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October 22, 1922 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-22

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Notice has just been recei
cffce of the A lumnae cou:
:Mrs. Evans Holobrook;, vhoi
all extensive western trip in
osts of the University of
leag;ue,, met an enthsiaLstic
M-ichigan alumnae in Denvey
_meeting Oct. 7th.
It hapIpened that the men'
.zation inl. Duv1er was havingi
ly mneetling on October 10th'.
viited Mrs. H olbrook, toget9
some of the other alumnae
themn. The entire mreeting via
to Mirs. Holbrook's accour
cbanges now taking ;place
camnpus and to a report of
gesin the campaign, for tb
siLy of 1 Michigan leaguen buib
Mrs. Holbrook w ill returm
A-rbdr soimdive next week.
meet 1t110,Columbn1ia, Mot, S
Mo0., and Chicago gromms befoi
So ap Sale Plan

q it" Tlira IIH urcuin <iglble to become a
fl s ToJINH I h1 o (t Wom eni's ILeagueICand as
of M ichigan League lUWI "' Cti to.)pan upa C ini t civiies.
lUS eg e x lisriljers "ofttlie nur~ss'train1ing ' SHO FO EA U
Meaning of Terms,7 - leeadese yFrne
~A1rr shol wreadreset b incs Af etngor tihe entire house
flur-i Aes, '23 president of the :,onm uen's!t
Atameigof'ieh' "to"fl ta,,,other"eveningthe womten in heQlen
..' i t eeig°f bad egue, at a "te3nt" meeting ito] d oin
rectors of the Womn's'efue hld msdahy evening. At this time she lC~Y 5(31((.ti, ecided to conh-
ve tthe ls odytr ; :~ -"mt I. te ho sian iari oh , which
nil 'talt n odyaftrm, it ws: iddd icssed with the nurrses the ~l was- ora ize . Year by the sopho-
is mat a certain poo ti 7:0yu'!ieswhich~ were open to them as re.cass,.o'the.neftofte1on
th ne-raised by the rundergradtuates for 't embrso teUniversity student 'h -rr
thiantL gewoldb-gvn ?tnca body to co,-cnerdte with the leagus i amagn:heprlr
M i gap n*p rt cO ctero0l' 3 e berr3 i e n e
at t eir pa n fi d. T e st v:ill h~e turn d is w ork. in the past the nr se ae w i p ne e t O t b r n t e 1 a e
sieabu irrdrtll tl1)eeh ral affairs on the camhpurs and pIar- ililQ'iltepatyrwon
smeao iudrtnmghsbe ii ! tamtnu cul d drop in there be-
sxperienced in tirearde ~the tic'ilarly in the League- Efforts 111 (1 i a in ac aay i
s organ at that persohnsconfusedte teriis xno v 1)eifln made to unite the murses r
its onthsampaign fund adwi d Ig , ftr wIih the other women students 11 eveadreeie so
They in- The yhole cmv~x;n r-: in a more friendly, co-operative grouIn ~in rh wc ftncns ti
her wihxuc i ohabidn ah rctd A etn f h tdn 1n c; .ts4, ofsix each were also sold for
. herwith'I nunced is ora ltt s ,t~a }e rr,1e~(3 A a iheetn o{ he S adetc(nts*ci ; ecc EaiI s ironi the orgate ni-gani
to meet o n or~tih Univers ity avenue acrossj of the Nurses Training- School hold tinbyaraonedt bu
L5dvtdfrom J3 ;rhour gymna13.siumrh, ,1';inhich; the otlher evening a repreSentaUtive ~I2.(
iton the ithe Womlen's Lecague will chel osed. n aappointed to 'interview Deen e ac ha ti ya
onthe ro-I Te nofey raised is dvided d inlt o ilam~x ilton c ncerihning m e meriin s uhi mo e (a 15 grat lyt h nin-a
parts; one for defraying actual earia- 1tao Leaguef. It was decided that, upt-l'~ hogtneesr
In nier I < , ~ .. tt nr ni,-in " rc . i ; i v 7 <~s<< .Ibei i"s1hed'- . t on ; I nbes ar

''Rummnage Sale Will
SwellLeague Fuandi
h e b r ft eP st h oo"tave taken over the work, of the rum-1
mnage sale which isben held ,,t 1,7
North Fourth2 street for- the benefit ofI
the University of' 'Jichi.gan Leaguje
fund. Up to this time'thesale has
beecen Tdueted ,3under ithea
Mrs. lEugh Cab.,,ot, whio made a sta e
mient yester('ay thta: the I)rojec.t wasa
highly successful one. The store ins
opnu to the public from 3 to 9 o'clock
ery afternoon.
Donations for this sa le -would be1
greaty :- 1itruf) i% il-it , :t unonnond -'CC(I





ry Let us submit estimates and designs.


will be pleased with the originality and rea-
sonable prices- of our fine vstock of several
hundred mountings in platinum, white gold

- 1$k, green gold and combination gold.

Men's and children's are ])articularly
in demand, but bedding, books andz
Victrola records and odds; and ends!:
can be disposedl of to advv ate also.I
Anyone having cohtribution s istasked
to call Mrs. A1lfred White or.any il
at the Pi Phi house, and arrange(ments,
will -be made to cal, infr the a~rticles
live.pTh sale will continue for ten
(lays mecre. There is a greater (he-
in ii i d foclo ]thes thnthe~re s ii nnly







ldinlg. paign fund,an the other, tthe bu'ild-
n to' Ann in~g fund, lhich is the money which
She will actually oes, towarrd putting up the
at. Louis, - o n e building. B~oth funds, it ha o been an- e h r ra e e -ft v o < ce ~ u
campaign and it has been d cidled to
- Ipreportio)nate~ly divide the mon~zey into
the twoprs

onu pay ttg ett' iltion oC, (each e nu 1141 . ,zrtise 1ti1 I . * % t1IA
?-'.oaticahly becomeos a memlber of to close the' 51100 shining t-arlors til-
the \\on~n's Leagu. This is ttIl the housle votedl to cIrr it c-l nas I Xdii"hvnoFo-(ie'o
r ? erringbywlichwni n h * 0)oli. ;=h 0)154 activities- this year. N .J .iElIi 1 t o 'l4i.
ctl-er schools and colcges on the Ile lcewll open tomorrow mnornl- Mrs. hienry Carter Adlam s, executive
campus ihlecomle members. =ngand beers vwill be from 8:90 until' secretary of the Alumnae caulncil, will
12 o'cloC, i , the morning and from leave tomorrow for Chicago, where
It ha.s ~a been announced that any' 12:30 until .5:30 o'clock in the after- she will be in conferencer with Mrils.
iromlan stuindent in the school of II (Isle no1ni, every day' exce'pt Sunday. E. D. Pomerby, who is general chair-
vho has taken work in the University r ices will be the same as las t year. j man of the Alumnae council.


Fo tr Bul ding Fund'
"S oap wNill lay toe foundation of the
new Un.!iversity of Michigan League
building," and "Bubbles will make the
brick,"-these are to be the slogans j
of a camnpaign which is to be launched
in a few day-s 1), the University of
Michigan League. Tho soap, which is -
called "Olve Bloom," is a pure .olive
cil ca>,tile soap And is reported by
those whlo have- tested it out to be of a1
superior qduality to that sold by thk~
League last jyear. It will be done up
in attractive blue 1wraICppers with the
rordls, "University of Michigan
League soap," printed on them.
,A profit of.50 per cent, or more is
expected to-.be realized by this scheme
anid those in charge*1 declare that -at
least$1000O will be raised in this way
To begin.the campaign, girls willj
Oe appointed in -every residence hall,
scrority and league house on the cam-
pus to take charge of the sales for her
individual group- Some one will also
be appointed to take,- charge of the
sales among the townspeople. Deliv-
ery1of the soan ) ordered will be made
onwce ~month.
Catherine Mullen, '23, who is in
chiarge -of the campaignwll be at the
Women's League booth In University
hall one day each week when she will
rcceive money from the various or-
- anizations,

I . itt Yp @


. .


South Lyon, Michigan

]POT~IAtl' UQADI, t40, i'' Ni)BIl fOF ANIN ARBi1OR~

75 (11111:lt7lrs

Cieldedy ,icit's (tiery earts
! linSemik HunterStl
' Cho-pwPs FPll orBreiaded >.
('old Pi kldHeart FPotul;() Salad
Abbdet'!11prs Orange Saiucen
Brown Sweet Potatoes or Mashed Potat oes
hI-ibl)ard Squash i oimiiudioii Salad
Apple, Cherry, or ,Butterscotch Fie
'.eal. Coffee -hill k

To arrange for
121 E'ast Washington, Street
d Phone 598

- N
Ir F-1 -1
-- -~ A smart little digression
from' plain ankle-dress-
- -..~ ing to twin buttons.
- - - -Adds novelty to the fall
smretoth e
.~styles -goes with the
- 11l S. MAIN



U T H.


4 w 1 ^

f E-


Kin- n Ill!, lisp
rs 7t ¢ I

Al N A

American Tonr of'AH" °s Premier dancers

''Alwa-ys in Miss S&. ionis's wo(rk iihcrc is dhi , rc1, hefini1 fancy and ges'ture, note
for note, none of you.r pic-kiltg lzi1i(-:o br baeorodrinking from Ifountains of
c iivas (drops.''--Nw Yore Tiintc, Clober ll, 9 2.
--"Miss Guth 'St. Denisa Ifr.TcSsrv are not only wonderful dancers, but
p~ast malstE'rs of stag;e tcui 0 Yh1'pout-o S 'nm'tIi1Giict - - supIerb (jCanicineg
Wonderful. miing, gorg il geons cner. and (:0Koos.'They at-cartists to their finge;(-r
ti'P ."-London -E irg," Ml'ay 17, 19221.





2,50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00

Oan Sale
Mon., Tdues., Wed., 2-5


Y77 Tf7v"W
t f - ti ? a a1 1

'I Ai.yypi} ir ' ' []" :C ,
' 'tVJJ r,' ?"3 t .7 jj~ i ^ J " "


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