Analyzes Elecive : t 'lem's I SAYS :fl4t~j NOIVCONSIDER LEARNIW AN EXTERIOR TRl'ING "Greater conitinuity between the sec- ondary and hi-her units of learning in our educational system is needed," ay Presidont Marion L. Burton, stressing the various educational mnis- tales of today in an article entitled, "The Undergraduate Course," publish- ed, in last week's issue of the New .Ropih_: rmagazine. The elective system which has been adopted by most of the schools of the country has resulted~ in a lack of un- iimsoftecuesWihsudents are taking today, according to tba article. "llappy iMedum" Sought "The thing which we are seeking," declar ed Dr. 'P.ron "is -a happy med-. iurr