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November 02, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-02

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I '


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_ ! i

HoilE r
Appollinted as epresentalive of U. S.
In 1913; IDied.at Age
of 69
Richmond, Va., Nov. 1.-Thomas
Nelson Page, former ambassador to
Italy, and- noted author, died of heart
disease this afternoon at his ancestral'
home "Oakland", where he was born:
near Beaverdam, in Hanover county.
He was walking in the garden with
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Roswell Page
when he suddenly collapsed. He was
carried into the house, and medical
aid was summoned," but he died with.;
in a few minutes. He was 69 years
Appointed in 1913
Mr. Page was appointed ambassa-
dor to Italy in June, 1913, and con-
tinued in that capacity until August,
Much of his time thereafter was
spent in study and occasional writ-,
ing. He made his home in Washing-
ton, but recently sold his house with
the intention of spending most of his
time in Virginia. Although the serv-
ices he performed as ambassador at
Rome in the trying war years, were
of great value to the government, Mr.
Page was best known for his literary
prpductions, which had won for hirr
a name both at home and abroad
long before he accepted the appoint-
ment from President Wilson. It was,
in fact, this literary talent which en-
deared him to the Italian people.
Of Old Family
Mr. fage was born at "Oakland"
April 23, 1853,sboth hisamother and
father being descendants of General
Thomas Nelson, one ofdthe signers of
the Declaration of Independence..



Enemies In Parliament Only

~ 1
~ I


Thousands of Young Facisti
Admirers Returned to homes


The Fie
Now being erected on Ferry field,
Michigan's athletic activity.

1 House
that eventually will

be a center for

Arrival of Structural Naterials Al. MINCE PIES NEED BOOZE
lows Operations to Proceed
Rapidly Chicago, Nov. 1.-- Mince pies are
suffering from the Volstead act, ac-
BIG TEN BASKETBALL GAMES cording to an attack on the law made
T BE ... AYE ,N UiL, N ~..i by a local distillery in federal district1
lxil nnta ia f of H fh bi_ i COW

(By Associated Press)
Rome, Nov. 1.-With the inaugura-
ion. of Dr. Benito Mussolini and his
'acisti ministry, Italy at last seems
o b: on the road to normalcy after a
week of almost unprecedented polit-t
cal turmoil ending in the triumph ofj
he younger generation over the old
onservative politicians.
Youths Returning
Tens of thousands of the vigorous
,oung Facisti and their enthusiast<c
idmirers who accompanied them here
rom all over the land, were on the
vay back to their homes today. Theirs
vas the thrill of a real, Roman tri-j
umph, in which a million people made,
le streets ring with plaudits for
zig and country after Dr. Mussolini
end the new ministry had taken their
)aths of office before the sovereign.!
Dr. Mussolini was on the job early
.his morning and said he was going
o see to it that everybody else en-
-aged in the nation's business followedj
uit. He made it plain that he was.:
going to rule with an iron hand that
taly might the sooner be restored to
i better economic basis, and a more:
nowerful place in international af-

with more tnaniai ha. o ti mei a r
cated structural steel work erected
the new field house now is looming
impressively against the sky. "I am
satisfied with the progress," sai'
Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of
intercollegiate athletics yesterday
"although the work has been delayed
by our inability to get the steel."
When the first sod of the new build-
ing was turned Aug. 2, it was hoped
that the work would be rushed suffi.
ciently so that the structure would be
completed by Nov. 1. The rail strike
and the coal shortage, however, tied
up the work of fabricating the steel
to such an extent that it has beer
only within the last few weeks that
the necessary structural materials-
could be secured. Christman and
company of Detroit have been work-
ing as ,rapidly as possible in an effort
to finish the work at an early date.
WIll le Fine Plant
When the new field house is com-
pleted, Michigan will have one of the
greatest athletic plants in the coun-
try. Facilities furnished by the nev
building together with those already
available, will supply every need for
all the sports recognized by the Con-
ference. Ample room for indoor foot-
ball and baseball practice will be of.
fered by the structure which is 34C

Atorneys for the distillery contend
hie Vo'stead act is unconsitiutional,
f it prohibits the sale of spirituous
hoours for cooking purposes. They
suggested that liquors have great val-
ues as an aid to the culinary arts, and
by some cooks are deemed essential.
especial'y in the preparation of mince

David Lloyd George aind Premier Bo nar Law on their way to the parlia-
ment b nilding
This photo, just received from L ondon, throws an interesting side-
light on the political situatiofi there. Although Bonar Law was the head of
the Unionist party which caused the overthrow of Lloyd George and his
cabinet and later was named premier to succeed the little Welshman, the
two are warm friends off the platform.

Model Building for Education Students
to Be Managed by Latest
Men are working overtime to finish
the concrete work on the new model
high school of the School of Educa-
tion before freezing weather sets in
to interfere with operations. The
contractor in charge of th)e work
states, that it will be possible to push
the work steadily through the winter
if this part of the construction can
be completed seasonably.
Ready In Fall
"I feel confident that the building
will certainly be finished in time for
use next fall," Dean A. S. Whitney of
the School of Education stated yester-
day. "We have assurances from the
contractors that the cntract date for
completion, set next August, will be
observed if operations are not inter-
fered with by cold weather"
It has been definitely decided, ac-
cording to Dean Whitney, to use the
so-called teaching system in the new
school, instead of the old 'fashioned
one in use at most normal schools.
This method consists in putting stu-
dents of education into the high school
classes with the rest of the pupils.
These University students will at-
tend classes as if .they were students
in the high school; they will prepare
their lessons, and will be called on
to recite, and will be marked just as
will the regular pupils. When they
have been in the class for 'eight
weeks or more, they will be asked to
take charge of the class, one student
for each day, under the personal su-
pervision of the regular teacher.
Gives Practical Skill
The aim of the system is to give the
embryo teachers a practical knowledge
of teaching methods from the point of
view of the student as well' as of the
teacher, and, in addition, provide a
thorough review of the subject. The
new method is generally conceded to
be much more scientific than the old
one of turning loose an inexperienced
teacher on a class. and letting him
learn by the method of trial and er-
Committees from the School of VEd
ucation are now at work on the cur-
riculum of the new school and expect
to announce the course of study soon.
Committees are also searching for a
principal and teaching staff, and hope
to have secured a corps of trained ex-
perts in all fields by the time the
school is ready to open.
Benson Wins Chief
Prize At Art Show
' (By Associated Press)
Chicago, Nov. 1.-Frank Benson, of

iaitinr mmI i nnnn

Prize Offered to House
Best Trlmmings for
" Game

Which Ha

Decoration of houses and stores and
other means of celebrating the Wis-
consin game, were the most important
subjects of discussion at the meeting
of the Student council held last night
at the Union. A committee which
will decide on the prize to be offered
for the best decorations and make all
the plans for the day was appointed.
A committee, composed of one mem-
ber of the faculty, one visitor from
the University of Wisconsin, and other
judges to be named by the Student
council, will be appointed before the

Excitement Ended
Replying to the congratulations of I
the press organizations the new pre-,
mier declared that the recent extra-
ordinary conditions are over and that Special Train Will Bring Rooters
he intends to "safeguard the liberty Hore for Annual Scrap
if the press, on condition that the Saturday
press prove itself wor-thy of liberty."
"Liberty," he added, "is not a right VISITORS' BAN]D WILL hEAD
To General Diaz, who is said to
have accepted the portfolio of war in More than 4,000 alumni, students,
order to give Italy one army, Dr. and followers of the green and white
Mussolini declared, "We will give will invade Ann Arbor Saturday to wit-
Italy a unique army, as we have cal- ness the annual state football class,
ried out a unique revolution. Indeed, ic, the clash between the teams of the
throughout the ages, there never was University of Michigan and Michigan
a revolution like ours, in which all Agricultural college.
public services continued, commerce A special train to carry the main
was carried on and industry did not body of rooters will be run from M.
cease." A. C It will leave Lansing at 8:20
o'clock central time Saturday morn-
ing, arriving in Ann Arbor at 10:30
o'clock central time. This train will
consist of nine coaches each bearing
500 of the Aggie supporters.
YEARTO rrL~ MODAY Alumni of the college are also ex-
pected to arrive in strong numbers
~~~from all over this part of the state.

Resignation of Turkish Ministers
Expected Hourly as Army Chief
Becomes Governor
(By Associated Press)
Constantinople, Nov. 1.-The Turk-
ish nationalist. assembly at Angora
has decided not to reply to the tele-
gram sent by Tewfik Pasha, grand
vizier of the Sultan's government,
pleading for a rapprochement and has
taken the stand that in the future it
will regard the authority of the Con-
stantinople government as equivalent
only to that of the administrative
council of a vilayet.
Announcement in the Turkish press
that Kiazin Kara Vekir, commander
in chief of the Turkish army in the
Caucasus, has been appointed nation-
alist governor of Constantionple, has
aggravated the officers and the col-
lective resignations of the Constanti-
nople cabinet is expected hourly.
Ali Riza Pasha, minister of the in-
terior in the Sultan's cabinet, today
told the correspondent, "If Angora in-
sists on our exclusion from the Laus-
anne conference, we shall be compell-
ed to place the resignations of the

by 160 feet rising clear or obstruc-
Farmers' Spotli glt is the name of b y au£w ii~LerU.umiu
the collection of vaudeville acts which tion to a height of 63 feet with pro-
the Mimes will produce Friday and vision for 12,500 spectators. The size
Saturday Snightsnat the Mimes theater. of this room corresponds exactly wit.
Thiis performance which will be given' the dimensions of the standard foot.
to celebrate the M. A. C. game Satur- ball field, being 300 by 160 feet.
day will be in the nature of spotlight Equipment sufficient to handle all
performances in the past with new tal- the freshmen and Varsity athletics
ent anid better equipment. will include an 8 lap to the mile
e bill wtil e hp11eader by A. L. tack, a 75-yard straightaway sever
Schultz, 25M, G. F. Greenbouer, '23, 1 al basketball courts so that Water-
and H. E. Bartlett, '23, in a gymnastic' man gymnasium will soon be freed
act which will include tumbling, and from the congestion caused In the
aerial trapeze work. The "Midnight classes by athletic practice periods.
Sons Quartettei' which toured the Can Accomodaite 4,200
state with the 'Varsity band last In the building there will be locker
spring, -will give several selections of and shower room facilities fo'r 4,200
old southern melodies and Michigan while offices of the Athletic associa-
airs. Burton, Hyde with his huge ma- tion, ticket offices, store rooms anC
rimbaphones will put on another of drying rooms will be provided.
the acts.J It will be possible with the comple-
All seats for both performances will tion of the structure to hold the Big
be reserved and will go on sale Fri- Ten Indoor meet here. Up to the
day morning at the box office. The present time Northwestern has been
price for these shows will be lower the only college in the Conference
than it has been for any in the past, which had sufficient equipment to take
being only 35 cents. Both men and care of the big track classic.
women are admitted to the perform- Here it will alsobe possible to hold
ances. football practice at night without re-
sorting to the handicap of light flares,
Girl Reserve Leaders to Heir Dean and ghost balls necessary with the
Dean Jean Hamilton will address coming of darkness. Signal drills;
the Girl Resreve leaders at 7 o'clock can easily be held in the evening and
this evening in the south parlor of during bad weather.
Newberry hall. Dorothy Ketcham, di-
rector of social service in the Univer- Former Governor of Colorado Dies
sity hospital. will also speak. Atten- Pueblo, Nov. 1.-Alva Adams, for-
tion is called to the fact that it is not mer governor of Colorado, and widely
yet too late to join the course, and all known in the west as an attorney,
girls who are 'interested are urged to and democratic politician, died today
be present at the meeting tonight. at Battle Creek.
Ex-Service Men On Campus

Next Monday will be the date of1
issue for the firstaMichigan Law Re-
view this year, according to Prof.
John B. Waite, who has charge of the

game to select the best decorated publication of the journal.
house and award the prize. The Mich!i- Inadditionto thevusual notes and
gan block "M" will be present in the comments, the Review will contain
stands at this game. A large pep' an article on "Law in the Regulation
meetingwil be held on Friday, Nov. 'f Labor," by Prof. George Thompson
17, which it is planned to make the of the Pittsburgh Law school. It is
largest this year. ta treatise on the manner in which
The council went on record as fav- law has dealt with labor. Another
oring the custom of raising the flag artile will be on "Proximate Cause,"
at all the football games. This cer- a technical bit of writing by Albert+
emony was omitted during the Illinois ; Levit, formerly of the University of
gaemofwasttdatur ng t I I North Dakota Law school. The first
game of last Saturday. f tc"C it
The resignation of John W. Ross, ta series of articles on "Constitu-
'23E, from the council, was accepted tional Decisions" will also appear at
at this meeting. Ross had been a that tue. It was written by Prof.
member of the council for two years Thomas R. Powell of the Columba
and was treasurer ofthe orgeniz The magazine will contain 120 pages
amount of other work which made this issue. More than 100 subscrip-
.ue attention to his council duties im- tions to the Review have been secur-
possible, was the reason given for his1ed during the past week.
Sresignation. _ _ __ _
Mums Displayed At
DAILY WANSCLUB LIST! L o___a________ ___
I D L LoC al ExhibitionI
SeclIenal Clubs Urged to Turn in Yellow mums, white mums, large
Statistes mums. small mums. mums of all de-

' A solid block of seats° has been re-
served for their. Four thousand tick-
ets were sent to Lansing by the Ath-
letic association ticket office and they
are reporated to be entirely sold out.
The Aggie band, which has been for
years a feature of the Michigan game,
will again lead the upstaters in their
march to the field. The' entire dele-
gation, band and cheerleaders will be'
centered on one side of the field where
they will form after the general march
down State street.
Club Honors Grid
Stars At Banquet
Harry Kipke, '24, James E. Johns
'23E, and Edward R. VanderVoort,
'24, Lansing's football heroes, were
honored at a banquet and dance given
last night in Willet's cafe by the
Lansing club. More than 40 men and'
women members of the club were
Ernest C. Burhans, '24M, presidentl
of the club, was toastmaster and in-
troduced the five speakers. Herbert
G. Dunphy, '25M, spoke for the Medi-
cal school, Laura Mills, '23, for the
literary college and the Women's
league, Edward Johns, '23E, one of the
honor guests, spoke for the engineer-
ing college, Carlton D. Reed, '23D,
for the dental college and Kenneth
C. Bladk, '23A, for the school of Arch-
English Heads Will Meef Today
The monthly luncheon of the Eng-
lish department will take place at
12:10 o'clock today in the Union din-
ing room. This is one of the monthly
luncheons held by the English de-
partment to obtain better co-operation
and co-ordination in that department
among the instructors and professors.
Similar luncheons are held by other
Postmen May Loaf Armistice Day
Washington, Nov. 1.-While Arm-

ministry in the hands of the Sultan." Salem, Mass., won the'chief prize to-
day at the thirty-fifth annual Ameri-
Class Of f ic r can exhibition of painting and sculp-
C e r ture held in 'the Chicago Art insti-
Decide Policies- tute. This prize was the Mr. and
Mrs. Frank G. Logan gold medal, ac,
For Coming Year companied by a money award of
$1,500. Mr. Benson's subject was a
still life decoration.
Officers from every class in the Un- The Potter Palmer gold medal and
iversity met last night with a special1 $1,000 was won by John Singer Sar-
committee of the Student council for gent, of Boston, with a portrait en-
otitled, "Mrs. Swinton."


. I

LI purpose i tormui a ng Class po-
icy and organization for the coming
year. Officers were informed of their
duties and the methods to be used in
the conduct of class affairs was de-
cided upon.
It was decided that committees for
the coming year should be appointed
at once and that they should meet
With their officers for the purpose of
receiving instructions.
Meetings in the future will be held
between the council committee and
the class officers in order to promote
closer cooperation between classr
officers. The first meeting of this
kind will be held at 4 o'clock Friday,
when all class treasurers will meet
in the Union with the council commit-
tee to prepare for "class dues" day

President Marion L. Burton left ear-
ly this morning for Grand lIapids and
other towns in Western .Michigan
where he will spend two days speak-
ing before various organizations.
At Grand Rapids he will be the
honor guest of the Rotary club at its
'noonday meeting at the Pantlind ho-
tel. In the afternoon he will address
a gathering of school teachers in the
Central High school auditorium. That
evening will find him at Holland
where he will speak to the Hope col-
lege graduates under the auspices +of
the local Michigan Alumni association.
Friday noon President Burton will
be heard in Muskegon and Friday
night in Manistee where the chamber


In order that The Michigan Daily;
may properly handle all news itemsI
relating to sectional clubs, all such
lorganizations are requested to send in
". # n ;#r la lr o nm iltn lic t fall I

11U1w, w a L1L 1 , L 11 L a l k[-
scriptions, shapes, and sizes! These
are now to be seen in a large display
at the University Botanical conserva-
tory out, Packard street.
The chrysanthemum exhibition is
nn nlaffir in th onn rv-fnrv

To Celebrat
Extensive arrangements are being
made for the celebration of Armistice
Day, Nov. 11, by ex-service men on
the campus. The observance will be-
gin at 3 o'clock, when M. S. Rice, pas-
tor of the North Woodward Methodist
church, of Detroit, will address an as-
sembly in Hill auditorium. All ex-
service men an R. 0. T. C. members
are exnected to attend in uniform, if,

to Ie city ies u a complete iis1 or au an annuai anai n ar n e conserI Vory,
? A rm istice D ay officers, their names, addresses, and and this year it is larger than ever
telephone numbers. The Daily would before. Now the show consists main-
also like to know what each club ly of the earlier blooming varieties
en in Barbour gymnasium under the stands for and what its purpose is. n all their splendor. One whole room
auspices of the Women's League of By keeping its files complete The is devoted entirely to the "mums" dis-
the University. Half of the proceeds Daily will be able, by means of ade- play.
of this affair is to be turned over to quate publicity, to assist the clubs Later varieties will be displayed
the V. F. W. to be added to the fund in securing better attendance at their Nov. 10 and Nov. 11 in Barbour gym-
for the furnishing of the library at meetings. nasium for the benefit of the Women's'
the Union. This dance, also it is Lop- League building fund. There an ad-
ed will present a marital aspect, for Junior Lith 111Meet Today mission charge will be required.
all service men have been asked tr Members of the junior literary
attend in uniform. class will meet at 3:30 o'clock this Director of Survey Quits
The receipts from this dance, it is afternoon in room 305, Mason hall, for Washington, Nov. 1.-The resigna-

next Monday. of commerce will entertain him.
CLUB TO PRESENT PLAY IFormer Governor of Colorado Dieq
I Pueblo, Nov. 1.-Alva Adams, for-
mer' governor of Colorado, and wide-
The Players club, student dramatic ly known in the west as an attorney
organization, will present a .one act' and Democratic politician, died today
play, "The Roadhouse in Arden," by at Battle Creek, Mich.,. according to
Moeller, Wednesday evening, Nov. 8,: word received by his son here.
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. In ad-: He was 72 years old, and credited
dition there will be a reading of "The with having originated the slogan,
Swnn Sng " ne act niva written. "See America First."

l o w aii $jULLS, a vuc a+..(, yLay rr t a4 cu.

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