a. WA IMI TOAY I 1 ta A IaiI33 k. echo One ,. VOL. XXXIII. No. 3 TWO SECTIONS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, V$M'NESDiN, SEPTEMBER 27, 1922 TWELVE PAGES PRICE FIVE --- - - --I KEAL DEAD RUSSI ENTR INT TURKS' REPLY BRINGS ANOTHER ACUTE ClrISIS IN NEAR EASTt S )VIET RUSSIA SENDS NOTE WARNING POWERS Armistice Conference set for Oct. As Military Situation Grows More Serious ROOM SITUATION BECOMES CRITICAL Decrease In Registration Caused Ser- ous Anxiety to Owners That the rooming house situation is becoming serious is the opinion of members of the Union housing com- mittee. The large number of un- occupied rooms has caused a consid- erable dro in room rent.,and many landladies who have ordinarily had 14 and 15 roomers have been unabla to fill .their houses. The oversupply cif rooms this fall is largely due, it is said, to the un- epcted decrease in the registration at the University. Many new houses were built this summer by those who anticipated an increase in this year's enrollment. The rooming committee will be lo- cated in Dean Joseph A. Butrsley's office beginning Tuaesday, instead of the Union. Activities, Rousing British Wrath, to Cease Beyond Three-Mile Linit - - - - ..I - - -- 29 The Turkish situation reached an- other critical stage today. Kemal's reply to the Allies has been made known at Constantinople by his a'ide-de-camp and is an acceptance of proposed conditions with the in- sistence that Turkish military move- ments shall proceed and that Russia, Bulgaria and Persia shall be admitted to the proposed peace conference. The military situation has become increasingly serious. The Turkish forces have occupied Kium Kalesi, at "the moth uf the Dadanelles, com- manding the entrance to the Straits, with a cavalry force. Another Na- Rionalist cavalry force, 3,000 strong, is at Eren Keui, 10 miles from the British lines at Chanak. Soviet Russia has sent a note to the Allied Powers, the Balkan States and Egypt, proposing an immediate Near Eastern conference in the hope, it says, of saving Southeastern Eu- rope from a threatened new outbreak of bloodshed, and giving warning that Russia will refuse to recognize amy decision regarding! the Dardanelles to which she is not a party. Conference to Be Oct. 2 The armistice conference has been set by the Allied high command for Oct. 2, at Mudania. Constantinople reports growing in- dications of; the abdication of the Sultan of Turkey and the selection of a successor acceptable to Kemal. Venizelos figures in political dis- cussions at Athens. The former Pre- mier is mentioned as one of the mem- bers of the Nationalist cabinet which will seek to reconcile the Constantine and Venizelist elements in a move-' ment to .assure a united Greece in this -critical juncture for the nation. (By Associated Press) Paris, Sept. 26.-France is in com- plete accord with the other Allied powers in making the strongest ef- fort to keep the Turks but of the neutral zbnes and avoiding al inci- dents, it was explained today, in official quarters. Gen. .Pelle, the 'French high commissioner in Con-, stantinople, requested M u s t a p h a Kemal Pasha to cause the removal from thle neutral zone of the troops which had invaded it the second time, near Chanak, it was officially an- nounced. Russia Sends Warning - (By Associated Press) ' Moscow, Sept. 26.-Soviet Russia in; a note addressed to England, France,; Italy, Greece, Rumania, Jugoslavia, Bulgaria. and Egypt, designed to find a solution of the Near East situation, warns the European Powers against ignoring the interests of those coun- ,tries directly interested in the free-. dom of the Dardanelles. The note reiterates that Russia. will refuse to 'recognize any decision unless she is a; party to the agreement. The note, which was dispatched by, Acting Foreign Minister Karakhan,' declares that as one of the European . powers is taking proper steps to pre- vent developments which appear{ likely to draw the entire series of , countries addressed into war, the' Soviet government considers that only an immediate andtpowerfl interve tiona can lcaize the affair .and pos- sibly save southeastern Europe from a new outbreak of bloodshed. Supports Turk Rights , "The Soviet government," says the note, "considers the basis of events in the Near East hinges on one ques- tion, which is recognigoni for the Turkish people's right to the actual restoration of Turkish sovereignty over the Turkish capital of Constan- inople and the Straits.. "The freedom of the Straits," the note continues, "is necessary primar- ily to the Black Sea powers, to Russia and her allied republics, and to Turk- ey, these countries embracing the greater part of the Black Sea coast." The note details the Russo-Turkish agreement of 1921, which declared for the international status of the Straits for trading purposes. About the time this agreement was reached, it adds, the victorious power of the World War had recognized only their own' intereatsdso far as the Straits were concerned, disregarding Russia al- together. Union Requests Men to Register Men who have not signed cards for --------.----_-_-- __, __ U. S. GENERALS UP FOR PROMOTIONIAOflIj COULD TELL MANY THRILLING TALES UU , ",.iIMIlchligann Fieldlhouse To Suruass Any HARJ)ING CABINET 1EBATES PROBLEM SEVERAL HOURS Washington, Sept. 26.-Curtailment of activities of American prohibition enforcement officers on the high seas was decided unon today by President Harding and his cabinet. Search of foreign vessels for con- traband liquor outside the interna-I tional land limit may be made here- after, it was stated, only in the event that the vessel actually established communication with American shores by means of their own crews or small boats. Foreign vessels outside the three- mile limit unloading; their cargoes of contraband rum onto craft from American shores would not come with- in the special law, in the view of high administration officials. The American craft undertaking to land the contraband, however, would be subject to search and seizure. Enforcement of the prohibition act at sea, which for some time has been the subject of diplomatic exchanges between the American and the British government, occupied much s of the time of the cabinet Tuesday. GERMAN S OCAIT PLAN BI G CAMPAGN Brig, en. Roebrt Lee Howse. Cen ter, Brig. Gen. Edward M. Lewis. Be- low, Brig. Gen. Ernest Hinds, le ft, and Brig. Gen. George B. Duncan. All six won the distinguished ser vice medal in the World War and four of them saw service in France or Belgium or both countries. They had helped to write many interest ing chapters in America's- mili-tary history of the past thirty or forty years before the great conflict. ~ ;r HEAL l)IFERENCES IPRIOR I.)DRIVE THROUGHOUT NATION TOl Berlin, Sept. 26.-Independents and Social Democrats have healed their differences and have joined in form- ing a mighty united Socialist party which will have a bloc of about 180 votes out of 460 in the reichstag, and a following estimated at more than a million voters. The unification took place at Nuren- berg yesterday. Enthusiastic . ap- plause echoed through the big Her- cules velodrome as pledges to work in unison for the uplift of German workers were made by Herman Mueller for the Social Democrats, Herr Crispien for the Independents, and Mary Juhacz for the women. The record of German Socialists since the war, however, indicates that pure Socialism is still in the far dis- tant future. The party is expected to proceed conservatively, centering its efforts largely on achieving. desirable social reforms and insisting particu- larly on a better distribution and price control for food stuffs, cloth- ing and coal this winter. KI ANIS CLUB SENDS BAND TOCGONTENTION The University of Michigan band played at the International meeting of the Kiwanis clubs in Toronto, Can., directly following the com- menement exercises here in June. Aft-' er leaving Ann Arbor on June 19 the first stop was in Detroit, where the. band of 45 pieces played for the 10- cal Kiwanis club at its headquarters. At midnight that .night the party left for Toronto, where they remain- ed for three days playing at various points about the city. Upon one occa- sion the band gave a concert upon the steps of the city hall, which was at- tended by more than 10,000 persons. Movies were taken of Leader Wilfred C. Wilson ana the members of the band in uniform. One of the chief numbers on the program was thie concert at a big fair which traced the history of the country from 1776 and in which 15 bands participated. oT'a Mr ran hanr zu -cat e +hA Eugineering College Leads in Gain; Law, Medical Also Increased 1,00 SHOWN IN TOTL TURNED IN LAST NIGHT Late registration figures last night show a slight increase in the enroll- ment of some of the colleges which brings the total number of students enrolled in the University over the 11,000 mark. Registration in all of the schools except the Graduate school officially closed Monday night but delinquent arrivals coming in during all of Tuesday have brought the total mark up to within a little over a hundred of last year's record.' This would seemingly indicate that if the delin- quencies keep coming in at the same rate as they did yesterday a new reg- istration mark may be set. Engineers Lead Some of the schools could not give out any figures for the day. The Col- lege of Engineering and Architecture led with 62 new arrivals during the day, bringing its total to 1,759. The Law school counted an increase of 26 while the Medical college took in 24 more. This brings their total counts up to 395 and 640, respectively. The Law school now tops its enrollment of last year by an even 60 registra- tions. The mark set last year was 336. No report was given out by the Literary college or by the dental school, Graduate school or School of Education. The former has an en- rollment which it is thought is still under that of last year but the to- tals of the other schools are all high- er than they have ever been.. 1I,001 Now Recorded Up to last night an approximate count of 11,001 was recorded. The total enrollment of last year after all registration was over 11,120. Both of these figures include the Summer ses- sions. Registration and .classifi;catioh in the Graduate -school will continue all of this week. Those who register in the other school for the rest of the week will be fined $5 for delinquency and $1 for classification. MEN FROM STATE SERTE ON CONTENTION PROGRAM Was Known for His Charges in Con- nection with Recent War Probe ATTACK OF ASTHMA COMES - WHILE iN APPARENT IIEALTHI Washington, Sept. 26.-United States Senator Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, died suddenly at his home here early today. 'Death was said to be.due to an acute attack of asthma. from which he had suffer'ed recurrently for some years. Although failing health had .inter- rupted Senator Watson's attendance at Senate sessions frequently in the last several months, he was in his seat Friday when the Senate ad- journed, and his friends believed he was then showing improvement. He was stricken suddenly after dinner last night and passed away shortly after 3 a. m. today. He was 66 years old. Was Vigorous Figure During the first year and a half of his term in the Senate, to which he was elected in 1920 after receiving the nomination over Senator Hoke Smith and Gov. H. M. Dorsey, Senator Watson gave no indication of any im- pairment of the vigor and activity which had marked his long career in politics and as a publisher. In his last speech in the Senate, delivered only a week ago last Wednesday, the Georgia senator severely criticized the Administration for its course in connection with the rail strike situa- tion. His previous attacks on the Administration and most notably his charges of illegal hangings in the American Expeditionary Forces, the subject of exhaustive investigation by a Senate committee, had made him a conspicuous figure in the Senate body during his brief service there. Buried Tuesday. The body of the Senator will be taken to his home at Thomson, Ga.. today at 3:15 p. m. He already had made reservations on a train leaving at 'that time to spend the congres- sional vacation at ,his home. The Senator leaves a widow and two grandchildren. Although having served only a short time in the Senate, Senator Wat- son's oratory and fiery attacks in leg- islation he opposed, added to his na- tional prominence gained in his home state. He was an historical expert, his Senate speches being rich with incidents of history, particularly French, of which he was a great student. Of Its Kind In The United States DELAY IN ARRIVAL OF STEEL HOLDING UP CONSTRUCTIO Work on the new Michigan Fek House is advancing as fast as thear- rival of the consignments of steel wil] permit. To date seven cars of steel have .arrived and many more are ex- pected to arrive any time in the near future although shipping conditions are very uncertain Bases for the. steel, which are made of concrete, were poured a number of weeks ago. They are three feet deep and a foot in thickness, laying some ten feet apart throughout the entire length of the building. It is believed that these concrete founda- tions will be more substantial than any of stone or other material that could have been used.' Strikes Cause Delay Railroad strikes and the uncertain- ty of the arrival of the steel ship- ments have been the main cause in the three months delay. The pro- gress was further hindered last sum- mer when the steel was unable to be rolled on time. .I More than a million bricks are to be used in the outer walls and the inside foundations and as yet none of these have appeared in Ann Arbor. While commenting on the progress of the new Field House, Fielding H. Yost, director of major and minor out- door Varsity sports, said, the work has been delayed so long on the build- ing that it is now over three months behind time. Operations may not be- gin to take on very large proportions until next spring when the outdoor track season starts. Everything will depend upon the amount of snow that falls this winter and the arrival of the basic materials. The new ath- letic plant will probably be ready by Superiority is Keynote Superiority is the keynote of the new field-house. The structure will be superior in construction, sueprior in seating capacity, and superior in usefulness to anything of its kind in the world.' The building wll be 342 feet long by 160 feet wide. There will be a seating capacity of 12,500, an eight lap to the mile track, 75 yard straight away, several basketball courts, and provisions for practice for indoor football and baseball. All of this will be in the main activity room which will be 160 feet wide, -300 feet long, and clear of any obstruction up to the height of 63 feet. These dimen- sions are exactly those of a regular football field. Four floors at the end of the room will be devoted to trophy rooms, storing rooms, drying rooms, locker and shower facilities for 4,200, and the offices of the athletic asso- ciation. Upon its completion the new field house will be the best and most com- pletely equipped of any of the ath- letic plants in America. This build- ing will put Michigan in a position to entertain other schools and col- leges at the large indoor track meets and will also be an ideal place in which to hold the annual Conference Track Meet. Penurious Youth Offers Self To Highest idd er Cincinnati, Sept. 26-George Ms- cato, student at the Eclectic Medical college here, revealed htisef today as the man who yesterday offered himself in marriage to "any woman between the ages of 18 and 3, white and of good stock, who will finance my remaining two years in college." .Muscato asked a Cincinnati news- paper to help him in his endeavor to 'complete his education. He agreed to permit the use of his name, although, he says, he had intended at first to conceal his identity. "I am at the end of my rope," he 'said today. "Ambition is too strong to permit me to drop my efforts for an education. I can not let pride inter- vene. I must complete my studies. There is no other way." ' Muscato said that he had received a letter from relatives in Pittsburgh discontinuing his allowance. Admiral Charles B. Plunkett, who is visiting here today and will address the Engineering club smoker tomor- row night. Investigation in Official Records Shows Widespread Car- ruption. GOVERNMENT LAXITY AND HASTE -BLAME I)AS CAUSES New York, Sept. 26.-Sensational ex- posure of war and post-war grafting and profiteering is made public in a seriesof articles prepared for the American Legion Weekly'. The articles are the fruit of many, weeks spent by careful investigators digging into the official files at Wash- ington and gathering information in, various parts of the country with aE view to demanding prosecution of guilty men who made millions during and since the war through criminal; practices imposed on the Government, and suits for recovery of their ill- got gain. Show Finer Workings, The articles are intended, it was announced, to tear aside the veil thatj has obscured froin the public the actual workings of the Government'sl hastily built war machine during the conflict, and its just as hastily built. machine for liquidating old obliga-, tions and returning to normal en- deavor after the armistice. Care is taken by the author of the articles, Marquis James, however, to 1 make it plain that the great majority of men who were cogs in the great' industrial 'machines were imbued by{ the highest patriotic motives, and that to the great majority no hint of cor- rupt practices or dishonest intent cana be charggd.? "These articles will deal with finan-" cial losses sustained by the Govern-' ment during the war," the article' states. "They are not intended as a reflection on the thousands of men who had no part in these losses, any1 more than the fact that we have crim-. inal courts is to be taken as an. implication that all men are criminals and that human nature is not gener-° ally inclined to be law-observing." Shows Strong Contrast Presenting in the way of striking. contrast the case of an 18-year-old. private in France who was sentenced to a year and a day at Fort Leaven- worth for the theft of a 16-cent can of army beans, and the meticulous exactness of the Go'ernmen: in hold.- ing officers to strict accountability for. war materials consigned to the care of their men as requisites of fighting, the first article pictures a saturnalia of profit grabbing by unscrupulous "men who remained at home," made possible by Government laxity. NOTRE iDAME MAN KILLED IN REVOLVER ACCIDENT South Bend, Ind., Sept. 26.-John Herbert Culhane, 20 years old, junior J ADMIRA L PLNKETT IN ANN ARBOR FO TH REEAY I lT WAR hERO WAS IN CARGE OF 14-INCH NAVAL GUNS IN FRANCE MANY MICHIGAN MEN SERVED IN DETACHMENT Dean Cooley Cals Guest "Most Dis- tinguished Man to Come This Year" "Perhaps the most distinguished man to visit the University this year" was the characterization given to Rear Admiral Charles B. Plunkett yesterday by Dean Mortimer E. Coo- ley of the engineering school. Ad- miral Plunkett outside of his fame has a particular interest here be- cause many of the meni in the Univer- sity Naval Training Units here dur- ing the war served under the com- mander in France when he was in charge of the great 14 inch railroad mount guns of the United States Navy. The war hero arrived here yester- day afternoon and spent much of the afternoon with Dean Cooley, Pro'. H. W. Miller of the department of: mechanism, ,-and drawing depart- ment, a lieutenant colonel in the U. S. Army in charge of the investiga- tion of the German long range guns in Belgium, and William 'A. Cotton, Jr., '23, president of the Enginerling society. During the afternoon conference in Dean Cooley's office yesterday after- noon, .Admiral Plunkett expressed his strong approval ' of the proposed "Navy Day." "If I were going to run the thing," said the Admiral, "I would have a naval officer address every high school and college In the country to tell the young men what the navy is for and that joining the navy is not a waste. of time in com- parison with the workk of their school- mates who are entering civil life." Approives "Navy Day" Admiral Plunkett i, brought here >y Cotton, primarily to speak at the Engineering society smoker to be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday in the Michigan Union on the topic "Per- sonal Experiences." Plunkett is one of several noted men that have been and will be brought to the campus by the Engineering society. Last year Eddie Rickenbacker, .femous Ameri- can ace, and Howard B. Coffin, of the Hudson Motor Car company and well known authority on aviation questions, spoke under the auspices of the society. Admission to hear these speakers, including the smoker tomorrow night, is free to members of the Engineering society, while all otheas must pay 35 cents. All men on the campus are in- vited-to attend. In addition to the smoker talk given by Rear Admiral Plunkett, Dean Mor- timer E. Cooley has succeeded in ob- taining him to address the Freshmen engineers in their smoker at 11 o'clock this morning in room 348 of the Engineering building, on the nb- ject "Gaining a Toehold." Plunkett is a strong advocate of the college man and stresses the idea that 'every man should finish his education so that he may better , serve the world. The Admiral will also speak be- fore the general campus at 415 tli°s afternoon in Natural Science audi- torium on "Fourteen Inch Railroad Units in France: Their Design, Con- 'Zruetion, Mamnzufacture(, Transorta- ticn and Operation." The lecture will be illustrated by two reels of motion pictures which Admiral Plunkett has brought with him. All members of the University are invited to attend. Entertained here Rear Admiral Plunkett was enter-,. tamed by an automobile tour through Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon as the guest of Prof. H. W. Miller, formerly lieutenant colonel in ?the ordnance at Notre Dame university, was shot department of the U. S. Army. Last and killed Monday afternoon when night Dean Mortimer E. Cooley gave a a gun with which a fellow-student dinner in his honor and it is expected was toying was discharged accident- that the Admiral will be. given a ally. The accident occured in Walsh Iluncheon this noon at the Union a hall at the university. Calhane, whose I which prominent members of the fac home is in Chicago, was the son of l ulty will attend. This evening Al- Michael Culhane, a La Salle street miral Plunkett will meet many guest: broker: and friends at the Country club. Authorities Gasp At Originality Of Tardy South American S dent Many Michigan public utility men are to serve on the program of the second, annual meeting of the Great Lakes division of the National Electric Light association at French Lick Springs, Ind. ,opening tomorrow and continuing three days. Among the Michigan men who willj speak are Alex Dow, president, De- troit Edison company; L. J. Hamil- ton. of the onnsumers' Poweraonm- A CLASSIFIED in the Daily will rent your room, or find that lost fountain pen, or sell most anything you want it to. Call yf you 've a telenhone. or ATTACK IRISK EER Insurgents Try to Kill Head of Free State Civil Police (By Associated Press) Dublin, Sept. 25.-An attempt wasj made to kill Gen. Owen O'Duffy, chief Many and varied are the excuses that have assailed the ears of the ,authoritiesi of the University from ,students who desire admission to this ,great institution but who lack the 'necessary wherewithal. Until now the great majority of these excuses have * been tabulated and are now referred to by their classification numbers, ' made in their case and that they b permriitted to enter without paying tl customary fee, promising that the wvould surely have it in a few days. However, upon being pressed for tl reason of their shortage they state that as everyone knows Secretary e State Hughes is visiting in Soul America. And that, in order to ma] a big showing, in all of the ports th the lIon. Sec. was nlannmn unon visi commander of the Irish civil police, thus saving eons of precious time. , - ,