,: RETUE FOR TEN Y1 f11 r _'.#^ #=dom. ,..-. I ECONOMY EXPERTS SEE NO HIOPE k FOR EARL1Y RETURN TO NOtRM~ALCY (By Associated Press) Boston, Oct. 20.-The Harvard coi- mittee on' Economic Research has no expectation of a drop in prices to the pre war level.. during' the next ten years, Prof. Charles J. Baskin, chair- man of the. committee said in an ad-. dress at the Harvard club tonight at the first session of a national confer- ence of subscribers to the Harvard Economic service. lThe Harvard committee, he added, ycould not accept the conclusion that prices must return to a pre war nor- mal because; prices have reverted to their former level after previous per- iod of currency inflation in the early and middle nineteenth century. "The committee cannot find," he said, "that the governing condition exist today which brought about low- er prico levels in the past." OCT. 26 SET AS LAST PiATE FOR AFAJ(IN UP INC OMPLETJES More than 200 rooms are needed to accomodate the alu~mni and visitors who plan to attend the Michigan-Il- lnois game ia Ann Arbor, O0ct. 28, ac- cording to Milton D.-Green, '25, chair- man of the Union Alumni Housing committee. It is estimated- that more than half of this number will be need- ed for the Wisconsin game. Those Swho have rooms to list with. the comn- mit.tee should list them at once with the telephone operator at the Union, or with any member of the commi~t~e. Announcing to my rons that I am still d my U. of M. Barber Sl 1110 So. University. ski.-Adv. ,pat. W. H. chairgec number signed. a year i school,a p as always a R. Trojanow F'I j Chicken supper will be served at The Catholic Students' Fair, Satur- day evening,, Oct. 28. Dont miss~ this big chance.--Adv. Michigan Blooks, Book Wahr's.--Ad Books, Memi and Jewelry Michigan Daily- and Chimes fear $4.50..1 s+ I I I. Canadian fishing fleet. Below, "Hlenry bumt a tivvet on the sea. and fastest to.tI?. S. fishing schooners, wvill° lueno se" . for the international fishermen's anadi ans, nub hold the cup as, a result of IOct. 26 is' the last day set foz Imaking up examinations in lncompiet-I ed subjects in the literary college in the University, according to Prof. Wilbur R. Humphreys, dean of the school._ ° Eamiaon have been held all month by individual appointment and many students given incomnpletes last summer have worked them-AXof by now or~ have definitely received their E's. All students not taking these exam- inations by the date set will be failed in heir incompleed subjects. Thirty-five years of experience at your disposal at Julian R. Trojanow- ski U. of M. Barber Shop 1110 So. Utuniversity--Adv. jCorduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and Co.-Adv. A REAL GOOD MEAL CHOP SUEY - STEAKS Eve rythirng good at i Anns Arbor Chop Suey 31 S. Staite-Second Floor " f. TAKE IT FROMM-E, KU rPONED 1' M. iMitchell a'nd Robert Young. Soph lits., M'11'tbn" Green and Herbert Steger; Svice-prsident, Jeane Briggs and Ed~- na Kadow; secretary, Margaret Hays and--Alice Powell; treasurer, Ray Bill- in~on and Morris Reed. of, officers in the junior and literar~y classes didL not Friday afternoon as was planned. Due to the fact ny students left early in ion to witness the Michigan- the . Student Council rye- stpone the election till the Biu EAT, AT TIRE -Gold IT. S. Refugees in Daniger Tokio.-Official dispatches say the Vladiv'ostock French consulate was at- tacked, lawlessness reigns, the Amer- ican. consul has rented a building for United States ref ugees, guarded by guns of ,a United States cruiser; cap- ture of, the city by the Reds is nomen- tarily expected. 605 Ohurch . offil o be voted on are as lits., president, Hugh' -ch Gray; vice-presi- .ynast and Helen Pel- y, Dorothy. Maitland ; treasurer,. Robert 11 Cor~duroy' Co.-adv. Coats $6.50 up: Wild and A Frankel ;Head Mirror may not be of interest to all - . ., , "Why Do "La Last So Much r i I ~ phone 2641-R 11 f at Willard 1i Creole Pralines Afternoon Tea_ 3:3,O-5:3O Luncheon 12-2 But if you a Senior Medical Student are Sunday' Night Supper 5-7:30 Evening Dinnter by Arrangement I you need one. THE' SEASON'S NEWEST, MILLINERY Fur Trimmed, Metal, Brocaded, Panne Velvet, Velour and Felt and Trimmngs PUYEAR andkHINTZ 328 SOQ'ITH MAIN STREET A limited number have arrived. "'The Quarry" -Drug and 'Prescriptioni Store GD CLAIUE RAKE PROPRIETOR Phone 308 "Wh~y do laundered shirr longer; why do they keep so ( was a Senior Law Student whoc "~Well, why is a Waxed -fl asked, and then continued to ture lawyer. "Thisis the -yeas{ these Shirts our scientific pros of the fabric; it presses the fibr er, imparting a xfine, smnooth, ish." The Senior Law iappeared ested, so we enlightened him no soft, spongy su~rface to attr and dirt, ' no loose threads to 'As a result, each shirt stays el longer, and looks better." The Law Student smiled,' are right. I've often wonderi now. E - 11 ', I *4 !I PULT YOUR DUJDS IN OUR % Wbite Swan PHONE 165 One. We~ Call For and Deliver. a n :. ,