/! L eague -1[ .. #. q I NURSES PLAN TO HELP IN CAMPAIGN NO1111 Nurses of the University trainig school metFWednesday evening to in- ®__augurate plans for assisting in the epa~~~~~~~ mn fAgcutr avWomen's League building campaign. partment of Agricultureto ae 1+r Frances Ames, '23, president of the MIlB it; Bower to be Arranged League addressed the girls, and Laura For DaIieing Mills, '23, spoke of the activities of the League on the campus and of the OMNE ' LEAGUE TO AE organization of neighborhood groups. POOR A\1 DANCE PROCEE,'S As every woman who enters any department of the University auto- Word has been received in Ann Ar- matically becomes a member of the r that the District Florists' Tele- League, the nurses are already mem- ali' Delivery association will rhold hers, and will be able to start activ- joint convention with the State Flor- ities without further delay. Each class s' association which will hold ,its is planning to organize into a unit mual exhibit and convention here to act in a campaign for funds, which )v. 10 and 11. The exhibit of the ?they will turn over to a general com- iwers will be held in Barbour gym- Imittee. The function of -this commit- sioni and will include displays from tee is to keep in communication with rists all over the state of Michigan, , the campaign committee of the League well as from Washington, D. C., at all times. d cities in Canada. The Univer- Plans are now being prepared for y botanical gardens will also con- the formation of an Athletic associa- iute some rare floral displays. tion and a Bridge and F;ve-Hundred special feature of the show will club. The athletic club which has a huge chrysanthemuni which has been in existence at intervals for the en cultivated by the United States past three years is being reorganized, partment of agriculture at Wash- and an unusual amount of enthusiasm gton. is being evidenced, as the nurses have Not only alumnae but also the' alumni organiations are interested $econd Annu al azaar Pl ann ed in ' the work' of' the Mic'higam 'League O P ee Vacation and are anxious to help, Wives of alumni may j'ih the group and nany of them are taking-an active part in Barbour gymnasium will again be give one big affair which would take the work even though they themselves the scene of a bazaar which is to be take place in Barbour gymnasium are not Michigan women, Mrs. Hol- given on Dec. 8 and 9 by the Women's about a week before Christmas vaca- brook stated. tion. In tbis way much competition The task at present is to get the League, and the Ann Arbor churches. 'would be eliminated. Over $2,000.00 groups in working order for the :fi Home made candy, a Fifth avenue was realized for- the League in this nancial drive which will come'later gift shop, tea 'room, dinner and other way last year. in the year.features will form a part of the at- One of the maan features, of the ba- _______ s.zaar is the gift shop. Individual ptractions. This affair will take the shops will be arranged throughout the Grid Graph Nets Women's League $175 place of the numerous small bazaars place where wares of various sorts Announcement has been made that j that are usually held around Christ- will be sold, the idea being to supply $175.00 was "realized by the Women's mas time. the students and townspeople with ar- League last Saturday from the sale Last year the Michigan Women's ticles that may be used as Christmas of tickets for Hill auditorium where League decided: to cooperate with the gifts. The shops will be manned not the returns: front the: 0.:S. U. game women of the various churches who only by representatives from the: Wo- were received and given out on the annually give a Christmas bazaar and men's League but also by the women electric= score board.'