when she discovers tha.t her husband '- ,,as become infatuated with her young 1 sin, is neglecting his work and f-hreatens to wreck the lives of ail ,oncerned, she begins her fight. Many I st rong momcnts follow w'ith a tre- xnendous scene in which the wife at- tacks the girl, armed with a knife. { APS bE AV I ' YJ A1 . 1 i; p 'M1ary M1iles 1lnter~ and Tom Moore co-tar in "The Cowboy and the Lady", sParamount.l iture noe' b Ing shotn at the Arcad. bissMn- e 1K een in the role of Jessica Wes- tqn, a _faithfl, wife who frces her cadt husband to accompany her to th 3r ranch in the West in the hope that the open spaces will reform hipai. Bu-t there are "other women" out there and trouble follows. Teddy North, an upAtpdate rancher, played by Tom Moore, : shoulders the burden of a rime to save Jessica. The picture, pached with drama and comedy, cornedz to a romantic ending in the love affir of -North and :Jessica. t "Burning Sandis", the attraction be- ginning Wednesday and contin in g for the' remainder of the week, has been -iade by Gorge Milfod inani liver to "The Shik" "uring Sands" is .the powerftil story of an ngih girl who ivales the de ort in Inrr suit of fle ma.she o es and finally succeeds in makling him love her Mi- ton tills is the ,:an in the cse and Wanda alley is gien the leading temiinine moe: Soft nigits on the des- ert, the gf life of Caro, dark skin and -O te, loe and intrigue give th k to&iy platy of Amosphcre and charm Olthers in the cast inlude Jacqueline; Lgn, LoUse Presser an, Robert ain. MAESTI . "The Eernal'lam," iadapted from Hlonore I. alzac's "La Duchesse de Langeis," will be shown at the Ma- jestic for the first five days of the week. The l'ocale of this elaborate piturization is Frnace, following Na-* poleons defeat. at waterloo. w en the Second Restoration swept Louis XVIII and his court back~ into a mad- der frivolity thn it had ever known. Th e Duke de Laigeais wagers on the st4Ainles faith of his wihe, the Duch- ess, potryed by Miss Talmadge, then b~Omes suspicious of the beautiful 'Cont De **say, quarrels with the Dukcbess and leaves on a mlitary m4ision. The ourt grows curious as ttQl,tle Dches has become a bit- t'lcyIca coquette, conferring her favos, Oualy amog her adirer, ~e',tng fh homage of al Paris, yt gig nohing in retrn. But with the arrival of Gsenerl Arm and de Mntrivea, an intimate of' Napoleon, the Duichss contrive a conquest whioli changes the course of her whole life and reults in a romane as splendid as that of. the Imortal Bean~ies. Lolli Chany i "The Trap" is sched- ule1TI fpr the Friday and Saturday pro- gramns.' ORPrI~J~ Alce Joyce, reectly 'chsen one of Ake 12 most .bcaatful women in 1Aeeric, is t rrd in "The Inner ( laanhr', wbiG[ s being shown as ti s opei ng feature of the week. A dua tov story gives more than a ql aota of romac to "Anne of I ittle 8x uiyNl ,tlfP picture 'which conies to the rpeum Wedesday ani 'thtcrsiy.' h;-stry is based on th confllict btltwent fearless nmwiiitaii <1u rtlthe lstrf eli unicl by a Forest ia~er l olres Casineii,' in.t. oeo a gypsy priness iti. Frank gherdan, ,and ;Ralph Faulk- ner rg roncided in the cast. Nies beh and Joseph "Dowling have ,inportant,parts in "The .Send. x. ' hihcrh wil be here Priday a~,d ~ttuarria. . Thre is a return so,- $4 of the picture. which achieved suchl a success at the Wuerth at its frrz I presentation in Ann Arbor. W ET1 ,Swrlock Holmes has recbc'l tit screehi at last-and in the person o Johin Barrymore!' Thefamos cete> tine M xvi akeh afs t rsteaace is o Iucioa piture today at The MWerh theateif. John' Varrymci'er la s the tlle role nd g rive; a lihrud I e of the aopmiig, (r~servig lng d~tY'l of A, (Tian )lye', ppu'at stories. "She loc I 1. kaitres o011 I rx*- sPellS ry ter, advnture, Lril, stspexise and swift action just as the various toles of the great detective did betweenl the covers of .a book. The large supporting cast includes Gus- tave Von Seyffertitz as N'lorarity, the big power behind the criminal ele- nents of Londoi;, Roland Young as Dr.E ~Watson, and~ Carol Dempster as Alice Faulkner. All the sparkling fun that Doris Mycrams into her comedies is evi-> dent in her most recent vehicle "Upa and At 'Em", showing at 'the Wuerth the remainder of the week. Miss May appears as the daughter of an art col- lector-a blithe young flapper, to' whom life is one long laugh. Her ad- ventures as an amateur detective on the trail of a band of crooks provide t he picture with plenty of laughs and delightful entertainment. GARRICK (DETROIT) The third of the "Greenwich Village Follies" series will be given its first Detroit showing for one week with an opening performance at the Garrick tonight. An all-star company in- cltudes Ted Lewis, Joe E. Brown, Eva Puck, and Sammy White. 30 famouts artists' models are, featured in this re- viue. S1HJBFRT-JIICHIGAN (DETROIT) Miss Bonstelle will return to the Bonstelle company for an opening performance' of "The Woman in Branze", a dramatic writing of big emotional moments. translated from t a i Throughout the play there is a gen- erous supply of heart interest -and dramatic artistry. a~ H Brisetish" Publisher- SaysLoydGeorgey Will Come Ba'ck r I AT ~ 'I'llF ore ATT, -cid the Lady;" comredy c'.d news. majestic-Norma Talmadge ini "The Eternal Flamne;" andI -,Lupino Lane in "The lPiratc." Orpheum-Alice Joyce in "Tb e Inner Chamber;' and ecm= -:,v Wucrth - Jiohn Barrymore ill "Sherlock Holmes;" comecdy and news. Fear Eight i~lis~iiag In lorest ~ire San Bernardino, CaL, Ccl. 27.-- Eight men ".i crc sald to be niiasirg In Tehic. (Tht. 27.--Japanese eva.c a-afrs re h' i rgdna I - -inCiV i:sti: C21Zl1ltdY - vi'.o a rldy. ''' e xcn E 4. A r, <_ _ L.3 to e i Cnl or le3. t f r th ,i2e jin re te i Lk)e s i K' L ad Vor ith Cc..t) ' c' bak w.hich firefighterS had' made to Albion is the only college tearn _ ndrV Vl (unsar ipc wreporgheW lveins t ,ico inl 1856 1~,>e n''r ~nsc th sae prp . ml gan in13% x 3 71i1 Aiber !'Arcet Near ~ta Ic and I'a~'kard S(reels Chmsfor $4.50.' -IAO /YuINDULGED N )NE OtF U V : ) 1f 1 / -4 'rr ; aL i Y b c '4q( ews ( .ii'iR D tot . v'f'f e2 .,, S1.'?t n-in ' i'i .tgn1 r t , '5 ' Ne w,,e s 2for' e.l )'T W~v} AI NY colrs,. A z;.. ~ i ...: Z i t .ring vwas G.I.i .._ .'.I D: es w' cie to ofre tr~~ 27 at f Sir IWilliam E. Berry S~r ilPIam EI. Berry,' one of"'Brit- a'sfor'emost publishers and a friend d)i Lormeri Premierr Lloyd George., d&. d'ares that the little Welshiman 'will soon return' to power; Derry is vlsit- yard run for a touchdown. Conlin 'sTu day~ Viecines For /icgicsn h iore 5",8 A ~ ~Time Tastes Fine" m.+nmn.vc.w.-r n :mwn..~e o f r eew .! +rwnra~s. ^ t + iZI ~7 \7 ~'., - Stree! : ..... _.......,« ... ..._............._.... ... .e,..,...,,. .. ,e.-- ...._..._..._... .--..-. .-. ...e.,...-.-nY...,.......,...... .... ............Ww..,.........w..«......ewe.K."...,..... ....,e ......s...._,-.n ..®.... ......«.,+ 1. _:; p.