CC U ~left in finanfal straits. Lona BEM~laen necoiat d fr the elief BO410IGEY MAN "O AL"TII A lYS13 fthm btnoprmnn TO HUR1O A'S LAG CHANCES DEA'AUHC[[W CAPeavila abe ror t u u-.scaherae INS~~i LODEhOeRP Tmeeting, emphasized h I 's of vas le ne NotD~siea~end y Pw.'SIMwh~ r arc trying to drill it into the men he- Date, Farmers WVIli Coe. in fore the struggle this week end. Largst -Sumhrs Eer Will Use Passes Largst Nmbes Evr IThe passing attack which the A- PA 551W GAII!IOT USED ogies have held uap their sleeves during' BIEFOE IVUW L BE OB'I'.N)k the earlier part of the fall in antici-- pation of the M\ichigan gamze is being (Special to The Daily)' improved. D~uring the Indiana game? East Lansing, Nov'. 1.-With the the aerial attack was withheld until biggst ant oftheseaon nlytwot ?e last few minutes of play when as\ ! a last resort the F+~arm~ers opened up, days off conzsiderable speculation as ! coig n touchidowni before the fin- to the makeup of the team to face al whistle blew. The Hoosier tear.' Michigani is being ind.culged in by the was powerless against the openz work Agiespporters. Last week, in thej of the Aggie~s and 'it is bound to be gg' - s' IUsed ag,inst Michifgan if TM., A. r. Indiana gamec, every ma.n played hhi once gets on the offensive side of the position well fo~r the most part an(, field.I itl is understood that practically the Probably t he largest numiber of rooters that ever rsuppo~rted azznAggie samte tc am will be used against thf emina u-f-tw am ilb Wolernes Cac Baro, p t t i1 Ann Arbor Saturday. It is esti- l~re e. t time has .failed to issue zay 1mated that '5,000 ?l. A. C. studen1ts and staemets n te mtte an it~'alumni of the school, accompanied b)y, expectedt that he will await the ou1t- th iiaybn wl aeteti <, onie cf the remainina ;practice ses-Alhug htamdwiloks poo r pa r :ons befre hemke nydflioper its supporters -,re always on the decision2s. 4~ f~~k fra l of - rinrv a-U.lin II .fm tp of the, 1~~'FNniIM I me I,.>i l 1I - g vi , tico ath.:neeorforca con-A et c X50ici . Brtn.The Dresdnt unoat-, ghte-.onie (,ho of reei ai iug and dWO-_ 1i'~ alh h iiriywr 5 theida5 1111fr touth L!. Reet un,,ir erelff. .Hubbard, of Hoon tofl, who ttended! the meetingsuggt ed hat bonund couies o~f all Univers o iiapblications be compiled. T ~n e~ ig aprovd te lan. All stud nts n eology, zoology, botany, and epCiaf ]'lly beginninga dets ", will be interested in a se vie V,' ~L.0s use .in- the game against Mbichiigan. Practically the same type of offensive which has been used in the earlier games of the . season is being perfected. During the othr: gamnes technique has been lacking in most of the playfing and the coaches nuimber of disappointmnents which they have suffered in the last few Years they are looking for an upsef this year. Have Won TwiceS In 1915 the M. A. C. teani went t, Ann Arbor with the same feeling of Iuncertainty that they will 'take wvith thern Saturday, but when they left they carried a 24 to 0 victory back te. East Lansing. The only other timi that tihe Farmers trampled on the IMaize and lule was in 1913 when they handed Mich~gan her only defeat of the season, 12 to 7. The memory- of these two triumphs has lasted the supporters of the Green and White for a long tim1e and they are ready for another triumph this season. No gyne really expects it but every M. A. C. student is morn than ready for it and the Aggie team is ready to use its last ounce of n- e. rgy in fighting for it. ~CONFERENCETTLEAT STAK TilS WEKEN 4 " I 4 ' i f t x 3 T i i ' 1 E) G a a j' 6; i I Jniversity Ave. iowaN ti 70-@ et'est star'.4. Gor .,31) oclke, It n LIAhnd Parkih, Cs;. .;.(! ': x Kadsh", C'Id, By 'ormasib ?. lre ?tIti a Je harist part of the season-still Twvo other meumbers of the tea, Apparently brlessed with stars thiat' abc ad. Lelaid Parkin, at quarter, hias . :.Y a_ "right half, and kris at right cancary te tam o asecnd ralrIeady far excoaeded 0!e fonvdest hopes Ird broke intIo Conferenfc -ames ca 'ar h em oascn h o aans Who mourned the passin I last seoson and showied they had the; '1en title in w;,, yeprs, the Iowa foot ' uryDvn.1uswr ntesuf he two biglholes in the rko bal1 team n now is in danger of losingYaetm aln u=deser ox- 11 b the p,Lsing; of dusky "Duke" 1title thiro ,t'lsack of Inorale. Thils perts to tabulate hire as ain 11A-Am- Clater ,nd th~e fleet end, Pldi', area is the f eingr of at least a part of ercnpsiiiy a aek,.) rigfle,stagely enough, by~ M1 i ~star last year, has blossomed forth as r een men, but ca,,ablle ones. Eng- the~~~~~ wls ~i-wr fIoasfrue.amre brillianlt end. 21s a r i ning eIter Y;, 220 poundsa and fast for his It mrayiJ be onl:'y relaxation.n the;roete for Parkin in aerial andl 00p eintis liayinrg in Duke's shoes,f rigid preparantion jfcr the Yale gme ' field pla.ys he is sparkling. Gordon ;anl Joll Hancock is -writing his name, the preceding week. That- the c-onch -I ecke is as great ar line lunger as ever.' in big letters in foldinlg's place on the Linisol t cmuorar:ostadherents ,,Of the othber mr1embers five Nxx r're- tlghln. believe, and they have faith in Howt-. glars last year and are playing we'll. lowa has - two games still ahead that ard Jones' abiilly to bring the team Thompson at left tackle, Minick at vill test its metal to the limit. These hacki to its harmonious condition. left guard, Fieldt at center, Mead at are with Ohio State and Minnesota. Aside from this rpsyehological condi- right guard and Shuttlewortlh at left; The Towans meet Minnesota Nov- 11. Engineers' and Architects'. Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candaies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos r' i I I tionthe ta is in excellent 'shape for half are the five. indc State the following week. I . f (By Normian E. Brown) Fielding Yost and his Michigan eleven now seem headed for the "Big Ten" title. And their fight to land the championship bids fair to mxake the western conference race this sea- son the most tor rid in its ex stence. fiWhile the Wolverines rest-speak- ing from a conference standpoint-; and engage with the Mich gin Ag- gi es-Minnesota and Wi scon sin are girding their moleskin clad loins for the biggest battle of the week in the conference. This game to be played at Minne- apolis, is fraugh~t with posstilities. 'Minnesota has not lost a conference Mat he r Mitchell Write Book On game to edate. It has won two. Itj has, however, a tied game in its re-' BaskethalC acl jug And Sciencel ord. Wisconsin has gone undefeated - --- to date, albeit the team has played bu' Feeling; the nead of a disser tation Mit."'hell is a former University of one coiifexerice' game. The ictoriouts treating basketball, complctely. ;Michigani base hail captain. He has team in this coining game will be in Coach E. J. M1athzer, Varsty basket- tu~rne(! oust basketball teams of chai.n- a position to say considerable in de- 1ball coach, and E. D. MI~itchell, di- 1invi airefrUin Hg c:ding the conference race. mector ofIntrlmuraeathleticohave . The following Saturday innesota edited and prepdred fo.r st? aleac -(0o11o rn andad h tt takes on the chamnpionship Iowa cloy- plete book of 12 chapters entitled ; orilaOl Co)llege at Ypsilanti. At on en. Victories in these two games' "Basket Ball". f tune he was Michigan's head basket- would not only eliminate the champs "Basket Ball" discusses the 1?eb j balcoaOch, and in two years tinge he' and Wisconsin but would put M4inne- lenis of basketball coaching, t