.,..L I A"J~ . .r_,...__ ._.. ..,.- lONDON 'S PASSENG6ER AIR SERVICE GROWS ., ELEVEN PLANES NOW LI CO-ITINENT it THE ?I I T~lI L..ondon, Oct. T10 (By mvail).-The London-Berlin airway, the first section of ich-tha tbetween Lon don and '. I o13!+and-was opened, recently, corn- lee: an aerial service' of eleven planes leaving London daily for the Continent. The popularity of the air- ways among tourists during the paste naper has led to plans for routes' Wo be,()mieed in the spring which mill connect London by air with all of the principal points Withiin a radius of 5110 miles. Thelise plans included daily trips to ScoiziDe ~auville, Denmark, Ireland, nd ii Lxembnrg. It is proposed also1 to kceep several, plane3 for special 1A ,C S A;1' F i MiignARE STILL MENACE Wahlrs.-Adcv. Stockholm, Oct. 10.-All ships leav- - ing ports on the Baltic Sea have been warned of the renew\ed danger of mines, many of which have been found; in various parts. of the sea during the l 1n1I last month. The latest casualty laid to minesA S is the loss, of the Finnish lightship'A Storbotten, which was blown up be a 381- mine off Aland in Ceptember. Five of 381- the crew of ten were lost. The loss _____ of many vessels since the war is be- lieved to have been caused by. the mines. The sea was reported to be mine free after German boats hiad been sent to clear the waters last summer. It 'is now alleged that this job was not well dlone, and that there is still niuch danger from these floating dere- licts. I ACHER HARDWARE COMPANY STORE OF INDT,-IVIDUJAL .SHOPS ........, ., ... a._.. .. .... ti and Je4 12 SOUTH- MAIN STREET PHONES 174+175-M _zN , I t- .'. , _......, , ..,.. LECTRICAL GOODS MAAGf'ER SEES IMP.ROYEIWNTh FOR ELECTRICAL- GooDS COME TO SCHUMAC.FER' where. you will find everyth-ing in the electrical line trips, a feature of traveling which has pr oved popular with American tour- (Con tinued from. Page Nine.) imuch superior to those of almost' ists. The cost of these journeys is;fvery other university in the country, about four pence. (eight cents) a mile.anthtm nshewrd ThednewaLonmn-nerltneouterls.be ThenewLonon-erln ruteis e, As one responsible for the main- ing opera tccd by an English company, agement of a small city daily I ktnow and tia double service will be ran in, whereof l speak wvhen 1 say that th e each direction from Rotterdam daily Michigan Daily, in its mechanical ar,- until the route is completed. The tripI rangements, is serving its community will take two and a half hours, andina ayttmetsicrepr- Iwill be mnade for four pounds, or 'little ian.wyta eissneeape {ripore tan three and one-half pence.! - - a inile. The second stage of the jour- Subscribe. for Whimsies toda.- ney will be opened about October 30, Adv. I when the route will be from London_ to Flaiburg and B'erlin._________________ Athe present time five planes are ________________- i pakilmg eight trills daily between Lon-, don and Paris, carrying an average of three persons on each trip. The irout es to Rotterdamn, Brussels and -- EAntwerp are constantly filled in ad- ®(A v ance and carry a full capacity of < KiP i1: I F VT C1i.i '1-iS FNiHS I Il1EVTOl RS JIV TRIC TOASTERS 71L, "I'I NC CORN POPPERIS k Start of French .Lqong-distan e Ballon TRaee Outsi de of 'Paris A tempestuous wind hindered the start of the lon g-di stance' balloon r ace held recently at St. Cloud, just tslde of Paris. The ,contest, held under the auspices of the Aero Club d e France, was top stablish a new long- stance flight record- for F rance. Ju~4 before the start gusts of wind almo st tore t he balloons from their miioor- gs and caused considerable delay in starting. D CROSS SPENDS West Desire$ international Air Meet aviation field here, which is leased A~TSanta Monica, -Ca., Ocet. 28.-Plans -by the government. 9)00000YEAR LLY 'for' an international aviation meet i _________ here as received impetus, with as- (Continued from Page Nine.) :Surances of cooperation from attachesTYERES of the Ita lian, French, En gli sh andl We sell and rent themn. All popular te nor niggardly requires patient:~ ~ * . 'IMA ~ VW~l!"--I4VRFILt~I I '1 ~ ' Its, I 1 iti " j 1 . i " Marcelling, Manicuring, Shampoo- luig, French hot pack. Special atten- tion given to curly hair. Florence1 IjWi.son Deiniattia, 240 S. State. Over Cushing Drag. Phone 2939-M.-Adiv. .:., 1 W, dy of an intricate problem and con- , lal read justments to situations as y exist and develop. cat I'surping Duties The function of the IRed Cross," il John Barton Payne, naio .al a irman, in this year's annual re-I 4, "is not to usurp the govern- nt's respon~sibilities, but to supple- 1 nt official activity; harm oniously )perate with official* plans and, thods; .,and seek out the individual the standardized mass and his pe-! iar needs. The Red Cross acqires and dis- utes iformation among the men 1their families; acquaints the U. Veterans' Bureau with the person- education in individual cases; pre- 'es and furnishes comfortsi, reeve- n, and the many necessary serv- swhich the government, by its very~ ,ure, can procure only from volun- Sprivfleges fall primarily to the y assistance. These obligations 1privileges fall primarily to the; ICross chapters, whose volunteer~ tubers are kept acquainted with the. cial situation through liason Red SS officers, attached to the Dist- ; toffices of the Veterans' Bureau." 25,(;00 ;i1fHospitals n Armistice Day, November 11, en the American Red Cross opens annual Roll Call for rnn-bership,! re will be uinder treatment ini gov- , ment hospitals more than 25,000 erans. In the opinion of thie aur- n general of the army the peak disabled men under reconstruction 1not be reached until 1926. )uring the fiscal year ended last' e, 2,679 Red Cross chapters in all ions of the country were record- active in the soldier relief work. ring that year they reported 1,- 079 individual instances of serv- sto such men an~d their depend- s,*a cost estimated at more than,, 40,000. More than 1,000 persons, d andl volunteer, were engaged in ICross work izl government' hospi- and the. Veterans' Bureau dist- offices. Handles Ililined Allotments ore than 37,000 compensation and ~urance claims were handled,' 24,- allowance and allotmfent cases, 19,7~00 miscellaneous' claims. Since" ruary, 1919, when this sprvice was ablished, it has disposed of, 64,, allotment checks payable' to vet- ,s which the, post office reported delivered. 'he basis of this stupendous work, th~e individual need, and the Red ss is concentrated upon it. to endI that the disabled' ex-service n may obtain all his" rights under law, and tha~t his own and his, ily's situation may be rendered. from care and worry. ourteous and Quick Taxi servie. Huron St. Taxi- 945.-Adv. uerma goaI Uvernments at wasngi, VY 4iIiLi u'KelsInc111)1 1(1 Des. r ic IThe American government is con-I reasonable. S. A. Moran. Room 2 structing a hangar' on the municipal2nflo,71NUivAe-dv $30Sit n Overeo'ats, . ..s.. . Ne wIest f f or Opposite EngIneering tArch clla r: S9 Have prepared Special Lunches and Turkey Dinner for you. 27 at Reule- Open all day and October 27 and 28. all nig ht Fri day and Saturday nights, Conlin 's T"ues- Way, , ednesday~ Phone 699-J Orchestra Dancing . . . . . k1 Te Talk of Ann Arbor g p . pt J v.; . ( i f r iy . L } 4 f: 2 < w I"e 4L ; }l 1f 1 <#7,x ~ A4 P '~ !'. }j ' t ! }. 1 t't r a< t 33WAX fit r y. 0 STATE,, r, L-OWER* - 4,1,qA',*ovo 10 SH-ow 11 / aribour Gyi n. I :t 1i 0 I ADMISSION9 2-5 Cents ":: - ' ,:::GA ,:. ", I Cut, Flowers will be So-d During the. Show 1I t.; is It couldnt be othei wise for we looked over other college towvns *before we coimitted ourselves. Smart and substantial for the student of style and. economy. Dignified, distinctive andi individual for young men and men who wish to appear young, in p ur- Suit of Prosperous vocations. HWat is .new .in Co.,l, Sh3ape and Material in,' BOTHSUITS AND OVE OATS AT $30.00!1 ,AW1TH NO OTHER PRICE TO CONFUSE YOU Comm onplace things or copies of: originals find no place here. All our-time, effort and thought are directed toward :"'Special- ization" - to ,".Xe you .the equivalent of what you expected would cost $50 or $55. Extra or Separ'ate Trousers Always $7 Kennedy's O rchestra will play from8 to 12. An additional charge o'f fifty cents will be made - l for dancing. Tea-room service in connection. DOi J4LLAR( OSR YOUR OLD PEN STANDARD MAKE In 3xcliangc For a IDER MASTERPEN And your pea troubles are over Tickets at *if~iffiffsf...fl~q.* . . . i I;. Wahr's--Graham's-University Hall Um I .LE'S BARBER SHOP Wmn. A. Mijer, Prop. L _ B .. CLOT HER. FOR MEN e II III fflf 7kN - A wn L i r - WHEW--] I } AW , ANEXAMMAML-k