f . WOLVERINES READY FOR FIGHTING ASS I1N ANNUAL BATTLE WILL TARE NO CHANCES ON SLIP AFTER GLORIOUT- START, SLADE THIS YEAR. KEEFER, SLAUGHTER ON FIRST, TEAM YESTERDAY Harlon, Al -Fresh End, Fractures Wrlst in Scrimmage Against. Reserves Yesterday Another long signal drill was the share of the Varsity football team yesterday afternoon in preparation for the Aggie tilt tomorrow. Coach Yost, after handing out two stiff scrimmage sessions to his charges the first two days of the week, is evident- ly satisfied with the condition of to-' morrow's probable starters and is giv- ing them only enough work to keep them: on edge. Rumors that Michigan would make tomorrow's battle more or less of a rest period for the first string men were. definitely spiked by a statement of the coach Wednesday, that he was going to take no chances with the Farmers and would start his strongest team. This means that spectators at Ferry field tomorrow afternoon. will see the full strength of the two old riv- als thrown against 'each other in the annual grid battle that has grown to such significance with the passing of the years. Two changes were made in the Var- sity. yesterday afternoon during the signal drill, Keefer replacing Steger at left half and Slaughter taking the guard post held down by Johns against llinois. No definite announcement' has been made that the new arrangement will hold good at the start of tomor- row's battle but both of the new choices are sure to be seen during the afternoon if they do not start., Keefer Shines Keefer has been the .sensation of the week in scrimmage, carrying the entire burden of the offensive for the second Varsity in the engagements with the All-fresh aggregation. He. howed such marked improvement over J his previous form that Yost has begun o count on him for regular duty and he Dayton boy may become a fixture n, the starting lifeup before the season .s over. His off tackle drives and sweeping end runs were particularly effective against Mather's yearlings, hese plays being good for touchdowns from the 30, 35, and 40 yard stripes during Monday's tilt. Slaughter has been one of the most promising linemen since the opening of the season but up until this time there has been something lacking. in his play which the (coaching staff was sure he possessed. If he has now rounded into proper form he will make a valuable man for the Varsity for- ward wall but it is hard to see how he can displace the fighting Johns for the regular berth. Neisch was at left end during the Varsity signal drill yesterday but it' has been announced that Kirk is ready (Continued on Page Eight) FROSH HARRIERS TO RUN SATURDAY Coach Sullivan of the freshman cross country team has announced that he will send his entire squad, through a race over the freshmanf course on Saturday at 11 o'clock. Ac- cording to the coach he wants every man on hand for this race as it isl very important and all.the men should be in condition. Any man that does not come out for this run will have to resutne his gymnasium work and will be dropped from the squad. Coach Sullivan stated that it was not a question of how fast a man can run, but of being on hand Satur.day to run over the course at 'any pace. The first siximen to place will be given tickets to the Majestic theatre. It is hoped that there will;be a better showing this week. than last, as there were only twelve men out for the run. Sullivan has 123 men for :his squad and they should all be on hand. At 4:15 .this afternoon the entire squad should. report to Coach Sulli- van at the Wateruzan gym for instruc- tion. Intramural Items The first practice for the sopho-J more speedball team will be held at 3:30 o'clock this..afternoon :on South Ferry field. All men who intend to tryout for.the. team should report to Manager Hurwich at this time. Purdue Homecoming Popular Lafayette,I.nd,, Nov. 2.-Purdue university Homecoming has been set for Nov. 25 with the Purdue-Indiaii game as the main attraction. Fifteen thousand , etters: have been sent to grads and former students and indi- cations point to a record breaking re- union. Place your engraving and emboss- ing stationery.orders with 0. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade, and save that eleventh hour rush-Adv. Class topues all wool 75c. "Id & Company.--Adv. Call 445 Huron St. Taxi..25c.-Adv. A6GGIE LINEUP MICHIGANBAI FARMER MENTOII i TEAM STRONtEST DES? ED IN SEVERAIL YEA KIPKE MAY NOT S'I BECAUSE OF IN Green and White Offers Str and Backfield and Plen Fighting Spirit After a complete silence f week in regard to the line the Green and White would oppose Michigan tomorrow i nual Aggie-Michigan encoun Barron of the Farmers hasa finitely decided upon his sq ing the past week of practic have been showing, up as t have before and the coach's followed a great deal of de The team which M. A. C. wi Ann Arbor this week is cou to turn the tide which h Michigan's way for the p years and every man is ex reach the high point of hi career. The quarterback position over which there has been a bitter fight throughout the season will be filled by Richards a former schoolmate of Harr Kipke's at Lansing High school, where both were mentioned on. All-State elevens. Richards is 4 heady field general and is regarded as one of the most reliable men in the Aggie backfield. To back up Rich- ards, Coach Barron has Crane and Mc- ECLARES Millan, both of whom are quarters of ELOP- the first water. ARS .Captain Johnson at left half is a veteran of two other Michigan gaiues [ART and has proved himself dangerous to JURIEStsthe Wolverines in both of the con- JURIEStests. Last year, playing at defensive quarterback, he repeatedly stopped ong Ends runners who had broken through the ity of first defense. This year he is doing almost all of the punting for, his team and in the Indiana game had e, or the last slight edge on the Hoosier booter. I He is also an accurate passer. The other two men in the backfield, Lior- choose tc ett at full, and Brady' at right half,. n the An- are both veterans and are bound ;t ter, Coach create considerable disturbance in at last de- Saturday's game. uad. Dur- Considerable disappointment has e the men been caused the Michigan team' in hey never the fact that Harry Kipke's younger selection brother who has been playing defens- liberation. lI nd.Yf tr ive end, and right half will probably heavily outweighed it is likely that the not start Saturday on account of in- brunt of the attack will fall upon juries received in the earlier games. these men. Both of them are experi- It is likely however, that he will get enced i offensive and defensive ope into the game before the final whistleiplay and a great deal might be ex nected from them were it not for the AA mhen who expect to tryout for the Varsity basketball team should report to me not later than 7:30 o'clock, Monday, Nov. 6. E. J. MATHER, Coach. blows. The line which will face the Wolv- erines Saturday caused considerable comment during the Hoosier contest and although it hardly equals the Maize and Blue wall in weight it will make anything but a toy for the Mich- igan men. Eckerman, playing at cen ter, is by far the best linesman the Aggies possess. No one on the Indi- ana team was able to hold him and no gains of any consequence were made through his position. At the guards Taylor and Morrison are hold- ing forth. Their performances in the last two games of the Aggies have cinched their jobs for them. Eckart and Graves have been chos- en to fill the tackle berths. Both men have been playing- well throughout the season and in the practice ses- sions this week have stood out from the other candidates. Eckart is a heady player who can use both hi hands and feet to advantage. Gravy, is more or less an unknown quantity. Hultman and Robinson will take care of the flank positions. Because the Wolverine line has the Farmers ¢,1 C.44.GU 1L WAAX {.11G11A fV \ AV 14..11171. LVA 1.110:' I I all-American class of their opponents in the contest Saturday. Coach Barron considers that the team which he will put in the fielt? against Michigan Saturday is one of the most powerful and resourceful outfits that has represented M. A. C. for many years and he is looking fo, a contest such as the Wolverines rare- ly have in their struggles with their Farmer opponents. 20 per cent discount on Christmas Scardand stationery engraving orderj received before November 10. Select from our large stock and avoid the December rush. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.-Adv. 1 AR C A D E COMING SUNDAY Chades ...,.. ..c..Y nted upon as - flowed ast seven :pected to s football I' . STOP! .I t - - r1 LARGE ROOMY OVERCOATS The Last Word in Style and Comfort. DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! II and consider I I I Are you really getting the Best Meat for your money? IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED NOW JUST CALL 393 You will at once be delighted with the courtesy, --- service, and last hbut most important, the QUALITY OF MEAT which you will receive in your order. Lutz Clothing Store vn Town 217 South Main Street Down T Dow own II r M .1 STARTING SUNDAY h. d .d.__. A F. Gfell 323 Miain Street I 1. I .1 Farmers Spotlight RE NOODD KIGORE ,: On the Second Floor at 324 5. State St. I SHOP FOR MEN IIII I Friday and Saturday , November 3-4 -Suits A new shipment re- ceived yesterday will be included in the 10 per cent sale now in FALL HATS $4 - $5-' $6 ,r r tI. [ITFORM Clotgi.(rYount MIMES THEATER progress. Ies " Here isaCoat for You A big, warm, fleecy model, with belt going clear around - big, roomiy pockets and a full collar. A variety of shades in grey and brown. 7 Big Acts . 7 Big*, Acts POLO SHIRTS For a short time we are offering you your selection of our neck- wear at one dollar. $35 to $50 $2.50 - $2.75, All SeatsReserved Tickets at Theater II WE WANT YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER TOM CORBETT "It Pays to Pay Cash at Corbett's" 116 EAST LIBERTY ST. I Men and Women, 35c i ;;: I .. .. . .... ... .. ... . ®... 1-i - TL-