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November 03, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-03

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Triangles To Try ETIurningSandsyT s
BravnessOf 8 Tes Neohyt-


! I


Bowed low before the mighty ideals
of the ancients, kneeling before the
wonders of the universe, eight trem-
bling neophytes will at 3:30 this aft-
(,dE' :1",IVE ELE.CT N05 ernoon scrub their way into the an-
'(S DECISIiE ELECTIONS <dent order of Triangles. Wielding
PROVINCES AND COUNCIL brushes with the total force of their
OF ION DON puny strengths, the humble and lowly
members of the junior engineering
LLOYD GEORGE REMAINS class will thus have pressed upon
SILENT ON INTENTIONS them the true virtues of the mental
and manual glories that will be theirs
when the dread portals have been
Sir Robert homre Declares WOfme passed and they are admitted into the
Big Factor in Results of sacred order.
Elections Nor will the mighty secrets of the
order be disclosed to them then, for
,(By Associated Press) the ordeals that they have sustained
London, Nov. 2.-Almost the entire are but a byway to those that are to
attention of the political world today, come. And at the final setting or the
was absorbed in the surprising results western sun the mighty men will be
of the municipal election in which la-j humbled and their thoughts will be
bor suffered an overwhelming defeat. cowed with the superiority of the'
The returns in 70 of the leading bor-.things that they have seen. Thus will
oughs in the provinces show that out the neyophytes be ushered into the'
of 574 labor candidates only 215 were glories of the .ancient order of Tri-
elected, while the conservatives elect- angles.
ecd 350 of the 450 nominated. Following the ordeals, the formal
In London there has been a similar initiation and banquet.\ill be held at
l'ndslide. Labor had 573 seats in the 6:30 o'clock in the Union. Prof.
old counci Lbut has only 253 in the George Patterson, assistant dean of
en. Labbr nou holds only four Lon- the colleges of Engineering and Arch-
don borough councils, namely, Batter- seaker. will be the principal
_. -- -- - _, -A XT- 1_ speakter.

Today the seeming paradox of all
paradoxes will be encountered in Ann
Arbor. Though the outset of the day
may bring drizzling rains or snowy
blizzards ,its close will find the streets
of this little city transformed into the
burning sands of the desert,, and the
hot winds will blow with feverish



:heat upon the smarting cheeks and INELIGIBILITY
parched lips of those who have dared
venture into the barren wastes of WISCONSIN PROTESTS
Meanwhile desert dwellers, whop FIVE ILLINOIS M E N


Tile cojmmission, snapped at its last esion. M. Barthoug, French representattive ands president of th commis.
sion, indicated by an arrow.
The allied reparations commission has arranged to meet in Berlin to view first hand conditions there dnd
confer with German officials on financial terms to forestall the threatened collapse financially of Germany.
The decision to hold the Berlin seson was made after Sir John Bradbury of Great Britain had stated that he,
on behalf of England, was ready to declare Germany in default and take measures to handle the situation from

sea, Bermondesey, Poplar, and Wool-
wich as .against 12 councils formerly
held, while in all the London boroughs
not one labor representative was re-
Women Responsible
Sir Robert Horne, former chancel-
lor of the exchequer, in a speech at
Glasgow 'tonight, expressed the belief
that the chief factor in the defeat of
labor had been the women's vote, and
he believes the same tendency will!
be present in the parliamentary elec-
Formner Premier Lloyd George is
still 'silent on his intentions, his si-i
lence giving rise to all kinds of specu-
lations and rumors, among others that
of his possible return to the liberal
fold and the reunion of the coalition,
liberals with the Asquithians. Look-,
ing at political history of the past six
years, this appears to be somewhat
far-fetched speculation, but it is be-3
lieved that there is a considerable
number in both camps favoring thet
idea, if Mr. Lloyd George were dispos-'
ed finally to separate from the con-
servative party.
New Premier Disereet
Premier Bonar Law, in his speech
today, contrary to rumor, rather re-
frained from personal invective or in-
dulging in sharp replies to the attackl
of Lord Birkenhead, Winston Church-
ill, and others, although he was some-I
what sarcastic at the expense of Mr.c
Lloyd George, whom hecompared to a
drummer in the army, serving a use-I
ful purpose in wartime.1
At another point Mr. Bonar Law
contended that although the nation
owed an unforgettable debt of grati-t
tude to the former premier for great
services in the war it was no reasonl
that Mr. Lloyd George should hold the
premiership for life or why the coun-I
try was not entitled to a change in
Labor entered the field against Vis-I
countess Astor, of Plymouth tonight,{
the labor nominee being CaptaifI
Woulfe-Brennan, who after retiring
from the army visited Russia in con-
nection with relief :work. It is under-
stood that the liberals will not op-I
pose Visvountess Astor but will give!
her general support on her temper-
ance policy.

that angle.

Vaudeville Bill Includes Seven Varied
Acts of Music, Tumbling and
Rehearsals for the seven acts, which
will compose the Farmers' Spotlight
vaudeville tonight and tomorrow night
at the Mimes theat r, were held yester-
day afternoon at the theater.. All the
men who are to take part were pres-
ent and only one or two changes in
the acts were found necessary.
Several of the acts will require spe-
cial stage properties for their present-
ation and these accessories are how
in the process of construction by the
stage management. The gymnastic
stunts to be given by A. L. Schultz.
'25M, G. F. Greenhower, '23, and H. F.
Bartlett, '23, will require a large,
amount of gymnasium apparatus, and'
promises to be the largest presentation
of its kind attempted by a campus or-
Chon and Meiss Play Duets
Myron Chon, '23, and Edwin R.
Meiss, '23, will play several piano and
saxaphone duets. Meiss and C,hon
have both worked on the music forI
this year's opera,- "In and Out". A
Whistling act by Arthur Coates will
be something new in Mimes perform-
ances and from his work at rehearsals,
he seems worthy of being heard by theI
"In Durance Vile," is the title of a
humorous dialogue in which Charles
D. Livingstone, '25, and William 1).
Roser, '25, will take part. Gordon
Rice, '25, and John R. - Grylls, '25,
will bring forth several new yocal par-{
odies and with this act will form the
humorous part of the show.
Hyde and Marimbas Feature
Burton Hyde, '25M, and his huge
marinibaphones and the "Mid-night#
Sons Quartette" will complete the pro-
Tickets will be on sale this morning
at the Mimes theater and admission is
35 cents for both men and women. All
seats will be reserved for both per-
formances and the show will start at 8
o'clock and last about two hours, end-
ing in time to allow patrons who wish
to attend dances in town to do so.
Chimes Portrays
Teamz And Players

EI!iH!IL ! 14 Il t!I B 11 ! U U !
More than one hundred fifty paint-
ings by the eminent Russian artist,
Nicolas Konstantinovich Roerich, arrv-
ed in Ann Arbor yesterday. Th6 work
of unpacking and hanging the pic-
tures was begun immediately, and the
exhibition is to be ready for public
inspection in the west gallery of
Alumnn Memorial Hall by noon Sun-
day, Nov. 5. The works of this artist,
who is recognized as the greatest liv-
ing Russian painter, and who is pro-
claimed by many to be the greatest
of all time, ar$ being brought here
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association.
This society, too, was responsible
for the exhibition of War Portraits in
Alumni hall, which closed a week ago
The offices of the Association an-
nounce that the students at Ann Ar-
bor are being given the opportunity to
view this collection before it is ex-
hibited in many large cities. The pic-
tures are to be on view in the Detroit
Museum during the month of Janu-
ary. It is hoped by the society that
the 'students will take advantage of
the display with more enthusiasm'
than they did that of the War Por-
traits. Only 400 people visited this
display while it was being shown, and
of these 200 were members of the Art
Institute; thus only 200 students saw
this collection, which was one of the
most notable seen in Ann Arbor in a
number of seasons.
The Roerich collection comprises
some hundred and fifty-two pieces'
and is valued at well over fifty thou-
sand, dollars. The price of admission
will be 25 cents.
Establishment of a permanent Uni-'
versity fund for the aid of foreign
students temporarily in poor financial
straights through delay in postal
service or because of other difficul-
ties in their home countries is thel
proposal',of Prof. H. E Riggs, of the
civil engineering department, as out-
lined in a letter read to the deans at
their last meeting Wednesday in their
weekly conference with the Presi-
Many foreign students in this Uni-
versity ,according to Professor Riggs,
are partially or entirely dependent.
upon finances sent them from' their
home countries, and often unexpect-
ed delays occur before their money
arrives. "This was true," said Pro-
Lessor Riggs, "during the World War
when mail service was temporarily
suspended to some countries and was
inadequate to others."
He cited the case of several Chinese
students sent here by their home prov-
inces in China who now have not re-
ceived their expenses and are in need
of funds. This is due to the fact that
there is aonerl condition of unrest

'Directory Sales
To Start Monday
Student directories for this year
will be placed on sale Monday morn-
ing, according to R. Ellery Dyment
'23E, business manager. The direot-
ory this year will have green covers
instead of red as last year and wilf
contain all new societies and camnpu
organizations. The list of class ofi-
cers will be found in the back of the
book instead of the front'due to the
delay in turning in these lists anc
with this exception, no changes have
been made in the general arrangement
of materials. There are a 'few morc.
names under the general index bu.,
the advertisements have been distrib-
uted throughout the issue in such
way so that this year's edition is nf'
larger than last year's.
The directory is making its appear
ance one week later than last year ac
no effort has been spared to make thir
issue as complete and 4 accurate as
possible. Phone lists have been cor
rected to Oct. 1, the latest revision
made by the telephone company. The
price is the same as last year, 76
Famous Baf eball. Dictator Invited as
Athletic Association
Baseball will bow to football and
acknowledge itself a thing of the past
before the king of fall sports whern

Members of the cast for the "Road
House in Arden," by Moeller, which,
will be presented by the Players Clut
at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening it
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall h4s been
aoss L. Taylor, '24, will take the,
part of Master Hamlet, an old inn-
keeper in Arden. His wife, the Mis-
tress Hamlet, will be Norma McI-
doo, '24, while Elwood C. Fayfield, '25,
will be their son, Master Robin Good-
fellow Hamlet. In the roll of Mistress
Immortality will be Florence L. Nel-
son, '25. Two literary gentlemen
from London in pursuit of Miss Im-
mortality are Master William Shake-
speare, Charles' D. Livingstone, '25
and Sir Francis Bacon, Ritter Levin-
son, '25.
The plot, taken from Shakespeare's
"Hamlet," centers, about tme pursuit
of Immortality by Francis Bacon and
William Shakespeare. Once they
come so close as to get in the same
house with her, but even then-she
eludes them, dropping a sprig of lau-
rel for a remembrance as she goes.
Robin Goodfellow, the youth in the
play, leaves with Miss Immortality
when she flees.
All the scenery for the production
has been designed and produced by
members of the organization in the-
Players Club Workshop on East Uni-
versityAvenue. There the scenic ef-
forts were worked out and all the
electrical and mechanical details of
production were 'executed.
In addition there will be a reading
of another one act play, "The Swap
Song", by Chekov. This will be pre-

through long experience in travelling
o'er the shifting sands, have come to
languish in the fierce temper of the
Sun god, will watch with malicious
joy, the exhausted travellers as they
wearily trudge across the blazing'
And the Sphinxes, those redoubt-
able guardians of the centuries, will
glare in stolid mockery at the brazen
neophytes who have felt themselves
strong enough to tempt the wrath oi
the ancient vigilantes.-I
Then, spent with fatigue and clutch-
ing at gasping throats, their laden
spirits will hearken to the soothing
whispers of the rustling reeds, which
are the emerald palace of the god of!
the living Nile. p
Otto hIatns,'00LDonates Silver Loving
Cup for Award to Winner
of Campaign
The large silver loving cup which
will be awarded to the campaign work-
er of the Union Life membership drive
securing the largest number of sub-
scriptions will be called the "Otto H.
Hans Loving Cup" in honor of the
man ,oifering the' cup. as a personal
The cup, which is to be hereafter
an annual gift, will this year be of a
unique design, and will surpass in
size any cup hitherto awarded,
The team cartains, . the names of
which were announced at the first

Richards Asserts He Will Fight Case
To Finish In Attempt
To Lift Ban
(By Associated Press)
Chicago, Nov. 2.-A new upheaval
in, Western Conference football cir-
cles over the eligibility of players
was seen today in the announcement
that two s-tars, Donald Murray, of the
University of Wisconsin, and Ellison
R. Augur, of Illinois, have been bar-
The protest against Murray was
made by Coach Zuppke of Illinois,
and upon being notified that the playa
' er had been declared inehgible, Coach
John R. Richards, of Wisconsin, de-
clared that he would protest five mem-
.bers of the Illinois squad. Richards
wis quoted as saying he was much
disappointed at the loss of Murray
from the game with Minnesota Sat-
The disbarment of Augur and Mur-
ray came as an echo of the famous
Taylorville-Collinsville professional
game of last fall, which resulted in
the virtual disruption of both the
Notre Dame and Ilinois football
squads, all of the members of the
two teams whotook part being ruled
out of furthersparticipation ,in Con-
ference athletics.
Richards declared that he would
E fight the Murray case to a finish, in'
the hope of having the ban removed.
He asserted that if Murray was inel-
igible, many players in the Conference
are also. In the case of' Illinois, he
named Green, Augur, Yates, Robin-
son, and Durant, all of whom, he said
had violated the regulations of the

meeting of the drive workers last
night, are as follows: Joseph H.
Black, '23E, R. Hall De Weese, '25, Definite action is now being taken
Thomas E. Fiske, '25, Edward M. Fox, to choose the members of the Var-
'25E, Robert V. Halsey, '25, Guy W. sity debating team which will take
Kirsch, '24, E. A. Kirshner, '25, A. F. part in the 'triangular debate between
Koepcke, '25, F. S. Kratz, '24E, M. D. Chicago and Northwestern universi-
Latson, '24E, C. K. McCracken, '25E, ties on Jan. 1A Six independent try-
H. E. McKnight, '23, W. H. Merner, outs will be chosen at 8 oclock to-
'24, F. C Pollin, '24E, John A. Sabo, morrow morning in room 302 of Ma-
'25, E. C. Stark, '24 S. of M., Gifford son hall.
Upjohn, '25, D. D. Wilson, '24E, J. D. Persons who are eligible to take
Briscoe, '24E, T. G. Crabble. '24. part in campus activity and who are
not members of either. of the debat-
ing societies may tryout tomorrow
morning by iigasi iuetalk
on same pnase of the question that
will be used this year. Six of these
T persons will be chosen by the mem.
OPERA P CONTES Ul L bers of the public speaking depart,
ment to tryout for the final teams.
Alvin Wolfson, '23, is the winner of The two debating societies will each
the Michigan Union Opera, "In and pick six of their members and from
Out," poster contest. Albert T. Peck, thgese eighteen the two teams of si)
'25, secured the second prize. There persons will be selected later in the
is a possibility that both posters may year.
be used, Wolfson's work employed for The question that will be debated
the poster proper, while Peck's plate this year is, Resolved: That the Unit-
may be printedl on the programs. ed States should adopt the British
The first poster has a Dutch setting: system of unemployment insurance.
wth windmills and other like objects The triangular debate this year will
doh e in three colors: orange, blue and be the twenty-fifth annual debate
yellow. Peck's work is done in maize among the two institutions. The Mich-
and blue with a similar Dutch back- igan affirmative team will meet the
ground and a boy and girl in the fore-. Northwestern negative trio in Ann
ground. Twelve other posters were Arbor, and the negative team will ar-
submitted, all of which were well gue with the Chicago affirmative team
done, but the first two mentioned will at Chicago. The Chicago negative
furnish better advertising mediums. team will compete against -the North-
Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, Editor of the western affirmative team at ' North-
Michigan Alumnus; Bruce Donal4- western university. In this way,. there
son of the fine arts department; Hom- will be a debate in each of the schools
er Heath, manager of the Michigan on the evening of Jan. 19.
Union; E. Mortimer Shuter, director Alpha Nu and the Adelphi House of
of the Mimes Theatre; and Frank E. Representatives are choosing six mem-
Camp, '23E, general chairman of the bers from their societies to tryout for
opera, acted as judges in the contest. the teams. From these twelve and the
six independents chosen, the final
teams will be picked. On Nov. 11 the
TI~f~IlTnaitirn squad will-be lowered to twelve mem.
S TUDu Ui CARS wui v U bers and the following week the teams
will be finally chosen.

Investigation of the possibility of a
central campus postoffice, the neces-
sity of which was brought up at the
last meeting of the deans, has been,
placed in the hands of Secretary Shir-
ley W. Smith, upon whose findings
the undertaking of the project de-
pends. The postofflce, which would
be a sub-station of the city postoffice.
would be a ditributing center for
mail to members of the faculty and
the staff of the University, and would
probably be located in University
The present methods of handling
such mail are very unsatisfactory, ane
it is the opinion of the deans that the
proposed plan would greatly remed31
them. "I am in favor of it," said Dean
John R. Effinger, of the literary col-
lege. "The expansion of our staffs has
necessitated some - such arrange-
Within the next week the postal au-
thorities will probably be consulted
as to their 'iews on the matter, and
the University will also further in-t
vestigate the plan. Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the president, ex-
pressed the belief that it would be de-
sireh1 if the nstnffioa wnill at the

Football and prominent members of
the Varsity squad occupy the greater
portion pf the November issue of
Chimes,, campus opinion monthly,
which will make its appearance this
morning. Capt. Paul Goebel is ,the
subject of an interview, while one
frontispiece of the number is a com-
bination photograph and di'awing of
him. The cover of the "magazine is a
painting of Harry Kipke, Varsity half-
back, by Hunter G. Griffith, '21. -
The football team is featured in two
articles: "Our Conference Game with
Ohio State," by Lincoln Carter, '23,
and "The Climax of a Three Years'
Campaign," by Frank McPike. An
article by Hubert Work, United States
postmaster general, features the regu-
lar literarv sctinn of the issne

Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, for- sented by Robert Tubbs, '24L, presi-
mer federal circuit judge and presen' dent of the Players club.
supreme baseball dictator, will -wit-
ness the Michigan-Wisconsin football
game on Nov. 18 from the Ferry field [
stands. I.
'Judge Landis comes to Ann Arbor
November 18 at the invitation of the
Athletic ' association tendered to U UJNU UOMMITTEES
him by Coach Yost. He will be '
accompanied by Mrs. Landis and they Appointments to the numerous co-
will both be the guests of, President mittees which will carry on the ac-
Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton tivities of the senior literary class
while, they are in Ann Arbor.tvte ftesno ieaycae
hil they aeinJd An s b r. during the present year were an-
In Wasking Judge Landis here for nounced yesterday by Robert D. Gib-
the Wisconsin game Coach Yost says son, president of the class. The work
"The Athletic association's invitation of the 15 committees will be perform-
has been accepted by a nman who has ed by 73 persons. .
a great interest in all kinds of ath- The committees, listed in alphabet-
.etics and who has himself given tp ical order, are as follows:
his regular profession and devote / Auditing-Thorne Browne, chair-
his life to the keeping of fair play in. man; Thomas L. Rice, and Elizabeth
sports. It will be a great pleasure in-! J. Forsythe; banquet-Theodore P.
deed to welcome Judge Landis to the Bank, chairman; Walter H Velde,
University and have him as our guest Richard Sweet, Mary E Read, and
so that he may see what Michigan Cora L Murbach; cap and gown-
stands for in athletics and in clean Marion B. Stahl, chairman; W. P. Hen-
play." derson, H. W. Heidbreder, Grace Hun-
Judge Landis is now completing his ter, and Marion Koch; class day-R.
second year as supreme arbitrator of E. Adams, Jr., chairman; Howard J.
baseball. He accepted the position in Liverance, Edwin R. Meiss, Lincoln J.
1920, after the" baseball scandal of Carter, Joyce Van Alstyne, Margaret
the world's series of that year was White, and Gladys Hindeman; finance
miade public in which the bribing of --Vernon F. Hillery, chairman; Jacob
players to "fix" the series was so Vande Visse, Anne Hinshaw, and Ilene
prevalent. His office was created tc{ Fischer; invitations-N. W. Robert-
be the, chief arbitrator in all disputes{ son. chairman: Robert Gray. ,R. L.

rexas Regents Take Step to Preserve

Democracy In School ANGORA DEBATES,
Austin, Tex., Nov. 2.-Prohibition of SULTAN'S STATUS
the student ownership of automobiles
was one of the several important (By Associated Press)
measures passed by the board of re- Constantinople, Noy. 2.-Violent
gents of the University of Texas in scenes marked the proceedings of the
regular session today. The resolution first Angora assembly during the dis-
was that, on or after Jan. 1, 1923, no cussion today. of the status of the
student .,will be permitted to own an Sultan.
automobile, with the exception of A number of the opposition dele-
graduate students who are residents gates left the hall, white others favor-

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