rr D Rik S _ , YOST STARTS -Pl Varsity Mentor Says Team Better Than Expected Aga Illinois KIPRE REJOINS SQUAD AFT RECOVERING FROM IL OIi 'WI Played inst ER LNESS Sningto give his team the stiffest kind of a workout. Many points of weak- ness were uncovered in the last game and their correction will be necessary Hif the Aggies are to give Michigan any kind of a battle. It is reasonably cer- tain that the Green will not attempt straight line bucks to any extent af- tied by Northwestern, downing Ohio tertheir failure to penetrate even the yet two barriers to leap before the Con- Hoosiers comparitively weak line. The terence title may be safely claim overhead attack which they have us- Even a clean slate for the Iowa eleven ed during the first part of the season E has shown itself to be mighty danger- nce hardly git Jsfor the ovete pre ous to opponents and its use against enc ovr Yst' fo th coete tileMichigan seems to be. the= Farmers' as a result of Michigan's .showing against Illinois, a team over which the only chance. IHawkeyes won a questionable one Atcomparison of the performances point victory, provided Badgers andE of the two teams which are to meet Gophers fall before the Maize and in Ann Arbor next Saturday.gives the Blue. But no easy time may be look- Aggies little chance to hand the Wolv- t f r VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM APERS STRONG Captain Ely was picked for center was used then and he surprised ev- Ct)arh Vnqt .q lovet "41_ MATHPR HAS LIKELY BUNCH OF MEN ON YEAR'S SQUAD LOOKING THIS "Michigan playeda better game Sat- urday than I had expected under the circumstances." Thus Coach Fielding H. Yost has characterized the work of his Wolverines in their crashing trI- umph over the reputed powerful illini. The Maize and Blue emerged from the conflict in splendid shape. Not a tman on the team was injured despite the furious battle put up by Zuppke's defense and Michigan's own strenu- ous efforts. Every member o the Michigan team that started the sea- son will be ready for the coming en- countrs Withthe Aggies, excepting, 'of corse, Roby, "Vander Voort, and and Banks. All three, according to a statement issued 1W the Athleic asso- ciation yesterday, appear to beĀ°lost to the .team for the season. The game with Michigan Agricul- tural college, the next on the Wolver- ine schedule, is the crest of the Ag- gies' season.hDespite an unsuccessful year to (ate'the Farmers will come to Ann Arbor full of hope and a world cf ambition. To them one victory over Michigan is worth years of defeat at 'the hands of all others, and their fight and snirit in the annual contest with th liWolverines is always memorable to witness.-; Kipke Again In Shape Harry Kipke, sensational Michigan half back, who was kept out of the Illinois encounter, was ready to play on Saturday although somewhat weak from his slight attack of influenza,, but will be in the best of shape for the Aggies. Kipke's brother is a back- field man on. tie Farmer eleven and thlf ittle faifly clash should furnish 'a goodly amcunt f interest. Illirois has returned to Urbana, sorely disappliited over the failure to even appioach' a successful conquest of the Wolverines, to say nothing of holdrig Yosts men to a low score. Te iitter failure of the Illinois defense aid 'the fact that only in the final quarteri, when the Wolverines yielded at last to a spirited Indian attack'only to hold finally with the Orange still at a comparatively safe distance from the goal lie, must.have been dIshearten- ing to Zuppke's"lien. still, disheart- ened or not, credit, and worlds of it, must be given the vanquished for tleir remarkable display of fight. Zuppke will not rest until he has built, out of his green material, a team that will win a Big Ten victory. He has his chance on Saturday, when his eleven I faces Northvestern's fighting little team at Urbana. Practice for the Wolverines this week will hold no let up for Yost's pu- ails. Several scrimmages with the Re- serves and freshmen are on the slate, "with at particular view to building up 'ithesecond string men of the Varsity The. importance of great reserve strength has been amply demonstrated this year in having such men as Knode and Steger to take the places of Kipke and Roby, and Slaughter to plug the hole in the Michigan line when Johns weakened under the terrific battering of the Illinois backs. With Duneavy and Keefer still little used, yet of great strength and greater promise, Yost is losing no opportunity to de- velop his reserve power to its greatest Fdegree.4 Must Still Face Strong TeamsI With Wisconsin and Minnesota still undefeated, the latter, though ed for, and in the weeks that precede erines a setback. All that M. A. C. these two games the entire coaching can hope for, even though the breaks staff will bend every effort toward even come her way, is to hold Michigan to greater perfection of the Michigan at- a low score. Michigan has gained tack and defense. i the reputation of having one of the In the meantime, M. A. C. blocks the strongest teams in the country this path. Michigan must down the Ag- year, while the Farmer outfit has been. gies decisively before she may be ser- beaten by two second rate teams .The iously considered, for Indiana, one of strong showing against Indiana last the weakest teams in the Big Ten, Saturday, however, surprised even the holds a victory over the Farmers by a most' optimistic supporters and an safe margi rn equally great improvement during the present week will insure Michigan of at least good competition. 7uInviewing the struggle last week it must be conceded to the Aggies that the breaks were against them and TO FGHT SATUDAYmost people who saw the game, ad-} -FIGT S9URD11 mt 'that the Green eleven is at least --on a par with the Hoosiers. Should ANXIOUS TO FACE MICHIGAN A ' the Aggies get the breaks Saturday TE HOLDING HOOSIERS TO they will at least offer opposition to LOW SCORE IMchigan equal to that shown by the lesser conference schools in their Putting their Daeis to the 14-6 de- games withstheBig-Ten title contend- ers. 'The supporters of the team al- feat handed them by Indiana hu though admitting the slim chances Saturday the Michigan Aggies are) that their school will have against the bound and determined to recover 'Maise and Blue are conceding nothing themselves at Ann Arbor next Satur- and are ready to entrain for Ann Ar- day. In the game -with the Hoosiers bor Saturday morning just as they al- every man of the eleven handled him- ways have, never willing to grant the self well and the game was in the air game won until the final horn is until the last second of play. Dur- blown. Michigan's Varsity basketball squad is still drilling on fundamentals and rudiments in their nightly practices in Waterman gymnasium. From all appearances and if anything can be told this early in the year it seems that Michigan hasaboutnthe strong- est and best looking bunch of toss- ers that has ever been on a Wolverine squad. In addition to the veterans, new men are showing up right along and some of them are pretty sure to develope into the right !calibre. Coach Mather is working now on a plan of building around Miller and, Ely, the stars of last year. Bill Mill- er was picked for all-conference for- ward last season according to the lat- est issue of the official basketball guide. The reasons given for this choice were Miller's natural ability as a floor man and his extraordinary ca- pacity for scoring points, both free throws and field baskets. ( wh .r gvizcf 'c;1t44ffl4A on the all-conference second team be- eryone by the pace he set. ' * t' "J5'E 5 * cause is y to t-m hs Rex Reason, Henderson, and Paper Resignation Rumors abilityt out-jump his op-are all good men and are certain to ponents and because he also ranked be seen in action. From last year's high in the number of points scored. freshman team comes some half-doz- Rtunmors, which have been prevalent In addition to Miller and Ely, three en good prospects among whom Keef- the campus for the past few weeks other letter men are back. Paper, er and Dunieavy stand prominent. nd which were given added impetus guard, who developed into one of'the1 y ' statement made by Bob Cla'ncy, most consistent floor men in the con- - Creek Physician Here rt the Illinois pep meeting, that this ference, is probably one of Mather's !Swould be Yost's last year as mentor best bets. Kipke, who is at present Dr. Ames T. Case of the Battle of the Michigan football team were engaged on the gridiron, is undoubt- Creek Sanitarium, one of the most 'nither confirmed nor denied by the edly one of the cleverest and speed- famous roentgenologists in the coun- coach. In an interview in regard to iest forwards Michigan has ever had. try, was in Ann Arbor yesterday as the matter, his only statement was: Birks, guard, was not used much last the guest of Dr. A. S. Warthin and of "I have nothing to say." season until the home stretch was Dr. Preston M. Hickey. He was look- reached and when it was imperative ing over the pathological material Michigan Song Books, Memor3j that Michigan find a good guard in and X-ray machines at the Univer- E Books, Book Ends, and Jewelry at order to keep in the running. Birks sity hospital. Wahr's.-Adv. Tailoring Services at Right Prices Clothes that are individually t a i or e d here are guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction in every detail, and you get beautiful woolens, expert workmanship, and the very latest styles. 113 South Main Street Over Chapman's Jewelry Store ALBERT GANSLE Tailor ..r -- "0 At Stores Named Below Present the coupon at any store named below for a 10-Day Tube of eapsodent r--- ing the last quarter the Farmers threw a scare into the Scarlet team with a dazzling aerial attack that threatened to overcome the 14-point lead. Had the open play been started sooner it is likely that the score would have been reversed. During the time remaining beforef next Saturday Coach Barren is plan- Union "Initials" Table Ready A table upon which seniors are urged to carve their initials has been purchased by the Union and placed in the tap room. "2M3' has been carved on the top of the table which will be placed in a conspicuous place in the tap room for next year. Varsity Sport Shop All Kinds of Athletic Equipment I SPECIALS Complete Gym Outfit, Including Shoes SWEAT SHIRTS $1.65 DERRILL PRATT JACK DUNN 224 S. State Street The Debutante The Actress The Matron Who Keeps Her Charm omen Care ,. Now beautify teeth i this way Millions of them-the world over a I I Careful people, well advised, now use a new teeth-cleaning method - millions of them in every clime, and largely by dental advice.- Beautiful teeth you see everywhere show the results of this method. It is something you should know. Learn what it means to you and yours. Make this free ten-day test. Combats the dingy film It is film that makes teeth dingy -that viscous film you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. Food stains dis- color it, then it forms thin cloudy coats. Tartar is based on film. The ordinary tooth paste' doesnot end film. So most teeth, in the old'days, were more or less discolored. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Thus most tooth troubles are now traced to film. Under old methods, they were con- stantly increasing. The most careful people rarely escaped. Two combatants now Dental science, after long research, has found two film combatants. One acts to curdle film, one to remove it. Able authori- ties have amply proved their efficiency. Now, leading dentists the world over are urging their daily use. A new tooth paste has been created, based on modern research. It brings five effects now considered essential. It avoids several old mistakes. This tooth paste is called Pepsodent. And those two great film combatants are embodied in it. "Self erasing footprints" Oter desired effects Modern research has found other things essential, and Pepsodent brings those.effects. It multiplies the) starch digestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch de- posits on teeth which may otherwise fer- ment and form acids. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is there -to neutralize the acids which cause decay. Thus Pepsodent gives manifold power to Nature's great tooth-protecting agents. It polishes the'teeth so film less easily adheres. Old-time tooth pastes, based on soap and chalk, brought just opposite effects. * In these ways, Pepsodent is bringing a new dental era. Already it has brought to millions whiter, cleaner, safer teeth. The peoples of fifty nations are being taught to use it. And their children will get life-long benefits which your childhood missed. Jus t The FOR STUDENTS is a glass or more of IDEAL MILK Drink it at meals and between meals in place of other drinks e by a guim-soled shoe t:. The ,aes in footwear Why Men's Teeth Glisten everywhere today The filh on teeth of men who smoke becomes especially discolored. But note how men's teeth glisten nowadays- men who remove the film. Note how men and women, when they smile, are showing pretty teeth. Those are Pepsodent effects, now attained by millions, largely through dental ad- vice. They do not come by scouring teeth in any harmful way, but by scientific film removal. ,REG. V. S. The New-Day Dentifrice Now advised by leading dentists the world over L J Y o i l b r s n e i h A uR Chic(gl,,andettbbewto abfamily n tenprsen tiscopnthsn opn e n yso na m o ... .............m .... w U Da TbeofPesdnt ..,.C.. $ fyulv u ftwmi drs * (Onlygoonentubebetoialfamily) week toilany store..named.belo............................. #- YouPilleeeprsentdowihoa 0-o R I R ! l If you lie out of twnmail Address w~iww ww wwasas I PHONE 1269 A WG1ER&CMA1 Jfor ft/en z9)Snce iw~ IDEAL DAIRY COMPANY .......... - _._.,