IIU UL i~rrr~. r s....ry~ li~wrrrrr.i.lM LrIrrLrrrriu~~w~+ 'on federate Veterans Now Under Arms Hold Reunion Near Site Of Great Defeat I. a tour of one mouth, during which nir .the mpemberswoldseve andtarests LtELCLIJD5SI g NOY. IS the speakersouseefthandargest 1 universities in' the country. Amon; prominent Europeans whom the In, Date for Annual Fall Concert Set; stitute will attempt to secure are H. Plan Westerii Trip A. L. Fisher, commipsioner of educa I___ ton under Lloyd George, and Lord Slcin-yte.Mdih os Haldane, British statesman and for- SeetosI h ingtSn mer cabinet member. quartette, a banjo qluintette, the vo- President Burton is heartily in fav-f cal and instrumental sections of the or of the plan, believing it to be an i club, and other, groups, will compose excellent means of teaching American the program of the annual fail con- students their responsibilities in cert of the University Glee crabs to world affairs: be heid on the evening of Nov. 1£l in The universities which will coop- luBll auditorium. In the entertain-' erate in the plan have not yet beerj ment, the 48 members of the vocal determined, but it is certain that the section of the club and the 15 mem-, University of Michigan will be a mem- bers of the instrumental section wvill ber of the group, take part. Gage E. Clarke, grad~, has. been chosen accompanist. Unvell Tablet irking Cralit's hIouse! Plans are now under way for an ex. Detroit, Nov. 1. - Unveiling of a tended western trip for the club to be taken during spring vacation. A nuim- bronze tablet marking the house on! ber of serenades, tap room sings, and East Fort street, which was occupied other entertainments are also being as a residence of Gen. Ulysses S. considered and their dates will prob- Grant, while stationed at, Fort Wayne ably be announced soon. here in 1849, will occur Friday after- A rehearsal of the -vocal section of noon. _,' the club will be held at 7 o'clock this, I 11!m- 777 i evening in the upper reading room of cusslon of plans for the, year inlclud- the Union. m i gseverl an ces to Ibe given at re.g- ula inervls evealformer hmem- f~eferners Mo ld Intial Mefl e(i1 c!r of tho club gave brief talks Memibers of the Westerners club] held their initial meeting of the year' Lose someth~ing? A classifiedInir in Lane hall last night. After a dis- Ohe Daily wi ll 7fl it.-Adv. Now playingla," T'I' EONLY rTHlEAT RE 1 II ICII AN SJ[{)WING TITRMFEND'-OUS l'R-QDFTVION AT P01' [LAR PRICES I A Nan 's Flaming Answer to. the Who Wrole the " Sheik Woman ._., . . THE I .- WiANDA I4AWEY' MILTON SILLSROETCI JACQUELINE LOGAM I GREY, 60o E. Liberty Before you write that theme have a cup of real cof fee anda sandwich at "The Grey Shop". NUNtI IYS SOUTHERN CANDIES U 0700t,.Silo ,% - at- ( ,:. Company B, Confederate Ve~rans of Nashilfle, Tenn, The only confederate organization still under arms is Company B, Confederate veterans of Nashville, Tenn. cThe aniformed and equipped by tlbe state as a part of the state's defense. This photograph was taken with thei,, >pon'-ors at the recent Confeder'nf reunion at richmond, Va. UNIVERSITY FIRST IN HIGH~Y P[IP, ~Tfs1cf the ofrer of a contreoll rv' F I GETC HEM NOW!! 0 Positlon Recognized at Conference: Engineers' held -at Wash- ington, AtRM.Y OFFICERS TO TA1KE COJ'7IR- E4 IN y.ARI~E M ichgant's supremnacy in th e fie:.' of highwtay engineering and highi transport was recognized at the ie ond National Conference onHg-w: Engineering and Highway Transporis'. held last week in Washington, ac- cording; to Prof. Arthur H. Blanjchard, who was the University's official rep- resntaive atthe co'nvntion.- i en 'v ~boare(, i pn by tre boa, of dre'ar~of the ichigan Alumni assoe("^ion at a meeting held recent- 1 1 T~i - reso!7tion declining the pro- £ ~ r _A at ftir; vythe directors state.cT 'Iat: Ohe ~ofiatLion was not proper Iv organized to assume the responsi- ito' wich would be involved by ' ! 7: r acentance. The resolution nev- ertheless expressed unqualified ap- ;pro,.ah of the plan now under way for ~:ilding studcnt dormitories. The Dormitories corporation has al-- roady secured large subscriptions for the erection of these buildings under a plan which contemplated the trus- teeship of the Alumni association. Education Institute Seeks English Statesmen For Amnerican -Univiersities HOPE TO INSTRUCT STUDENTS IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS' For the purpose of giving the col- lege student a wider perspective in. his attitude toward world affairs, the International Instituto of Education, of which President Marion L. Burton is a director, plans to bring a prom- inent foreign statesman to this coun-; try as a University lecturer. The plan as announced Tuesday by, President Burton would provide for A varml desert romance that is one long, breathless thrill. Thc storp of an Evnglish beau ty. who sought love across the burning sands. Pro- duced on a rwainificent scale by the moan who inado "The Slieik. " The brilliant caost include-s be sides the featured stars, Loutse lDrc scr, Winter Ilaill, Albert Res- coo andl other aorts CO'LLAR ATTACHED '{ Y.w . -. 6 $2.25 EAC14OR 2 FOR $4,25 CHARLES RAY iN' "THE DU E OF SPADES"' Reprseta~iesof Harvard, Yale,~ ''F ' W B7RITIS H GOV'T I D Columbia, and the Massachusetts In- J STo PAY U S t stitute of 'Technology declared tl-' ". S their xntiturtions: had not considers(& it adyisa1)e to establish gradats ' heaneellor Says First Duty Will Be Office courses in highway transport a-:, Settlement of Debt 9-12; highway engineering so long s Michigan wasw so well equipped t2:,(yAscitdPes meetthedemad. London, Nov. 1.-The new chancel.- Every promiinent college of en-' fr of the exchequer, Stanley Bald-, gineering east of the Rocky moue-! win, declared tonight that his first du- tamus, 144 institutions, sent delegates'ties w ill be to settle the debts to the to the conference.! United States. He made this an- Negotiations have been completed nou.ncement at a speech at Cardiff, 01 with the war department whereby two w vhen he alluded also to the necessity officers of the Highway Transport! of a prompt settlement of the repara- corps of th-e regular army will -come tons problem. here shortly, for the purpose of tak-e: Regarding the amount owing_ the ing graduate courses and conduct- United States, he said, "It is a heav~j ing investigations in highway tr an.-' debt, but we have told America that port in,the Engineering school. Thie,- we are respionsible for it to the last are Major Mark L. Ireland and Cap-. penny, and we are going to pay it." tain Francis -I. Maslin,, both of whom The chancellor advocated contiu- have been doing work in this line i , ance of a close co-operation with Brn- Bo'ston.l tain's wartime allies, France and Ita-' OSS They will bring with them two ar- ly, and co-operation, as far as pos- my tru~cks,. one trailer, and one Inc- sible, hand in hand with America. tor car 'which will be, employed in --------- some experimnental investigations to be undertaken by Prof. Walter E. Lay } A REAL GOOD MEAL. of the automotive engineering depart- jCHOPSUEY STEAKS r went.- In this he will be assisted by Everything good at Victr B. Burton, district engineer' of lAn Arbor Chop Suey the Mchigan State Hfighway depart- 81S.ta-ecn Flo- ment, 316xSSutte-StatenStreet di Ann Abr Q Icd D-siged b WHITEHOSE & AR ~NOPRT~ BRADAYT4~hSRE["V14 WST 21DS RV. -.M~hOOTA4 PRAIfVE ug KI~aneKr BI rIN NEWaYOR )R. W. S. MILLS ,EOPATHIC PIIYSICI2N 16, First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. ;Hours Phone 1 :34)5 821-Fl 224 SOVUTH .STATE 4TRE 'I L I . - I Al0 r,, 8E~t= SIP cIAIRILOWITSCII FIVE STVPEINDOVS PROGRAMS Y IC P', XOJAR By World Famous Soloists and Michigan's Greatest Musical Organization H D TO ORCI ESTRA OCT. 30-INA BOURSKAYA, Russian Soprano, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowvitsch, Conductor. NOV. 20--RAOUL V'IDAS, French Violinist, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony {orchestra, 'Victor Kolkir, Conduct- ing, in a program of popular works. DEC. 4--ALFREID CORTOT, French Pianist "'A Second. Paderewski" in a piano Recital. JAN. 1 5-KATHRYN MEISLE, American Contralto, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Victor K(olar, Conducting, in 'a program of popular works. FEB. 1 Y 9-MAUR:ICE DUMESNIL, French Pianist, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowvitsch Conductor. Good Season Tickets Still Available at $2.00 - $3.00 0 $4.00 - $5.00, at University School of Music CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary ETA BOIJRSKAYA RAOUL VEDAS ALFRED CORTOT. MA URICE DUMESIL, J(ATHRYN 11ISJJE =own= NMI 0 _....,,_...., ¢_ vrmmmron. AM II DANCE 11 I