By STON~E 'TO0SPEARK TON IGTj e Cabinet AT PRESS CLUB CONFERENCE Premier Bonar Law (Continued from Page One) subject to be "The Press and Public Opinion." On Friday afternoon President Dav- id Friday of the Michigan Agricultur- al College and Casper S. Yost editor of the St. Louis Globe Democrat, are j expected to deliver papers on subjects considered vital to newspaper work. On Friday evening at the cc:nplimin-i ary dinner, given the visiting editors, I by the University authorities in the lichigan Union, President Marion L. l3urton will speak on "The University Program." 4W, reAll reservations for the banqaet must be made by 9 o'clock this morn- ing. Tickets will be on sale at Gra- hamns bo >kstfre until that time. ATTACK OF "FLU" I.larry Kipke, '24, halfback on the Varsity football team has a slight at- tack of the "flu" and is confined in the University Health Servile. Kip- ke was out for practice Monday and Tuesday but yesterday was not feel' ing well and physicians advised his entry to the hospital where he will have the proper care and treatment. His case, however, is not serious and he will probably be in shape to start the game against Illinois Saturday. Try a "Daily" liner if you want to get real results.-Adv. If you lose your hog, a daily classi- fied ad will find it for you.-Adv. 3 Photographer to Michigan Students In 1851 there were 57 students in the Literary Depart- ment and 155 in the Medical Department. Buildings were few and scattered. 1 j iaItrbrurk Zira k4np Forest at Willard Creole Pralines Phone 2641-R. For Michiganensian Pictures Phone 598 t- t. N APihlur Criiffilli Boseaiwed )Iarquis of Sallsbury Luncheon 12-2 Sunday Night Supper 5-7:30 Evening Dinner by Arrangement I 121 East Washington Street Afternoon Tea 3:30-5:30 I Curzon .r.u r n. ...e .r+......r. .w f .. d Students Supply tore 1111 South University Ave. f L. GR ENNAN Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos CUSTOM TAILOR .I F R ! j ML-A Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf Suits SATISFACTION v i Stlniley Baldwin Lora Derby THEODORE ROBERTS LINOIS PEP' MEETIN SCHEDULED FOR FRIDLY AM LITTLE WILL MAKE FIRST P A lWT AIPEAANCE; BAND TO B3E PRESENT Coach George Little will make his at public appearance before the stu- nt body of the University at the inois pep meeting to be held Fri-s y night in Hill auditorium. Both ach Fielding H. Yost and George tle will talk at this meeting, giv- some inside details of the 0. S. U.- chigan game and the team's pros- cts for' the 'present season. rhe Varsity football squad willoc- py seats in the ;front of the hall oughout the entire meeting. Ar- gemenits have been made to have band present to lead in the sing- and the new corps of cheerlead- that officiated at Michigan's late tory will call for the cheers. In w of the exceptional spirit shown ring the game, of last week, mem- rs of the Student .council in charge the gathering, look for a larger nout than ever and are, according- endeavoring to secure the best . mni and faculty speakers to ad- ss the gathering, orsythe To Address Prescott Club )r. Warren E. Forsythe, director of University Health service, will ress a meeting of the Prescott elub 7:30 this evening, in roonm 309 '4 Chemistry building. His subject 1 be "The Historical Conception Disease." he Prescott club is 'composed efly of students in the pharmacy hool. Raymond Morris, '23P, presi- it of the organization, will presideI r the meeting and the discussion .ot something for sale? A "Daily" ssified ad will sell it for you--Adv. ;t Something? Let a "Daily" class- d ad find it for you.-Adv. which follows. Admission is open to the entire University. Dr. Stevens Ends Ann Arbor Visit Dr. A. B. Stevens, formerly dean of the college or Pharmacy, of the Uni- Versity, who has been visiting friends in Ann Arbor and the vicinity for thej last two months, departed this morn- ing for his home in Escondito, Cal. A REAL GOOD MEAL CHOP SUEY - STEAKS Everything good at Ann Arbor Chop Suey 314 S. State-Second Floor SIHORTHAND1 Beginning Class - October 30 HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Streets Nickels Arcade IN "The Old Homestead" ALSO LLOYD (HAM) HAMILTON IN "THE SPEEDER" COMING FRIDAY LIONEL BARRYMORE IN "THE FACE IN THE FOG" COMING SUNDAY NORM TALMADGE IN "THE ETERNAL FLAME" I ® i ! -AA r I E E i I t al WLOOKINO THE PART" What happens when you save? The money you deposit in your bank is not stored away and hoarded. Of course a reasonable amount is kept as a reserve, but a greater portion of it is put to work. It builds homes, aids business enterprises, and performs the thousand and one functions demanded of it by our complex economic system. The money deposited in this bank serves a double purpose. Not only is it of use in itself, but its importance to the welfare of Ann Arbor cannot be over-emphasized. Our loans to Ann Arbor home owners and business men A writing man once remarked that the way to spend your last dime is to split it fifty-fifty -a nickel for a loaf of Ibread and a nickel for a carnation. He had the right slant on the Value of looking the part- though we don't recommend carnations for business. For most of us, looking the part means wearing good clothes. It's a kind of simple statement that we believe in ourselves. r * 1 i Society Brand Clothes look just what they are raiment, so honestly tailored that the style will last till the fabric gives up the gh ist ,K REG. U. S%.J'AT.0PFy, UGINALwIDE ATER r the name 'E.Z.*" ou buy a vpide-web tifles the genuine-the garter that has no slides, or bothersome adjustments, ury and solid comfort. t,everywhere, 'in single-grip and the rip, and the E. Z. Sport Garter. Made fe Thos. P. Taylor Co., Bridgeport, Conn. ired by Leading Student Silpplies Stores give us a distinct role in her industrial growth. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank "THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Wadhams & Company Two Stores: State Street, and Main Street RESOURCES $5,600,000 TWO OFFICES 'I' -_