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October 29, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-29

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$29,869.6 PROFITS
Almost All of;Departmental Gains
Put Back Into Service and
On business amounting to a total
of $486,98153,sthe Union showed total
profits of ,'$29,869.9G , on its depart-
ments, anA rounded out the most sue-
cessful financial year in its history,
as shovin by the financial statement
for the fiscal year ending August 31,
1922, which was accepted by the board
of governors of the Union at a meet-
ing yesterday.
Ned'rly all the profit made by these
departments, together with $35,434-
.0, which represented the total of
yearly dues received by the Union,
were put back into the building and
its activities. Profits on departments
and total of yearly dues came to
$65,304.46, out of 'which was taken
$63,147.16 for general and adminis-
trative expenses not chargeable to de-
partments, leaving a net gain for the
year of $2,157.30.
Sttement Given in Full
The financial statement printed in
detal on. page nine shows that the
operating expenses of the Union pure-
ly'as a club, came to $35,069.25, office
expenses $11,628.94, social activities
1,950.86, and mechanical plant ex-
pense of $13,774.41.
In arriving at the. figures for the
net profits of the departments, de-
preciation, light and water, and all
other forms of expense were charged
to each department, But as a club,
the Union was forced to go' to thou-
sands of dollars of overhead expense
to maintain non-revenue producing
features. Included " in' this list are
house supplies, wages of housemen,
doormen, etc., telephone, water, taxes,
repairs to furnishings, newspapers,
insurance, light and power, yard ex-
py i nise aid dereciation. These items
S cannotabe eha rged to any department.
and the Union must take care of them'
out of the profts made by its depart-
ments and the sum derived from the
annual memberships.' .
Opera Shows Bigest Gain
The Union opera showed the larg
est profit of any single department
with $9,280.42, while the lodging de-
pai'tment was a close second with
$,012.23. The food department show-
ed a loss, as was expected, because of
the expensive main dining room ser-1
vice that the Union maintains in the1
face of the comparitively small de-I
mand in a city of the size of Ann Ar-
The policy of the Union is to put
back imto . its activities and service
nearly all of the profits made by its
departments and the amount received
"from the yearly members' dues. That
such was the case this year is pointed
out in the -fact that the net gain for
the year was not much more than
two thousand dollars.
The financial statement is given in
detail on page nine.
(Special to The Daily)
Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 28.-Eminent
educators from some of the greatest

institutions of the country were pres-
ent at the meeting of the association
of the Siunmer Session Directors
which closed yesterday noon. The
fifth annual meeting of the associR-
tion was opened with an address by
Walter A. Jessup, pIresident, and
questions concerning conducting and
improving Summer Sessions were dis-
cussed in an informal way.
Dean E. H. Kraus of the University
of Michigan reported on The Michi-
gan Summer Daily, stating that it
had been of immense value to stu-
dents, and was a great step in ad-
vance of the paper published three
times a week, as is the usual custom.
He was enthusiastic over the results
olhtained.The first. meetInL-- of the

Tennessee Solon
May Succeed Dc y,

cwtE Ut




Michigan 24, I1inois 0.
Minnesota 9, Ohio State 0.
Iowa 58, Purdue 0.

rr Y a r
Senator John K Shields
Senator John K. Sheilds, Tennes-
see, is prominently mentioned 'as
Pres*dent Harding's choice to succeed
Supreme Court Justice William R.
Day, '70, resigned. Day resigns to'
give his time. to the settlement of
German claims, heading that commis-I
Program Opens with Overture to the
Opera "Oberon" by
Weber x,

76,000 spectators this afternoon. Both
touchdowns resulted from gains by
forward passes. Yale's advance
came in the third period while
Army's touchdown followed two for-!
ward passes in the fourth period.

Princeton 21, Chicago 18.
Notre Dame 13, Georgia Tech. 3.
Oberlin 7, Amherst 0.
Snrn F'ld 6. Univ. of etrit 0

U, U i . U.t LULV
Wo c ester 0, Western Reserve 6.
e. Chicago, Oct. 28. - The Princeton.
l Tiger triumphed over Chicago here to-
Army 7, Yale 7. d y in the most thrilling football game
Pennsylvan'a 13, Navy 7. peen on Stagg field in years. The score
Pena. State 0, Syracuse 0. was 21 to 18, the margin being three
Hobart 24,Ciy College of N. Y. 0. !points scored after touchdowns.
Will:a-ns 13, Columbia 10. Each team crossed the other's goal
1L fayet'e 12, Poston College 0. line three times but the westerners
Wesleyan 13, Tafts 6. had no one who. could boot the ball
Harvard 12, Dartmouth 3. over the cross bar in the face of the
Carnegie TeTh. 28. Grove City 0. charging Princeton team and that
Pittsburgh 7, Bu(;knell 0. fact gave Princeton the winning edge.
Holy Cross 6, Vermont 0. 1 Probably every known play that
\Maine 14, Colby 0. !would bring the supreme thrill into
Brown 16, Boston Univ. 6. I the heart of spectators was furnished!
Colgate 87, Susquehanna 6. in today's contest. Forward passes,
Bates 7, Bowdoin 3. dash'ing end runs, spiral punts, line
Lehigh 26, Muhlenburg 7. smashing and recovered fumbles all
West Va. 28, Rutgers 0. entered into the spectacle. Added to
MViddlebury 41, Norwich 0. this were two desperate stands in-
Mass. Aggies 12, New Hampshire side the three yard' line, one in which
State 0. - Chicago yielded the winning touch-
Yale Freshmen 7, Andover 0. down and the other in which the Tig-
---. ers staved off defeat by inches with
WEST only seconds of playing time left.
Indiana 14, Mich. Aggies 6. John Thomas,/of Jamestown, N. D.,
Iowa State 13, Washington (St. 'who was mainly responsible for
Louis) 0. Princeton's defeat 9 to 0 in 1921, was
Cincinnati 16, Case 0. again the hero of the Maroons. He
St. Ignatus 7, St. 'Boniventure 0. scored all of the Westerners' touch-
Mt. Union 13, Akron 7. downs, but was stopped at the close
Missouri 9, St. Louis 0. of the game. This made the victory
ut.er 9, Wabash 7 .only the sweeter to the Princeton
_ partisans.
Every available inch of Stagg field'
OUn L7 was packed and while the seating ca-
Centre 32, Univ. of Louisville 7, pacity was announced' as 32,000 Coach
Virginia 19, Johns Hopkins 0. sqezdsvrlIoetosn
Quantico Marines 9, Georgetown 6. 1Stagg squeezed several more thousand
Vanderbilt 25 Mercer 0 into Stagg field.
Tenn. 49, MIssissippi 0 The rival rooters were generous in
-_ _ applauding each other's songs and
Icheers and the spectacle was con-
Camrige , ass., Ot.o28Harar ducted according to the best traditions
defeated Dartmouth 12 to 3 in a thrill- of the great college sport.
ing game today. Dartmouth's score
on a 48-yard kick from placement by Navy Beats Pennsylvania
Neidlinter came on the opening play Philadelphia, Oct. 28. - Outplayed
of the final period. Field goals by and outmaneauvered by the mid-ship-
Buell in the second period and by men from Annapolis today in the first
Gehrke in the fourth and Jenkins' 53-1 half of the game the University of
yard run for a touchdown in the last Pensylvania football team puttled it-
period accounted for the Crimson self in the third period, tied the score
scores. and won from the Navy in the final
quarter '13 to 7. Nearly 50,000 per-
Yale Ties Army, 7-7 sons saw the battle and incidentally
New Haven, Conn., Oct. 28.-Yale witnessed the formal dedication of the
and Army battled to a 7-7 tie before new stadium.
--- Today In The Churches

The fourth annual Extra Concert se-
ries will open at 8 o'clock tomorrow
evening in >ill auditorium, when Ina.
Bourskaya, the distinguished Russian
mezzo-soprano,.will make her Ann Ar-
bor debut as soloist with the Detroit
Symphony orchestra under the direc-
tion of Ossip Gabrilowitsch.
Few operatic stars have possessed
so remarkable a versatility as Ma-
dame Buorskaya, who, besides being
an accomplished musician, is an ex-
ceptional linguist, having a thorough
knowledge of Russian, German,
French, English and Italian. Her re-
pertoire is large and embraces roles
from operas in all of these languages.
ks an exponenit of Russian opera, she
occupies a position of isolated suprem-
acy among all the singers of today.
During the current musical sea-
son Madame JBorskaya wrill sing with
both the Metropolitan Opera company
and the Chicago Opera association,
thus setting a precedent for operatic
artists. Her engagement in Chicago
will begin Nov. 13, and will terminate
Feb. 15, when she transfers to New
York. "Carmen" is among the roles
she will essay this season.
Gabrilowitsch has announced the
following program:
Overture to the opera, "Oberon"
... Weber
First Sympony, in C minor, Opus
68 :.....................Brahms
Un poco sostenuto. Allegro
Andante sostenuto
Un poco allegretto a grazioso
Adagio. Allegro non troppe ma con
(a) Air of Lel from the opera, "Sne-
.... Rmsky-Korsakoff
(b) Ballade from the opera, "Rog- j
Madame Bourskaya
Overture "1812".......T'schaikowsky
Graduate Club to Hold Dance
The graduate club of the Univer-
sity will hold an entertainment Fri-
day evening at a place to be announc-
ed later. William L. Fink, of the
chemistry department, will collect an-
nual dues Tuesday in the ofice of
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the gradu-
ate school.

Kinode FUN1 Half-back Position With
Credit When Klpke Remains
on Sidelines
(By Wallace F. Elliott)
Once more that Michigan band has
marched from' the field with caps
turned backward and the strains of
the "Victors" cutting in triumph
through the chill October air. Elev-
en orange clad men of the University
of Illinois went down to crushing de-
feat before the men of Yost, exper-
iencing the worst beating that has
been handed an Illinois team by Mich-
igan since 1905.. That famous Illinois
fight that held Iowa to a one point
victory a week ago was present but
unavailing against the tremendous
power of the Wolverines who crash-
ed through the Indian defense for 24
points before the final whistle blew.
The Michigan goal line Is still in-'
violate. At only one time, and that
in the closing minutes of the game,
was Illnois dangerous.. Then, with
their goal posts but 15 yards distant,
the Michigan defense became a thing
of iron that threw back the fighting
Illinois for four successive downs.
Cappon Bears Offensive Brunt
Upon the sturdy shoulders of
Franklin Cappon descended the brunt
of the Wolverine offense. The Illi--
nois forward wall was like paper be-
fore his tearing charges. time after'
time the great Wolverine fullback
poised behind the line and, hole- or no
hole, though the hole was usually
therecatapulted through the vainly
-reaching ?range for yard upon yard
It was Cappon who first carried the
ball across the Illinois godi line to-
wards te close of the second quar-
ter as the Indian defense weakened
before the power of Michigan. Knode
had kicked to Dawson on Illinois' 25-
yard line. Goebel and Kirk were on
the Indian quarter, strking hm with
such power that Dawson fumbled.
Like a flash Kirk was on the ball,
stumbling through half a dozen sur-
rounding Illini to the 12-yard line.
Twice Cappon punctured the Illinois
wall for a total of seven yards, and
Steger followed with a one yard
plunge. With two yards to go Uter-
itz called on Cappon and the Michigan
fullback responded nobly, ploughing
through the line for first down on the
one yard line. On the next play Cap-
pon dove straight through Illinois'
heart for a touchdown and Goebel
kicked goal.
Kirk, Goebel Star at End
To Bernard Kirk, the greatest Mich-
igan flanker in years who shares with
his captain the honor of being an
end unexcelled in the entire nation,
goes glory the equal of that accorded
Cappon. Ferry . field has witnessed
many a beautiful run in years gone
by but never has it seen the equal
of Kirk's magnificent 75-yard sprint
following the kick-off at the opening
of the second half. Taking Happen-
ny's placement on his own 25-yard
line Kirk showed a side of his ability
hitherto unevinced. Straight toward
the center of the converging Illini he
plunged, the would-be tacklers drop-
ping from his path like so many au-
tumn leaves. Heading diagonally
across the gridiron he gave as pretty
an exhibition of open field running as
one could ever conceive in the wildest
flights of imagination. It was the kind
of a run you read about in story
Kirk's Run Thrills
As he crossed the 50 yard mark but
one Illini, Hill, remained. Hill made
one last desperate effort, a beautiful
diving tackle, as Kirk passed the 35-
yard line. His hands touched the
hips of the speeding Wolverine, slip-

ped down and fell free. Kirk stumbl-
ed for a moment, and the stands
caught breath, regained his stride,
flashed the remaining distance, and
fell exhausted behind the last chalk
mairk as the thousands voied thun-

"I am quite sure that the best wayf
to equip one's mind to address an
Ann Arbor audience this Sunday will
be to see the game tomorrow after-,
noon," said one local clergyman Fri-
The many visitors are cordial-
ly welcomed to the churches. In ad-
dition to the regular services, special
musical programs have been prepar-
Morning worship at the First Con-"
gregational church will begin at
10:30 o'clock. Mr. Herbert Atchinson,
Jump 'will speak on, "Shields of Gold
or of Brass." Following the service,
a 50 minute Open Forum will be con-
ducted by Mr. Mitchell. Professor
Jesse Reeves will speak on "What
the League of Nations has Accom-
most folks
are honest
If you've lost an article of any
sort, some one has probably
found it, and would return it if
he knew to whom it belonged.
Most people read The Daily
Classified column, and you will
find that it serves very efficient-
.y in finding any lost article.
In the rush of the football game
yesterday a good many things
were lost. A lot of them will
be found again through- The

He Raced 75 Yards
To Make Touchdown

plished". The students' fireside chat
for University and professional
people will be held at 6:30 o'clock.
The subject will be, "What About
Saints, Devils, and Ghosts?"
"The Divine Presence" Is the topic
chosen by the Rev. Edwarlt S,ayles of
the First Baptist church. He will
speak in the evening at 7:30 o'clock
on the subject "Handicapped". Stu-
dent Guild class will meet at 12 o'-
clock and there will be a Guild So-
cial hour at 6:00 o'clock.
Morning prayer and a sermon on
"The Second Fundamental of Reli-
gion", by Rev. Harry Nichols, are
scheduled for 10:30 o'clock at St. An-
drew's Episcopal church. "Two of the
Hundred Million", is the subject for
the evening service at 5:30 o'clock.
Following the Sunday night supper at
6:00 o'clock, the Rev. William L. Stud-
well of Battle Creek will speak on,
"The Art of Worship."
Services in German will be conduct-
ed at 9:30, o'clock this morning at
St. Paul's Lutheran church and again
in English at 11:30 o'clock. "The Re-
formation of the Church", is the ser-
mon topic by Rev. Carl A. Brauer.
Regular services will be held this
morning in the Trinity Lutheran
church by the Rev. L. F. Gunderman.
The theme of the morning sermon
will be, "The Supremacy of the Scrip-
! tures", and of the evening service,
"The Ideal of Marriages". The Lu-
ither T.,ap'ii will meet at 6:30 o'clock.

Bernard Kirk, Michigan's star left
end, who proved a great factor in de-
feating the Indians here yesterday,
catching Goebel's 5-yard pass,, as
well as making the sensational 75--
yard dun for' a touchdown.
fair from the toe of the great Michi-
gan leader, made the score .16 to 0,
and Knode's drop kick made the
count 17.
Uteritz Scores on Pass
It remained for Uteritz to add the
last touchdown of the game in the1
third quarter. The ball was Michi-
gan's on the Illinois 33-yard line fol-
lowing a poor punt by Happenny, Il-
linois half. A splendidly executed
forward pass, Knode to Steger, car-
ried the oval 21 yards to the Indian
12-yard mark. Cappon made four
yards in two tries at the Illinois line
and Knode dropped back. As the ball
was snapped Uteritz dashed around
left end, swerved sharply to the right,
and took a perfect pass from the
Michigan half, receiving it safely ever
the goal line. Knode kicked goal,
bringing the total to its highest peak,
24 points. 0
The Michigan team, as a unit and
as individuals, played splendid, un-
beatable football. Knode, substitut-
ing for Kipke, who was ready to go
into the fray at any minute but was
never needed, put on ,a remarkable
display of strength.
Knode, Steger Show Well
He punted nine times for an avar-
age of 45 yards. outkicking Hapenny
of Illinois on an average of 11 yards.
The Illinois back kicked 11 times
and averaged but 34 yards. Kncde
was on the sending end of two of
Michigan's four completed passes. He
ran the ball consistently and was a
power of defense.
Steger, the sensational sophomore
back who substituted for Roby, was
the victim of his own reputation, for
Illinois had been coached to watch
him above all others. But even the
close guarding of the Illinois forwards
was not enough to hold the Michigan
star down. He was always good for
short gains around the Indian ends
and gave a thoroughly good account
of himself. At quarter Uteritz guid-
ed the team with unfailing skill and
energy, dispalying again the great
generalship that won him so much
praise in the Ohio contest4
Blott, Johns Keep Wa l Solid
Blott, at center, was easily the star
of the line. This inexperienced play-
er was directly responsible for the
laying of the road to Michigan's sec-
ond score, when he intercepted Daw-
son's attempted forward pass on the,
Illinois 25 yard line. With Johns and
Steele he made the center of the line
impregnable. It was Johns and Steele,
too, who opned: marnyv a hole fr the

retired in favor of Slaughter, who
closed the gap.
Muirhead and Rosatti were invinc-
ible at the tackle positions, throwing
hack every attempt of the Indians to
gain through them, and cutting wide
swathes in the line for the plunging
of the Michigan backfield.
Goebel-Kirk Passes Work
The Goebel and Kirk, combination
again displayed their superiority to
every other pair of flankers in the
Conference. Twice the "Goebel to
Kirk" combinations spelled success-
ful Wolverine forward passes, the
first being an arrow-like toss of 35
yards early in the first quarter that
would have insured a Michigan score
had not Cappon fumbled -a moment
later. The second aerial affair was a
pass of 12 yards that followed Blott's
spectacular intercepting of Dawson's
throw and made possible Goebel's
beautiful ,goal from field. Captain
Goebel retired at the opening of the
second half, giving way to Neisch,
who played splendid football In his
Happenny Shines For IhIJnI
For the fighting Illini Happenny
was by far the shining light. It was
in the final quarter that this wonder- '
ful half back had the .Wolverine root-
ers biting their own hearts by his
knifing line plunges. It was Happen-
ny who, almost alone, carried the ball
on successive crashes at the line and
luminous end runs to the Michigan 15
yard line. There .the thouands that
witnessed the contest saw the Michi-
gan line stiffen, saw again the in-
spired defense that threw Ohio back
on her only threatening' trial for the
Michigan goal, saw the plunges of
Happenny and Hill thrown th'ice for
heartrending losses, saw the Indian
attempt at a forward pass grounded i
failure, and saw the ball go over,
just before the game came-to a close.
And in the final conclusion, is seen
the smiling face of Fielding H. Yost,
the "grand old man of the gridiron".
Yost Instilled Sirit.
It is Yost who instilled in the hearts
of those Michigan players who smoth-
ered the men of Zuppke a. fighting
spirit that no Michigan team has ever
borne. It is Yost whose agile brain
conceived the attack that shattered
the flaunted defense of Illinois. It is
Yost who has put on Ferry field what
is probably the greatest eleven that
has worn the Maize and Blue since
the "point-a-minute" days of P901 and
'02. Michigan defeated Illinois. Mich
igan out gamed her, 'outsmarted' her,
rubbed her nose in the sod of Ferry-
field in a way that will make Illinois
hearts ache for the sweetnes of re-
venge. Be this much said for Illinois,
the Orange and Blue died fighting,
closing the game in a desperate,
memorable struggle to score against
a team that was just 24 points her
Michigan won the toss and electd
to receive from the east goal. Offside
kick. Ball will be kicked over.
Dawson kicks off to Steger, who re-
turns ball ten yards. Steger gained
one yard around left end. Second
down. Knode kicked to Dawson on.
Illinois' 34-yard line. Dawson 'made
one yard through center. Woodward
made three through center. Illinois
kicked to Uteritz, who was downed
on Michigan's 30-yard line. Steger
made two yards around left end.
Knode kicked out of bounds on illi-
nois' 27-yard line. Dawson gained
one yard through center. Happenny ,
kicks to Steger, who was downed on
Illinois' 40-yard line. A forward pass,
Goebel to Kirk, ,-was good for 25 yards,
putting the ball on the Illinois 12-yard
Cappon made two yards through
the center. Cappon fumbled, Illinoi
recovering. Illinois' ball on her 10-
yard line. First down for Illinoi.
Dawson kicked to Uteritz who called
a fair catch- on the Illinois 40-yard
line. On the 40-yard line Goebel tried
for a place kick, Uteritz holding the
ball, but failed. Illinois' ball on her

,own 20-yard line. Happenny kicked
to Uteritz on the Michigan 45-yard
line, who was downed in his tracks.
Cappon made five yards through cen-

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