PAGE FOUR TH CHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 122 Among the MagazinesBetter Maazines W. Ms. R. . 'eB ttM g z THE SMART SET for November will remain long in my mind for just one E thing. It contains a story-and yet, (E. C. )the hidland atel what more to say, o bier than can it be called a story; it is really Over eight years ago the Midland n that the magazine is nowbt ld more an essay--by Paul Tanaquil, magazine started out with the idea T in Pittshurgh-after a ssewssat no- called "The Rat of the One-Night of finding some real literature in the The poetry in the Midland averages medic life, that it etts for twenty Stands." This is the reaction of a middle west. According to its editor fair. None of it has been downright cents a copy, that it is tarted by com- sane, thoughtful, and just man to that it was not seeking to reform nor to bad (until the last issue) and occa- petent critics among the three or creature which has earned for her- better this country's letters. I be- sionally I have found something which i four best magazines in the country? self the sobriquet of "flapper." God lieve him; he must have known full has been very good. One such poem, Oh yes, the editor-I nearly forgot forbid that the flappers we meet every well that the Midland's voice would by K. K. Foster, "A Fountain Piece," him, and he is somehow quite ins- day should be like Violet. She repre- be a feeble one, that its very existence in the May issue, is exceedingly fine- portant. His interest in letters is sents rather what they may become would be precarious and wobbly, that The last number which t base re- really warm and instinctive, an inter- f the essential parts of their philos- it would go to press many, many times ceived, October, is given over entirely est calm but keen-eyed for beauty, ophy be carried to their logical con- with second, third, and even fourth- to poetry. This editor, Frederick, is appreciative of vigor. He has a vast clusions. Here she is, as he gives rate stuff. He had no money to pay an independent fellow. He is losing sympathy for all those who are try- her to us: "First she raises herself contributors, nor has the magazine money on every number so, thinks he, ing to write, especially for such anma- to a pedestal a little less exalted but yet risen to a state of affluence where why not give poetry a chance insteadl teurs in our universities and colleges. vastly more actual than God's. Next he can pay them. of confining it to the tail-spaces of He wants to see manuscripts, to read she descends ever so slightly from But looking over those who have stories! And every regular issue has them, and, when he can, to print them. it and bathes in the gratefully warm written for the magazine we may dis- several complete pages devoted to He is, perhaps, a little reticent about waters of kindly condescension. Then, cover that now and then there has verse. asking for stories and poems, because with every lure -and every blandish- come from its pages, promoted and But the poetry in the last issue Is he can pay nothing. But the fact ment at her disposal short of absolute graduated, a writer of the first class, pretty bad. It is all done by one that he is willing to strive and to surrender,to the entire satisfaction of For instance there is Ruth Suckow Leyland Huckfield who seems to oscil- sweat over manuscripts, to hlp and her own senses, she plays the subtle who, more than any other writer to- late between Robert Service and lencourage and sympathize, and then temptress, with vast enjoyment of day, catches distinctly the spirit of Charles Algernon Swinburne. Need- to pay the losses of the publication both her skill and her gratification. the villages and the countryside of less to say the only good poems are in Ifrom his own pocket makes very evi- Finally she retreats behind the ada- the middle west. And I predict freely the vein of the latter. The rest are dent his sincerity. mant wall which has first girded her that there will come a day when she bad. "A Song of Dark Hours" is I have seen a number of Frederick's about." Is the picture a true one? will take the laurels of the best woman closely akin to something which I have own writings. I am expecting his I leave it to you. writer in America. read from Swinburne, and "When I first novel, "Druids," which Knopf is We have also in this issue a de- When I first became acquainted with Lay Down My Craftsman Tool" smacks publishing in January, to be some- pressing but I am afraid, too true pic- the magazine, a little over a year ago, strongly of "A Forsaken Garden." thing quite fine and quite unusual. ture of life in a small town. "The I was not enthusiastic about it. Look- Best of the Lot" is what Ruth Suckow ing over eight or ten back numbers. chooses to call her story of Jennie I discovered but one outstanding story, Robinson, who loses out in her at- by the mentioned Miss Suckow. But tempt to make something of her fam- if the stories in the Midland lacked ily. "Her Last Fadeout," by Harry the essential quality of literature, that B. Smith, is a somewhat impossible is to say, content and substance, they but still interesting tale of the movies. certainly were written in- the most "The Inner Thralldom" is what Car- consistently graceful and pleasing tsr Brooke Jones thinks of the power~ English I bad anywhere read, I sos- . 1 . of a good woman. "Good Friday," by peted and still suspect a little that Dorothea Brande, is too short to work this wa, sod is, due to the skill of, up the atmosphere necessary to make the editorial pen of John T.Frederick. it believable. She urobably intended For models in style, clear sweep of it to be a cameo from life, but her sentence thought, and for firm, well Is a great asset to be found in our suts chisel slipped. Morris Gilbert wrote rounded phrase I know of no better and top coats of eXClUSiVe design and the story called "In the Making." Too place to send the amateur writer than - bad he wasn't writing for a French to the back files of the Midland. excellent material. magazine-or the magazine of some I am glad to see that the content; country where he could say what he of. Midland stories has improved re-j w e Invite had to say without beating about the markably. In ten or twelve issues, bush and getting no result but a little following my acquaintance with the your ispection o our atest a plain dirt. "Repetition Generale" is magazine, I found a number of first- mixtures in imported and domest'c by the Editors. That is enough. You rate stories. Some of them were either like Mencken and Nathan, positively superb. "Minnie," by Lockie or you don't. They have been cleverer Parker, in the May number appeals The Satisfaction than they were this month. For in- to me greatly. "Thomas," in the same stance, when they wrote "Heliogabo- issue, by Henry Goodman, is, except of our customers is our greatest lus." But we won't go into that. 'for a few weak spots, good. And THE NATION for Wednesday, Octo- nothing of the country type of story asset. ber 25, contains nothing very start- has so stirred me as Ruth Suckow's ling; as a matter of fact it is a fairly "A Rural Community," in the July Arthu F. Marquardt normal issue. We find the usual ; number. In the April Midland there A1 editorials, dealing with foreign and is "Hands," by Mary Katherine Reely, 612 E. LIBERTY domestic affairs, the subjects ranging which is more than fair, and "Grow- from Lord Robert" Cecil and Lloyd ing Pains," by Edith Chapman, which George, neither of whom are on the is still better. I am sorry that I can- approved list, to Ben Hecht and the not take up these stories in detail. strange case of "Fantazius Mallare." I should like nothing better than to In reference to the latter we sincerely discuss "A Rural Community." hope that the people most intimately concerned will "read, ponder and di- gest," for The Nation has stated the case very fairly. The editorial piece de resistance is "A Plea for Irish / , Peace," at which none of the F. I. R., 1Q 4. AK~ A$ You G be they either Friends or Foes of A Irish Freedom, can take offense. It is a distinct pleasure to read a sane article on this tempestuous subject. In the article "Dated and iDateless" Pictures about the Cam pus- we learn of a new meaning to be ap P plied to these- two words, so familiar, y on a college campus. It amuses us to ; C I 9 " see The Natidt defend our "idle rich"! as they appear to do in "More Treason ) w ith their snug som breros that to Our Rich." The article on the New York World is well worth reading, t especially by those whose interests grow sm aller w ith each rain --are are concerned with journalism and its development in the United States fun to m ake now and to priceless Johin Haynes Holmes, th lede of o aeno n begin to grow pie ssin the liberal wing of modern religious thought, presents a well written ar your Senior year. ticle'pertaining to the relation of the Church - and the present situation in the-Ner East' Schultz's contribution Picture-making the KODAK way is easy and enjoyable. Come in and to the literature of "Jazz" should be appreciated by alf who see The Daily we ll how you. In the seCtion headed "Correspond- ence" we find the usual shrieks of dis- may arising from aching corns or slighted souls: The book reviews are interesting and we call especial at tention to J. M's comments on Men- ekens "Prejudices: Third Series"; to Winifred Smith's estimate of Stope'si NIVE I Y "The Life of Henry, Third- Earl of Southampton, Shakespeare's Patron." 1