(JEERlED BY VICTOR Y; ;PARES F OR BIGGEST-' GAMES ." I E E i B Till Spaulding's Gophers. This game ors. He has develoed a speedy, hardR tainOlle Aas at the iv GonHUr N O QR fPGfl will dec'ide a numb>eP" of questionls inl tackling phair of ends in Eklund and Spaulding's backfeld i C r°~ N egazrd to M ihigan chance; for a Sschijoll and in addition those two cipally 'around Martineaui ' ( ~~D hammoinsip this vya as the Wol-linen form the rc ceiv ing- end of some back spectators of the Mi iiesota in the r 'n, ,'?r2 Ti: Ten gamnes the line, S?aulding halrs Ccxi and 'lac- jtfor his wonderful work in - ~on the 1V aize anid Bit, sch'redule. No Donald iioldin dcoxwn the tackle ci ovrwhelming opposition. TEA.11 APPEAR BAILAW'1 ) A,': ;calusive co~!(an j'-) ga.thered on berths,(:ayvnd Abra-, ham tilling the will be in at, the other r S 11TI AWAIT WHISTLE thje mrt fEither l the adgers or grard msrtions, and the .reliable Cap- I eOnti1fi 4n aeA SATURD)AY thie. Gopliers =rainm t '3a gi-es they Ti eplayed thus far aid A but one thing! Eyes o all football fans and OS* is certain and th1at is 'JZat bothz teams pecially o: Michigan rooter's, will bd arr to be fear~ed. focused on Northrup field, Minneap-! Coach Spaulding has accomplished ohis, Saturday, when the Wisconsin, the unbelieveable in placing Manie- I eleven invades th~e territory of Coach sota in the race for C'.nfei ence hop- _________________ ISchrafft's Spoe w r's See what you get for, i 1i 4 : ;, CANDIES $8.900 Left half' Pyott of Chicago, at extreme right, being downed on line play teihoIivi. Note remarkable, interfcrence slid defense action at left. near Pr iceto i's goal just before first w ..I 4 S5~TRI KING COLOR combinatios riS ch' weaves and original- ity in design mark Cheney Cravats with 'dstinction.' Come, in and look them over. Al Genuine Cheney Cra'vats ha've the name stasnp4 in the neckband --,. -.,,; ..,.,, ^ l 1 ' , . -'-'" w , , (Biy Norman IE. Browni) That 21 to 1.8 victory over Chicago filled Princeton hearts in general with glee" but it has note spread a blanket of confidlence over the Prince- ton cavmpus. For the Tiger adherentsI realize that they must extend them- selves to the limait in their twro re- mnaining important games of the sea- soi. The Tigers have; two big game {ahead-one with Hlarvard Nov. 11, andI the other with Yale the week follow-. :ng. This means that Coach Roper'sI men will have two full weeks in which to set themselves to turn back the Crimson warriors, but will have to jump from that game into the even bigger one with Yale with but a week for rest and preparation. The outstanding feature of Prince- ton's playing against Chicago-was its (lefensive. It was this stonewall which prevented the Maroons from snatching' the hard earned victory from the. easterners. On their one- yard line, with a few seconds to play and a miargini of but three points in San d a margin of but three points in' their favor the Tiger dug in his claws and held against' a line attack such fas Coach Stagg can and does devel- opa.' Princeton ifs the invader in the Har- vard game, as it was against Chica-t go, but takes on the Bulldog in Cam- bridge. The Tigers' next game, that with Swarthnmore on Saturday, is P, minor one on the, Princeton schedule. Iowa Basketball M!en Out Iowa City, Nov. 2.-Nine men re- ported for basketball practice here during the past week under the direc- tion of Captain Hicks.. The work so far has consisted of nothing mor~e than drill on fundamentals. Coach Barry hopes to get the baskets ar- ranged, in the new armory by the be- ginning of next week.j a s q ra+,o 0nom. J-' r4rtEr,(, 4 , ro a with the latest squiare punching-Shape-hol~ding 1 and sturdy because jets a Wvalk-Over. , sr:b IEET ,ladled 'anylv here. A livays fresh '109'3 . UNIVERSITY .1-" Huyer s ,,. r ,-". P S. e _ . Morse' s 114 S4 Wrt 3MAIN STR a..-,.- { AM r, A I SOLD' BY WADHIAMS & CO. RIEULE CONLIN & CO. J. F. WIJERTII & CO. F'y6' GROSS IIACK & CO. "S H ST I COLUMNLLMA AT a P.M. ADVERT'ISING AT 3 P.M. t " !"^"" A''4, 1 t'". 5. . j4, . 4F 4 .fir:; w rr a . "X . 'C.' s,' :.,r : ,'.g" Al I GO'ING sLNJ)AY hIICHi1GAN TDAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Mlin- imam charge for Irst dlay,. 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. 4Three cents peer word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of 6c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance. PHONE 960 FOE. SALE I .MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-L. C. Smith, Corona, Hammond, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver and other typewriters $15.00 up. Small payments if de- sired.' Renting A and repairing. Theses typewritten. Twenty years -experience in Ann Arbor. Why take chances? 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels -Arcade. FOR SALE-Beautiful evening, gown, size 16 or 34 worn °twice.- One third of~ original purchase price. Phone 2340W. 35-2 FOR SALE-Set of drums, student table, and desk, beds and dressers. Apply 1426= Brooklyn. 35-2 FOR SALE=Ford Coupe. A-I1>con- dlitlon,' lots of extras--$325. Cash or termns. 2655R4 35-3 FOR SALE-Remington portable typewriter. Call Black 432 Thomp- son. 1128-J. 34-4 FOR SALE-Full Dress Suit, medium size call' 314 W. Huron St, or phone 2559-J. 35'2 FOR $ALE-Remlngton typewriter cheap. 302. S.. Division. Phone 2551W. .34-2 7'FOR. SALE-Sweet Cider. °Bring your jug. Chae. [Klager, 617 S. Main St. 20-25 FOR SALE-One set drafting instru- m.ients-cheap. Phone" 2340W. 35-2 FOR SALE-1918 Ford. touring. Cheap. Call 732,. 35-s WANTED WANTED-Student who has had ex- perience in clock repairing for few hours work each week. State ex- perience in letter addressed to Box P. B. do Daily. 33-3 WANTD--Student agent for new portable phonograph. Call Mr. TLamn 1027-. after' 9 n.m. 4 ESTABLISH an exclusive and perm- anent business of your own.. We want a reliable man or woman with energy, 'and enthusiasm to buiild up a permanent agency in An~ Arbor, on a new complete attractive line of toilet goods of exceptional mer- it. A course in Salesmanship giv- en free and our backing insures success. Commissions very liber- al. Write at once for particulars, The Auld Acquaintance, Company, 39 Ionia Ave., N. W:', Grand flap- it4s, Mich. 35, NOTICE-If Harr'y Kipke fails to re- cover his Rider Masterpiece and will call at Rider's Pen Shop, we will supply him another with our compliments. One that he can car- ry while playing foot ball without danger of injuring it. 35 CHEF-White, wants position in Fra- ternity, experienced in buying meats whiolesale, and cutting. Good on pastry. Best city references. Box L. C. M~ich. Daily. 35-2 BOARD-First class, table board $7.50 per week for three meals, $6.00 fob 'two jneals. Just one block~ from campus. 644.E. University, 2445-R. 35-2 LOST LOST-At Michigan 'Central Depot, Saturday, pocketbook containing about fifty dollars, Grand Trunk pass, railroad- tickets, hunter's lic- ense, and motor vehicle operator's liceense. Return to Michigan Daily office. Reward of $15.00. 35-3 LOST-Wednesday about 4 p. in.,.pair of spectacles in case on fifth Ave. between 'William and Jefferson~ Reward. Call Spence 2069-R. 35 LOST-Waterman Ideal Fountain PEen, on Columbus special, or, be- tween Ferry field and Campus. Call STARTING SUNDAY' KUP1ENHIMER The Original IK lavicle You'll see many imitations of this feature style. They all are testimony, to the style leadership of The. House of Kuppenheimer. Get the original. i I IN ~111 gnmnsatd1 plyn BilliardUsUwith us in 900 ad hvekep i equpmnt Vgodfel- S s hianonen enstare- O dng iliadnwt.u in 19( mand have kepti *~ 0@.,MUI ( i, 7 upi nraing IuInbes i GOOD CLOTHES are always first with the newest styles in suits and overcoats, and this season lower prices are an added attraction. In every, way, the, finest clothing made, the best clothing you can ,buy. - - k -e I I Q" TT L.TT14 A T NT