a nd erteta._ inment. Hotel_ and J PEre- II tu ._s nt~qct starans i th, ctya clied to the 1 l niversit, emloymient b1rt u'o_°r FUND' DRIVE MD'flAY lE__________________ BREAecNEEDSrMORE , cr All women Wvho wish to jioin an ev- _ _A11%. , -t continued to ,-,ay Gthat1 Ann Arbor's annual Community fund ening class in rifle shooting will meet I We need help," said Mrs. Mary L.1 theree are still 1)nienty of Odd jc bs fort driive ill open on Sunday, Nov., at 7:00 o'clock Wednesday evening, Stewart, University employment see.- all persons wishinlg thiem, anim t: tc 12,an wil un hrughth wekNoV. 1, in the office of Major Shippam retary. "On the week-ends of games,i these will probably continue th:'oug h-t 12, nd il r nctil . he w ek at the R. 0. T. C. headquarters, 1002 and there are two left, we never have; out the wear.I ~continuing bi the quota is reach-I S. University. enough. men to meet the demand." - Ad. The 12 w elfare organlzatiofl, Mrs. Stewart added that last week IFR HENW10IEN TO IBE t which this campaig n will ass;ist are h orhhgeelcewl e students were wantedl for all sorts of Et ,T1~I AT t , , IJAY B3oy Scouts, Day Nursery, Coimmunity jokoe h eked oue HuaeSiey Mihgngiven at .4:00 o'clock this after- j -oerteweked 1101se AuaneSoiet, Gichr~ noon, in Barbour gymnasium. All I Fraternities and sororities gavel Childs-ens' Aid society (Arnn Arbor: freshmen and entering sophomores I parties and additional help was need- Ms ainT.Bro nlDa branch)' Old Ladies!' hoixte, Publicie reuedtatn. cd to serve, clean uip, and for music; Jean 'Hamilton will entertain the third' h-ealth Nursing association, 'F"anily _______ group of freshmen women at a tea to! Welfare board, Colored Peopcles' re-lJorD House, one of the smallerI1 I be given from 4 o'clock to E; o'clock lif Slato Am, .M.C A In dormitories, will offer its social priv- I AT THlE THEATERS I tomorrow at the home of 'the I resi- Y. W.C. A.1 eleges to a limited number of girls i ___ dent, 815 South University avenue. An effort is to be made during tihifrba4 fe ovI.Tos h'Tciday-Scere.I driveto gt a ledgefrom ever wish to take advantage of this oppor- , ho~s i An rbrrearles f hetunity may do so by applying at once, Arcade-Mary Miles Minter and amount pledged. wihstsatrieeecs oMs Tom Moore in "The Cowboy Students of the public -peaking de- ElaIat,42Suh iiinS. r1 anid the Lady;" cornedy and partment are planning to assist in thie caln news. campaign by :giving fcu,,r mintito by 1813W. speeches at theaters and other meet- . I I Maestic-Nornma Talmadge in Today's rehearsals for "The Kni"ghhttrna Flme;,an _________of the Burning Pestle" will be held in Luio aein"hePrte".ATTME ,N~I CO0MM ITTEES ' FORc II sene t1,2,5; occk, Act Orplieum-Alice Joyce in "TheTI BAZAAR ARE NAMED I scnj, c Iscnj, c I Inner Chamber;" and comedy. Alice joyceI scene 5; 7 oclock, Acts I, II, III. -i MiimRe, '2, gt l hira Wuerthi - John Barrymore in Ii ofthiritmased,>bazanar l ha illmbe Tryouts for Freshmen Girls' glee "Sherlock teCrsmsbaar Hc il elcrokIolm.es;" comedy j c Inner, held undler the ausp ices , of the Wo- clWed beaheld from2to5'cck an nes men's League has appointed the fol- IWtednSdayolfterooin rout or24an --' "Il , lvfrgpersons as. chairmeni of the teSho fMsc rot o nI1 This week-Stae I l per !~t var~us ommitee: n~rkig, Hlenaccompanist will also be held at this Dbrde'2;paEte Wettime. Garrick (Detroit) "--Greenwich '23; auction, Catherine Stafford, '24; " , There will be a spread 'for gall wo- Vilae Flle-" 3I - door receipts, Helen .Aubrey, '23; tea r,.. romiagrtWye 2;taro men playing hockey at 5:30 o'clocki I Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) - - pu-Thursday afternoon at Palmer field. ( Bonstenle company in "The 1 decorations, Marion Blood, '24A;p ; The hockey teams will be announced , woman in Bronze."I licityDorothy Bennetts, '23; }-,yposters a httm.Alpaesaerqet _____________________________ w acid booth arrangements, T-Square I -----____ and ootharrngemnts T-Suai ed to pay 25 cents to their respectivet society; floral display; Carol Walters, class managers before Thursday. ______________ '23;" soap booth, Catherine Mullen, _____ '2i; candy, Christine Addison, '24; Every League house, residence hall rf y rr --id finance, Dorothy Jeffries, '24. and sorority on the campus is request-11L This year a different scheme will be ed to send a representative to the , hTE~V~ usedl in regards to ma ing the arti-I blue roomr at Martha Cook building F A\7OL III ales which are donated to the bazaar, Between 12:30 and 5:30 o'clock to- Each person contriibucting is asked to; morrow afternjoon to discuss plans As1ounegbr. keep a! record on the amnount spent for contributing articles to theha for materials as well as the amouin~t ~aar". Ask the Steward of the of tiietke mk.the a.i Inti a T1-_" a1--_ 1 ; ? Those freshbmen women who have' b)een. una-ble to comne to either of the other two teas which Mrs. Burton and liss; Hamilton has given are invitedt to atend the tea tomorrow as it will heo the final one of the series of freshmen teas. Freshmen women are urge .l to come regardless of whether or not their junior aidvisors call for them. You will be surprised at the larg e resuli : obtained at low cost from a "Daily"' classified ad"-AdV. % Sulp 11111 South University Ave. i Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery;,'Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry. Agency, Tobaccos t' " A DANCING HL,,L That's open and,- free at all times, forms one of the many features that distinguish I I lip S I The dazzling romance of faithful wife an d wilful beauty. in France "s courts The CIinese Gardens "Glet the Habit" 106 S.AIN' 0 PHONE 1549 'ii 4 ,a ;i! d '4 f t '/ t . y' ' 3 ° 1 4-' j ., yF r i , ,y " ' % I ~,,his wvay it -is hoped thatL no gifts will be incorrectly marked wheni sold. Storin Sewer FM!,-, :Pcd Th~le city of An~n Arbor has recent- ly completed a new. storin sewer which drains that section east of Foi-, est avenue. The course of the sewer is along Woodlawn St. to Wells St,. tot Forest Ave an~d onward- along Cam-' bridge to Washtenaw, r ONG DOLLAR OR MORE FOR YOUR OLD PEN STANDARD MAKE In Exchange For a RIDER MASTERPEF-N And yo~ur pen troubles are over RIDER'S PEN ISHOP 1 11 Fraternity or Sorority house across the street from you ! They will say that THE PURE PASTEURIZ ED MILK and THICK '. A £ art 11 hr 1 U 'U I 1 I 1 I I I 1 9 S SpcaulrBauy ra-DLue atdarl's antcs1 aintaYh uces'd spmth ecatuofarwifube au tyinr ranie's gayest!curt.. nc- -ddStdio 0'V III RICH CREAM V. from the ,heavily ribbed, smart, durable. Wayne knit of the fnest lisle, in sponge, black, cordovan oodyer s 124 SOUTH MAIN ANN ARBOR DAIRY Photographer to Mich.igan Students Established 1887 are the favorites there andj and have been for years. Satisfaction of our cus torn- ers is one of our greatest assets 11 L 11_ On the Stage--An Organization of Excelence TQED RLHODES' ORCHESTRA Yo'lba delighted. Appearing both Ater'noon and Eveint RIIG VMEI)Y TO() --IT'S, A RIOT OFDI'FUN-___ LUPINOLANEIN "THE PIRATE" zXCOMING - UH AN EY 59T .TR i 9 :. L...._.._.. ... .... The Chemical Laboratory and Observatory were built in 1859. t ::1 . '9 I For Michiganensian Pictures Phone 598 Ann Arbor Dairy Co. PHONE 423 "Rome of Pure Xllk" r\ VI, - ? . _au 'I I1 121 East Washington Street 1' .. The most fascinating character in the entire realm of fiction coming from the pages of 'Conan Doyle's world-famous stories to thrill you andl delight 'you. john Barrymore brings to the screen the baffling, suave, superb Sherlock Holmes in a character por- trayal that will linger forever in your memory as the most brilliant piece of dramatic actin- in motion pictures. .1MI $1. 00 FOR YOUR ANY MAKE, ANY CONDITION. To apply to the purchase of a new, one at any of our stores. THIS WEEK ONLY -- YOU WILL HAVE .T0 HURRY. C'6ALKI FECE RGCO. 324 South State St. E. and S. lUniversity Aves. State and Packard Streets 1 .. . - d /? :. Flo. Dire ct4d k A bent Parker /d Ya4&t from William Gilitte9i stoamr poun1~ded 0M Sir Cow*, Do' te&g ,t'rie i. a.mll r NW PLAYIN IN AD)DITION -1 =g ah ) Z i 3.j t Clyde Cook I I