I 1 ..F-.,. Nit W:= SOL e _ 11il1#11twM I NZZL4 MI W - w.OW . LEIE VRNEii24 TO 0 WITH, BRILLIANT ATTACK in his tracks. Dawson made four; yards through right tackle. Happen-I ny made three yards through center.I Dawson kicked to Uteritz, who wasi dlowned on Michigan's 31-yard, line. ICappon made one yard through center. (Continued from Page One) pen went through right tackle for fist down. Knode made one yard around left endl. A forward pass by Steger was grounded. A forward pass, Steger to Goebel, was intercept- ed by 1Happenny on Illinois' 20-yard. line. Happenny made five yards] through right tackle. Dawson failed to gain through center. Dawson kicked to Uteritz- on Michigan's 40- The Line-tip Position IMacigan Kirk. .. .. Muirhead. Johns........ Sliott......... Steele........ Rosatti....... Goebel, Capt...., Uteritz....... Steger....... L. E. ... Wilson, Capt. L. T......Augur L. G......M1clillen C. .........Greene R. G..'.......Umnus R. T. .......Oakes R: E. .....Richards Q. B. ...... Dawson R. H......Mclllwain L. H......Happenny F. B...... Woodward I s C C 1 h i # 3 k 7 I 1! 1 i ger lost three yards around leftjlnoe..... Knode kicked out of bounds on Ill-1 nois' 14-yard' line. Woodward gained left end; fourthi down and two to go.'I a yard through center. Happenny Cappon nade first down through cen- kicked 15 yards to Illinois 26-yard ter, giving Michigan first dlowni on theI line. On delayed pass play Steger one-yard line. Cappon wenit through made three yards around left end. A right tackle fora touchdown, pass, Steger to Goebel, grounded. Ste-'GelkiedbtenhegaJ ger lost five at right end. p~osts for another point. Score:. Mch- Steger failed on an attempted place igan7, Ilinis0. kick from the 40-yard line. Illino-s shad the ball on its 20-yard line. Hap-, Knode kicked to Happenny onIl- penny failed to gain through center. i'fieyrlnwhrtued1 Hiappenny 'kicked out of bounds on: yards. A forward pass by Dawson Michigan's; 47-yard line. E~nd of first intercepted by Blott on the Illinois quarter. score: Mlichigain 0, Illinois..= 25-yard line. A forward pass, Goebel to Kirk, put the, ball on the Illinois SECOND QUARTER 2 2-yard line. Cappoft made eight Michigan's ball on her own 47-yard, yards through right tackle. Capponi line. Cappon made one yard through failed to gain through center. Goebel. right guard. Steger failed to gain3 place-kicked for three. politts. 1;"0 around left end. A forward pass by the 20-yard line. Som: Michigan 10,; Steger was grounded. Knode kickedj Illinois 0. out of bounds on Illinois' 35-yard line. Illinois kicked off; a Michigan man Woodward made five yards through touched the ball; it rolled ov'er the' left tackle. Happenny made three goal line,' making a touch-back. .Ball yards through center. Dawson gained was in flay on the Michigan 20-yard one yard throthgh* center. Happennyi line. Cappon blade 14 yards tilrough kicked to Knode on 'Michigan's 25-yard left tckle, ending the second quarter. Steger made 10 around left end, making first down. Knode made three ;1round right end. Cappon made four; through center. Cappon made one through left guard. Knode kicked ti Daw son, who was downed by Kirk on Illinois' 10-yard line. Substitution: Illinois, Cputchie for Dawson at quar- terback. SHappenny lost one yard in trying} to gain through right, tackle. Hill lost one yard.. Happenny kicked. to Ulteri tz who was downed on 'Illinois' 33-yard line. Pass, Knode to Steger, was good for 25 yards, putting the ball on Illinois' 12-yard line. Cappon, went through for three yards. Cappon gain- ed one yard. A pass, Knodeo to IUter"- iii, took tlie balhl over for a touch- dowii. Knode drop- kicked for anotheir l)Olllt. Sor e:. Mtichigan 24, iliois 1). Substitution: Illinois, Roberts for Greene. Happenny kicked off to Kirk , who returned the ball 20 yards., to Mich- in's 33-yard, line. Cappon made two yards through center. Knode kicked. 05: y Pds, putting the ball in Illinois", possession on her five-yard line. Hill -,iined one ,yard through right tackle. H-ill made eight yards through center. Happenny afiled to gain. Michigan penalized; five, yard's for offside. Ill- nois' 'first down on her 20-yard ligp. Happenny miade 12. yards around riligt end, giving Illinois first down on hier 35-yard line. Happenny made an- other 12 yards, through center this time. Happennyr lost a yard while trying to ,gain through 'center. Illi- nois was penalized five yards, ending the quarter. Scare : Michigant 24, 1111.- nos 0. ., FTOURT11 QUARTER - regained by Illinois. Illinois' first Z p k ad down n her own 0-yard line. Hillp ! gained two: yards. Coutchie failed to gain.' A forward passm,. Hapipeiny to Michigan has too many fast think-: Coutchie, gave Illitois her, first down 1ers. oh the 50-yardblie. . , "'the Wrolverines Were too fast Happenny made four yards on a fake play. H-11l made three' yards thinkers for the Illii", said, Coach through right guard. Happenny made Zuppke. of. Illinois in a statement is-! his first, down through right tackle. sued immediately after the game yes-; Hill made two yards throuigh right terday. "Cappon's line smashing was tackle. 'Hill made three yards throughj lef takle Hil ~defirt dwn 61good. The fumbled punt, in the see- Illinois on Michigan's, 33-yard, line. ond quarter' was the turning point in Hapenn mae ay~rd roud lftthe game. Illinois was without a end. Happenny Rmade eight arotud good field, general, for Captain Wilson. right end. Time out for both teams. fWas ijured in the head when the ac-,j Hlappenny failed to gain; with the ball; cidient occure'd at the beginning of the on Mlrichiigan's -20-yard line. gamie. It was plainly a, good team I-lappenny made first down for Il! againist a' teamf of green men". nois, placing ball on Michigan's 17-I yard line. Substitution, Michigan, Michigan's first football, gamne was min Slaughter for Johns at left guard. 11878, Racine college losing to that firstI 11111'gained a yard through center. Wdl'erine aggregation, 7Ato.2. A forwair'd pass by* Happenny was groutnded. Substitution;, Illinois, Roy- al for 'liappenny. Hill lost. two yards. Michigan's ball, S o d rd H i first down in 10, on hier X.8-yard lineie , Cappon gained one yard through center. Cappon failed to ain End of game. Sc6oe: Mechigan 241,! eL I. Illinois a0 ;We hndlethe . ff.urnham I and Jiarnello cosmetics; STATION1ERYI? 200 sheets, 100 en- Ri ae hmo velopes. Bond paper, $1.00. Linen,.., 100 sheets, n drs75evlps$10.N e r~aiern adareson both: eDr. QL0.ai gf ord'sJalrurg office. State St. H. N. Judk in s, rep. 70Wi N IV. PRONE 2652 31-21 _________ ' _.j WHEN you pay by check your- returned vouchers are all the receipts necessary. Be amiong' the many to pay by check -- thru this bank STATE S--AVINGS BANK Maj~n at Washington f' -1 , i Fotw~ear OfQuality And, Distinction" " rr f"- r,.) I Ii ine. fie returned thte ball eighlt yards. 'Score: Mlchigan 10, Illinois 0. Illinois' ball on her own 37-yard teger- made two yards around right ; line. I-lappenny made sever yards nd lELt'WEE&1HAVE through center. Hill made a' yard Cappon went through center" for The Illinois band paraded the field through center. An Illinois forward three yards. Knode .kicked to Hap- 'between halves, stopping before the pass was blocked by Michigan, but ,enny, who was dcowvned on his 36- Illinois section,' and played the Illi- ard line. Happetnny made three! nois school songs. ards through right tackle. Steelec;the Michigan band then came on .-S .rew Woodward for a 'one-yard loss. the, field, playing "The Victors." The *appenny kicked to Uteritz, who was band then played "The Yellow and} lowned on Michigan's 21-yard line. Blue,"' while the Michigan rooters 3oth teams took time out for water.; sang.' In the meantime both tcams Steger made one yard around right came 'back on. the field. ". nd. Illinois took time out for FRap- THIRD U)OARTERII )tinny. Cappon made seven yards t hrough left guard. Cappon made first .I'Iappenny kicked out of b)ounds, own through center. forc,ing a, repetition. of the kick. Steortrppe oerhisow i~t R al~hilwenny kickied off tojKirk oii L6friends are more 'crence and lost one yard. Cappon .preciouslar lnethhan11 riches. . rent through center for eight yards. ids o aftonchdloown,. Substitution ,peiosta appon through center for two yrs Michigan, Neisch for Goehel at right Don't miss a single node kicked to Dawsonz, who fu- n d;snos -ilfrWodadaone from your list this fullhack. Knode drop-kicked for an led on his 25-yard line. Ball recoy- o" ~oit cr:Miiisi17 m1 jear. Choose the rightg red b y d the ball to -N .1 c. TIleatothe ,he Illinois 12-yard line. Cappon 'os0 ad npetote nade three yards through right guard. Happenny lMcked off to Knode, who ; 7 to carry Warmth from appon made four yards through right returned the bal- 20 yards to Michi- you er of'~tS 'uard. Steger made one yard around gan's 34-yrdline. Ca pon ade ieorhatt red __________________________ yarsfthrogh right tcl.See of old. made one, yard through center. Mich-:Lthe knwa RUBB~ER WANTED igan was penalized 15 yards for hold- 1 Yultd.ha o r --ring. Knode.- kicked to Dawson on his! _ m y vd Man wanted who has had ex- !own 36-yard line,, who was downed! still their friend, though perience ha ndaging and rubbing ( .distance mydve. at Waterman gymnasium be- AnAbrCso heFcoySeorfn eeto oa tween 7 and S o'clock in the An ro uto heFcoy e u ies-eto oa eathletes. Report to E . MthJS OE Varsity baske.tballOrdercyor engrave 'veing or hon as-it.Carer our ngrvedChrist- ______X__/__________A_________mic l Cyrtin a rds now r' The, quality' ito Ruby, buitt shoes F T A LITTLE TIP! manifests itself alike in smart appearance and enduring service ABOUT THAT CORDUROY REEFER We have a large line - all colors- all, sizes- blanket or> duck lined- plain or belted models - Ranging $70$0 to $1000 Linidenscohmlitt-Apfel &Co. I Atfrrd J3. Iruby. 3hir. ANNARBOR'S. LE'DING CLOTHIERS "Exclusive, but not Expensive" 209 S. MAIN ST,. ; . CHICAGO, AN ARBOR NICKELS ARCADE DETROIT INMoa i , ,. .. r a .. . . ,...t .. _ .... .. .. - _; i yyt 1 " DPEEN A.KE ra i0. TO FIT. a * He W. CLARK 54 FOREST Zmtt: v a ccS* . W *&juvw and save that 'eleventh hour anxiety. 0y. D. MORRILLJ 17 %I('KELS ARCAI)E --~ ---________ SStationery and Typewriter Store -:G- , f Z _ -" . I i ( ; ,y ._. ml ' HICKLYI - 1d '7AN t Hunter5' Supplies 11 clothes have those char- acteristics of quality' never found except in the" best. I -for all' hunters a FLASHi~L ITS BURGESS 13ATTER ES ELECTRIC BULBS n STUDY LAMPS SAFETY RAZORS All Kinds of SafetyRazor 7llades Sharpened PRICES RI.GHTl-SERVICE PROMPT Jor TI/en c > &JSince 1&X4& 10 LARNED HARDWARE COMPANY The Up-to-date Hard Iare Phone 1640 310 So. StaOe d . II I.