zta t at ) ,__ .._ .r .a :XIII. No. 26 20 PAG~ES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1922 20 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS . ,j : ,, ' S ". ,. ; , - :. . 1tir F .. r.J"" TE, 1 9s OIS WATCH ON RITES E STADIUM CE ANNTJA MEEN OLD ARGEST U1STENC] st t Horseshoe Seats 62,110; Co4 of $1,341,000 met by 13,000 Contributions a Daily Staff Correspondent mbus, Ohio, Oct. 21-Seventy end people saw the dedicatory es of the Ohio stadium which place promptly at one o'clock fternoon. The procession en- he stadium led by 'The Stadium] Mis Eloise Fromme, '21. The an band played "The Yellow ne." The Ohio State band played )ngs of the other Big Ten col- while their respective flag's rised on the poles around the the stadium. 'resident Thompson Speaks ident Thompson of Ohio State ly dedicated the stadium in a ddress. The Michigan and Ohio bands joined and played "The mangled Banner," as the nation- as raised on the pole at the open f the stadium. The Vniversity fired a 21 gun salute with three eld pieces. The procession then ed to the boxes reserved for the Michigan band playing "The s." as it marched down thei Gov. Davis of Ohio, President i o the University of Michigan, wn Thonnvonof nio Sate ; ' '> E r.' ' 4 , 3, 7 3 .. 5: f Y , t i F t 7' City is Morgue TillGame Ends; OE ENDS 4OKO Ann Arbor during the O.S.U. game! What could be a better picture of ut- ter desertion? One could imagine, when wandering through th~e silent streets and over the campus still with a "WILL PLAY NO PART UNWORTHY the stillness of a fall afternoon, that OF PEOPLE'S CONFIDENCE" some great calamnity had overtaken SAYS OUSTED LEADER the populace and, that they had fled DOES NOT DISCLOSE# precipitately. ANY PLANS FOR FUTURE Here and there on the leaf-strewn campus .a solitary .soul is slowly Refrains from Endorsing Chamber-} wending his lonely way over the vast lain's Denunciation of stretches of cement walks, his foot- Labor Party steps sounding loudly on the stiil air. -- What a contrast is this with the bustl- (Iy Associated Press) ing activity of the same scene at noon Leeds, Eng., Oct. 21.-In a charac- of a weekday! teristic speech before a sympathetic The few remnants of humanity still audience today David Lloyd George abroad on the campus, the sun filter- defended his administration but re- ing through the leaves to form fantas- frained from revealing his program. tic figures on the walks, the closed He spoke strongly of the past but and silent buildings, the red . and vaguely of the future. Apparently his brown leaves on the ground, the still plans are not yet formed or he feels warmth, all blending with the other that the time is not ripe for disclos- distant sounds of a quiet fall after- ing them.s noon, making an impression of peace He promised the people that what- and harmony that removes far away ever the future might bring he would the cares of everyday college life and "owothing mean or paltry, declaring, makes the objects that seem most "Idevil play no part unworthy of the commonplace in the garish light of a confidence placd in me by the peo- ple of this country at the greatest weekday take on a different air. moment in the empire's history," In this stillness, University hall, the Mum on Plans diagonal, even the partially complet- Mr. Lloyd George did not say that ed and as yet ugly looking structures it was his purpose to lead the liberal on the campus assume a cloak of body. He did refrain, as at Manches- peacefulness that makes one fell that ter, from endorsing Austin Chamber- somehow there are no lessons, no lin's pronouncement that the labor cares, no responsibilities to mar the party was a' menance to the country.1 perfection 'of this harmonious scene, After reviewing the achievements of in such silent repose. his government in war and peace and But there! The spell is broken! The particularly holding up its success in crowds are coming out of Hill audi- restoring Great Britain's commercial, torium excitedly talking about the prosperity he explained, "And they game just over, and what we will do smashed the combination that- has to them next year. We are rudely pulled through our trade or commercea brought., back ,to earth and are once and our credit thfonghout the world. more just walking on the campus and It is a crime against the nation." discussing the affairs of everyday life with as much enthusiasm as ever. Sneing For Peace Cork, Ireland, Oct. 20.-It is saidf Michigan has made 7,731 points in that persons on both sides are trying football as against 1,617 for her op- to negotiate peace between Republi- mnn' cans and Free Staters. t Stadium has a permanent 02,110, making it e of its type it Kceceded in seat- one stadium, the s of a radically s necessary, it is 00 more by the ry seats in the e total possible 72,000~ which was con- f $1,41,000, was ifts from alumni, than one millior 3,000 people con- ruction. Two Decks . ilt on the double approxmately 41,- er tier and 21,00( es accommodate ts closest to the are 72 feet from se farthest away I tl t, S; ' t . : r .. i E Runs 105 Yards IHG For Touchdown MICHIGAN Chicago, Oct. 21-Chuck Palmer, F O E left half for Northwestern, ran 105 WT yards for touchdown in the third quarter of' the Northwestern-Minne- sota game here today. He picked up goal line. Mitchell had carried the ball over on Minnesota's fourth down. The goal tied the score at Delirious Mob'From A AN U AL Reigns Unconfined BEFORE U By Joseph B. Smalnmpah, U B 01 C.O IE SDaily Staff C dent band in a Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 21-Football Victors whi M. C. HIinkley, '23, Is Made Colonel; hysteria has Columbus in its mad behd send Leaders Naned For s Compan- way of chor les and Band grasp. A human hodgepodge bedecked oughfare fr _ _ awith maize and blue and scarlet and heart of Co MEN WILL ASSUME PLACES grey seethes through the town, over immediately IN NEW RANKS TOMORROW the campus and masses in one big a victory cr blot at the stadium. Somehow th Announcement of appointments in A line of three thousand strong and ers must. e eR.AO. T. C. was made public Sat growing every minute stands before tingling feel the b.y.M.CajorRobert Arthur,coat the ticket office, waiting impatiently ter three y urday by Major for standing room tickets. The line vaunted Sca mandent. All existing appointments began forming at 5 o'clok last night. Drama w in the local unit are revoked. The Fraternities, seeking more tickets, thing within following appointments will take o rtriis ekn oetces fectMndayg aOctmt 23. tk ef- have kept men in line all night, work- horeshoe to feet Monday, Oct. 23. ing in relays to keep their places. heard wille Field and Staff: Colonel, M. C Here and there fires gleam, warming the various Hinkley, '23E, coast artillery, lieuten- the waiting line. Maters" by ant colonel, S. M. Shindel, '23E, coast Raillery is constant. "We'll dedi- the bannerc artillery; majors, R. L. Belknap, 23E, cate the stadium for you," yells the iChicago, In coast artillery, and E. K. Ellis, '23E, Michiganite. "With an Ohio victory," the others, infantry; captains, L. K. Gillis, '23E, responds the Scarlet and' Grey. was raised. coast artillery, and K S. Anderson, Far down the line someone starts kick off, the '23E, coast artillery; first -lieutenants, a Michigan locomotive. It sweeps the drama o A. D. Oetgen, '23E, coast artillery; and through the crowd like running fire. be remembe C. P. Sellards, '23, infantry; master An Ohio cheer follows stronger but of today's b sergeants, J. A. Thorp, '23, coast ar- not more enthusiastic, and everywhere ently into thi tillery, A. M. Kryzyminski, '23E, coast are the luckless ones seeking vainly the new gr& artillery; and C. F. Jennings, '24L, at the last moment for a ticket to the has become coast artillery; staff sergeants, L.E. big game. Many'sto Blazier, coast artillery; H. Taylor, f never be tol '23E, coast artillery; A. C. Tucker, ) sands who. '24E, coast artillery; L.1 B. Stokes- I thendtre bury, '24,. iantry, D.r D. Wln,'2F d fte coast artillery, and R. S. Martin, '25E, past the g infantry.; corporals, R. S. Powers, '24, U U U tiLU l U police, the coast artillery; and P. S. Calkinsadol e d 124E, coast artillery.nwer-e hdihopd Coast Artillery ASSOCIATED PRESS HEA) WILL were disap Company A, Coast artillery: Cap> SPEAK UNDER SIGMA J)ELTA shadowed i tain, A. H. iRobins, '23, first lieuten- tCIiAUSPICES whelming i ant, H. N. Dalziel; second lieutenant, C. M. Hanford, '23E, and D W. Res- An advance in tipe, from 6 o'clockL sler, '23; first sergeant, E. F. Huback- to 5:30, for the Melville E. Stone LOCAL er, .'23E; sergeants, J. H. Monawek, banquet; which will be held in the TO I 23E, L. B. Reid, '23, F. H. Holmes, Union Thursday evening was announc- '23E, W. A. Aubrey, '24E, T. A. Smith, '23E, R. C. Seymour,:'24E; corporals, ed yesterday.. The change is made in Within th J. L. Davis, R. J. Sipe, '24E, H. C. oe ith'the banquet will not ne - State Telep Curl, '24E, M. G. Markle, '24E; and . gram in Hill auditorium at 8:15 the work of J. Koester, '23E. o'clock. throughout CoV pany B, coast artile atan The Melville E. Stone banquet, given ground and under the auspices of Sigma Deltai.e . H. Puyear, ,'23E, second lieutenants, Chi, national journalistic fraternity, increasig t S. T. Stancevitch, '23, A. W. Plush- will mark the opening of the annual Arbor. nick' '23; first saargeant, R. A. Gran- convention of the Univ'ersity Press In additio ger, '23E; sergeants, L. T. Hayes, club of Michigan. In addition to stu- aInedteti '23E, L. A. Nack, A. R. Lewis, C.. . dents and faculty members, p cable, ten Patison, '23E, P. G., Jacka, '24E, J. mately 200 state editors are expected (Continued from Page One) ' to attend. in the Stat Chief of the speakers will be the These are a LIBRARY STUDY HALLS man whose name the banquet bears,! ating, and w NOT TO BE OPEN SUNDAYS Melville E. Stone. Mr. Stone, coun- with the si cil of the Associated Press, and at on the pres Sunday library service is maintained one time its general manager, is con ing four po in the main reading room and the sidered one of the greatest of livingswitch boar periodical room, which are open on men in American journalism. His ' sto oa Sunday from 2 in the afternoon until presence will bring to students, espe- nectionwit 9 o'clock in the evening. The study dially to those interested in journal- necthong itc halls, medical room, stacks and all ism, and to newspaper men attending nhit c other parts of the building are closed the convention an unusual opportu- that there on that day. . . nity of hearing a leader of the press. local servie The rooms are opened primarily to Coach Fielding H. Yost will give a and sixtee afford opportunity for recreative and short address. Prof. F. N. Scott, head long distan cultural reading. Upon request on I of the department of rhetoric and This will Saturday night, books from other journalism, will be toastmaster. En- efficient se parts of the building will be put on tertainment during the banquet will id growth o reference in the main reading room, be furnished by Mimes. ig up allo for use on Sunday. Tickets for the banquet will be in nearly placed on sale tomorrow at Graham's. with the r As seats are being reserved for the have had d visiting editors the number available phones inst Ito the general public will necessarily" be limited. However, those to be had Chi will be on sale until Wednesday eve- Chicago, ning, and possibly Thursday morn- tean of su __g..__rte__.__tions Chica Harvard Wins "Rubber" from 'Centre 0 before 20 Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 21.-Over- today in the whelmed by a first period collection portant 'it of 21 points Centre colleeg was ide. Saturday feated by Harvard in the stadium Stagg held here this afternoon by a final score of until the se 24 to 10. But the cold figures do not ly three co tell the courageous' battle staged by drawnout g the Southerners in the later periods hours and 1 of the play. A battle which lifted the due nevert game from a bad defeat into a thrill-! ing struggle that clamped 50,000 to wiscont their seats until the closing seconds Madison, of the contest. For more than two hours, lost time trounced It considered, the two elevens battled Badger's fir in a furious mixture of bad and bril- had the Ho i nitaland it was in nart eva- plaved dur EAST IJohn Hopkins 16, Haverford 3. rarvrd 2, ~ntre10.Carnegie Tech 59, Thiel 10. arvar 24,gentr 10.Washington and Jefferson 14, West avy 13, Georgia Tech 0. - Va. Weslyan 0. owin 6, Lehigh 2. Vermont 6, Dartmouth 3. ornell' 14, Colgate 0. Bowdoin 6, Colbar 6. afayette 28 Bucknell .Turf 7, Norwich 0. lichigan A t O.S.U. AFTER mpah blares Michigan's hilarious rendition of the le the massed thousands up thunderous cheers by us. Down the main thor- om the stadium to the lumbus marched the band after the game, leading azed army of Michiganites. e Maize and Blue follow- xpress that exhiliarating, ing of victory-victory af- ears of defeat from the, rlet and Gray.1 as the keynote of every- the human lined cement1 day. None who saw and ever forget the playing of Big Ten college "Alma a the Ohio State band while' of each school-Michigan, diana, Iowa, Purdue, and concluding with Ohio- The drama of the first drama of the first tackle, f the first score,-all will red long after the heroesj attle have slipped perman- Le ranks of the alumni and ay of the cement stadium blackened by age. ries of today's game will' d. The story of the thou- strove vainly for seats, dg who mobbed the south arena gainin g entrance ard of. the city mounted story of the reserves who to get in the play an pointed,-all these are nto oblivion by thp over- mportance of the story of PHONEMEN NSTALL CABLE' e next week, the Michigan hone Company will begin installing additional cable the city both under-. aerial, for the purpose of! elephone facilities of Ann n to this increase in the' additional switch boards installed in the exchange e Savings Bank Building. ll for long distance oper- ill be used in conjunction x other boards which are ent toll board. The remai- sitions on former toll ds have been transformed ke them available in con- h the local board for fur- al service. This means will be in' operation for ce, twenty four positions operating 'positions for ce operating. result in having a more vice in Ann Arbor. The rap- f the city resulted in fill- of the outside cable plant every portion of the city 'esult that many people if iculty in getting tele- ailed. nigo Beats Purdue . Oct. i.-Starting with a bstitutes with two excep- go defeated Purdue 12 to ,000 people on Stagg field e last game before the im- ersectional cclitest next- with' Princeton. Coach his stars on the side line cond half. He used near- mplete teams in the long ;ame which required two three-fourths to play. Pur- threatened Chicago's goal, sin Trounces Indiana Wis., Oct. 21.-Wisconsin Indiana here today in the st Conference game. They osier team completely out- ing the second half when BAFFLES H DAZZLIN By Frank McPike Sport Editor, The Daily Ohio Field, Columbus, Oct. Yale dedicated her stadium w defeat, Harvard did likewise, gan suffered the same fate las and today Ohio State, christenin wonderful new structure, bow defeat before a vastly superior' gan team by a 19-0 count. On not more than two ocec was the Wolverine goal line rea danger, and in those cases th of Yost rallied nobly and Kipke kicked down tlj Teld out..; danger zones. The Buckeye. attack, - potentially dangerous a times, was unloosed without st Workman, and the result 'wa most thrilling collecton of ove feats ever seen on Ohio field. teen times the Wilcemen start air line attack and on eight sions completed it successfully all other times tihe Wolverine were able to cope with the siti Kipke especially shining ott fensive. S ' C e B OF ,,TRIGj KIPKE'S BRILLIANT OFFENSIVE NETS TWO TOUCHDOWN ANDP DROP KICK VANDER ROBY Goebel men Draws. First Blood f Cppon lammners I Line for Long Guin concrete ps which re are 8: e Princeton 26, Maryand 0. - New York U. 7, Columbia- 6. Y Yale 38, Williams 0. Georgetown 28, Fordham 13. e Army 33, New Hampshire State 0. 1 St. Angus 19, St. Xavier's 19. Pittsburgh 21, Syracuse 14.' Alfred 6, Buffalo 0. Mass., Aggies 10, Amherst 6. Rhode Island 7, Deleware 0. Boston U. 7, Holy Cross 7. Connecticut Aggies 18, Trinity 7. Bethany 14, Rutgers 7. Pennsylvania 14, Swarthmore 6. - Maine 19, Bates 6. e Pennsylvania State 33, Middleburg 40., e Wesleyan 14, Hobart 0. Virginia M. . 14, Virginia Univ. 0. Georgia 7, Tennessee 3. CONFERENCE IowA 8, Illinois 7. Wisconsin 20, Indiana 0. Chicago 12, Purdue 0. Minnesota 7, Northwestern 7, MIDDLE WEST Ohio Univ. 37,- Western Reserves 0. Miami 6, Ohio Northern 0. Ohio Wesylan 14, Cincinnati 7. Nebraska 48, Missouri 0. Butler 67, Earlham 0. Valparaiso 47, Crane College 6. Notre Dame 34, De Pauw. 37. Marietta 13, Dequesne 0. U. of Detroit 10, Boston College 8. M.A.C. 7, S.. ah ta 0. whom to bestow the 'laurels afternoon, that man would I The brilliant halfback was n ter than this afternoon. He ends; he bucked off -tackle advances; he effectually sto enemy attempts to pass into ritory, and he kicked as he i before. On eleven attempts Yost booted the oval for a tota yard's, an average of 50 yards try, out-kicking Workman an by an average of 6 yards. kickers totalled 450 yards o tempts, or an average of 44 ya time. The total of the Lans scoring efforts was 16 points- downs and a drop kick Prop yard line. Spectacular Ruts Thetouchdowns resulted spectacular runs, the first from a beautiful trick play no one in the vast stadium know where the ball was, ur darted out around left end a ed across the enemy goal tallied the second time by in on a sustained forward tack by whch the Wilcer marched an alarming diata the field. Three times had projected the spheroid int three times it had been sna speeding scarlet and grey b Ohio crowd was going wild Kipke, on the fourth attenp in front 'of Elgin, who we had the ball in another ins evading all opponents, tore for the .score. All in all Kipke's big day. G4oebel Avenged Defeo This should not be taken that the other 10 Wolverine idle, however. Captain Gc Cappon in their last stand ag Ohoans, have never surpa form shown today. The gaun ine leader was in every play fensive tactics holding the drives of Workman. and K1 minimum. He scored the fir of the afternoon and the po for a time looled big enoug by a perfect place kick at a gle standing on the 37 yard a voice in the vast gathe raised as the captain prep his attempt, but when the b over the -cross bar pan reigned. It was Goebel's quick recc poor snap back by Klein tha the first break of the after Michigan. The play demora Wilcemen for the moment fore they recovered, Kipke b ed over for the first scor trick play uncorked on th Ing play. ad to itors . .. _ r ., : . ' ., THE VICTORS Is ve the visibility ni different po- aiform, as each to face almpst the field. The age of first im-I :es the problem ven in an open ious one when assed together. 1 architectural and concrete is 13 feet wideI e open end and main entrance gh and 36 feet Tr Jumps Banks 1.-Following a 30 I " I