SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1922 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN by writing sporting articles. His ex- She is just a weak, human being, but affairs of Elinor and Ted. Though Ol- Although the novel is constructed on perience on the Oxford football team one cannot forget her. ver attempts to dissuade him, Ted de- two relatively unrelated chaiis of cir- has given him critical knowledge of One just wonders if Edgar and Pat- termines to reveal his former indis- emstances, the vicarious interming- sports. Patricia is flattered by his at- ricia will "live happily ever after." cretions to Elinor before his proposal. ling has produced a substantial unity. tentions, and dines and dances hap- JANE ELLINGSON. Then on the, evening of the Piper The love of Tet and that of Oliver pily until her vanity receives a blow - masqued ball, a troubled harlequin have no inherent relevancy other than by the discovery that Harry's philos- and a Chinese lady sit under the light their personal friendship. I have no ophy is: "Eat, drink, and be merry- Young People's Pride spray of night, murmuring. In the doubt that Mr. Bint might have shown but'don't get married." morning Ted reports a refusal an- a half dozen couples in order to dem- is soothed by By Stephen Vincent Bnet nouncing hat he intends to go to the onstrate some other aspects of hau- (Henry Holt) Devil, hOt instead proceeds to the tear, and yet bound them up ito as the flattering attentions of Monty ".. For there groweth in apartments of a charming courtesan. neat a package as "Young People's Rosenberg, an artist, whose greatest great abundance in this land a Meanwhile Oliver has persuaded Pride." I shall not depreciate my aim in lift is to please himself. Edu- small flower, much blown about Elinor to accept Ted whom she s homage to sound workmanship with cation at Oxford, wealth, talent, and by winds, named 'Young Peo- cerely loves. There follows a moving issimos. travel have done nothing for him but ple's Pride'. .." episode, with gun play but no casual- Principal among the author's thlents to nmake him a connoisseur, whose -Dycer's Herbal ties, wherein if anywhere, lies the is his poetic ability. Just as the wallk- ter of many social gatherings. Pati-e You may have some difficulty in popular appeal of the book. A credibly ing of a dancer is graceful, so the cia interests him because of her fresh- reading the first few chapters of Ste. cheerful conclusion fills out a fascin- prose of a poet transcends the ordi- ness and vitality, and she is hypno- phen Benet's novel "Young People's ating novel. nary scrivener. As a specimen of his tized by his calmness -and fastidious Pride." There are broken sentences, I have said the popular appeai lies art I quote from the dedication: politeness. H e r imagination i s and sentences which apparently have in the last quarter. To the more imag- "If I were shy, I'd steal for you aroased by his low, velvety, voice, little connection to the whole. This inative mind, the author pictorially that cobbled hill, Hontmarte, telling of travels in the Orient. Her specious jumble has at its root two of will be admired as a compeer of H. C. Josephine's embroidered shoes intuition warns her to be on guard, a story-teller's tricks: to present the Bunner and James Branch Cabell. St. Louis' oriflame, but her disappointment at losing impression of a drawing room conver- Of the portraits, I choose Mrs. Sev- The river on gray evenings and Harry makes her reckless and she sation, as usually heard, in bits; and erance, intellectual adventuress. She the bluebell-glass of Chartres, relishes the spice of danger afforded to cecord the thoughts of the char- it is to whom Ted flees when he be- And four sarcastic gargoyles by Monty's company. ITowever, she acters, which are not orderly, but lieves that Elinor will not marry him- from the roof of Notre Dame." is shocked into her senses when she rather desultory as are most of our Perhaps we see her so clearly because DORIAN G SAYDER. discovers that beneath his veneer of mental processes. Such a style neces- there are such admirable prototypes in culture haehbas emotions of the crud- sitates on the reader's part a certain Continental literatures. Nevertheless est sort. His ironic contempt for her mental alertness to complete the occa- she remains individual and a likeable Another anthology-one for girls sex makes him regard her merely at sional gaps. The result is picturesque, creature among the persons of the between 12 and 18-appears with a prize to be won by bargaining. She if not quite an artistic novelty. story. Mr. Benet's technisue of char- "The Girl's Book of Verse." It is com- suddenly realizes that she has been Of the many possible variations of acter delineation is chiefly indirect, piled by Mary G. Davis, a New York trying to play a game for which she arrogance and vanity two or three are and so skillful that the puppets ap- librarian. Dorothy Canfeld contrib- is not fitted. - treated extensively. One young man pear to be actual people. utes an introduction to the book. SAt last she is awake to her limnit- will not marry his fiancee because she is more of s commercial success than tions. Her money cannot last much he. Another feels that he has ren- longer; her manuscripts are not sell- dered himself morally unfit by licen- ing; she abhors the., thought of the tious conduct in France. Mr. BenetT n B n N ew routine of office work. She knows she has not applied too much sordidness cannot: stand' alone and succeed as to his theme, but such a delicate gar-e Tie men do, for they think of something ment of imaginative writing that onem besides themselves. With all her has the illusion be is reading a ro-orh e it s arrogance, she has no desire to be a mance concerning a group of young leader. The thought of marriage intellectual people of the jazz age, merely -for a home is beneath her. though the intent is naturalistic. If not, she might have married the A dhe plot revolves onI Carole Ticknor--Glimpses of Authors . a-t. .; -:.$3.50 devoted and wealthy Jack Dean. She, the amours of two young men, class- Jesse Weik-The Real Lincol..4.00 a modern woman, must give love for mates at Yale and buddies in Franc. and to a nan who respects her Oliver Crowe during the post-bellumo A. M. Stirling-Wm. DeMorgan and His Wife . . 6.00 individuality. Disillusioned by the days works int New York as a writera3 false charm 5of the irresponsible Har- rssLytton Strachey-Books and, Character . 3.50 ry, and sick of the cynical insincerityiof;advertisements, conposing an un- of Honty, she longs to be led my some- successful novel in his leisure. His Bernard Gilbert-Old England...... ...... 5.00 sweetheart, Nancy Elhicott, who lives one wholesome and clean. She turns- for dhiceso Eder ayme. hous in St. Louis is a prosperous designer Clifton Johnson-John Burroughs' Talks .. ... 4.00 for advice to Edgar Mayme, whose e-of astins Their romanc, made un-. offer of marriage she has refused be- asant throgh misunderstood let- Fredrick O'Brien-Atoll of the Sun .. ... .. 5.00 cause shlie blieves his cldness- hasi tr n rcatntdmrigsb- led hin o enage "her as a wife in e a postinated marr e Gilbert Chesterton-W hat I Saw in America ..... 3.00 the ool buines-lie wy i whch ronmevslmostblighted when Namicy n- the cool, business-like way whi forms Oliver that her work has been Margot Asquith-My Impressions of America . . ... 1.50 hie ould enoploy a woman as a sec-1 retary. Edgr Maynme is the "bed appreciated by an ifluential editor who promises to send Nancy to Paris. Frederick Prescott-The Poetic Mind . . . . 2.00 rock" of the story, a sapable business- To live in Paris bad basi the nutual mon in ahe early forties who las won ambition since their engagement, and LIBRARIES AND READING CLUBS success by hard work, which has taken this partial fulfillment proves too bit- SUPPLIED AT SPECIAL DISCOUNTS all his time so he has not married. ter for Oliver. He returns to New He is lonely andi s attracted to Patri- York disillusioned, and resigns his po- cia Quinn, who of all women he has siton as copy witer met seems to belong to life as he stion as copy w ter. imagines ii to be. She has respected Oliver's friend, Ted Billet, is the U N I V E R S I T Y and trusted him, but has mistaken other lover, former libertine, enam- his reserve for indifference and his oured of Elinor Piper. At a house BOOK STORES frankness for unkind criticism. When party given by the Pipers, Oliver takes he sees that her vanity is keeping a sardonic pleasure in forwarding the her from loving anyone but herself, honesty is the first step in such a relation as theirs must be if it is to lead to happiness for them both. She is ready now to listen. When she contrasts Edgar's restraint and trust in her with Harry's fickleness and For discriminating buyers le hae gathered together a complete Monty's cynicism, her egotism is for- assortment of winter models at reasonable prices. Here you will ever shattered by the sudden realiza- tion that she is inferior to what Ed- ' find the shape that-suits pour personality, conceived in the spirit of gar's ideal woman must be. She knowstenwsysadrimd s now that his criticism of her is promp- the new syls, and timmed as your fancy dictates. If you desire ted by interest in her welfare, and styles that are at once distinctive and authentic selection from our that he is really regarding her as an individual and not merely as a woma. complete stoCk is a guarantee against disappointment. One breathes a sigh of relief when Edgar gets Patricia in 'his roadster, oat in the open air, away from -the hectic life of studio parties. There her brain seems to clarify. She dis- covers that she loves him when she realizes that he is not as staid and ' grown-up as she has believed him- '. to be, but just a big boy who threatens y to "keep the babies" if after several years of married life, Patricia shall prove fickle and ruiC away, as she Emma f. Fogerty s suggests she may do. Patricia Quinn is indeed fortunate in having an Edgar Mayme to turn to at the crucial moment. Many peo- Specialty Hat Sho ple would prescribe a good dose of hard work as a cure for her doubts and fears as to whom she loves and a 17 East Liberty to where her daily :bread is coming from. She can hardly be called a heroine, for she "hates work, as it is. devil-begotten." But the author has, not. intended her to be a heroine