i 1 I 1-A : .. ANGI ;ATIONS ENT EC1MA ' ORE t 1 t cnservative estimnates M o n dl a yll ed the num~ber of. students search- - for jobs, by which they can sup- I, tthemselves, at between 1.200 andti! 0. Flocking to Ann Arbor undera aliluremnent of the caption, Mci at Poor Man's C'ollege,"many have te leer with buit $100 to $300 to' thn through the entire year. :h the inroads of tition and cost of Mks, some have to look toward ini- Blate employment for their coritinu-- in the University. yrs. Mlary. L. Steward, employment retary in the office of the d(ean of dents, said yesterday, "The rudden ulsh of. self-sumpprting sudcents has mped the em~ploym~ent bureau. re are fear more stuntst, than jobs lunless some teapporary remedy b e found, muany. o° them will he ced to leave college 1before al egn 1.~Iaiwr tha r have stated tha~t they aire en- ly self-supporting." Ithou(gh many have ;specializedl lines work, most are seeking' to do any d of work that will keep 'them the University. The Union, to- her with the larger boarding 'houses 1 afeterias, offer a arge nu.mber Of den~ts~ employment. -Adding to theos fraternity and sorority houses, re thap S500 will be able to earn. ir boaxrd. by waiting table, washing lies; and -the like. Good muisicians, dance oroelltiras a-re particularly demand. It is said thGat enough' e appliedI to form at least ive Several changes have taken place or are soon to take place in the loca- tion of some of the campnlus fraterni- tic., and sororities. During the sum- mer the Dielta Kappa bEpsilon frater- nity moved from its old house oil State street to the new one at 1912 Geddes. Their old house has been takena over by the Delta, Alpha. Ep- silon fraternity. T"he Z,.±a ]iota Tau fraternity has changc(d its addIress f"romn 807 Southl Statc strceectto 644 Taippan. The State street h~ouse, is occupied by the Phi, T'au f~raternity. The Xi Upsilon fra-' terniiy will move' from its present addtcss early -next semnester. WHAT'S GIN G ON So H, D0ANE TO HEAD TAIE~CIIRGE O' LASSI- JNG 1F. P..JORI)ANI aband o 75 niece.s will be "a reality 'o,- the University this year, accord- igto those in ch~arge. More than 100 men were presen% to try out for 'places. Drurnnmcrs, and saxophonists pre-# domiinated w«hile there was a notable lack of those ,who played, the cornet andl the clarinet. Xreguilar practice is scheduled for tonight at the same place. At that t inae an opportunjity will be given those who were not at the meeting last night to try for a place. BRSNTS TOIVEET- FRIDA Y ioutino ijsiiess e'=cled dfor Coni- Theaters G 1 ;t i M I 3': yl. J Gilbert H.L Doane, formerly assistant librarian of the library of the Uni- versity of Arizona, has been appointed to succeed F. 'P. Jordan as head oi' ;the classif iation deffarlmnent of thde MrPoanie, who is a gradluate of 2clgt unvers;ity and of the Newr York State Library school, s said 'to be exceptionally well fitted for 0(- Work, as hielhas held S,-erai inlar positions in other institutions. During the war, Mr. Doane served as a federal librarian, and, in the last year of the war, had complete charge of the naval library at Newport, Rhode Island. Mir. Jordan, who tendered his res- ignation last June, has been a mem- ber of the library staff since 1887. a Today Screen # Wuerth-Colleen Moore in "The Wall Flower." Majestic-House Peters in "The Storm." Arcade-Jack Holt in "While Satan Sleeps." Orpheum-Alice Joyce in "The Scarab Ring." 2'h ~Week I ste Garrick (Detroit) -Frances White and Taylor Holmes in the -musical comedy, "The Hotel Mouse," S"tud1entsSuply Store I1't11 South- University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' MI1teria~s Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf :Bookcs Cameras and SitpoIies - Candies, Laundry Agency, Tbaccos ~ I COMING eManslaughter" % WHkT IS IT ' I j Plunkett speaks inl room ;48 Engi- I^1 1cin} buildling befora: hFresh::io Eng:1 ieers on "Get 1. tingL'"a Toehold. WJ''hr ~ il !bw a hiee" tl}nof all }toSE 2"i; e- arate school for nurses ANN T R will not be settled at this meeting, and that in all probability it will U in(Ierg() much more official discussion i'ofore it is finally decided. \yJf P+f k , 4 EDUCTION BAND CALL BRINGSI FCORTHMANY MEN Seventy-Five 'Piece .O;rganizatlon - Promised This Year 18 H-v .q means of ntroducino ourselves Laboratory supplies, coats, aprons, tc., at Walir's.--adv. The turnout of prosu~ectivo e,. hers oi' the banmd in University Hall auditorium l ist night indicated that. to the new girls at Michigan.. We cordially invite you to come to our s5hop at your earli- est convenience and-becamne acquainted with us. Ask a user: he will tell you Rider's " 1 $3 BLUMAIZE1 L SOM SHOP, Inc. THE- HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOWERS Having returned from an e- tended visit at the FashionT Show., we arey now prepared to tell you about the most ad- vanced 'styles of' the season. 'We are lookfig forward to this opportunity. MRS. VANT SCHOY1CK '230 Nickels Arcade Phone 716-W 4.111 ryouts wantedl res 'wishing to try out for A4 staff of the Michiganen- cal :at the ichOiganensian q between three and five ck. 11. Welcom~s the newcomers . . -7-777- and its old friends r ALL W 'S and wishes them a most successful year Eat here once and if you aren't a regy- ia1ar c'ugtom.er we'd Tike to know the reason . T HOME-MADEPIES A NDCAKES- LUC HOME COOKING Say it with Flowers 1w. VI-N / J CC1Y ..~ . 5 r r lt_1t6 tDf^r,.i ,.f4 :, t=om 1 fJFk +i p icy. r , r rhYds f ,1 V 7, h PHON 666 Opena till 12:30. Delivery at night NICKELS ARCADE 213 E. LIBERTY ST. '538 FOREST -___________________________I_____eer~ p .. _. DON"T ' Cs ° Ix e That we h avea e, cople toeIline of NEW AND SECOND HAND FOOT-WEAR for Autumn Occasionls Drnwi. q, Ins ru n is The new foot-wear may be ever-changing in Its variety "- but it is never-changinig as regards its quality. Each rests' fifnly in fashion on slender or, sporting heels, pre- senting the mode in an unfailingly interesting manner. Oxfords, Strap pumps, com- bination, leathers - in such variations that the only difficulty is to decide which you like best. nowANf s r' inee. lips I i _ _ LEATHER NOTE BOOKS If your frock is of brown or tan shae4 ou will need brown satin pumps to wear with it - and a dainty pump that combines brown, satin with brocade in a two-strap style is par- ticularly wvell adapted to dress wear,, . he Louis heel makes this style of pump took well with the new, long skirt and the mode is trim .enough, for anly occlasion. This pump is ..priced An effective 'pump that combines the popular sports effect with. a semi-dress style will be~ found in this combination of mahogany and Chippendale. The style is particularly attrac-. tive - the pump havinig one wide stra~p that is finished 'with a buckle. The 10-8 heel: has a rubber lift that makes it 'a good walking shoe and the quality insures the wearer of long: service., This pump is priced MICHIGAN, STATIONERY I- LAUNDRY BOXES tI sUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS It 58 .00 X77$0 Bok t cL- JFk , I