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November 05, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-05

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Ari4 an











Student Directory salesmen will be
stationed at various points on the di-
agonal and other parts of the campus
tomorrow and an intensive effort will
be made to dispose of the entire is-
sue on one day.
The directory will sell for 75 cents,
The arrangement of the various de-



Two Cary Watchmen Suspended
City Council for Participation
in Affair



ing in on him too rapidly driving them
back with well placed passes to Keef-
er. As a change from his usual pro-
ceedure the Lansing star rested _ i-
tent with adding only one touchdown
and four tries for point, to the Michi-
gan total.

Illinois 6, Northwestern 3.
Wisconsin 14, Minnesota 0.
Michigan 63, M. A. C. 0.
Notre Dame 27, Indiana 0.
Wabash 7, Purdue 6.
Kansas Aggies 14, Missouri 10.

Scrubs Display Power in Second Half;
Backs Smash Farmer Line for
Steady Gains
Memories of ten lean years were
wiped out and two stnging defeats o
the past avenged on Ferry field yes-
terday afternoon when the Michigan
Varsity forward passed the Michigan
Aggies to a 63 to 0 defeat, the most
crushing beating administered to the
Farmers by the men of Yost since
1902. "\
Critics who have averred that the
Wolverines were a strong running ag-
gregation but weak on the aerial
game this year will be forever silenc-
ed by the manner in wvhich Univer-
sity warriors showered passes yes-
terday. Thirty-one times the over-
head method of advancing was used
and on 14 of these occasions a blue
jerseyed player was found lying far
down the field with the ball clutched
securely in his arms.
There was no end of variety to this
branch of the Varsity offensive; Goe-
bel, Kipke, Knode, Neisch, and Steg-
er passed from a number of different
formations and hurled: short passes
just over the line of scrimmage and
long ones that carried the play 30
and 40 yards down the field. All in
all the result was direct evidence that
the Wolverines can play the passing
game and play it as it should be play-
Aggies Outclassed
It has been years since an Aggie
team has been as thoroughly subdu-
ed as was the one yesterday. Badly
beaten as they were, however, the
Farmers never gave up and were try-
ng just as hard when the closing
horn sounded over the field as they
were when Blott kicked off for the
first tne. It was simply a case of an
ordinary little team opposed to a good
big team on a day when the big team
yas going unusually well.
From the very outset of the game
it was all to evident that the invaders
were to have no chance with their
more finished foemen. Their running
attack was smothered before it was
fairly started; the plunging backs fail-
ed to reach the line of scrimmage in
many cases and it was a rare occa-
sion when they pierced the Wolverine
wall for more than a yard. The Green
and White linemen were helpless be-
fore the charges of the first string
Michigan forwards and as a result
play after play was smeared almost ir
its inception.
No better comparison of the twc
teams can be made than by a per-
susal of the summary of the play.
Michigan made 17 first down from
scrimmage while the Aggies were se-
cured four, all in the third quarter
when they opened up and made a de-
termined 50 yard march down the
field. Michigan's first downs are bas-
ed on the number actually made by
running plays and does not include
penalties or the several touchdown?
scored. Kipke and Knode punting six
times amassed an average of slightly
better than 49 yards while the AggiA I
booters, Johnson and Hultman aver-
aged just over 47 yards on 12 tries
The Aggies passed nine times and
were successful with only three while
the Wolverines completed. 14 out o
31 for a total of 257 yards. Michigan.
gained 228 yards on running plays
while the Farmers made but 68 yards
on line plunges and end runs conbin-

-5 1

A new star was added to the Michi- Univ. o Detroit 6,Lomard-6.
gan backfield collection yesterday in Kalamazoo college 7, St. Viatora 0.
the person of Jack Keefer, sophomore Ce 21, Albion 7.
halfback, starting his first game as a St. Xavier 13, Ohio Univ. 7.
member of the Varsity. During the Western Reserve 18, Highland 0.
half he was in the game the Dayton
boy was in every play, playing a bril- EAST
I liant defensive game and running near Harvard 24, Florida 0.
perfect interference for his mates, Princeton 22, Swarthmore 13. -
His offensive work was particularly Yale 20, Brown 0.
satisfying, his dashing end runs go- Pennsylvania 7, Alabama 9.
ing for several long advances. It was Cornell 52, Columbia 0.
on the receiving end of a 22 yard pass Syracuse 9, Nebraska 6.
from Goebel that Keefer flashed over Wash. and Jeff 14, Lafayette 13.
the line for his touchdown after one l aware 7, Stevens 0.
of the prettiest bits of open field run- Carnegie Tech 7, Allegheny 0.
niig of the day from the 12 yard line Maine 7, Bowdoin 6.
He was deprived of the glory attend Butler 19, Rose Poly 0.
ant upon two other touchdowns by Boston College 15, Villa Nova 3.
questionable decisions which ruled New York Univ. 13, Trinity 0.
that he dove out of bounds on the wa MPittburg 62, Geneva 0.
over the goal line after receiving tw Marita 0, Grove City 0.
other passes. Atterbain 20, Heidelberg 0.
Steger In Top-Notch Form-
Steger, withheld from the game un only variation from the straight game
til the second half, gave the best ex used and as the Wisconsin and Min-
hibition of football that he has dis nesota scouts saw the Wolverines
played this fall, going at the speed score a touchdown on this same play
which Michigan followers have ex- at Columbus two weeks ago they re-
pected of him. From the time he re-. turned to their respective camps last
ceived the kickoff at the beginning of night with very little of value to re-
the third quarter and returned it 40 port.
yards, all but getting clear for p, Uteritz at first, and later Knode
touchdown, until the final whistle kept the attack so well mixed that the
blew the brilliant sophomore flashed opposition was at sea most of the
all over the field, running the ends for time. Cappon would crash the line a
great gains and making some of the couple of times in succession, Kipke.
prettiest catches on forward passe Keefer or Steger would dash aroundI
that have been seen on Ferry field in end, and then Cappon would be senli
many days. YHis catch of a 25 yard at the line again. About the time the
pass from Knode in the third quar.. Farmers began to bunch up for a con-
ter when he received it in the midst centrated defense against one of these
of three Aggies and broke away for running plays, a pass would be shot
20 yards more was one of the features over their heads and the whole pro-
of the afternoon. Another sparkling gram would start over again. It was
bit was his 42 yard run for a touch- heart breaking for the Lansing adher-
down from a fake place kc forma- ents but nothing couldshave been
tion in the last quarter. When it is setrfrtesuhsadcod
taken into consideration that the Oak Summary of the game:
Park boy scored a perfect place kick
from the 42 yard mark in the third FIRST QUARTER
M. A. C. won the tossand elected to
quarter the total of his afternoon' receive at the east goal: Blott kicked
'work rises high. off to Richards who was downed on
All of the other backs who were in his 25 yard line. Ferris wias stopped
the game for an appreciable time made for no gain. Johnson kicked out of
their presence felt with a vengeance bounds on the Michigan 32 yard line.
although Cappon's line plunging was- Cappon was stopped through center
n't as badly needed as it was last for no gain. Michigan penalized 15
week ,against Illinois and Knode had (Continued on Page Six)
but few occasions to kick. The lat-
ter's passing was unusually accurate
yesterday, his southpaw heaves miss- +
ing their goal only a few occasions- ..
Scoring honors were quite evenly di-
vided with Uteritz getting one touch- _
down, Keefer one, Kipke one, Steger
one, Neisch one, and Cappon and A bishop and several other prom-
Knode each two. inent out of town speakers go to make
Neisch Spalrkles today's services in Ann Arbor church-
Neisch, starting for Kirk at left es of unusual interest.i
end, played a defensive game that "When Paul Forgot His Overcoat"
will remain long in the memories of will be the subject of Mr. Jump's ser-
the spectators. Running attempts mon this morning at the First Con-
around his end were useless and the gregational church. A special musi-
Aggies gave up this play not long af. cal program has been prepared. At 12
ter the game started. He also broke o'clock will be held a fifty-minute open
into the scoring column with a touch- forum conducted by Mr. Mitchell, stu-
down after he had intercepted an Ag- dent pastor. "Phases of Social Work
gie pass and run 60 yards for the in Ann Arbor," will be discussed by
score. This play blighted the only Mrs. Forhals of the community house.
rally the visitors got under way all Student's fireside, chat for University
afternoon and ruined their only pos- people meets at 6:30 o'clock. The top-
sible chance of scoring. ics chosen are close to campus experi-
It all happened shortly after the ence. "Why Join a Church?" is the
third quarter opened with the Michi- subject this evening.
gan team composed largely of substi- y Episopal -
tutes. The Farmers were making a Holy communion and office of instal-
determined march down the field and - lation by the Right Rev. C. D. Wil-
by virtue of three completed passes 'lams, D.D., wil take place at 10:30
interspersed with some successful o'clock this morning at St. Andrew's
plunges by Brady, had carried the w Episcopal church. A musical service
ball to the Wolverine 33 yard stripe. will be held at 5 o'clock. The speak-
The M. A. C. contingent was in an up- er at the supter at 6 o'clock at Har-
roar and the fresh Michigan linemen i ri hall is to be Mr. Edwin Mulock,
were perceptibly worried, McMillan probation officer of Detroit. Before
wrpperbckptotywtrrhed.ourthpas.Mr. Mulock took up his present work
dropped back to try the fourth pass. lie was for several years one of the
He had hardly moved his arm back executives in the social service de-
into position to throw when Neisch eertien the Fociatsry.ce has
streaked in from his flank, tipped the partment of the Ford factory. He has
ball with his upraised hands and he been most successful in both positions
it descended gasthrsed iind and ras and has many interesting things to tell
it descended gathered it in and ran o i ok.
the intervening 60 yards to the goal his work Disciples
line. The Aggie stands were stunned The Church of Christ Disciples will
into complei silence by the rapidity hold services at 10:30 and 7:30 o'clock
with which the tables had been turn- when sermons on, "Jesus at the Well,"
ed. and "Paul at Athens," respectively,
With Yost scouting the Minnesota- will be delivered. Christian Endeavor
Wisconsin game at Minneapolis yes- w
will meet at 6:30 o'clock.

terday assistant coaches Little, Wie- Regular services will be held by Rev.
man, and Vick were in charge of the A. W. Stalker at the First Methodist
squad. One of the pleasing things church. "The Art of Being Lost" is]
they will be able to report to Yost the pastor's subject in the morning.
Wxrhan iP ,.niirn.,.and . A of SL ~ c~ - - .~ .

Colgate 35, Lehigh 6.
Bates 6, Mass. Aggies 0.
Auburn 7, Georgia 3.
Springfield 17, Fordham 0.
Dartmouth 10, Boston Univ. 7.
Wittenburg 6 Oberlin 18.
Army 53 St. Boniventure 0.
Depauw 37, Kenyon 7.
Virginia M. 1. 62, Catholic Univ. 0.
Holy Cross 10, Georgetown 0.
Georgia Tech. 21, Crimson 7.
Centre 27, Ky. Univ. 3.s
Vanderbilt 14, Tennessee 6.
North Carolina 19, Tulane 12.
Ann Arbor 27, Kalamazoo 0.
Muskegon 6, Saginaw 0.

COPY OF RESOLUTION TO BE partments has not been changed to
FORWARDED TO PRES. BURTON any extent. Faculty members, organ-
---- izations, and students are listed.
Sitting on the affair of the shooting
at Cary, on Oct. 22, of Theodore C.
Reissing, '24, the grand jury at Up-
per -Sandusky returned indictments on
two counts Friday against Andrew
Greer, village night watchman, who
did the shooting, and one against Ed-
ward Gibbs, the other officer in the
affair. The indictments against Greer
were, first, shooting with intent to Campaign wYil Last for Four Days;
kill, and second, assault and battery
and pointing a firearm.. Gibbs was 3,0104 Subscriptions Goal Set
charged with assault and battery. by Staff
Warrants for the arrest of both men
A..K. Hall of Upper Sandusky,
county prosecuting attorney, has ac- I TA
tively interested himself in the case.
Last Monday aW interviewed people Michiganensian subscriptions will
connected with the affair in Cary, and be offered to students on the campus
came here last Thursday where he re- Tuesday when the drive to obtain sub-
ceived the sworn statements from 17 I scriptions for the year book opens. In
students who witnessed the shooting, the four days that the campaign lasts
and 2 townspeople. These statementsyg
were presented to the grand jury. He it is planned by the staff that at least
has been assisted in this work by P. 3000 subscriptions be obtained.
J. Pennell, special representative of A gigantic thermometer; that will
Gov. H. L. Davis of Ohio. I mark. the gradual progress of the
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Men,
George Burke, University attorney, drive is being constructed. It will be
and the four students who were im- erected in front of the library, and as
prisoned and fined at Cary, appeared subscriptions are obtained they will
before the grand jury at the session be recorded there.
and gave their testimony. The senti- T
ment of both the people and officials of The price of the annual will be
Cary was reported as being favorable $5.00 this year, a reduction of fifty
to the students, and Dean Bursley was cents from the 1922 price. In case
questioned many times as to Reissing's the 3000 copies that are the goal of the
condition by people who expressed i- ~



Badger Captain Makes Great
Gophers Fight to Exhaus-


(By Associated Press)
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 4.-Wiscon-
sin displayed a marked superiority
over her ancient gridiron foe, Minne-
sota, in -a bitter struggle on Northrop
feld hn thi s nfftrnnna nd trin-

Stealk Dinner, Recognition Ribhons to
Go to Team Securing Most
Plans for the life membership drive
of the Union to be held Nov. 7, 8, and
9, now almost complete, will be fin-
ished when all the team captains and
team members meet at 7:30 o'clock to-
morrow evening in the assembly hall
of the Union.
To the man securing the largest
number of subscriptions for life mem-
berships will be awarded the Otto H.
Hans loving cup, a personal -gift from
the man whose name the cup bears,
and to the team getting the highest
number of subscriptions will be giv-
en a steak dinner at the Union and
ribbons ,fdr the team members hav-
ing engraved in gold upon them. the
words, "Member of High Team, Life
Membership Campaign, Union 1922",
The ribbons given to the winning
team will admit those wearing them
as guests of honor to the dance at
the Union, Nov. 17, free of cost.
Classmen to Pay Class Fees Tomorrow
At Booths Assigited to
Members of the Student Council
speaking of "Class Dues day" to be
held for the'first time tomorrow,.ex-
pressed the opinion yesterday, that a
satisfactory solution of the problem of
collecting class dues had at last-been
reached . It was said that by concen-
trating the collection of all dues on
one date, -a great deal of unnecessary
labor and confusion will be eliminat-
Booths will be placed in prominent
positions in the buildings of the var-

elHere Lns a ernoon, ana aump- teslsas'ryoryfrhef-
ed 14 to 0. The Green Gopher elev- fair, and in favor of Justice being
en which had not yet tasted defeat, 3 do n d T ectvor of ju t ycpb ss-
fought valiantly but the Badgers were! done. The city council of Cary pass-
not to be denied and led by their ed a resolution on Oct. 30, disclaiming
brilliant Capt. Rollie Williams, waged responsibility i the matter and ex-
an offensive in the second half which presig regret at the Incident.
Minnesota could not withstand.
The defeated eleven, fighting to the f !!
last ounce, was .so exhausted in the VI
closing minute of play that time out

had to be taken after nearly every for-r
mation for one or more players.
The game was played on a water
soakd. fef efor a.home nmn


drive are ordered, an additional re-
duction in price will take place, low-
ering the cost to $4.50. In this case
the fifty cents paid by previous sub-
scribers will be refunded.
It will be possible again this year
to pay for subscriptions through par-
tial payments. .If this is done, a price
of $5.50 will be charged, $2.50 to be
paid at the time of subscribing and
the remainder 'at a later date. The
price will be reduced to $5.00 in the
case that over 3000 copies are order-
Faculty Concerts
Cammence Today
This season's series of faculty con-
certs under the auspices of the School
of Music will be initiated at 4:15 o'-
clock this afternoon in Hill auditor-
lum when several musicians of local

Mimes has arrived! It proved its
crowd of 25,000 persons, the largest Mmshsarvd tpoe t
to ever witness a contest on Northrop right to this claim by its week-end
field. The Badger captain and half- performance, the Farmer's Spotlight.
back, Williams, covered himself with the second offering of which was giv-
glory in probably one of the greatest I en last night in Mimes theater.
exhibitions of broken field rungng in The program was one that might
Western Conference football. He tore Iwell be applauded 'by professionals.
off the Minnesota tackles like a human To Gordon O. Rice, '25, and John R.
tornado, side-steplmd, w'i'nding, and Grylls, '25, go the chief honors, for
twisting himself loose from tackler their clever impersonation of the. Gal-
after tackler. lagher and Sheen act of Zi egfield Fol-
Minnesota by her defeat is virtual- lies fame. Several teams of the same'

ly eliminated from the Big Ten race. character are now touring the vaude- prominence will unite in offering the ious coleges on the campus so that
ville circuits of the country, but few following program: there will be no possibility of confu-
can compare with Rice and Grylls. The Quartet in B flat, Op. 76, No. 4......sion with the booths belonging to oth-
'keynote of their success was person-........................Haydn er colleges. They will be open from
rhn Churches - .ality plus originality plus confidence- Allegro con spirite . 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'-
three gods whom all true Thespains Adagio clock in the evening. Their location
worship. Minuetto will be as follows: lit, main corridor
Chon and Meiss, saxophonist and Allegro ma non troppo of University hall; school of educa-
conscious Locks and Bars." It is the pianist, deserved their applause and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood. tion, first floor, Tappan hall; engineer-
second of a series of practical ser- encores, because theirs was an act of violins: Marion Struble, viola; Her- ing school, second floor engineering
mons in applied psychology. After a merit. Chon is master of the saxo- bert Grant, violoncello. building. The position of the others
young people's supper, Dr. J. M. Me- phone. No trill or run is too difficult Fantasie in F minor, Op. 49...Chopin has not been definitely been decided,
Indoo, who was for many years head for him, while ,the syncopated melody Mrs. George B. Rhead. but it is expected that they will al'
of the Ford Junior Republic, will which Meiss rendered was excellent. Una Notte a Venezia......Lucantoni be placed in conspicuous parts of the
speak on, "The Boy and Self-Govern- The keys surrendered to him, I Les Mois des Mois ............ Moret various buildings.
ment"c i Livingstone and Roser scored a Vraiment les Belles Sonts Vol-.
Services in English will be held at round of laughs with their humorous ages... ...Foudr EMILY POWELL MAC
the Bethlehem Evangelical ierty' patter, which was the more appreci- Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler.
10:30 o'clock. The topic is, Liberty ated because the title of their skit Hejre Kati, Op. 32, No. 4 H.....Hubay INTOSH, '19, D I E S
of Conscience-A priceless Heritage of -1"In Durance Vile," forecasted tragedy.I "Christmas" from "The Seasons"
the Reformation.' abut turned out to be a volley of rap- . Op. 37A, No. 12...........Mrs. Douglas Clyde MacIntosh (Emi-
What is termed as "The Light of id comedy. Minuet in D major, from Divertimentd, ly Powell), '19, died Friday evening
the World" will be .delivered at the "The Midnight Sons", a quartette of ......Tschaikowsky-Hartman in her home in New Haven, Conn., fol
morning service of the First Baptist harmony artists, were good, as was Op. 17................. Mozart lowing an illness of six weeks, The
church. "ResurgingPaganism"is to be expected, for the tradition that Mazurka in G major, Op. 26.Zarzycki tfuneral will be held Monday morn-
Mr. Sayles' tonic for the esvning serv- surrounds the name they bear de- Samuel P. Lockwood. ing from the home of her mother, Dr.
ice LutheranI mands that they be good. Burton Nocturne, Op. 27, No. 2........Chopin Nettie Bainbridge Powell, '92M, of
A German service will be held at St. Hyde, '25M, is too well known to the Waltz, Op. 64, No. 3 ..........Chopin Marion, Ind.
Paul's Lutheran church at 9:30 campus for his expert.marimbaphone Etude, Op. 25, No. 11......Chopin The marriage of Miss Powell and
o'clock. Bible school will meet at playing to require further explanation Mrs. George B. Rhead. Dr. MacIntosh, Dwight professor of
10:30 o'clock. A service in English than the fact that he was on the pro-, It Was a Lover and His Lass........,philosophy and theology in the gradu-
will be hel d at 11:30 o'clock. gram. Arthur Coates, '22E, warbled.........................Walthew ate - school of Yale university, which
'Aill bem held at11: 'clock. "T his way through a number of popular ! Madama Butterfly-Love Duet from took place Feb. 13, 1921, created na-
Clermn in erman, entite Ne songs-and "he sure can warble Act I-.. ..............Puccini tional interest.
Cleansing of the Church of the New some. Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler. During her four years at Michigan
the Zion Lutheran church. "The Fruit- Greenblower and Bartlett appeared Accompaniments by Mrs. Rhead and s Powell was probably the best
t in an exhibition of gymnastic eats Clara Lundell. - known woman on the campus. She
bearing Branches" is the topic for the which are so well performed that one was a member of the University Y. W.
evening worship. has strong suspicions that they are SYRACUSE DEFEATS C. A. cabinet, vice-president of the
will be held by Rev. L. A. Barrett, DI not strangers to the professional I Woman's League, composer of the
wis benhel r retttD. stage. L. J. H. NEBRASKANS, 9 - 6 music for the Junior Girls' play of
D., this morning in the First Presbyte- 118adcirnofteI
an church. The Student class un- 1918 and chairman of the play com-
rian curh. heStuen clssun- - mittee for that. year, a inero the
der the direction of Prof. W. D. Hen- NEIDLINGER W INS Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 4.-East tri- staff of the inander anmember of the Girls'
derson will meet at noon to discuss umphed over West today by the mar- s Ge clu and er of Sim Al-
"What We Know About the New Tes- FOR YALE ELEVEN gin of one field goal, Syracuse univer- Gleea a o myver Seior so-
taient." Alex. Burr, Grad., will lead --- sity defeating the University of Ne-!pitansoroy r ,s
the Young People's meeting at 6:30 New Haven, Conn., Nov. 4. - With braska 9 to 6 in ' the hardest fought ciety and Mortarboard.
o'clock on the subject, "Camp Prob- - spectacular passes and brilliant runs battle witnessed here in years. The b yMiss Powell was president of Ngew-
lems." by Neidlinger, third string quarter- field was heavy and few trick plays berry residence during 118-19, having
"Upper Room" back, Yale played the undefeated - were attempted, straight football pre- lived n the dror ry during her en-
Ann Arbor Bible Chair and "Up- Brown eleven off its feet and romped dominating. Fourteen thousand per- tire Ann Arbor residence.
per Room" Bible classes meet from, away with a 20 to 0 victory in the sons witnessed the upset of the Corn-
9:30 to 10:15 o'clock in Lane hall. l Yale bowl here today. Thrice Neid- I huskers. I BISHOP TO ADDRESS
"Adam and the Fallen Man" is the linger brought the 35,000 spectators In the third period with the score WT I 'V AT (TTTTIn

Serubs See Action
If it were possible to pick any in-
dividual stars of the winning team in
such a field meet Kipke, Keefer, Steg-
er, and Neisch would receive the
award for outstanding individual per-
formances. Of the forwards, Muir-'
head and Slaughter were especially
noticeable from the sidelines and
made the left side of the line practic-
ally impregnable to the Aggie ad-
vances. Of the 30 odd men that were
sent into the game from the Michigan
bench none seemed out of place and
some invaluable relief material was
uncovered during the course of the
afternoon. Captain Johnson, Neller.
and Beckley lokoed the best for the


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