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October 26, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-26

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All tickets to the Illinois game
,were mailed yesterday, according to
a statement issued by the athletic of-
ficc last night.
The rest of the tickets are being
sold at the athletic office to the gen-
eral public, and as there is a limited
supply left, the officials urge all stu-
r~~ti; who bat~ j2.v p in t. U p itt nrfliasvt

New British Government Leaders
Faver Ratification by
(By Associated Press)
Dublin, Oct. 25-The new Irish con-
stitution had its third and final read-
ing in the Dail Eireann today. Deputy
John Milroy described the document as
the greatest triumph for Ireland since
the battle of Kinsale.
It was a monument, he added, to the
two great men who have passed
away-Michael Collins and Arthur
Griffith, whose names would be bless-
ed by future generations of Irish-
Mr. Milroy said he did not wish to;
suggest that the British government
would jeopardize a bill won with so
much labor and sacrifice, but that the
Dail must look beyond the bill to
their fellow countrymen in northeast-
ern Ireland as the next great step
that would have to be considered. He
hoped the Anglo-Irish treaty and the
constitution would bring the north-
easterners to realize that their inter-
ests were those of Tipperary, Cork,
and Dublin.
Lock for Reoniliatio
To these people a message of good
will and reconciliation should go out
from the national asssembly, the
speaker declared. Numerous other
deputies spoke, several of them in
Gaelic. All of them supported the mo-
tion of Kevin 'O'Higgins, minster of
foreign affairs, for the passage of the
third reading of the bill.h After some
verbal amendments to the bill, the1
motion of passage was carried.
The constitution of the New Irish
Free State 'has now advanced to its
final stage, and only a few formalities
remain to put thfs notable document
into complete effect in the administra-
tion of Ireland and of its relations
with the British government.
The Constitution in its final form is
substantially the same as originally
framed, in accordance with the treaty
negotiated between the Irish dele-
gates, headed by Arthur Griffith and
Michael Collins, and the British cab-
inet members, headed by Premier
Lloyd George. The treaty provided
for a Constitution ,and this was later
drawn up in Dublin and given cab-
inet approval in London.-
Essentially Like Original
A few minor amendments were made
in the course of the discussion of the
Constitution by the Irish parliament,
but all the essential features of the
original pact remain, and particularly
the creation of Ireland as the "Irish
Free State;" its establishment as one
of the Dominions of the British Com-
monwealth, with its own parliament
and executive organization; and with
the. oath of allegiace to the king,
which still preserves' the tie uniting
Ireland with the rest of the British
The Constitution has not yet re-
ceived the final sanction of the Brit-
ish parliament. But as the Irish
treaty, on which the Constitution is
based, was favorably acted upon by
the British parliament, the ratifica-
tion of the Constitution has been look-
ed upon as a formality. Within the
past week, however, a certain element
of uncertainty has entered into the
situation because of the fall of the
Lloyd George government which ne-
gotiated on the treaty, and the fact
that a new parliament is to be chos-
en. Leaders of the new British gov-
ernment, however, have expressed
themselves as favorable to the ratifi-
cation of the constitution by the new
Grants Personal Freedo I
The document grants political and

religious freedom in Ireland, and un-
der it no law favoring any cult may
be passed. Opinion and the right of
association are unhindered and un-
trammeled. There are two elective'
houses, and all citizens of both sexes
enjoy the right to vote. The initiative
and referendum are provided for.
A <mmnnv of tihe outtanding arti-

government and all authority, le" t - er tickets to do so at their earliest
lative, executive and jidiial, arc de- I ppo'rtunity.
rived from the people and the same The authorities all agie that there
shall be exercised in the Irish Free will be a record-breaking crowd at the
State through organizations establish. stadium Saturday. The record was
ed by or under, and in acord with, made last year at the Ohio State game,
this constitution, which was witnessed by 43,000 per-
Article 3. Citizens of the State shall sons.
be all persons domiciled lii Ireland at It will probably b,e necessary to
the time the constitution comes into build a standing room section at the
operation who were born in Ireland open end of the field, tickets for which
or either .of whose parents was born will be sold after all the seats have
in Ireland ,or who hae been domi- been purchased, say the officials.
ciled in the Free State for seven
Irish the National Language
Artcle4. henatona 'language .
i will be the Irish language, but Eng--
lish will be equally recognized as the
official language. T C ET. '
Article 6 protects liberty of person
by a process similar to a habeas cor- Pass Iesolution, Promoted by Exor-
pus writ..h
Article 7 declares dwellings inviola- bihnt Prices Charged at
ble; these cannot be forcib y entered .
except in accordance with the law.
Article 8. Freedom o6 conscience IEETlMA OF CLASS OFFICERS
and the free professinm'and practice PLANNED FOR WEDNESDAY
,of religion are inviolable rights of
every citizen. Resolutions regarding the activities
Article 9 guarantees free expression of ticket scalpers during the 0. S. U.-
of opinon and assembly without arms
o 0 0 n t smb n a Miciga game at Columbus Satur-
and the formation of nssiations not 1icrigaugmea olmu Str
day, came under discussion at the
Article 10 provides that all citizens meeting of the Student council held
shall have the right to free elemen- last night at the Union. It was
tary education.. brought to the attention 'of the meet-
King Has Legislative Power ing that many students were compell-
Article 12. The legislature hereby ed to pay from $15 to $50 for seats at
created, known as the Parliament of 'that event
the Irish Free State, is to consist offthat event.
the king, a chamber of deputies and a T Atnresutin
senate. The action resulted in the adoption
Article 14 cnfers the right of .suf- of the following resolution:
frage "on all-citizens of the-age of 21 "Whereas-The 0. S. U.-Michigan
of both sexes. All those of the age of football game was attended by thous-.
30 may vote for the senate; those ands of Michigan alumni and stu-
of the age of 21 for the' deputies. dents, many of whom were unable to
Article 17. Providing for the oath of procure tickets before arriving in
allegiance, says: "I do solemnly swear Columbus; and whereas, it appeared
true faith and allegianCe to the Con- that all tickets from officials of both
stitution of the Irish Free State as 'by the Michigan and Ohio State athletic
law established and that I will be associations were completely exhaust-
faithful to His Majesty King Georgb V ed before the game; and whereas,
and his heirs and successors by law there appeared to be a plentiful sup-
and in virtue of the common citizen- ply of tickets in the hands of ticket
ship of Ireland and Great Britain and brokers and other unscrupulous indi-
her adherence to and membership of viduals, not members of either stu-
the group of nations forming the Brit- dent body, who sold such tickets for
ish Commonwealth of NatiOns." prices ranging from $15 to $50 apiece;
The Oath of Allegianee and whereas, it' appeared that such
The oath shall be taken and sub- practice could not be controlled by
scribed to by every member of par- officials under existing legislation;
liament of the Irish Free State be- and whereas, it appears to be in the
fore taking his seat therein. interest of the sport, and more par-
Article 25. The number of members ticularly the good spirit between Ohio
of the chamber shall be fixed from State and Michigan that "ticket scalp-
time to time by the parliament, but ing" be prohibited; now therefore, Be
shall consist of not less than one mem- it resolved, by the Student council,
Tier for each 30,000, or 20,000, to be representing the student body at the
elected on the principles of propor- University of Michigan, that a protest
tional representation. Every univer- be registered against such practice
sity in the free state shall' b6 entitled and that this body ask the athletic
to four representatives 'in the chain- officials to take necessary steps to
ber. bring this matter to the attention of
Article 29. The senate shall be com- the officials of the Ohio State Athletic
posed of citizens who have done honor association, the Rotary club and the
to the nation by reason" of useful Chamber of Commerce of Columbus,
public service, or who because of spe- O., with a view of securing some
cial qualifications or attainments rep- means of preventing such scalping in
resent important aspects of the na- the future."
tion's life. The council also voted to commu-
Twelve Years Senator's Term nicate with the Ohio State university
Article 30. The nuif~f senators Student council and enlist their ~co-
shall be 56. The sendts iust be 35 operation in prohibiting this prac-
years of age, the teraof"f ice is 12 tice.
years, subject to the Io ffiseis of the A smeeting of all class presidents
constitution of the pfi ovstm se ofate. and treasurers was announced for
Article 31 provides fr the election 7:15 o'clock next Wednesday in Room
of senators every three tyears. 302 of the Union. At this time mem-
Article 34vand Artic 35 cover mon- bers of the council will explain to
Arile It an ride 3t cover mon- these class officers their duties and
ey bills. It is provideth liat the chain-'pu before them such matters of cam-
ber shall, have legislative authority pus policy as require their attention.
relative to money bills', exclusive of _____y__r__etr_ te___
the senate, but money cannot be ap-i
propriated unless the 'purp'ose of the1.
appropriation is recommended by a
message from the representative o
the crown.
Article 40 covers the' withholding of HUTCHINS
royal assent. The representative of .
the crown in withholding assent to a President Marion IL. Burton has ap-
bill must act. in accor'dalce with the pointed a committee of five faculty
usage in the case of the Dominion of members to represent the University
Canada. Bills shall be twithout force today in the dedication of the new
unless royal assent is given them Harry B. Hutchins intermediate school

within a year. in Detroit. Dean Henry M. Bates of
Initiative Referendum the Law school, Assistant Dean G. W.
Article 45. The Parliament of the Patterson of the engineering college,,
Irish Free State has exclusive right Prof- R. 1. Wenley, of the philosophyI
to regulate the raising and mainten- department, Prof. F. W. Kelsey, of the
ance of such armed forces as are men- Latin department, and Prof. J. L.'
tioned in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, and Markley, of the mathematics depart-
such forces shall be subject to the ment, are the men appointed.
control of the Parliament. The dedication of the new school,
Article 46 A hill nassed by both which has been named in honor of

Celebrated Journalist Speaks on "Ad-
ventures in Personality'"
Last Night
Sketching his impressions of such
great men as John Hay, Lloyd George,
Bonar Law, Clemenceau, General
Smuts, the Prince Regent of Japan,
the War Lord of Manchuria, Sun Yat
Sen, and Hugo Stinnes, Issac F. Mar-
cosson, famous interviewer of celebri-
ties, last night in Hill auditorium out-
lined contemporary life in his lecture
entitled "Adventures in Personaity."
In reply to the query, "Who is the
greatest man you have ever met?"
Mr. Marcosson replied that 'John Hay
answered that description, becausehe
was simple and'made: an obscure per-
son at home in his preseice.
Mr. Marcosson then turned.. to a
reminiscences of Lloyd George, "the
blue-eyed, dynamic Welshman." The
speaker was the first newspaperntan
to get an interview with the premier
after the war. Marcosson stated that
George was never so brilliant and
fascinating as when he had his back
to the wall. 'Mr. Marcosson described
Lloyd George as an "institution, a
syndicate in himself-," a politician
who takes advantage of opportui-
ties, "a little atlas who held up the
world during the war," intensely hn-
man, frail, and th'e miost 'brilliant'
strategist alive.
: Th;:lecturer laid the former bre-
mier's-success. to his oratory, hi4
sense of humor, and his brilliancy in
debate. Marosson 'feels that' Lloyd
George in defeat is stonger than ever
Bonar Law. and Lloyd George may
be contrasted .s day and night, ac-
cording to Mr. Marcosson, who de'
clared the former to be the "world's.
champion human icicle, conscientious,
and of high dignity." Marcosson
stated that the labor element in. Eng-
lish politics were much strengthened
by the recent change of administra-
tion, but that the British were scar-
ed to death of labor, 'not that labor it-'
self was not right, but that the lead-
ers were all wrong."
Jumping to the "Changing East"
Mr. Marcosson asserted that Japan
was greatly overestimated, but was"
making great strides in the direction
of labor unions and woman emancipa-
tion in spite of the strong feudal
character of the nation. China is in
a continual state of civil war, said
Marcosson. While visiting the Far
East to study the effects of the Wash-
ington Conference, Marcosson inter-
viewed for the first time in Japanese
history a Prince Regent of Japan, and
met Dr. Sun Yat Sen and the War
Lord of Manchuria.
In concluding !is lecture, Mr. Mar-
cosson held that disarmament of the
mind rather than physical disarma-
ment is needed to bring about a spir-
itual rebirth of this world.
Before a gathering of, representa-
tives of 31 university Summer ses-
sions in the 5th annual meeting of

summer school administrators' tomor-
row and Saturday at the University. of
Iowa, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
Summer session of the University will:
give a detailed report of the success
of The Summer Michigan Daily last
summer. He will leave this after-
noon for Iowa City, taking with him
a complete file of The Summer Daily
from which he will distribute copies
when the discussion takes place.
Speaking of the publication, Dean
Kraus said, "There is no doubt that
The Summer Michigan Daily was a
splendid success. I believe that this
is the first time such 'an experiment
has been tried in' an American univer-
sity, and it was surely worth while."
President W. A. Jessop of the Uni-
I versity of Iowa will ;give the opening'
address of the convention tomorrow.
The subjects considered by the group

Ruth St. Denis with Ted Shawn and
the Denishawn dancers will dance
this evening at Hill auditorium under
the auspices of the University Glee
clubs. The conmrt will begin at 8:15
o'clock and will last for approximately
two hours.
The Denishawn people have just re-
cently returned from a fve years visita
abroad, where they played at theI
largest theaters, 'and where they orig-
mated many of the dances which they
will give this evening. They will ap-
pear in a number of music visualiza-
tions, in a dance drama, and in a num-
ber of Oriental dances.
The artists will he the guests of
the Theta Chi fraternity prior to the'
entertainment, and will be guests at
an informal reception at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon fraternity following the
entertainment. Mr. Shawn was r"
member of the latter fraternity at the
George Washington university in
Washington, D. C.
--- E
State Editors Gather in First Meeting
Tonight in the
Marking the formal opening of the,
University Press club conference to,
be held in Ann Arbor Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday of this week, Mel-
ville E. Stone, councilor and former,
general manager of the Associated
Press will speak at the banquet giv-
en' in his honor at 5:30 oclock this
evening 'in the assembly hall of the
Mi'clgan' Union. At the banquet,
which is being given under the aus-
pices of Sigma Delta cam, profession-
al journalistic fraternity, approxi-
mately 200 editors from all parts of
the state are expected to be present.
Invitations have been sent to mem-
bers of the faculty. The Student's
Press club will have a large number
of its members present and many stu-
dents of journalism are also expecte
to attend.
Prof. Fred N. Scott, of the rhetorie
department, will be toastmaster for
the evening and Dean John R. Effin-;
ger of the literary college will wel-
come the visiting editors to Ann Ar-
bor and the University. "The School
of Journalism" is the subject on
which Mr. Stone will speak at the
banquet. Coach Fielding H. Yost will
speak on "The Team With a Pur-
pose." Preceding the speeches the
Mimes club of the Union will present
a program of entertainment. Thomas
E. Dewey, '23, S. o M. will sing several
songs and Paul Wilson's orchestra
will give some popular selections.
The banquet and entertainment have
beet} so arranged as to allow for ad-
journment in time to allow all those
who desire, to attend, the program of
the Denishawn Dancers at 8:15 o'-
clock in Hill auditorium.
Great Constructive Journalist
Melville Elijah Stone, in whose
honor the banquet is being given, has
been recognized by leading journal-
ists of the country as one of the great
constructive journalists of America.
Mr. Stone has served as editor of
several large metropolitan newspap-
ers. He was co-partner in the es-
tablishment of th Chicago Daily
News, and was the organizer of thet
Globe National bank.
In 1893 Stone was made manager
of the Associated Press and under his
guidance it was extended until its
leased wire system covered the Unt-
ed States, and the membership list
had been extended to Cuba, Mexico.
South America,, Alaska, Hawaii aid
the Philippines. He formed alliances

with the principal European nern s
gathering agencies and esf:ablished
bureaus in the capitals of Europe
that gained for the Associated Press
access to news sources in every por-
tion of the inhabitable globe.
Announce Program For Week
Being officially opened this even-
ing with the Melville E. Stone ban-
quet, the conference will coritinue
throughout Friday and Saturday,
Thursday afternoon there will be an
informal gathering at which S. E.
Thomason, business manager of the
Chicago Tribune will speak on a top-
ic of general interest to the business
side of a newspaper. Friday morn-
ing's program will consist of sneer-hes
by three members of the facul' 1 f.Pr-.
R. M. Wenley will speak on "An An-



Heads Dormitory
Executive Board,

Dormitorles Corporation
Confereuce Held


y Excavation for a $106,000 in
' dormitory, the first of ten I
t buildings to be erected in the q'
rangle formerly between Sybil
ry lMarion streets, just north of F
field, was begun yesterday when
II. Mooney, '97L, chairman of
Dormitory Corporation execu
committee turned the first spad
of dirt.
A huge plan for the solving of
'housing problem at Michigan wa
this way inaugurated. The speed
w efficiency with which' the dormitc
project was carried ' from its in
tion last May to the beginning -of
tual construction yesterday marl
new record in the service of an a:
C. 1. Mooney *ni' body to its Alma Mater.
C. II.' .Mooney, '97L, who yesterday } A committee of alumni met
turned over the first spadefull of dirt President Burton in the last- wee
in the excavation for the first of a . May, 1922, to discuss the inadeq
quadrangle of ten dormitories to be housing situation here. From
erected by the alumni under an inde- meeting came forth the Dormitc
pendent corporation plan. Corporation, a plain through w
the rooming difficulty promises t
The Dormitories Corporation
organized with a capital stocl
$1,000,000. The prospectus usec
disposing of stock to alumni sai
telling of its purpose:
t"The Corporation was organized
the express pui'pose of assisting
Tels Republicans Here That Arma- dents attending the University
mdt ConfitPrence Is G.0. 1.. Michigan to secure simple, prac
6'indi:catioii and healthful homes at a minim
cost, in fireproof doriitories
build that espirit de eorps and 'I
BONUrS ATTITViEI<F UPJJP I BY ty to their alma mater which is
U. 5. 11NATORIA L CAM)PIATE dommant in institutions where
dormitory system is in operation.
Speaking before a huge audience of is a private corporation having
university professors, students and inspiration among alini. .Nei
townspeople, Senator Charles -:E. the Board of Regents, the Univei
,Townsend, Republican candidate fol authorities; nor even the Alumni
're-election to the United States Sen- I sociation has any oftlcial connec
ate, scored the attitude of the Demn- I with this movements......"
ocrats in maflgning the present ad- Plan of Fliancing I
ministration, last night in the Audi- "Realizing- that the Alumni
torium of the Michigan Union. "What 'been approached from time to
have they done that they should be- for donations and have given r
little the action of the Republican nificently to various worthy ca'
government? I can not remember ev- it has been decided to raise this
en one who has ever been appointed F ey on a strictly business basis
to a chairmanship of a great congres- } by the same methods that hsave
sional committee. adopted by other business enterl
"When Wilson found himself in es. The preferred stock of this
sore straits during the war, he re- poration will be sold at $100
ceived the support of -the Republican drawing 7 percent interest;
party when many of his own party each share of common stock o:
remained passive and indifferent. On par value. We propose to trustee
March 4, 1921, when the government other half of the stock with the A
was handed over to the present ad- ni association or the Advisory b
ministration it was given an obliga- for purposes of control and mar
tion of 30 billions of dollars to meet, ment.".,
and the additional burden of the de- Deuby Suggests Plan
moralized .eeonomic, political and in- Edwin Denby, '97,secretary o1

dustrial s;tuation. Out of the wreck
we have put the railroads on a firm
financial footing, we have put thou-
sands of returned ex-service men on
their feet, and have given them an
education and the means to carry on
life's activities. And yet we were
.spoken against by the opposition on
the floors of the Senate in language
which was without doubt a depart-
ure from the truth."
Applause greeted his hearty sup-
nort of the soldiers' bonus. Senator
Townsen(d said that he 'fe't tle leaue
of Nations de 3tructive to' American
sovereignty aud American ability to
a;d the world. "One of the finest
things that the new, administration
has done Jor this country and the
world was the limitation of arma-
ments by the Washingtoir Confer-
ence held soon after the ascent of
the Republicans to power.
"If the Republican party does noth-
ing more than limit armaments, that
alone is sufficient endorsement of the
party, its ideals, and the work it has
accomplished thus far."
Samuel P. Lockwood: of the Univer-1
sity School of Music will deliver a
lecture on "Orchestral Instruments"
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Pat-
I tengill auditorium. This is the first

navy, one of the principa
terested in the scheme,,-
hard the tentative sug
fifteen years from the e
dormitory when rentals v
deemed the preferred st
fire celebration might be
Alumni week -=hen the s
wQuld. throw their comn
the fire. The administr
dormitories will be in th.
board of directors appoi
trustees of, the corporatic
The executive commit
Dormitories Corporation
I. Mooney, (chairman),
nett, J.' H. O'Hara, W. F
John W. Bennett, and D
Included in the Adviso:
Secretary of the Navy, E
Governor Alex'. J. Groes
Arthur J. Tuttle, Lieuteii;
Thomas Read, Levi L. $a
William M. Heston, and
prominent alumni.
Men are wanted to t
the business departme
Michigan Daily. An of
is offered to live wire s
get business training
ed by any other form
activity. If you are

F. Cl
. P.

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