V V! I I V I"16 W a n in the Bulletin is constructive notice to sity. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. .(11:30 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922 1 ETI all members of a. m. Saturday.) Number 28 There will be no weekly meeting this Friday, Oct. 27. The Tryouts for the Varsity debate will eb held next week Nov. 3. This will be a closed meeting, for members only. F. R. ALLABEN, President. The attentioi of all students who are duly qualified voters in this State' is called to the provisions of the State law, whe'reby "absent voters" may register their votes at elections in this State. Public Act No. 203 of 1917, after defining an "absent vloter" as "any qualified elector, who is absent or who expects to be absent from the town- ship or ward in which he resides, on the day of any election or official pri- mary election," expressly includes in this class students while in attend- ance at any institutin of learning. An "absent voter" is entitled to vote at any election in the following manner. At any time during the thirty days next preceding election he may, make application to the township, city, or village clerk, in person or by mail, for an official ballot. Such application is to be made on a blank of a form described in the law, which on request will immdiately be mailed by the township, city, or village clerk to the voter who asks for it. The voter should fill this out and return it to the township, city, or vllage clerk, who will then forward copies of the ballot or ballots, together with instructions to the voter. It should be noted that 'the law does not re- quire that applications forabsent voter ballots be received by the clerk later than the second day preceding election. Students who are qualified voters are therefore advised to write at once to the township, city, or village clerk at their place of residence, request- ing the iofficial blank on which. to apply for a ballot. There is no reason why any one who is a qualified elector should forfeit his privilege of voting in the fall elections by reason of absence from home for the purpose of at- tending the Unversity. The above is brought to the notice of students in accordance with action taken by the Deans. F. E. ROBBINS. University Women: The registration blanks to be used in all Unversity houses for signing out at night are now ready and a representative of each hall of residence, sorority house and League house is requested to call for her quota at the office of the Dean of Women by Wednesday, Nov. 1. JEAN HAMILTON, Dean of Women. Executive Board of the Graduate Seaool: There will be' a meeting of 'the Executive Board of the Graduate School ' on Thursday, Oct. 26, at 4 p. m. ALFRED H. LLOYD. Zoology I, Supplementary Examination: Those who were absent from examination last June will take examina- tion Saturday, Oct. 28, at 9 a. m., in Room Z-229, Natural Science building. A. FRANKLIN SHULL. EngUsli Department In Engineering College: The staff of the English Department in the College of Engineering will have luncheon at 12 o'clock, Thursday, Oct 26, at the Michigan Union. J. RALEIGH NELSON,. College of Literature, Selence, and the Arts. Dean's Advisory Committee: There will be a meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee on Thurs- day, Oct. 26, at 4:15 p. m. in the Dean's office. JOHN R. EFFINGER. -. 0. T. C Advanced Course: Checls. for commutation may be obtained from the Adjutant by pre- senting Treasurer's receipt for Uniform Deposit. - ROBERT ARTHUR, Major, C. A. C. J. D. B. Reserve Officers Training Corps, Band: Band rehearsal 'vill be held. at 6:30" p. m. Thursday evening at New- berry hall and will be discontinued at 7:50. All students interested in play- ing in the band are invted to attend'. Bring 'instruments. ROBERT ARTHUR, J. D. B. WHAT'S GOING ON NOTICE-Copy for this column should be submitted by 4:30 o'clock of the day before publication. THURSDAY 5 :00-Michiganen sian editorial staff meets in Press building. 7:15-La Sociedad Hispanica meets in room 205, University Hall. 7:30-Gun and Blade club meets in reading room of Union. 7:30-Prescot club meets in room 303, Chemistry building. FRIDAY 7:30--Polish students meet in Lane hall. 8:30--Hollowe'en party, Harris hall. DAIL EIREANN PASSES ON NEW IRISH CONSTITLTTION (Continued from Page One) erendum of the people, if demanded, within 90 days. Article e7. The parliament may provide for the initiation by the peo- ple of proposals for laws of consti- tutional amendments, such legislation must provide 'that the proposals be Brussels, Oct. 25.-A arty of Bel- gian soldiers has been attacked and berg, near Mosro, Rhenish Prussia, according to the Libre Belgique. The military police have taken up the case. DR. W. S. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office Hours Phone 9-12; 1:305 321-F1 surprise your family and friends next- birth-, day with this most wel- come, most enduring gift- yourphotograph initiated on petition of 50,000 voters. If the parliament rejects such a pro- HILL AUDITORIUM posal it must be submitted to an or- dinary referendum for decision. Irish to Decide War Participation OCTOBER 26 Article 48 provides that "except inO B case of actual invasion the Irish Free State shall not be committed to ac-_ tive participation in any war without SHUBERT Nights 5075-s1.0 the assent of the Free State Parlia- MICHIGA Pop. Mats.Tus.,Thurs ment." OpoItCaIlA and Sat:, 25c and 600 nOppositeCadillacHotel Main 7790 Article 49. Amendments to the con- 'THE BONSTELLE Co stitution must be submitted to a ref- n the play that made New York Iaughtwo yea rs erendum. "EAST IS WEST" Article 50. The executive authority' As played by Fay Bainter of the Free State is vested in the king, exercisable as in the Dominion ARICI Nights 55c to $2.50 of Canada by a representative of the -A____I_ _ Sa. Mat. Sac to $2.0 crown. There will be a council to aid and advise in the government, styled L I L 10RoUhe the Executive Council, responsible to With JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT and EVA the chamber. LE GALLIENNE Article 59 provides that the council Next Week-Greenwich Village Follies shall prepare an annual government budget. .'Ia k e b ir t hday portraits a regular practice; it lvill give you in later years a col- lection to be held priceless U-NOTICES Press club 'niembership cards for members who have paid the class dues have been placed with Wo- men's League booth in U-Hall and can be obtained today. Cards will be issued upon payment of dues atl club meeting Wednesday night. Prospective members will be admit- ted and may sign up at this meet- ing. Camp Davis men may secure prints of pictures taken this summer byi calling at the surveying depart- ment and ordering them. There is an exhibition of portraits of leaders of the war in Alumni Mem- orial hall daily from 2 to 5 o'clock. This is given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art association. Westerners club meeting postponed tot Wednesday, Nov. 1.E Court System Provided Article 63. The courts shall com- pose courts of first instance and of final appeal termed the Supremea court, and also courts of local limited jurisdiction. Article 67 provides that all judges, including those on the Suprene court, shall' be appointed by the representa- tive of the crown on the advice of the Executive council. Ai) O4. C: W0 .n Arbor Custom Shoe Factory SHOES MADE FIT. HI W CLARK 534 FOREST t Portraits 9uality 61-9 East Liberty Street 9 Whimsies subscription campaign on the campus will be held Wednesday,! Oct. 25. Bodths will be placed in1 University hall and General Library 1 corridors between 9 and 5 o'clock.t Drop boxes will also be placed for 1 convenience in Tappan hall, West4 hall, Engineering, Natural Science,1 and Economics building. Rates $11 for one year. Just before the Illinois game, Fri- day, October 27, the Hallowe'en Danc- ing Party at Dexter. Kennedy's Soci- ety Six Piece Orchestra will furnish: the music. Hats, whistles, and every-1 thing for fun. Busses leave Calkin's Drug Store at 8 p. m.-Adv. Begimin ax Class - October 30 t HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Streets Article 69. The jurisdiction of courts martial shall not be extended to or exercised over the civil popula- tion save in time of war and for acts committed in time of war. Article 77. After the constitution comes into operation the house of parliament elected in pursuance of the Free tSate agreement act may for one year exercise all the powers con- ferred by the constitution on the chamber. The first election for the chamber sh'all be as soon as possible after the expiration of such period. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. Fne, Printed Stationery 300 ENVELOPES, 200 NOTE SHEETS-1.00 Printed Pwith your Name and Address Fine Bond Paper; Size of sheets, 6x7; envelopes G 1-2 x3 5-8; printing h,. latest style in blue ink only. Just thething for Ladies and Gentlemen, Professional No- pie, Farmers and Students. Send us $$1.00 and write Clainly your name and address as you want it printed. +; a orders sent yostnaid. National Sationery Co., Box 75, Win ona, Minnesota djo:};),u,>g doge; molsnry xogaV fily Place Cards, Tally Cards, Caps, Etc., Etc., at U N IVERSITY fa BOOKSTORE' b feeting: il be a- meeting of the Prescott Club Thursday evening at 7:30 Chemistry building. The speaker of the evening wil be Dr. W. the subject: "The Historical Conception ofDisease". All inter- U, ally invited. C. C. GLOVER, Secretary. FOVRTI3 AMMUAL.' '.- ;0 11 I 11 - you'll see it te minute you come to the dessert . , SERIES end of our huge serving OSSIP? GABRILOW'ITSCII FIVE STVPENDOVS PROGRAMS ROLAR counter. It's jello -- in any of many delicious flavors -- with a topping By World Famous Soloists and Michigan's Greatest Musical Organization THE DETR OIT SYMPHONY OitCHESTRA of rich whipped cream that a dds immensely to your enjoyment of it. Eat th is desert daily; it's good for you. 1-3c at the M1ichigin Cafeteria. OCT. 30-INA BOURSKAYA, Russian Soprano, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor. NOV. 20-RAOUL VIDAS, French Violinist, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Victor Kolar, Conduct ing, in a program of popular works. DEC. 4-ALFRED CORTOT, French Pianist "A Second Paderewski" in a Piano Recital. JAN. 15-KATHRYN MEISLE, American Contralto, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Victor Kolar, Conducting, in a program of popular works. FEB. 1 9-MAURICE DUMESNIL, French Pianist, Soloist with The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch Conductor. Good Season Tickets Still Available at $2.00 - $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00, at University School of Music CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary "+ 'The Michigan Cafeteria is :'t 612 East Liberty Street INA BOURSKAYA RAOUL VIDAS ALFRED CORTOT MAURICE DUMXSNIL KATHRYN MEISLE wl I' Dances Frl'day and Saturday 1. - - - I