CHIGAfN DAT F1 SI u~s UIIIIIM l ILIU W(V{E141N'S PARTY 0111 EN LPSlL ('}311TINI1. WOMENI________ Therc will be a spread for all wora-; fE1CTS T 'e..o-who have come out for extra hockey practice at 5:304o'clo:,k this afternoon al Palmer field. 'The hockey team i will be announced at that time. All M ichiganLeague Continues s Local Aericaiato or University women have been ver-j generous in lending their time and ef- forts to Americanization work wh~c:i is being carried on under the direc- tion of the Michigan League. On Wednesday afternoon of each .Women of the state of j. ichigan are N -omern who expect to attend are re- being legally discriminated aganyt n at 4:20 o'clock in room - 204 of the of reading, writing and spelling. The Law" in classing women as infecrior' School of 'Music, for girls who wer women, too, will be instructed inr tae ' ilse of the English language and all to men. A married woman in this state to be present at the first try- that goes toward the Americanization clues not oven own her own w earing ou . o h oege.I shpdb hs apparel or the ornaments purchiased o h oege.I shpdb hs by her husband for hecr use; a wife's Members of the Bible class for" Un. j in charge that fathers and older sons of the families will interest them- work in taking care of the homne andj iversity women which is being co.. elesi.atedngth!ngt1cho in bringing up the chil(Vren is still in 'ducted by Mr'. Thomas Iden, will meet In this way the progress that is mnadE the category of slave labtor in the sense this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the that it beclong°s to her husband and she 'south parlors o2 Newberry hall. At-bytewmnwlnobeosthug has no right to any retuirn fior it. jten t u is called to the fact that it is ---___- ___- Oitnoftof mothe crmostt ytserioteus jidihe ourem- ATTHEt yet too onsalatste ttowmejoinhe thed acoursentreseATreTrgeEto.HEATEHEAES inatqnsaganstthewomo o~theandallgirs ineretedareurgd t :,kate is the fact thrat a wife hpas al- attend the meeting this afternoon. mos no power to mnake a contract.! Only if she h'sc om e property of herI AfternoCon rehearsals for "Thle Arae- .ad haly i otwn mray she cotract for any sorvices ; Knight of 'the Burning Pestle" wl be "rning Sa1" nda;" dda Boy i or materials' of any sort. It doe3 not h eld in Sarah Caswell Angell ball, "BrigSn; an.Bob m attear that before. her marriage she ..and the evening rehearsals in Ne i Vernon. in "pardon -My Clove." mzay hav~e been carrying<; on a large ;berry hail auditorium. The schedule -___ ljusnes an ma~ar S hr. 'Twoo'cocki Majestic--Norma Talmadge in buiesadmngn 'e own f-i for today is as follows: two o'clock, "'h Eena«lae",n fairs quilt ec capably. o soon as she Act V, scene 1 ; 3 o'clock, Act V, L~pioLn n TePrt. marries sh!e is classcd 'by the la-, with Iscene 3;4 Lpn ae. h iae" o'clock, Act V, scenre 2; 7 I the children. andCthe insane, as far as !o'clock, Act V, entire. Orh m-Wife Wetvrn her power to nik~e a contract i.s con- I-- -m inrclWsovri r "Anne of Little Smoky"; and cerned,;' states the report of the Nra- PRlOF . NELSON WILL I 31;ETI com edy. tional Woman's pary rYOTS", AAQE I)l ___ Various other examlples are quoted -Weth orsMyi"U an in te reort hic indcatethatthe Professor J. Raleigh Nelsion, direct- At 'Errn". comedy n es women of this state are being leg ally ICr oyMaquedwmensseaws. Ior d.iscriminatedi against. In an effort to galanton, will meet all women who 'T~ Ve-Sa4 remove these outworn restrictions, the ;have applied for membership in the hs1'~ -rat IMllhipm~n h znho b c4 ~n W ncin i .-.. . ithe totally foreign influence of the _horde. } Among the foreign w~omen who al e !interestedl in attending the Amercican_- ization schools, are natives of -Rus- 'sia, Greece, Italy and the countries of south eastern Europe, with the vram- Syiied and novel experience.; which thle>'° native country affords. These people1 form the backbone of a very inztellec&. tual and refined peoples and hien the work of Aner icanizati'on is ca~r- )!ved out, they should be an ,rssot, to t the United States anzd the ccmuinzz- ity in which they live. F 1oror ty 13i~h 4r°. Ied;1 ie~xi «°ar - IAlpha Kappa, losal sorority, fY S Monroe. St., has l een grantedl a c l ";-- ter to the national f'ratern ty of Al- phala Gamma Deita.I Plans for the in~stallation of the, chapter have not yet been eoiplzo;Xd Ebut it is expected that the formal cem'einwny will take place some tune in. the next few week., Speretary is Introdiuced at, Servie' Mrs. Bruce Millar, the new secr'e- tary for university women on the staff of the Congregational church, was in- troduced to the congregation at the Sunday service. She spoke briefly in regard to the work which she is as- suming. Mrs. Millar is well equipped! for the position due to her former sec- retarial and social service experience. IShe will give part time to her new position. You will be surprised at the large Sresults obtained at low cost from a "Daily" clasified' ad ---Aciv. ONE DOLL %Rr FOR YOUR OLD) PEN - In Fxchanve For a ATTHE THEA TER S One of th~e most pronounced dra- m~atic successes of last season was Boot h zarkngton 's brilliant comedy, "Th3In't mate Strangers", in -wAhichr A lds lsaRyan has achieved a tri- unph. "pjhis play which was seen last cce:son only in New York, Boston, Chica go, and two or three of the larg- ' er cities, will be presented by August- us Pitou, at the Whitney Theatre, Sunday Might, Nov. 12. M-Viss. Rynn will ho remenmbered: for her artistry: in "'eg -0' My Heart", "Tea for Three", "Peg For Short". The orig-I :ssl r,;t'n ill be seen here. Al i n auy be glad they're men ; but . . orc tblDn oe Nill 'wish lie were at girl when the Wvonn~s Leagule givesI its Slyly, show tomnorrow, for' only g rl?-wai bse allowed to enter Sarah Car>well Augell hail. No modiste or F'ifth Avenue could p~resent more chic, stun.ning costumes than will he wornI by -Michigan girls. Everything front r-ding bhvdIits to evening gowns will be dl splaye(I on charming mnodels fro,. Helen Newberry residence, Alpha; Cmr.lcr n Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omaega, Delta Gamma, Kappa Al phc l Theta, Pi IBeta Phi and Sorosis soror- ities. After the show there will be dancing in dihe gymnasium. IAnn Arbor People Annunce -RXariag- Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. M6rgan an- nounce the marriage of their daugh?- ter, :Ilelen Edith Morgan, '26, to ML~r. John W. Neatly, '24.' Mr. Keatly is a Memrber of Trigon. M-chiga nDaily and Chimes for $1.50. ONEDOLLAR OR MORE For Your Old Pen ANY STANDIARD MAKE. IN EXCHANGE' FOR A RIDE'R Then Your Pen Trouble 3.Arer RIDER'S PEN4 SHOP College Inn Over P f+r+ { r . ^; E U U U U U U U U A U U U E U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U B ® ®® ®®®®®®EKE EU. UEE 101 ® UU 1 HAT one, may wear a fashionable Fur on a slender income is proved by the fact that hando some scarfs of finest quality may be selected here as low as 1 U U' a r al, rU' I I ' trau~i i uvs o %LLR v . irs pary club at 5 o'clock this afternoon in flansa campaignM for an "equal rights"! Sarah Caswell :Angell hall. Professor law when the iegislature meets in'Jan- ;Nelson will explain the new method nar. Wscosinalradyhassuc a~which the club has adopted this year lawe which has anparen tly worked 'welli for taking in members. for more than a year. Tryouts will be asked to help iu de- tailed matters pertaining to the pro- ATE 1 I4jEE L Y UT duction of "The Knight of The Burn- ing Pestle" to be given Nov. 22 in 11111 auditorium. In this way, the new "Library Notes," a new weekly pub- girls will become acquainted with thc' lishing news and items of interest tc active members of the club and with the members of the University libraryc the methods used by the organ iza- staff, made its first appearance re-; tion. cently.C; Among the more important st-bjects in this issue was the announcement of the gift, by a Detroit alumnus, Of s the famous Burdett-Coutts collectiorj of-biblical and iiturgical manu Iseri-pts This collection is said to 'be particu- larly important in that it fur nishes . uinworked- material for a critical stud-, of new testaiment texts. Notice was also girven of aseeri , z Minor O":anlges 1ZIn the :irary st¢_Af The saeries of teas which Mrs. lar- n L. Burton and Dean Jean Hamil-Mn ton have been giving in honer of th(, I freshmencu women and their junior Cr.d vf, nnP oA.nie'Vaf- i will buy aCroa1.C Garrick (Detroit) -- "Greenwich Villeg e Follie3."I } IDons tel le companly in "The Woman? in Bronz7e." 4 d Y I M~A® : 1. F i .l x . V, k L"z. ' 4 LAST TIME TODAY WIIFRDESTOER INi "ANNE OF LITTLE SMOKY" EDDIE POL'OIn Chapter 5 UNIVERSAL STAR COMEDY I "404Do~ 5SECOND FLOOR t f. ., oo,1 ,dy ear-'s 124 SOUTH MAIN I Pao W, I Ova # x r lot A Perfect: Consonance of Masterly Production, 'Vrv^ ort rse I! r .n 124-rr n- - .. r-A- T -- 1 n n a, W u's a aUEU