1'iblished every-.inornng except Monday
duri t e tS6vr ar by the Board in
Control f1tidet'-'l1ications.
Merer o Western Conference Editorial
The Assopi tAA esne is exclusively en-
titled to the use fur republication of aill
news dispatchescredited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news pulihed therein.
EInterej at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan as second class matter.
Subs ilpti4~bu y.,arnei( or mail, $3.50.
Of cesAnn :A pr Press Building, May-
nard Strcet.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness, o6o.
cnrununic.ationasnot to exceed 3oo ords
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear y rr t e an evidence of faith,
anti -itices of ev(-nts will be published in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed -corntounw ens will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does. not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephoness 2414 and 176:M
News Editor... .. ....Paul Watzel
City EFditor...............James B. Young
Assistant City Editor..........Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman........R. Meiss
Night Eitors-
Ralph Byefs * RIatty IUoey
J.'P. Dawson, Jr. J. y. RMack
L. J. Vlershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H. A. Donahue
Sports Editor . ... II. [cPike
Surlay Magazine Editor.....Delbert Clark
WomeAi's E."dito: .......Y. .lMarion Koch
Humor Editor .. ....... Donald Coney
Conference Editor..........I . B, Grundy
Pictorial Editor ................Robert Tarr
Music Editor................. H. Ailes
i. FT. Pryor
Dorothy -beinetts
Maurice Berman
R. A.K illington"
W. B. Butler
H4: t. Clark
A. 13. Connable
FVeljn J.. Coughlin
Fhugeue Carmichael
Serndette Cote.
WAaitace F. Elliott
Maxwell Fead
John .Garinthouse
Isabel" Fisher
Winona A. Hibbard "
Samuel Moore
T. G. McShane
W. B. Rafferty
W. IH. Stoneman
Virginia Tryon
P. M. Wagner
A. P. Webbink
Franklin Dickman
Joseph Epstein
J. IV',Ruwitch
. A. 4Bacon
Telephone 940
Advet ising.............John J. Hamel, Jr.
dvertiing..........Edward C. onn
:advertising........Walter K. Scherer
Aeco nts...Laurence H. Favrot
ircuia ion ........ ....David J. M. Park
liations.............L. Beaumont Parks
A new service is now provided for
Michigan 4tudents with which a good-
ly number of them are not yet ac-
quainted. The University Health
service, in newer and larger quar-
ters, now maintains a student hospi-
tal, which, however, is not a hospital
in the usual sense of the word, where
people are sent only in most serious
cases. The Health service cares for
students who are in any way "below
par," whether suffering from colds or
minor ailments, or more seriously af-
Formerly students depressed with
some slight illness stayed in their
rooms attended by their room-mates,
until they had supposedly recovered
or become seriously ill. Occasionally
one of them would return to work be-
fo e he was really well and would thus
prolong his period of convalescence,
and often spread his malady to oth-
ers. The new facilities at the Health
service enable students who are ill to
place themselves under careful suer-
vision of nurses and doctors, by whom
they will be properly cared for un-
til they are well.
Hospital care is absolutely free to
students,.and it is to the advantage of
any student suffering any physical im-
pairment to report promptly for treat-
ment there. The Health service should
be used not only in correcting ail-
ments, but should be consulted in
matters pertaining to positive health.
Much constructive advice can 'be ob-
tained if the student but take the
trouble to procure it. -
The college of twenty years ago
was regarded as an institution for the
traing of professional men oly. It
wa the rare exception that the man
who did not intend to become either
a doctor, ;lawyer, teacher, or a min-
ister took a college course. Such
study, with no definite end in view
except to delay the young man's go-
ing into his chosen work, was re-
garded by all as a sinful waste of time
and energy, to say nothing of the use-
ful space such tommy-rot as Greek
took up in a man's head. In those
good old days the idea that a college
education would. enable a man to
more fully enjoy and understand life
never occurred to the adults of the
Today, the graduate school of a uni-
versity occupies much the same posi-
tion in the minds of the majority of
people as the college did twenty
years ago. It is regarded as a luxu-
ry that is reserved for those who con-
template devoting their lives to a pro-
fession. To \,consider taking more
work in a college after having spent
four years in academic pursuits is
looked on as an additional waste o
time. That this attitude towards
graduate work is extremely fallacious
is quite evident to the college man. It
is only in the last two years In col-
lege that the student is able to spe-
cialize to any degree, and often nbt
until his senior year. To have a con-
summate knowledge of any field, a
man must devote more than a year or
two to it.
At present, Harvard university, and
many other of the eastern schools re-
quire a bachelor's degree before spe-
cialization in jany field is permitted.
Business Administration and Law are
the two best known examples at Har-
vard. Four years is regarded as the
minimum time that should be devoted
to genral preparation. Only at the
end of that time is the man considered
ready to specialize.
This semester four hundred and six-
ty students are enrolled in the grad-
uate school of the literary college of
the University of Michigan. This is
a rather low percentage, compared
with the total enrollment in the col-
lege. It is' evident that at present the
graduate school is thought an extrava-
gance in the popular mind. But opin-'
ions are gradually changing, and ten
years from now post-graduate stud-
ies will undoubtedly be as sought aft-
ver as are the undergraduate studies of
Arid then, where will we go from
G1 '
"DO YOU write that supposedly fun-
ny colyum in The Daily?" she asked,
holding us spellbound with the flue-
tuations of her eyelashes.
"My dear, it IS funny," we remon-
strated dmittingly.
"Wellit certainly is peculiar," she
"Left" left "Right" right flat
The cruel thrust in
In Left's
Last verse
Has made me
I am
"Right." \
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
In an editorial appearing in The
Daily of Oct. 31, the statement is made
by a contributor that today there isA
nothing to distinguish the manner in A T
which the college man dresses from
that of the individual about town. To
substantiate this argument, the writ-
er cites the disappearance of peg-top
trousers, and the like.B O8
' However, other things have taken
their place which does distinguish the
college man from others. Today, it
is nothing novel to see corduroy cuits years, to pass out of existence. Fra-
being worn by men on the campus. ternities are already considering
The city inan would no more think of whether or not to hold house parties
wearing one as an every day suit, then during Junior Week. If the various
he, would think of talping a trip to the houses could be brought together,
moon. Again, it is certainly nothing some 'provision for a better and more
uncommon to see "sheep-skins" being equitable distribution of parties be-
worn by students. He who appears tween the two periods might be ar-
thus attired is not the subject of ridi- ranged. It is the duty of the Student to
cule but rather the rule. And yet, council to call such a meeting which 01
anyone wearing such a coat other than would, lead towards a reinstatement of O2
in a college town would be looked on Senior Week upon the social calendar. M
as a factory worker or laborer of some or
sort. We also have the so called 'self_
erasing footprint shoe" which as made DETROIT UNITED LINE$
its appearance lately on the campus. Ann Arbor and Jackson
These shoes are worn by students, TIME TABLE
and only by students excepting per- (iastern Standard Time)
hap the Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
hs the'police'6:oa.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:0o a.m., 9::o5
These days, there are as sharp dif- a.rn. and hourly to 9:o5 p.m.
ferences in dress between college man Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)--9 :47, and
and townsman as there were ten years every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
ago, but with the passage of years, and every two hours to 9:oo p. m.,
new distinctive forms of dress appear 1I:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-II:4o
among the students that supersede Tq Saline--Change at Ypsilanti.
that of the past. We of today see Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
. .12:10 p.m.
nothing peculiar in the mode of dress To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
of college men, because it is largely cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
common .to 'alL, but in after years To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
when new fashions creep in the con- :
trast will be marked.
Liebe Right: Monday's
last stanza.
* * *
col for theI
Or Emulsion
DEAR CALIGULA: I observe in the
columns of the Time Snooze a story
which says that down in Indiana there
is a man and a woman who have been
married 10 years and have 12 chil-
dren-wait a minute: two sets of trip-
lets and three pairs of twins. The fain-
ily name, says the story, is Scott.
Wouldn't it be fitting and appropriate
to name the next arrival "Great"?
AD 1000.
-Rhetoric Instructor: Write a de-
scription of a group in action.
Young Co-ed: Would two be con-
sidered a group?1
* * *
"I always miss the good things peo-
ple say about me."
"Don't miss much, do you."
*' * *
Only I2'Days M'ore
get $1.00 for your
d fountain pen-any
ake or condition-at
re of our stores.
Better Flurry
324 South State Street
E. and S. University Aves.
State and Packard Streets
. . .,.
A. G., '25P.
Diviine and
Is Doris B.
'ownsend H. Wolfe
evth Scick
eog e Rockwood -
'errb M. Hayden
;ugene IL. Iunn
Vn. Graulich, Jr.
ohn C. Haskin
arve 'y l. Reed
L. Puinami
B.~ra rout
. W .Cooper
VI,le lower-,
Alfred' M. White
Wrn. ID. Roesser
Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Win.I. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
.A. Hartwell, Jr.
J. Plumenthal
Howaid Hayden
W. K. Kidder
Henry Freud
Hbert P Bostwick
L. Pierce
She doesn't use "n'est-ce-pas"
< In writing to me.
* * * . rch.
I cannot write
As once I could;
My words, alas! are weak and sod-
Though years agone they waxed as
As fire, as strong as Mary Garden.
I cannot seeY
The heavens more;
The autumn is but cause for cuss-
The Stars are distant as John D.;
. The moon is only god of fussing.
Doused is the visionary glim
And God Apollo on the hummer;
The Nine are heading straight for
And I am glum and getting glum-
For 1o, I am a luckless wight:
I can't compare, although I would,
The noble stuff I used to write-
But don't get scared; I never
s, * *
(Grand Rapids Press)
Many Grand Rapids residents who
attended the Michigan-Illinois football
game at Anti Arbor will bear testi-
mony to the series of traffic jams,
which not only within the university
city but on the roads east, and west
and south, toward Detroit and Lan-!
ing and Toledo, held up congested:
lanes of automobiles in a smother off
gasoline fumes for an hour or more
at a time. The Press believes this is l
an affair efor the attention of Col. Roy
Vandercopk and the state police.
Towns the size of Ann Arbor have
no police force capable of meeting a
traffic coigestion which would con-
siderably bother the best corner cops
in New York City. Boy Scouts sent in
to help are useful but not trained well
enough nor husky enough to clear out
the jam. It was necessary Saturday
to phone Detroit for policemen. A de-I
tachment of mounted state police on'
the job at such events could wholly
prevent the original crush and send
the thousands of cars safely and ex-
peditiously on their way. This is a
legitimate opportunity for the depart-
ment of public safety to extend its use-
1922 OCTOBER 1922
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save' you a
dohar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)
Schedule in Effect October x8, 1922
Central Time (Slow Tinie
P.M. A.M. P.M.'P.M.
2:55 6:55 Lv. Morenci .Ar. 1:35 9:35
3.:45 7:45 r...Ariazi ....2:4 5 8:45
1215 8:15 - 'Tcumnseh .. 12:15 8:15
F:30 , :30 ... Clinton -,.. .- 12:00 8:0o
5:15 9:15 ...-Sahune -....'11 :15- 7:15
5 :45 9:45 Ar inn Arborlv. :oF5 - 6:45
(Court House Square) A.,M.
D)-Daily. X--Daily except' Sundays
and Holidays. Fridgy and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian J:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
)AME SII. ELLIOTT, I roprietor
Phone 026-At Adrian, iMicht.
F Y0
To Obtain Applications For
bsentee Ballots
_ _
Ch nge! I
R epubilcan Club Booths
NOVEMBER 3, 1922
Open from 2:00 to 5:00
Night Editor-HARRY L. HOEY
The last decade has .,witnessed the
gradual evolution of the literary mag
azine in the United States. Ten years
ago only a few national publications
were devoted turely to literature, and
these were largely in the hands of old
fogies and unsatisfactory as to sub-
ject matter and treatment. Within the
last few years there has been a grad-
ual influx of literary magazines of a
high calibre until at present the num-
ber exceeds twenty-five., The fact that
these newer ,publications are for the
most part thriving financially would
indicate that they serve a constituen
cy which our standard magazines have
not reached, or a,. any rate, have not
completely satisfied.
Tlhe literary magazine as we now
know it differs from the ordinary pub-
lication in that it makes no attempt to
reap large gains through.appealing to
advertisers. It does not aim to dif-
fuse a few worth while, articles -as
oke s, in with an overflow of medioc-
rity. It is concerned merely with plac-
ing the works of our b'est contempor-
ary writers before its constituency,
caring not so much how many read
them, as who read them.
Judging these magazines in the
light of their accomplishments most
of them have been successful. Their
contributors are largely youthful rad-
icals with sufficient education to.
know what they are about, with abil-
ity to write inspiringly, and a desire
to strike at the fundamentals of life,
rather than merely to appeal to the
curiosity of the public in a journal-
istic manner. Their chief value lies
not in the opinions which they give
out, but in the thought that is stimu-
lated by these opinions.
These literary publications are ef-
fective influences in our national ex-
istence. While they may be' read only
by a few, they serve to bring before
the discriminating reading public the
best produced by our modern authors,
and thus inspire these men by insur-
ing them an audience-to write for
Front of Nickels Arcade
Engineering Arch
U. Hall
Notary Pubilo on Third Floor Mioh!gan -Union,
THE KPYS of Geddes aver
with fitting ceremony to be pr
to the chump who asks a que
three Tpinutes to the hour.
* * *
Oh, How I hate to see, By I
A blonde-faced girl
With a brunette deck!
* * *
-Daily Ma
Something our sport staff
nue are TO BE, OR NOT TO IE
esented (Cornell Daily Sun)
stion at Ever since the failure of last year's
'Senior Week, considerable uncertainty
culus. has been expressed as to whether it
1 should be repeated this June. Instead
of the usual ten or fifteen fraternities
Ifeck!' entertaining, only two or three ven-
tured to hold house parties at all.
Outside of a few impromptu subscrip-
Illini. tion dances there were no outstanding
social events; the customary open
dances were entirely lacking. On the
NSIN other hand, those who attended- the
U Senior Ball or the concert given by
the Musical Clubs are convinced that
aroon. nothing could have been done to make
missed. them more attractive. The concert was
well attended, but the Senior Ball re-
* sulted in a deficit which caine close to
* absorbing all of the class funds. It
* was a serious blow, coning after grad,
* uation and left a ridiculously small
sum with which to endow the class
* secretary.
The fault was certainly not with'the
committee. No morer attractive or
efficient arrangements could have been
made, than were provided for the
ut 1922 Senior Ball. All steps had been
taken to ascertain how many students
would be on hand. The poor attend-
re ance at Senior Week in general was
ess largely responsible for the small re-
ceipts It was a condition that could
..Y 3 i
i r
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Attorneys for a Chicago distillery
made the assertion that alcoholic h-
quors haye great value as an aid to
the culinary arts. They contend that
its use in such articles as mim*e pie
should be permitted. There may be
a grain of truth in what they say.
Certainly the framers of the Volstead
Act did not mean to deprive us of
such a delicay as mince pie.
If the interpreters of the-law should
permit the -free use of alcoholic bev-
erages in mince pie and other foods
where it is a "necessity," the baking
business would certainly return to
"nor'malcy" and perhaps do a little
better than that. And who on earth
would 'ever think of using such pal-
lid flavorings as nutmeg, vanilla or
lemon extract any more?
The leisure class.
Terrible Times
We were awfully hungry
So we bought one withot
And led it into
A movie ,
Thinking to eat it the]
In the enveloping darkn(
In peace
" '?
: , i
- .
Tuxedo Suits
To your individual. measurement
$ .00
$ 8500
And then the blighted electri- not be easily foreseen. For the coming
cian year, this experience of 1922 should be
Turned up the lights! taken as an example, and plans should
* * * be made to prevent its recurrence.
Our stocks are filled with new
ideas in Tuxedo waistcoats, shirts,
ties and Krementz jewelry for
your approval.
ISN'T IT strange that whenever we
get a GOOD team we never can find
any other good teams to play with it?
* * *
Life is darn funny.
* * * i
One of the most feasible explana-
tions for the social breakdown of Sen-
ior Week was the excessive emphasis
placed upon the mid-year festivities.
More houses gave parties during Jun-
ior Week than had entertained for sev-
eral years previously. Whether this
was directly responsible for the fall-
ing off at the end of the term or not,
it must have had considerable bear-
Every day we cut out
run it in this colyum.
* * *
a strip and
c The Home
Among our. modern conveniences
there $ght to be soine way of mov-
ing Ohio's stadium up here to accom-I
Sometimes we wish it were fun-
South State at William Street
e of Better Clothes und Furnishings at Fair Prices