THE THICAN D. III r ,: DILY OPPFICIA L BULLE TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3 SI.NAY, %CTOBER 29, 122 Number 31 To tihe Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Wednesday morning, Novem- ber 1, at 10 o'clock, in the President's office. M. L. BURTON. Graduate Women:x The Women of the Graduate School will hold their next regular tea at the home of Dean Hamilton, 1122 Hill street, 4:30 to 5:30, Tuesday, Octo- ber 31. JEAN HAMILTON, Dean of Women. Cemmunicatlons for the Board of Regents: The next meeting of the Board of Regents will be held Friday, Novem- ber 24. Communications for the Regents, in order to be presented at that time, must be received at the Presilent's Office before 5 p. m. Thursday, November 16. No communications received later than this time will be pre- sented. M. L. BURTON. Extra Concert Series: The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor, Ina Bourskaya, Soprano, will open the Fourth Annual Extra Concert Series, in Hill Auditorium, Monday, Oct. 30, at 8 p. m. Eastern Standard time. The following program will be given: Overture to "Oberon" (vonWe- ber); Symphony No. 1, C Minor, Opus 68 (Brahms); Air of Lel, from the opera "Sniegourotchka" (Rimsky-Korsakoff) and Ballade, from the opera "Rognieda" (Seroff); Madame Bourskaya; Overture "1812" Op. 49 (Tschai- kovsky.4 CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. Acolytes: A regular meeting of Acolytes will be held Tuesday evening, October 31, at 8 o'clock in Room 106 Mason Hall. Mr. Baym will read a paper en- titled "The Aesthetics of Lafcadio Hearn." HOWARD D. ROELOFS. WHAT'S GOING ON NOTICE-Copy for this column should le submitted by 4>:30 o'clock of the day before publication. SUNDAY 9:30-University Men's Bible Club meets, Upper Room, Lane Hall. 12 :60-Iiflpise guild ciass meets in Baptist Guild house across street from church.I 3:00-Phillipine-MNichigan club meets in Lane hall. 6:00-Baptist guild social half hour in church. Refreshments. 6:30-Baptist guild evening meeting, led by Miss Florence Gillis. Sub-I ject: "How to Spend a Life." Spe- cial music; contralto solo by Miss Thelma Stealy. 7:00-Dr. J. H. Kaplan, of Cincinnati, will address meeting of Jewish Stu- dent Congregation. MONDAY 5:30-Ititute of Religi.aus Education banquet, First Baptist church par- lors. 7:00-Wayfarers club meets, room 302, Union. Q-NOTICES Camp Davis men may secure prints of pictures taken this sumner by calling at the surveying depart- ment and ordering them. Churches ment has charge. (Continued from Page One) Dr. R. P. Shepherd of hicago, will Un~tria spek a theChuch o Chist(Di- Unitarianciples) this morning on. "Jesus and What is termedas "Exploring the thetChild". Christian Endeavor will Subconscious", will lie delivered at meet at 6:30 o'clock . the Unitarian church this morning by Sunday services for men are held in the Rev. Sidney S. Robins. At the the "Upper Room' of Lane hall, from Young People's meeting at 6:30 o'- 9:30 to 10:15 o'clock. clock, Mr. Ralph Carson, recently American Rhodes scholar at Oxford University will speak on "The Duty of a Christian State". Evangelical A church service conducted in the ft German language will be held at 10:30 N e w Cs t so o'clock this morning at the Bethle- hem Evangelical church. It is thefo Reformation Day service. Rev. C. C. o ls Haag of Detroit will preach. SChristian Science The subject at the First Church ofR e Christ Scientist this morning is, "Ev- 2 tCuIe- erlasting Punishment". Sunday schoola at 11:45 o'clock. Methodist - The morning service of the First Methodist church will take place at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. A. W. Stalker, D. ednesday D., has chosen for his, topic, "I Appeal to Caesar". Bible classes for stu- dents will be held at 12:00 noon in Wesley hall. Dr. A. W. Stalker will___________________ lead the Wesley Guild Devotional meeting at 6:30 o'clock this evening. Mrs. Dan. B. Brummitt of Chicago will speak at 7:30 o'clock on "Pa GOO D triotism Plus". . C fIelmiI1g, To have a suit master-cleaned is to know that your clothes not only look their best but that they are also in better condition because of the treatment they have received.. The Ann Arbor Steam Dye Works 204 East Washington Street ~Phone 60.8 Im N n9 -.qun hi i0. NIAMC!N~ .N -AN GSEAINTTNGI * d'. it 'I1215 E. HU ..RON PHONE 214-Fl1 r Many Welfare Organizations Ask Help In Community Drive There will be a regular meet- ing Hof the staff of The Sunday Magazine at 2 o'clock tomor- row in the reading room of The Daily. All staff writers be pres- ent. Presbyterian "The Test of Integrity" is the sub- ject of the sermon which will be giv- en at the First Presbyterian church by the Rev. L.sA. Barrett, D. D. Pro- fessor W. D. Henderson will conduct the Student class at 12:00 noon. In addition to the regular service of the Young People's meeting at 6:30, Mrs. Cyril Haas of Constantinople will speak. The World Service Depart- GOODS Something individual and exclusive, artistic and conservative. Your Christmas sentiment ex- pressed in a photograph by ! mar-- ramraar" Rs to i Every child and animal has a friend in the H um ane Society, w hich w as es- M A S U II t e n y -ix ye rs ag .1o m is twenty-SIx years a o Soe times children have to be protected HHERSR 011 H1 even from their own parents. This REeyAedrALSed1erieHEa[ society renders varied servicp to ani- mals: stock lft unsheltered in the Beginning Tuesday, rehearsals for snow are given care; stock brought to "The lnight of The Burning Pestle' market are watched that they will be held at night as well as in the may not be packed so closely that afternoon. Up to -tiis time the cast they cannot breathe; horses, lame or has practiced in Sarah Caswell Angell with sores on the neck caused by hall. The evening rehearsals this heavy collars, 'are removed from week will be in Newberry hall audi- work; dogs left on leashes without torium. food or Water are cared for; chick- The rehearsals schedule for the ens with their feet tied are released. week . is as follows: Monday at 3 o'- State laws govern cases of cruelty to clock, Act I, scenes 1, 2, 4, Act II children and the humane officer re- scenes, 1, 4; 4 o'clock Prologue, Act I ports offenders to the proper officials. scene 3, Act II scenes 2, 3, 5, 6. Tues- A city ordinance relates to cases of] day at 3 o'clock, Act III scenes 1, 2, cruelty to animals. 5; 4 o'clock, Act I scene 1, Act II Another welfare agency in Ann Ar- scene 8, Act III scene 5; 7o'clock bor is the Anna Botsford Bach Home. Acts I, II, III, Wednesday at 3 o'clock. Here eleven old ladies are finding a Act IV scenes 1, 3, 4; 4 o'clock, Act quiet harbor for their later years IV scene 5; 7 o'clock Act IV entire. Most of them are past eighty years of Thursday at 2 o'clock Act V scene 1; age. They are cared for by a matron, 3 o'clock, Act V scene 3; 4 o'clock, an assistant matron, and an occasion- Act V scene 2; 7 o'clock Act V en- al nurse who is called. The Home has tire, been run on $200.00 ' a month, plus -___ the income from an endowment fund FERRIS ENDS LOCAL CAMPAIGN of $15,000.00 made up of entrance fees, FOR SENATORIAL CANDIDACY together with gifts ftom friends. Mrs. S. W. Clarkson, president of th, Woodbridge N. Ferris, former gov- Old Ladies' Home association, states ernor of Michigan, was the principal that the Home could not be maintain- speaker at a banquet held last night ed for less than $250.00 a month, were 'in the Union in culmination of a two it not for gifts of food supplies. Sel- week's campaign among the people dom do these contented ladies Yen- of Ann Arbor for his candidacy to the ture forth from their haven, except I senatorship of the state of Michigan. for an occasional drive to church with The campaign during the past two a friend. Plans are being made for weeks has been carried on by the an additional building which will ac- Non-Partisan Fe' ris-for-Senator club, comodate about eight more ladies. There are many waiting to enter. Kipke's young brother will face The Community Fund; associatior Harry next Saturday as a member of drive which will begin oneSunday, the M. A. C. aggregation. Nov. 12, will try to raise money to al- leviate these difficulties. Michigan Daily and Chimes for 1;4.50 'r ,, .I . , . RIDE FOR EXERCISE There is no better exercise than riding. If you are physically tired or mentally bored, a brisk trot around the boulevard will work wonders. In one short hour you will have gained a new lease on life. THE MULLISON STABLES 326 East Ann Phone 87 are of prime importance to all merchants but of still Greater Importance to the pharmacist. In no line of business does the public rely more upon the merchant for quality than the pharmacist, for sick room and nursery needs. That is why we put so much care into all our work at 0 1 ' I >. . 1 AT PhOTOGRAPHE& UNITED CIGAR STORE I PRICES Virginia Brights Cigarettes, per carton........+ Prince Albert, Velvet, 16-oz. Tins, $1.35; Jars. .....$1.20 ...$1.45 The Quarry Drug and Prescription Store G. CLAUDE DRAKE PROPIETOR Phone 308 Nov>is the time to arrange for your 'Ensian sitting. De- lay means haste and confu- sion. Barking Dog, Never Bite Smoking Tobaccos 1 5-8 oz.$ .30 $5.0o Gillette Razors (3 blades free) .............$ .99 $5.00 Auto Strop Razors ... ..................$ .89 1 Doz. Gillette Blades .......................$.79 2-Doz. Auto Strop Blades ..... . ...............$ .45 2 Dozen Pipe Cleaners ... ..... . . ............$ .05 $4.50 Milano Pipes (Guaranteed) ...............$3.50 $1.00 Orlando Pipes........... ...........$.. .49 $2.00 Prince of Wales Pipes..................$ .99 Playing Cards (Poker Cards) ........25c, 35c, 45c, 50c The Right Store With the Right Price STATE STREET CALL 303-W for appointment. I LI32 Foot, Ball' i 118 EAST HURON PHONE 64-R ST. I Uo f I r " Imitation football, regular size l filled with delicious Betsy Ross Candies Early sittings for $2 .75 to $3.50 'Ensian photographs -- remember that all this Michigan Cafeteria talk about low prices is only a secondary argument for give the best results Special Fountain Service SANDWICH ES HOT COFFEE PIE CREME PUFF SUNDAES MALTED MILKS FRIUIT SALAD your eating here. The real reasons are that qual- ity is highest and variety greatest of a ny establish- ment in town ! Portraits . Quality 619 East Liberty Street A BIG MEAL FOR A LITTLE MONEY 4. '00 z - Ii r ..Y A i __ _ _ __ -_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ' 6 AN 'TrI I 1) I Ti 4 Most convenient, too, I The )Tichigan Cafeteria is at 612 East Liberty Street f or you can usual- 11 ;, hint Lr/ A \' Vi . Aa A69OF All.