; THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDA CRT\ TEAMS 9I AT SPREAD freshmen will be played at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon. Seniors and juniors will play at 4:30 o'clock. The plan of announcing the teams at a hockey spread was tried this year: for the, first time. The spread,,which was in charge of Georgia Church, 123, was attended by more than 75 wo- men. Dscussing Te ,BritshCrisis League Models Display s4 - y Styles LA S G:AMEF TO RE PLAYED THRF LATTER P ,RT OF NEXT ! WEEK Hockey teams to represent the sen- ior, junior. sophomnore, and freshmen, classes were announced by Miss Eliza-;~J~~~j f beth Sehon of the department of phys.- ical education at a hockey spread/- held Thursday evening' at Barbour gymnasium., Chaperones for the dances tonight The teams are as follows: The sen.. are as follows: Union-Miss Martha ior first' team-M~arion Brown, Helen Hdills. Armory - Mrs. H. W. Cake. Miller, Georgia Church, Martha Dodd. Packard--Mrs. H. G. Berger. Donard Van~ Zandt, Frances Strykeri Grace Fry, Frances Ames, Kathryn Life-membership pledges for the Potter, Runth Waldron, Dorothy Brown, University of Michigan League may be Dorpthy Lippold. Joyce VanAlstyne, laid to borothy Wylie from 3:30 to and Carolyn Johnson; the senior squad 5 o'clock every Friday afternoon in -Ilene Fisher, Dorothy Klooz., and Neva Lovewell's office in Barbour Nathalie Chapman. :-ymnasium. Those in the junior first team are-? Dorothy Bogan, lizabeth Lauver, About 30 houses have failed to call Crrice Cassidy, Norma Bowbeer, Mar- for the blanks for signing out which ion Wills, K~atherine Ainsworth, Lu- are now ready at the office of the cilia Walker, Helen Delbridge, Wini- ;dean of women. House ,presidents free' Oraigi e, M4ary inlays, Margaret , re urg-ed to call immediately for Ann Keegan, Anna Sheldon, and Mary these blanks and to see" that they are Earljy: tft junior 'squad-Elizabeth turned in at the end of this month.. Pike, Lucretia Prewer, Eleanor Steele; Vera JZenaga, :Elizabeth Cain, 'Elsie The cast of "The Knight of the Burn- Tracy: E~tl er Heidleman,, :Mriai WickallJesse Uckham Murel ng Pestle" is asked to report prompt- y lyin Sarah Caswell. Angell hall forl l~imighan, NaaleClover, an>d io rehearsals. Today's schedule is aq thyrMi t l l :. follows: Nine o'clock, Prologue and M4embers of the sophomtore firs" 'Act I; 9: 30 o'clock, Act II; Ii0 o'clock, itam arc=--JIorothy Davis, Charlotte Act 111; 10:.30 .o'clock, Act IV; 11 SprJgTj - uen. Helen Brace, Martha Gill., 'lcAtV Elizabheth Liebermaann, Margaret __________ 'Chamberlain, Virginia Cronin, Mar- . Michigan Song Books, MemorN ga9ret -Poet. Marianna Smalley, Mar- Books, Book Ends, and Jewelry at ilia.ci rd.:on~, ack itl l soOhim acher, Marga ret ....,ti_______-.,.. Beal, and Pauline Gallagher; the __________________ sophonwo squad- Olive: Fast and larguret Hays. MNembers of the freshman first SPECIA L tea ,iare- "Morg, ret Cu'mmngs, Ger- trude Mohiler., Marion Lindsley, A~iee SH W N' Langthorn, Dorothy' Patton, Dorothy Ogborn, Ellen VanZandt, Eunice Rose, for Saturday Betty Parrott. Ingred Jeivell, Franct', Hluff, Eline Stevely, Helen Wicks; DRESS H T the freshmnan. squad-Tan eta Doster, 1Do.,othy Young, Anna VanTuiyle, Flor- I 'h ence Adams, Marie Reed, Gertrude th Kopf, Helen Strauss, Cleo Nicolai, Vir- prevailing jolors at ginia Kersey, lvlarian Lawless, Alice, You.ng, Jesse Sprague, MVIargaret Gar- $10.00 riolt, Anna Wheeler, Ingrid Alving, Faythe B~rueek, Beulah North,. and Charlotte Jacobs. The hockey tou.rnament gamner FLOWVERS were also. announced. The juniors will play thte fresamen at 4:15 o cloci-I FOR DRESSES Wednesday afternoon at Palmer field. While the juniors and freshmen are resting between halves, the seniors and sophom~ores will take the field at DANA 4:3l0 ' 1clv, k. Te seniors will play A * the fres m~zen at 4:15 o'clock Thurs- ;IC AR SO day afternoon;, the juniors and sopho- 15E iet t mores playig at 4:30 o'clock, TheĀ° games betwveen the sophomores and the i Whether the style show presented; yesterday afternoon by 'the Women's League was a greater success than the one given ,last year or, not, is hard to determine. Varied in design, rich in color, and clever In line, the beau- s ;ty of each garment displayed was ac- centuated by it's wearer. r Among the costumes were a black velour suit trimmed with heavy bands of black fur; a red canton crepe ev- ening gown, gracefully draped and caught at the side by a large silver ornament. Over this was worn a red velvet wrap, trimmed with black fur. Another noticeable costume consisted of a red sweater, trimmed with whlto chinchilla, and a red skirt to match. The models were Helen Sherman from Alpha Xi Delta,' Irene Lutz from. Alpha Omicron Pi; Cliveous Hancock from Chi Omega; Bertha Green from 1Newberry residence ; Edith Bishop from., Kappa Alpha Theta;. Helen Bus- ter from P; Beta Phi; and Hlarriet Burry from Sorosis. were elected: Natalie Jordan, '23, vice- president; Harriet Blum, '23, secre- tary; 'Martha Chapin, '23, and treas- urer, Helen.' Allan, '23. DOR1MITORY ELECTS STAFF FOR ANNUAL This year the residents of' Betsy Barbour house will publish an an- nual for the first time. It is expectec'i by the editors that the publication will be ready for the press by the end of May. The following staff was elected Fri- day:, editor-in-chief, Charlotte Clag- ett, '24; business manager, Margaret Fairbanks, '23; assistant business man ager, Cara Murbach, '23; art eoli- tor, Louise Eckert, '23; assistant art} editor, Janet Vanderburg, '26; photo-k graphic editor, Harrie Hollon, '24; as- sistant photographic editor, Kitty, Broadhead, '24; literary editor, Ruth Howell, '24; feature editor, Rosalie Frenger, '25; assistant, Grace McDon- ald, '26. Wr ___________ PoRT'IiA LITERARY SOCIETY A1RANGES SOCIAL FIt1TIN S Members of Portia Literary societyl discussed several, social functions which will be held in the future at a meeting held last evening in Mason; halt. The first of, these, a get-to-geth- er; party, will "take place Wednesdgy afternoon, Nov. 10, at the Kappa Del- ta house. Other affairs, which are not as yet def T announced later. Graduate Women Entertain Informally About 20 graduate w"omnen met Thursday afternoon at the home of Dean Jean Hamilton. Tea was serv- ed and the afternoon spent informal-. ly. Mrs. Alfred Lloyd' and M1!iss Alice Croclker were present to meet the wo- men and' help them to become better acquainted. Students' 3harriage Announced Announcemuent has been mnade of the marriage of Mary Washburn, '22, School of Music, to Robert Ball, '211, The marriage took place on Saturday, Oct'. 28, in Toledo, Ohio. finitely decided upon, GIRLS" EDUCATIONAL CLUB HOLDS ELJECTION OF OFFICERS Due to the resignation of' Lucile Welty, '23, president, and Rose Tobias, '23 secretary, the Girls' Educational club, held an 'election of officerslWed- nesday evening at Betsy Barbour dormitory. The following officers 'MIichigan Pail- -nd Chimes for $4.50, LAST TIME TODAY beifu.gil woi knowiteou l tak yi.eitoaryn iiofngs f yo J!. . ' Ambassador Harvey, at right, and Sir Robert Horne,' clwain1g, George Harvey, ambassador to Great Britain from the U. S., and Sir Robert .Horne, a dominant figure in British politics, had just attended the dedication of the new Port of London Authority building when this, photo Iwas taken, but they were discussing the British political situation when interrupted by the photographer. .L M. A. C. VISITORS! TODAY ONLY THE SPLENDID CHARACTER ARTIST LON rCH ANE Y Whom you all remember in "Miracle Man," "Outside the Law," "The Penalty," etc., in his latest screen triumph, "THE TRAP", DY KINOGRdAMS 'ORCI 'When you are in Ann Arbor you will want as .good food as it is possible to' get away from that wonderful Home Eco- nomics cooking. 'After the game when you are' cold 'and hun- gry, and wish to be perfectly at home surrounded by excellent, food at reasonable prices COME: IESTR A . .- . STAGE AND THE GOOD STARTING TOMORROW (SUNDAY) SCREEN FEATURES OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE' LUCK STARN I MUSICAL DIVERTISSEMENT Come To ---- Thomas Meighan in his latest picture now "burning 'eem up" at the Adams Theatre in Detroit "THE, MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW"9 The Famous Recording Artists Ambassador Sextette with the clever entertainer HARRY HOF'FMAN playing their own arrangement of popular numbers 1f~~.11 _{D~-OG3o The Y. W. C. A. CAFETERIA ONE BLOCK OFF STATE' 508 WILLIAM llA 1'Cl OUT FOR BUTTERFIELD'S ANNIVERSARY ;WEEK I PA! I LAST TJIME TODAY "The Spenders" - with. NILIS WELCH and JOSEPH DOWLING "f F yaracemr- i- ,sKate Cla ot With Lilliar) and''r t .,f Are Their Enough, DiesaYorHuse? COMEJDY NEWS i 044i " I A .. i -.0 1 I'll SudyDne MENU SOUP Cream of Asparagus Wafers Hearts of Celery Roast Sirloin Beef, Brown Gravy Roast Young'Chicken' with Dressing Creamed Corn Mashed Potatoes rJLove -,,often'. bears the hardest blows Eof Fate: wo.pharts sist~ers, one blind, vue a victim of a' noblemans lust, brought (near by~a voice, are thrust apart 'again by Ja thief'sI geed and : a'" spy'oslaw. The Cimactic aocn~ n a story# that 'mts t67-pmutof all huan > etitO1LS. ..sue " , ,4 11 f ., P~erhaps for some reason you didn't have the op- portunity to subscribe to the Daily at the first of the year. If so, this is the time to enter. your sub- scription. Don't read the other fellow's paper. You should have one of your own. USE THE COUPON S., I :.- Fruit Salad .Rolls '4 / '- t' DESSERT I-Iomt, Mde Apple or Raisin Pie Kr MR. CIRCULATION MANAGER; Press Bldg., Ann Arbor. Vanilla. Ice Cream Coffee Milk Tea LA Price Enclosed find my check for $3.50 for which please sen~. The Michigan. Daily to the following address: 12:00 TO 2:00 P. M. PRICE--$1.00 1 f $3.50 1 J S. . . . . . . . . * C . . . . .. S C 54 'I - I , 4 r , I