of the guests. Mary Early is chair- man of the trail committee with Elizabeth Cainas her assistant. Blanche -Kynast, and Dorothy Bish- op, are in charge of refreshments, HOCKEY TEAMS' BE CHOSEN . & TO clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All Avomen who are trying out for SOON teams are urged to be present at all practices. 4 e5 I SIUIIUWn u . wnu f w NEEDS MORE SVPPOH Today's rehearsals for "The Knight Results of the Y. W. C. A. finance of the Burning Pestle" will be held as campaigni up to yesterday afternoon follows: Three o'clock, Act HII; 4 showed that a total of $517 had been o'clock, the entire cast will meet with turned in. Although several of the the costume committee. teams have made a fairly good show- ing, the results thus far have not Chaperones for the dances this week been as satisfactory as was hoped for. endapres UnontFriday-M is Marth As there are many gir wo h ed are Union, Friday-Miss Marth t as, yet reported, it is hoped that wAhenHills; Saturday-Mrs. M. E. Cake; the final records are obtained, they Armory, Friday-Mrs. Yates Adams; will prove muchbetter. Saturday-Mrs. E. G. Heartt. A-large amount of credit is due to k 1-Hockey teams to renresent the sen- wnicn willbe served throughoutthe ior, junior, sophomore, and freshman Michigan v and Chintes for $4.50.1 evening. In addition to these attrac- women will be chosen soon, accord- tions there will be dancing. Rumors ing to Miss Elizabeth Sehon of the SH USE RT NlghtS 50-75-41.0 that the affair is to be a masquerade physical education department, who isands2oad50 are false. coaching hockey. Due to the recent Opposite Cadillac Hotel Main 7790 #bad weather and the condition of the THE BON STE L L E CO field, practice have not been held reg- n the play thatmade New Yorklaughtwo yeats 1ularly, so it is important that the re- "EAST IS WEST" WI~~ ~ ~~ Ii ~ BLS RSni_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ maining practices be well attended. As played by Fay Bainter Practices for the seniors will be O f IMONTHIILYME[TINGS 5 held at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesday and GARRICK waat.50e.to $1.6O Thursday afternoons; for juniors at Sat. Mat. 5c to $2.00 Recommendations made by the ex- 4:15 o'clock on Monday and Wednes- L I L 1 0 M (RoughNeck) day afernoons; for sophomores at With JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT and EVA ecutive board of the Women's Athlet- 4:45 o'clock on Mondays and We- LE GALLIENNE ic association will be presented to nesdays; for freshmen at 4:45 0'- Next Week-Greenwich Village Follies NOW SHOWING The Drama ou Don't Just the work of the violet team which has turned in $131.50 of the total amount. Abigale Roberts, '23, is captain of this team, and with her fifteen workers, she has achieved noteworthy resulti. Standings of the various teams to date, according to the amounts turned in are as follows: Violet, $131.50; yellow, $90.50; blue, $78.50; green, $58; indigo, $41; red, $39.50; orange, $33,. Contributions amounting to $45 have been received from girls on cam- pus who are not members of any team. It is expected that much keener com- petition will be evidenced before the campaign is finally closed. Results are still being posted on the bill-board in front of Newberry hall, at the closing of the campaign the total arid the final scores of each team will be given. PLEDGES OF SORORITIES ENTERTAINEDi THIS WEEK The Women's Athletic association board will take the interurban car at 9:50 o'clock Sunday morning from the corner of State and Packard streets to go on picnic at the Forestry farm. JUNIOR WOMEN ENERTIN SISTRGLASS- TONIG0H T All plans have been completed for the Hallowe'en party which the jun- ior girls are to give this evening in Barbour gymnasium honoring the freshmen girls. Marion Willis is gen- eral chairman of the affair. Promptly at 8 o'clock, an enter- tainment, "The Hallowe'en Follies," will be given, under the direction of Mary Hays. Helen Delbridge, chair- man of the fortune telling committee has secured several expert fortune1 tellers, including Susan Fitch, Frieda Diekhoff, Blanche Kynast, Dorothy Jeffries, Geraldine Spill, Lucretia Brewer and Josephine Balz, to pre-, dict the futures and reveal the pasts the senior organization and voted up- on by the members, according to the plans outlined by Grace Fry, '23, president, at the first meeting of the association. The policy of decisions being made by the senior organization is a new one this year and is intend- ed to place more authority in the hands of the association itself. The association voted to hold mneet- ings at 5:00 o'clock on the first Thurs- day of every month in Barbour gym- nasium, the junior organization meet- ing with the senior group once in three months. Plans, are being made for a recognition service to be held when members of the junior associa- tion officially join the senior organ- ization after having earned 100 hon- or points. / Plans for arousing class spirit to support class teams were also dis- cussed. It was decided to announce the interclass games at the organiz- ed houses in order to acquaint all women with the time of playing and to arouse interest in the class teams. If~ --I til Watch, But Live Through A Surge of Action, A Glimpse in Humanity's Mirror, The Story ofx7,Woman's Love for Man - Her Strength in is Weakness. LOOK AT THIS CAST CLAIRE WINDSOR, MILTON SILLS, HENRY B. WALTHALL lead a Cast of Many Stars SPECIA L-A D D E D-SPECIAL' L S U ' I I I , Pledges of the various campus sor- orities are being .entertained this week at teas given in their honor. Wed- nesday afternoon the Kappa Delt3 sorority pledges were hostesses for more than fifty women. Collegiate Sorosis gave their tea yesterday af- FOOTBALL PICTURES You wll '~i~i'lie~miii it ton Noliiow after '1)!'.. ri; 0z ii i 1uiga Q i'4 heer Leafder' sensational tu etc. ( iAIN4 SU'N.DAY !IUIIEIhihIhBIUliuIEIEUEEEIEhEEIIhRIIUIBEI U!! IEEE!!!! EI!IIEENhhhE!hEEIIEE!~i s ternoon from four to. six o'clock. r From 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock on Friday, Kappa Alpha Theta will receive at a° tea. au The Alpha Chi Omega tea has beenfW indefinitely postponed.u wi Imitation Extended illnots Women A telegram sent. yesterday to the dean of women of the University of ( Illinois extended an invitation to the women who attend the Michigan-i- nois games to make Betsy Barbhonur INSh' STEAM FITTING ' pU 111}1" plli 91111! 911 pII 8910 Ii 110 pill"1 po'll mim. 9111 111011 1118h M" man! 9111 mm0 liii 9mm "The Cow Boy and the Lady" CO-STARRING Tom Moore and Mary Miles Minter SOON "BURNING SANDS" CO-STARRING WANDA HAWLEY AND MILTON SILS 41 215 E. HURON PHONE 214-Fl Limemise; house their headquarters during their .stay in Ann Arbor. The visiting wo- men will be met at the stations by residents of the dormitory. BN3Ell .. 'NOTE -Made by the man who made "The Sheik" rr __ _ ...... I[ AT TIlE THEATf RS Today-sereen. Arcade-Henry B. Walthall in "One clear Call"; Michigan-O. S. U. football pictures. jMjstic-Lionel Barrynmore in M"jhe Face in the Fog"; and Orpheunt - Gareth Hughes in "Don't Write Letters"; com- edy and news. IWuerdi-Douglas Fairbanks in "The 'three Musketeers;" and comedy. This Week-Stage Garrick (Detroit) - "Liliom," with Joseph Schildkraut and Eva Le Gallienne. Shubert-Michigan (Detroit) - Bonstelle company in "East I West." 'I i Students- that exercise in the fresh air, as they do here at Michigan, need blood - producing and strength- producing food as only meat can give. We would especially like to call attention to Fraternity House Stewards and Boarding House Managers By Caling 393 YOU WILL BE ASSURED OF EFFICIENT SERVICE AND THE BEST OF MEATS. '! : . . , i f , III A. 7.1Gfell If you lose your dog, a daily classi- d ad will find it for you.-Adv. 223 MAIN STREET ... YOU'LL WANT TO KEEP WARM AT THE CAME -v. JOSEPH ML SCHENCK preseND in her mos, notable contribution to the Art of the Screen Old France's gayest courts -the rendezvous for loo, i~ ciandcosinity. Happy hunting grounds for the gorgeous Duclmsse do Lag ai, a loya1 v ife until her husband wagered on her faith *- then court-blauty, coquett e los to love, stifling the C Eternal Flame. j f wpb ' S'{ wol dn terih n poer to ltove ableuntilttoo utioe Diet! What ta drama With art incomparable Norma Talmadge h s carried her portrayal to submity. Who dores to hound or tamel it? A mighty picture - a masterpiece if ever thesre ahee one - rich, ecstatic with the spirit of de Balzac's celebrated "Duche ' (I LageJi. SUPERB PRESENTATION EL71 / 4 .- - ~~m There's nothing like camel's hair or Angora Scarf for comfort and ap- pearance. Corduroy reefers- double lined to insure warmth in the coldest weather Class Toques --- highest grade wool toques for every class. ''! T .1, - vr~qtk 'h