SIj lll F IE 1L iVIflULrn I UUUL X-COUMTRY CONTEST will know the distance that they have versity hal will be open from 2 to to go before the finish. 5 o'clock this afternoon. Those eligible to make applications for absent voters' ballots are students of voting age who have previously M1o URGED TO BALLOT registered in their home communi- m. w w;v ..' P " F Owing to the poor condition of the . Lansing to Send. 4,500 Football Fans Geddes avenue cross country course, trdhome com ate an d n to Annual State Athletic the meet with the Michigan Aggies on eii ote uged to art StruggleI eligible to vote, are urged to cast - Nov. 4 wil be run over the Hiarphom i this is the last their ballot today, as ti stels ATTENDANCE IS EXPECTED Trophy course, starting and finishing . TO BREAK PREVIOUS RECORDS at the Ferry Field club house on State do so. The booths will close at 5 o'-, From all appearances the Michi- street. Tjis course is a fifth of a mile clock this afternoon. - At tl s shorter than the Geddes avenue The number of students voting has1 gan-M. A. C. football battle this year I ous. en -4H nl~ ncesig at the' will be the biggest it has ever been course. be"n cosany increasi, t during the 20 traditionalyears of its nNo other changes have been made present time over halt of those ol- in the alans for the race, with the ex igible having applied for ballots. The; exlstpe.icke sdales ncate that ception that Cochron has been substi- Republican club \has maintained ampevillsbtenancpleterdsfoketuted for tenth man in place of Ani- booths on the campus- for the past stutz. Owing to the condition of Am- week in which students could make reports from Lansing say that, thes stutz Coach Farrel advised him to applications for the absent voters' heaiesth aggeatom in year s is fo rest for a month. { ballots. The booths, which are lo- lowing the Aggie team in an exodus, to Ann Arbor. Signs will be placed for the race cated at the Engineering arch, in It is expected by the Atletic ticket along the course so that the runners front of Nickels arcade, and in Uni- office, providing the weather is fav- orable, between 25,000 and 30,000 peo- ple will witness the game. This will be by far the largest crowd ever to THE enter Ferry field for the annual state6 football classic, the usual attendance for this game being around the 18,0Q0R The Lansing representatives alone . will fill over 4,000 seats. The upstate college has secured a solid block of 4,500 seats, where the supporters ofTE the green andwhitewupolothPeirI E If PORTABLETYPEWRTTE, team in its struggle upon the field. S UPERIORU II~i L The original allotment of 4,000 seats was found to be inadeqiate so 500 It is the only portable with a Standard Keyboard more were ordered and were sold out immediately. Four rows of keys - no shifting for figures. Light, compact, and This is a total number of 1,500 more. durable. seats than are usually taken by the agricultural school, and over 2,00 Take one home with you. Try it out at your leisure. more than the entire enrollment of You incur no obligation by so doing. the college.. The main body of student rooters - Whatever your typewriter needs we can accommodate you. We have ' will arrive in Ann Arbor Saturday, ribbons -- supplies. Call and see us we are here for business. = morning on a special train run from We will give you a square deal. jLansing for the game. They will be headed by the college band which al- STACY R. BLACK 'ways plays an important part in the4S activities of the day. 432 T1MPSON 1128-J GOLF 4COURsES ACCESSAB A,, Exclusive University Dealer The Ann.Arbor Golf club has grant-. AUTHORIZED SALESMEN ed season privileges to 25 students. IHal Conkey H. W. C. Davis G. E. Carlson 'These students were required to show 432 Thompson 1128-J 621 Forest 1786-W 610 Tappan 936-U th'at tey ntiew the fundamentals and 'technique of golf before they were given the opportunity to use the course. Before the greens becam e # i | liililipllllfilll1llllliillll llllll1 i l ll1 llllliltllllilll11111111Nit [over-crowded students were allowed to play at any time, upon payment of w ;the playing fee. The Barton Hills Country club al- lows only, relatives xof members to use its groinds. The Washtenaw " iCountry club gives students the right = r to play, whenever they desire. ° - INSURED. - o n IF NOT, DO SO NOW A New Better be safe than sorry. Re- I- greta won't pay for a smashed !-l car. I 'waso simple to take out =Arcade ILI auto 4.nsurnce,-costs little by the year--and you have a feel- lag of security whtever hap- pens. Personal liability insur- ance also. See us today.. Don't put it off. ties. 0. S. U. Honor List Names Columbus, Nov. 2..-The hon for 1921-22 in the College of contains 76 names, out of an E ment of over 2900 students. C in military science, hygiene, physical education have not counted, and students who earned less than 30 semester in the two semesters have not considered. Michigan Daily and Chimes for 76 or list Arts enroll- Grades and been have hours been 1$4.50. Northnvesterii Students Ask Vacations Evanston, Ill., Nov. 2.-The student council instructed its secretary, last' night, to send a resolution to Presi- dent Walter D. Scott, asking thatI classes be dismissed ,on Armistice day, Saturday, Nov. 11, which is also the date of the 1922 homecoming. COMING SUNDAYE Charkes r - OF- HARD WATER SOAP OUR SPECI 10 Cakes for 45o They are good sized cakes and sell regularly at 6c a cake. Sale on for a few days only. The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET e $4---0-- 11 i C *1 . sir 4- : r . Copyrignt 1922 Hart Schaffner & Marx, t BUTLER INSURANCE' 209 1st National Bank Bldg. ' Phone 401-3M he name oftzglhoo I Because our business has grown so rapidly as to be already too great for our recently enlarged downtown shop, and be- cause we wish to make it more convenient for our student customers to buy Brunswick Records, we are opening a New Branch Store in the Nickels Arcade. We have installed sound proof record booths and other modern and pretty equipment in the large room over the post office, in the place formerly known as The Arcade Dance Hall. Capable and courteous salespeople will be in charge and we feel sure that you will enjoy listening to the latest Brunswick Records in our store. Student and fraternity accounts are especially solicited. The greatest assortment of phonographs ever displayed under one roof in Ann Arbor may now be seen on the floor of our new store. A visit here will be well worth S while.; - a THE PHONOGRAPH COMPANY OF ANN ARBOR FoL merly THE STOFFLET PH-ONO SHOP FOR wind - swept bleachers, for every- day campus wear, for the more formal events of uni- versity life these warm new overcoats fill an im- portant need. IN appearance the smart- est yet designed .for young men, in fabric and tailoring the m o s t de pendable for they'll give long wear; in price most moderate. Coats for al--'round wear IT IS NOT --at1j4O The Bible nor Corporation finance nor An introduction to American Government- bur 0 With our guarantee of satisfaction The Reule Conlin Co. IF'S TH~ 4 Michiganensian Main Street at Washington II II,