V h~. I "" si ^ III _. s a garamounti Ida' A GREAT CAST--HEADED BY THEODORE ROBERTS - LEATRICE JOY - EVTA NOVAK - JUNE ELVIDGE -- ALEC B. FRANCIS ON THE, STAGE LAWRENCE LEON PRESENTS THE AMBASSADOR SX SUNDAY MATINEES AND AL LEVEININGS Main Floor ............31c War Tax...... .......le Total........i Balcony ...... ...,.....31c War Tax ............... 4c FAMOUS RECORD MAKERS z~r ftl1f who include