- -r- ry w . -- - fl , - OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or "not other- wise credited yin this paper and the local news published therein. Entere4 at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- ness. 96o. Communications not to exceed Soo words if signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un. signed communications will receive no con- sideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL ews Editor..................Paul Watzel City Editor ...........James B. Young Assistant City Editor..........Marion Kerr Editorial Board Chairman ......E. R. Meiss Night Editors- Ralph Byers Haairy Hoey J. P. Dawson,' Jr J. E. Mack 7. 1. Hershdorf r R. C. Moriarty H. A. Donahue Sports Editor.............. er. H. McPie Sunday Magazine ]Editor....... Delbert Clark Wome.i's Editor...............Marion Koch Humor Editor......... .....Donald Coney Conference Editor ............H. B. Grundy Pictorial Editor................Robert Tarr Music Editor................... H. Ailes Assistants larger scale, and some of its services are more complete, bitt in compari- son, the Union made a commendable showing. The theory on which the Union does business is to charge reasonable pric- es, make some profit, and spend prac- tically every cent so made, on its members. Therefore, the more the Union makes, the more it can do for its members. Practically the only department which showed any loss at all was the food department. The cafeteria show- ed substantial profit, but the main dining room was operated at a loss. The reason for this is not hard to find., In a city the size of Ann Ar- bor, .a consistent enough demand does not exist for the high- class service which is necessarily maintained. Dur- ing half of September, December, Jan- uary, February, April and June, and all "of July and August, patronage is almost negligible during the week. Yet the full corps of cooks and workers must be maintained in order to pro- vide the service when it is wanted. Much of the time, therefore, the main dining room does practically no busi- ness, but it must be maintained for the general efficiency of the Union as a club. When people are there, they are there in such numbers that the main dining room appears to be do- ing a large business all of the time, when such is not the case. The food department, however, is only one de- partment, and the small loss there shown is easily made up by the other branches. The big fact is that the de- partments altogether made nearly $30,000. Michigan men should do as much business at the Union as they can. It is their club-no one's else. It is ef- ficiently managed as shown by the en- couraging financial report. And above all, the more the Union makes, the more it will do for its members. It is doing much now. It can do muchI more. The business for the coming year should go well over the half mil- lion dollar mark. SPIRRUTS! Little more than twelve hours from now, when the setting sun begins to leave a trail of darkness behind it, the witches will come forth from their dismal haunts and ride the skies on their broomsticks. Black cats will prowl the fence tops; scarecrows will come to life; and spirruts, grotesque, fanciful spirruts will roam the streets TASED ROLL DO YOUR CHRIST. I MAS SHOPPING EARLY# BIG FIRE over on Liberty. In a bakery. Lotsa fire engines. So many you couldn't see the blaze for 'em. Big red shiny fire engines. Fire in a bakery, you know. Here's the point. Probably all the rolls toasted! Ha! I wants to tell this Joisey Boid PAGE DE BOJD That comes from Broadway and Toity Told, That I comes from the school of Sul- livan And I harbors the spirit of Battlin' Nelson., I've searched this campus Hi and Lo But never could I find a boid What had d' noive t' say "When I'm around look out," That didn't come from th' Sullie school. Now Joisey Boid watch out! Cause d' way we knocks 'em out Is th' way of Sullivan & Battlin' Nel- son. We has the Spirits and the Punch And on th' bones of you shall munch For 'tis written in th' books That this guy Joisey Boid shall prate no more Unless apologetically on his knees To the Sullie School he crawls And. forgiveness begs For his rank talk of conquered yeggs. I'm from the school of Sullivan Battlin' Nelson's my model and I'm SIDBEE. * * 9 "Mind the Pram, Mister" Sign in front of the Administration building of the Ypsi Norm. "PROTECT THE CHILDREN- DRIVE CAREFULLY" * * * ON SATURDAY, Kipke being indis- Posed, we sent in our other team to win the game. * * * BY REQUEST M. H. Pryor Dorothy kleripetts Maurice Berman R. A. Billington W. B. -Butler H. C. Clark A. B. Connable Evelyn J. Co ughlin Efugene Carmichael Bernadette Cote Wallace F. Elliott T. E. Fiske Maxwell Fead John Garlinzhouse Isabel Fisher Winona A. Hibbard Samuel Moore' T. G. McShane W. B. Rafferty W. H. Stoneman Virginia Tryon P. M. Wagner A. P. Webbink ~ Franklin Dickman Joseph Epstein J. W.B=Ruwitch J. A.- Bacon BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising...... ..John J. Hamel, Jr. Advertisng...............Edward F. Conlin Advertising.............. Walter K.; Scherer Accounts...............Laurence H. Favrot Circulation ............... David J. M.= Park Publication .............L. Beaumont Parks Assistants Here you are, Down-towner, vieux. Mon A PORTRAIT If you see a long-leggish Lean chap with a waggish Keen eye and a faunish Quick glance under tawnish Tossed hair- Townsend H. Wolfe Alfred M. White leering with water-color-on-linen fac- Plus a juvenile air- Kenneth Seick Win. D. Roesser George Rockwood Allan S. Morton es, upturning ash cans, ringing door- And a nose in a locus Perry M. Hayden James A. Dryer, bells, and playing a thousand pranks A bit out of focus- Eugene L. Dunne Win. I. Good Wm. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman upon the mortals of the countryside. You may be pretty certain John C. Haskin A. Hartwell, Jr. By dawn all these will have disap, It's Burton. Harvey E. Reed J. Blumenthal C. L. Putnam IToward Hayden. - peared, and Hallowe'n will be over. PICTOR IGNOTUS. H. W. Coper r d But meanwhile the pumpkin, having- Last year's Sun. Mag. Wallace Flower Herbert'P Bostwick been scooped for a pie, takes on a * * * Vdw. B. Riedle L. Pierce HaroldJ.. l L. Penew face enhanced by the glow of a THE ARCADE colored candle, and the popularity of Music School pupils with cases and bobbed hair receives competition from superior manners hurrying along- bobbed apples. Important "Gentlemen" who think TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1922 | Time will pass slowly today in the they get The Daily out, rushing by- grades of the elementary schools as ditto for the Gargoyle-and the 'En- Night Editor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE the youngster anxiously awaits the sian-Great Crash! an old-fashioned arrival of Hallowe'en. And although nightie in Wadhams! So it has come MICHIGAN UNION FINANCES we may hesitate to admit it, many of to this-Beligerent, betoqued sopho- Exceptional efficiency in the han- I the rest of us anticipate equally as mores-superior juniors swaggering ding of financial matters and in the much the occurrence of this, one of past-and Harry Kipke moving quiet- business administration of the Union America's few picturesque traditions, ly-Noisy-heeled! lits - Laws with is shown in the report for the past an occasion which neverloses its in- brief cases and haggard looks- isatrest be it for youth, or for full Frosh engineers with flannel shirts fiscal year which was published Sun- 1.grown manhood. and drawing outfits--I wish I were an day. Michigan men did very nearly ( engineer and I'd never polish my a half milidn dollars of business with At the present day there are fewse r h y c h ty their club, and out of this sum ahnost, particularly outstanding peculiarities Ross where you back into a stall or- $30,000 was saved for general emain- of the college man. Gone are the peg- der some dish with an imagination- tenance purposes. That is, depart- top trousers, the bull-dog pipe, flow- staggering title and get a pineapple ments of the Union showed nearly ing tie and all the other eccentricities sundae-A statue of The Flapper-R. $30,000 profits after all proper ex-I that formerly distinguished the wearer I. P-That dear little thing from my l penses had been charged against as a collegian. Even the aggressive ; French section f0ciating .bye-doesn't them. That the executives must have college swagger is gone. There re- know me-well!-I hear we're all go- been alert to net this sum when the main from the process of evolution ing to try to see the Junior Girls' business of the Union is run on a in dress but belled trousers and mul- play this year--They seem hard press- small margin is worthy of special tagonial-shaped hats.uBut there has ed for a plot-Why worry for a plot commendation. developed-perhaps out of the old -we're not going to be deranged by What was done with this $30,000, college swagger-something that is any dramatic situations-The barber and the $35,000 in addition which were characteristic of collegians. It is col- shop where you get trimmed-on the collected from annual memberships? legiate coolness. head that -is-Pictures of chorus la- That is the question which puzzles One of the real benefits of a col- dies-Eddie wants to get some for ot,- those who do nt understand the run- lege education is the attitude of cool- room--I understand the Dennis-shawns ing of a club. "R. W: C.", who ness in 'difficulties that is cultivated were here-Eddie said Ruth was go- writes this morning in the Campus while at college. It is this coolness ing to pull something off over at Opinion column on this page is so puz- that will carry him through the rough Hill auditorium-I'll bet anyhow that! zled. He wonders why the depart- spots of life, that will make him able Ted had a take-off himself-Three co- ments do not make money. The an- to meet reverses, and that will make,- eds with linked arms noisily eating swer is-THEY DO. They made near, him bear up and try again. That col- pop-corn--quite a trick yet often ac- ly $30,000 last year. lege graduates are cooler in exacting complished-Satevepost on sale-Two, As a club, however, the Union has situations than those who are not col- frosh putting money in the bank- expenses that cannot be charged to its lege graduates has been cited by ex- I Two sophs taking money out of the departments. There are house sup- ecutives everywhere. Coolness is the bank-Such is education-A Phi Beta plies to be bought, wages to be paid college man's expression of optimisn, Kap man-I'm never going out any to employes who are not working in and optimism should be one of the re- more this year and my folks'll be the departments which furnish rev- sults of education. proud of me in February-Must get me enue, telephones, light and power, and a knitted vest-And so another nor- countless other operating expenses. The Michigan-Illini game last Sat- mal man gone backwards- There are office expenses for stenog- urday was remarkable not only in the SIGNOR MACK. raphers' wages, stationery and sup- character of the play and the indom- * * plies. And last of all, the mechani- itable spirit shown by both sides, but M . cal plant must be maintained. To pay also in the fact that it was more free MINERVA all the demands enumerated above, from injuries and penalties than any There once lived in celibacy the Union needed all of the profits Conference. game on record for the A most charming divinity: made by its departments, and a good past two years. Time out was called mid suitors galore share of the $35,000 realized on an- only three times during the entire She stayed maid as before,- nual memberships. In other words, contest, once being for water. Only The Goddess of Wisdom was she the net gain for the year of $2,100 does three penalizations were incurred al- ARISTOPHANES. not at all represent the profits made together, and no player was removed * * * by the departments. It represents the from the game because of injuries in- We are afraid this is not a whole margin that the Union required in de- flicted at that time. colyum. ciding how much of its profits should -* * * be expended on its members. If the Illini' band had brought' The copy doesn't weigh enough to This general administrative ex- those "160 More at Home" up for the seem so. pense which the Union has, above the game they would have had to en- * * * CAMPUS OPINION I Editor, The Michigan Daily: Whenever the Union publishes a fl- nancial report in The Daily we find a statement something like this:-"and this business has been conducted with a net loss of 'only' $23.78*" Some of us would like to know why there should be any loss. Every so often someone writes an article for The Daily purporting to explain why the Union does not clear expenses. Fur- niture repair seems to be a particu- larly popular item, and it is usually suggested that those departments which do pay must assist in the ex- penses of those which do not. We, understand that. But how many de- partments do not pay? Why should not the Union not only make expenses but do better than that? Prices at the Union are not low.! In fact they are the commonest source of grievance among the student body. Students frequently patronize private enterprises rather than pay Union' rates. Prices are high enough in Ann Arbor anyhow, and as someone remarked in one of my classes this morning, they won't come down as long as -the Union maintains its presentrstandard. It is evident, on the other hand, that the tap room and the cafeteria should be making large profits. It would be ridiculous if they were not doing so. The billiard rooms and bowling alleys must certainly be making money, and I can't see how the barber shop, dance hall or dining room can be operating at a loss. In fact it strikes me that we pay for al- miost everything we do at the Union as we would elsewhere, except that we may use the telephone booths and the reading room, and if our membership, fees do not cover those items it might be well to discharge the doorman to cut down expenses, and let the man, at the desk be responsible for keeping the women out of the building. As Michigan men we are proud of the' Union as an institution, but as paying members of that institution we want service and efficiency. The frequen- cy with which complaints are heard about the campus make it apparent that something should be done to dis- pel the dissatisfaction, whether it be more explaining or a change in pol- icy. R. W. C., '24. EDITORIAL COMMENT STADIIUM PLUS DRIVE (Daily Illini) Monday evening an organization was perfected for the Stadium-plus campaign among students of the uni- versity. Although the word Stadium and the idea of helping pay for it has oeen part of university life these last two years, a word or two concerning this latest opportunity to help will not go amiss. Freshmen and new students are of course those who will be solicited to a large degree, though those upper- classmen who did not feel -that they could help last year or the year be- fore will be given another chance. The freshmen are in the majority, how- ever, and a bit of Stadium history will be of interest. In previous Stadiumn drives the workers were handicapped becauseof the vague statements concerning lo- cation, size and time of erection of the structure. They could not tell the students and friends of the Uni- versity anything definite except that the Stadium would be built if enough' money were subscribed. This fall it is different. The work has begun and the Stadium is assured. We know. when it wil be finished, what it will look like, how large it will be and almost everything we can wish to know about it. New subscribers may see for themselves. A word or two about the Stadium and its cost. Contracts have been let for work amounting to $1,600,000, which does not include the work on the track within the Stadium field,! the tennis courts, football fields and other features of the new group; nor does it include grading around the Stadium itself. Actual subscriptions checked in the office of the Stadium rector total $1,800,000. At first thought this might lead some to believe that the present drive is not necessary, that it is merely to get a surplus to use if needed. Such an assumption is farE from correct. No campaign for large sums of' money has ever been subscribed in which there was not much shrinkage between subscriptions and collec- tions. Universities which have built stadia and union buildings have found that shrinkages sometimes as much! as 30 per cent are inevitable. Un- fortunate as it may seem, such is the case with any large group; it is the case with those who subscribed to the Illinois Stadium. Of the total amount due on the first payment to the Sta- dium, to have been paid last January, 80 per cent has been collected. Of the second installment, due in June, about half lab hen naid. r , .... ... : ble to collect 80 per cent of the I amount now pledged that means only $1,280,000 to pay contracts let for a' million and a half. And this does not take into consideration that the field must be put in order and other min- or details of the work finished. The class of 1926 will get more benefit from the Stadium than any of those who have subscribed in thel past. It wil be in use during three years of their college career. A sub- scription of such amounts that the total will be raised to two million or more will assure the Illinois Stadium.! Now that the University has been given money to complete its large telescope maybe some philanthropic soul will be able to see our need of! a Union swimming pool. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:to a.m.. 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p. Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m. and every two hours to 9 :oo p. m. >. t:ooap. To Ypsilanti only-1:4o p.m., i :15 a.m. To Saone-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m., 12:10 p.m. To Jackson and Kalamazoo--m ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. Kennedy's Orchestras WHERE THEY PLAY THIS WEEK OCTOBER 30-NOVEMBER 4 Monday-Detroitm Tuesday-Flint Country Club -Packard Wednesday- Thursday-Packard Friday-Phi Kappa Psi " -Alpha Tau Omega " -Phi Delta Theta " -Kappa Kappa Gamma " -Chi Omega " -Theta Delta Chi -Alpha Xi Delta Saturday-Phi Itappa Psi " --Theta Delta Chi " -Zeta Psi " -Packard " --Waite House Joe Parker's Cafe-Every Even- ing, 6 to 8 and Sunday Noon HAVE YOU YOUR CONTRACTS FOR FUTURE PARTIES? Don't delay in arranging for music as our books are filling rapidly. Have you heard our Ten - Piece Combinationl -featuring latest tunes in Symphonized Rhythm KENNEDY'S ORCHESTRAS BOOKING OFFICES: 305 MAYNARD STREET Phone 120.W I t LAST EDITION OF MICHIGAN .- - 11922 OCTOBER 1922 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28I 29 30 31 Start Right With a Good Hat 1 We do all kinds of HIGH CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at low prices for GOOD WORK. We also make and sell POP- ULAR PRICE and HIGH GRADE hats, FIT THEM TO YOUR HEAD and save you a dollar or more on a hat. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 (Where D.U.R. Stops at State Street) SONG BOOK :-: A T SAMPLES Permanently on Display at GUY WOOLFOLK&CO 333 South State Street Ann Arber. Michigan GBA AMES BOTH STORtES Designed by WH ITEHOUSE & HARDY IMCOR ORATip . BROAWAYAr4oWSTREET 144 WEST42N*,srE mErmoPowrAN OmAHOUsEsM"G. KNICK ERIOCKER suLDIWo NEW YORK , ..... ...( }.O.DAK ASYOU . K ODA'K, 'Pictures about the Campus-- your classmates, fo r example, with their snug sombreros that grow smaller with each rain --ire fun to make now and begin to grow priceless in your Senior year. Picture-making the KODAK way is easy and enjoyable. we.ll EshowTyou. .A.'TA1BLL5 Xim 19Oa ...s .% 719 N. VNIVEILSITY Come in and wow 'I Arcade and Michigan Cafeteria meal tickets good any time at the M - LUNCH 822 S. STATE-NEXT GRAHAM'S It's a new rlace that serves everv-