IE MICHIGAN DAI r) .. ...rwr ..... ..... .... .,.......,.,, ...;. .Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN WOLVERINES READY FOR M. A. C. TEAM the years of intercollegiate c omnpeti- tion here no outside paid advertising has been done, it is said. RAIL EXECUTIVE DIES SUDDENLY ation in iversity. 0 3 the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922 Number 3; Automobije Parking: "The parking of automobiles upon the campus shall b'e in accordance with regulations which may from time to time be made by the Secretary and the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Notices shall be posted or otherwise published accordingly. En:orcement of these regulations shall be carried out by the Superintendents of Buildings and Grounds, all in ac- cordance with Public Act No. 80, as amended by Public Act No. 302 of 1907." (Action of the hegents Septe uber 29, 1922.) The above mentioned legislative ac' specifically empowers governing boarWs of State institutions to enact police legislation for the grounds un- der their charge with full provision for enforcement through the office of the Prosecuting Attorney of the Coun"y in which such grounds are located. The attention of the public, and of me nbers of the University in particular, is respectfully called to the above legislation of the Regents, and to regula- tons established in accordance there vith by the Buildings and Grounds Department. It is admitted by all that parking regulations are necessary, if accidents involving damage to cars are to be avoided. The purpose. of these regulations is the greatest good to the greatest number with the least possi- ble inconvenience to anyone. It is not the intention to enforce these regula- tions in a harsh or arbitrary manner, but it is necessary that they be en- forced. ' The parking arrangements now made at the north entrance of Uni- versity Hall will as rapidly as possible and with proper modifications be ex- tended to other parking places on the campus. SHIRLEY W. SMITH. Executive Board of the Graduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Friday, Nov. 3, at 4 p. m. ALFRED H. LLOYD. Scholarly Publications by Faculty: Members of the faculties are asked to send lists of their scholarly pub- lications, July 1, 1920, to June 30, 1921, to the office of the Graduate School NOT LATER THAN NOON ON SATURDAY NOV. 4. Lists should be com- plete as to all information called for following the form here given, books being given first, then articles, and both being in chronological order: Doe, John A.; New theories about the elements. A. Bookmaker and Co. New York, 1921. xi, 301 p., 10 pls. - What I have found about it. (With James Smith) Am. J. Sci., 1921, v 50, p. 21-100, 3 figs. Lists should be typewritten. Blanks, in letter size, may be had at the office. -ALFREP H. LLOYD. University Club: Club night and entertainment Friday, Nov. 3, at 8 p. m. HENRY F. ADAMS, Secretary. American Chemical Society, U. of M. ,Section: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9, at 8 p. m. in the Ci'.emical Amphitheatre. Professor W. Lee Lewis, Chairman of the De- partment of Chemistry, Northwestern University, will deliver an address on "The Organic Chemist at Work." The' meeting will be open to the public and all interested are welcome to attend. C. C. MELOCHE, Secretary. Persons Interested in Lighting: Will have an exceptional opportunity to see various systems of illumi- nation in an illustrated lecture by Mr. A. L. Powell, lighting expert and au- thor of many technical publications on this subject, at the Hotel Tuller in Detroit on Friday afternoon, Nov. 3, at 4 p. m. Students of the Univer- sity are especially invited to attend th's demonstration. H. H. HIGBIE. (Continued from Page Seven) famed for his line plunging. Oster is. the pick for full back and is continu- hIg to hold his oun on defense and offense. Grose will run the team at quarter and so far this season he has shown ability as general. Coach Richard's Badgers have been strengthened by a rest of two weeks and in that time Captain Rollie Wil- liams has recovered from early seas- on injuries completely, and with him back at left half are bound to be hot. Besides Williams in the back field there are three other men who are considei'ed some of the best in the West. Gibson will play right half with Taft playing full. "Shorty" Barr is slated to run things from quarter and he is looked upon as one of the real quarter backs in the Big Ten. Irish and Tebell will handle the flanks with Schernecker and Murry playing at the tackle positions. Chris- tianson and Hohlfield will be in at the guard stations and Nichols will play the center. It would be a hard matter to dope either team to win. Minnesota has won from Indiana 20-0 and from Ohio W omen Opposes (By Associated Press) C Philadelphia, Nov. 2.-Too much - Confederate Vet hard and continuous work is believed For House Seat by friends to have been the chief fac- tor in the sudden death of Thomas De- Witt C-jer, national 'railroad fig- ;re, who was found dead in a Penn- sylvania railroad private car today. They had for some time warned him to "go slow", telling him that for man of his years-lie wa 8-he was working too hard. Mr. Cuyler, who was chairman o0f the Association of Railway Exeu tives, and a director in the Pennsyl nia,' the Santa Fe, and the New York, Ni= Haven, and Hartford railroads, dd - Ias his car was coming into Phil del- phia from Rochester, N. Y., where lie spoke yesterday on railroad natter. A report made to the coroner's of- fice gave the cause of death as aeutI e dilation of the heart. The bod was taken to Mr. Cuyler's home at ilaver- ford, a suburb, where relatives from New York and other cities gahcred tonight to complete funeral arrange. ments. Spanish Society Admits Members 30 new members were admitted jn- to La Sociedad Hispanica, campus Your force of character, your individa lity, the. things that make.YOU-- are well brought out in our'Ensian photographs The 'Ensian Ivanhs photo- graphs early. You 'lldo your share 1y having your sitting soon. 'Phone 60-4W { State 9-0, uLt sinewUtoUa4'1-i tie Mrs. Lindsay Patterson Northwestern. Wisconsin has defeat- ed Indiana 20-0. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson of Winston- _dIndiana_2_-_.__ Salem, North Carolina, a Republican, is putting up a hard fight to capture GOPHERS AND BADGERS the seat in congress now occupied by 1 REPARE FOR CONTEST Representative Sledman, the onlyl confederate veteran in the house. (Continuied from iage Six) MMESO EIRLT to play and will start tomorrow in ITTEEES OF AENIOUNLIT all probability. Neisch, who would be COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED a star flanker on any other team in the Big Ten but who is handicapped (Continued from Page One) by being opposed to Captain Goebel bins, and Albert J. Parker; promen- and Kirk here, has given two great ex- ade-Paul Watzel, chairman; J. B. hibitions of end play in the last two Glasgow, J. B. Fairbanks, : Beatrice major engagements and will no doubt Hoek, and Iouise J. Graham; pub- play at least half of the game tomor- licity--Martin Klaver, chairman; row. Frank McPike, E. P. Lovejoy, Virgin- Marion Breaks Wrist ia V. Tryon, and Dorothy Bennetts; The second serious injury in two reception-Lawrence Snell, chairman; Spanish club at a special meeting in room 205 University hall last night. Students of Spanish are showing an unusual interest in the club this year according to Frederick Marin, '24, one of the " officers. Membership in the club is limited to 50 but it is expected that this number will be reached at the next meeting which will be held next Thursday. AR C A D C '0 Prraits 619 Efast Liberty Street days was sustained by the first All- fresh eleven yesterday in the scrim- mage with the Reserves, Dutch Mar- ion, yearling star end receiving a broken wrist in tackling one of the Reserve ball carriers. He will be out of the game for the rest of the season. With Vick, Marion has formed one of the best passing combinations on Fer- ry field and is being counted upon for one -f the Varsity end positions next year. The other ,casualty is Quarter- back Grube, Mather's first choice for the pilot post, who received a brok- en ankle in the scrimmage with the Varsity Tuesday afternoon. Will Advertise Cames A new departure in Michigan athlet- ic policies is the decision of the Ath- letic association to advertise the re-' maining grid encounters in newspa- pers, contractshaving been let to De- troit and Ann Arbor papers. In all W. K. Galbraith, E. S. Reid, Seward Cramer, Helen Huff, Helen Buster, and Carribel Schmidt; senior sings- James Stevens, chairman; J. J. John- son, E. F. Lambrecht, Virginia. Bro- del, and Martha McLean; social- Clayton Seagars, chairman; M. E\ Croxton, Nelson Joyner, Jr., Rober'i Knode, Helen Roberts, Esther Welty, and Francis Ames; athletics-H. H. Mudd, chairman; C. C. Kreis, and W. G. Miller. A meeting of the chairmen of all committees will be held at three o'- clock Friday afternoon, Nov. 3, in room 302 of the Union, when plans for the entire year will be discussed and the functions of the various com, mittees will be explained. f# a "' Just 'ceaud 1923 Thi e New MICHIGAN VALENAR BEST EVER. 75c. Menmbers of Alpha Nu: The society try-out for Midwest Debate will be held Room, Friday, Nov. 3. The question is-"Resolved, That adopt the English system of unemployment tax." Members out are urged to be present. 1n Alpha Nu United States desiring to try a t U NKVSTRE BOOKSTOE F. ALLABAN. Wichigan Daily and Chimes for- w 4.54.I I . I - .1 Lose something? A classified in the Daily will find it.--Adv. I WHATS GOING ON NOTICE-Copy for this column should be sub mitted .by :t3 o'clock of- the lay before publication. FRIDAY 5:00 Chimes business staff and try.. outs meeting in the Press building. 7:30-Alpha Nit meets for Varsity de- bate tryouts. Members only. 8:00--Gradmito school party, Barbour gymnasium. - 8:00-Polonia Literary -circle smoker in room 321, Union. 8 :00-Fiarmers' Spotlight vaudevilLs at Mimes theater. SATURDAY 7::30-Craftsmen of the University of Michigan meet in )the Masonic temple. 8:00-Chinese Friendly circle meets in Wesley hall. S :01-Farners' Spotlight vaudeville at Mimes theater. ente t U-NOTICES All cross country men who intend to enter the race on Saturday should not do any training Friday, as an- nounced by coach Sullivan. The Presbyterian Young People's Hallowe'en pary will be held tonight tonight at the Thomas farm just outside the city limits. All those going meet at Lane hall at 7 o'clock this evening. FENTON GIVES SERIES OF INFORMAL TALKS ON FOSSILS' C. L. Fenton, of the geological de- partment, gave the first of a seriesdof informal talks on fossil life in the Natural Science building yesterday. These talks are somewhat different from the ordinary run of lectures on such subjects, and are something of an innovation in the geological de-, partment. It has been planned to make the series 6take the place of regular, conferences in the course in Geology 4A, and at the same time have them open to any who wish to attend. There will probably be eight talks in all, one to be delivered at 10 o'- clock and repeated at I1 o'clock oni each Thursday. Former llarvard Professor Dies Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 2. - Robert Wheeler Willson, president emeritus ofP astronnm'u at T-Harvd nnpritv. RIDE FOR EXERCISE There is no better exercise than riding. If you are physically tired or mentally bored, a brisk trot around the boulevard will work wonders. In one short hour you will have gained a new lease on life. THE MULLISON STABLES 326 East Ann Phone 87 i 0 CHI MIIES ootball f weg1rro ; E IlIHIcH s Every. noon, evening: Fresh, Tasty . PAUL ,. - . Salads, 8c -25c SAYS A FABOUT FOOTBALL t Af N-D ScBEST salads in town!" That's the verdict of dozens who have actually gone the rounds before de- ciding on the Michigan Cafe- teria. T h e r e' s everything from simple cottage cheese salad at 8c to an elaborate shrimp preparation at 25c. SOMEBODY I 1 1 i k REME MBERS COACH Y05T AS THEDMNTCL i tl %n sale today and to orrow Michigan r+ r o I