OFFICIAL BULLE' 1 ,. 1 ication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Sat Volume 3 FRIDA,Y OCTOBER 20, 1922 NU University Lecture: The Hon. Philip Henry Kerr, formerly editor of The Round secretary to the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George. will deliver a lecture upon "Some Present Intdrnational Problems" Friday, Oct 4:15 p. m., in Room B, Law building. The public is cordially invi F. E. RO Teachers of Students in Engineering and Architecture: You are requested to file in the office of the Secretary of the an official class list of each of your classes on Monday, Oct.2 will be mailed you and may be obtained in the office. LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Sec University Library Sunday Service: The Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room only ar Sunday from 2 to 9 p. m. Books desired for Sunday use, which narily shelved in other parts of the building, will be reserved in Reading Room Saturday evening for use on Sunday upon a p ,quest presented/at the desk where such books are usually drawn WM. W. BISHOP, Lib 1 IlL iVIvA1,I .-'L t1V 1X1L Associaton Asks WARTHIN TO GIVE MICHIGAN STATE LECTURES COLORS Aid For Children CO10 abers of Dr A. S Warthin of the Medical turday.) Mrs. Mable Hardwick, experienced school has several lecture trips sched- uled for the early part of November. tber 23 in welfare activities, and having re- On No the wily i n KaNma- cently completed a four years' course zoo on "Gardening and Health." The in scientific and extensive case work night of Nov. 11 he will speak at Table and at the Little Wanderers' Home, in Benton Harbor on "Hygiene andi+ University -' Moaitr Unversi, t Boston, has been put in charge of the Morality."IL A ober 20, at Michigan Children's Aid Society. This The next afternoon he will appear ted. BBINS. society provides an opportunity for before the Kiwanis club of Benton happiness to the child and insures a Harbor speaking on "Gland Trans- better citizen to the state. The local plantations". That same night he will ;se collegeswork of the Michigan Children's Aid go to Hartford where he will again 23. Blanks Society has been carried on for five talk on "Hygiene and Morality". years. It began by taking from the retary.ospital, infants for whom foster "PRETTY FRESHMEN!" homes had to be found and placing such infants for adoption, or for care, EXCLAIMS EDUCATOR I AN BLANKET would look mighty good at COL UM BUS ON SATU RDAY COLUBS $1000 at UNIVERSITYS BOOKSTORE "A Michigan Institution" a* "n1111 Clb Diner e open on are ordi- n the Main ersonal re- . rarian. TohUTe following arrangements for special accommodations for University women expecting to attend the 0. S. U. game have been announced. All of these trains are over the Ann Arbor and Pennsylvania Railroad: The first three coaches of the night train to Columbus, leaving Ann Ar- bor Friday at 11 p. m., Central time, will be exclusively for University women. The third section of the morning train for Columbus, leaving Ann, Ar- bor at 6 a. m., Central time, will be reserved entirely for University Women. The first section of the evening train, leaving Columbus at 6:30 p. in., Central time, will be exclusively for University women. JEAN HAMILTON, Dean of Women. Scholarly Publications by Faculty: Members of the faculties are asked to send lists of their scholarly pub- lications, July 1, 1920, to June 30, 1922, to the office of the Graduate School NOT LATER THAN NOON ON SATURDAY NOV. 4. Lists should be com- plete as to all information called for following the form here given, books being given first, then articles, and both being in chronological order: Doe, John A. New theories about the elements. A. Bookmaker and Co. New York, 1921. xi, 301 p. 10 pls. What I have found about it.. (With James Smith) Am. J. Sci., 1921, v 50, p. 21-100, 3 figs.I Lists should be typewritten. Blanks, in letter size, may be had at theI office. ALFRED H. LLOYD. R. 0. T. C.: R. O. T. C. Rifle Firing Friday afternoon. Truck will start from office at 2 p. m. This course is open to any male student at the University. ROBERT ARTHUR, Major, C. A. C. Aero Blie Books and Reports:f There is a considerable number of blue books and reports in my office left over from the preceding semester. The owners are requested to call for them before Nov. 1, after that date they will be destroyed. F. W. PAWLOWSKI. Faculty Women's Club: The meeting of the Dramatic Section scheduled for Friday, Oct. 20, hasj been indefinitely postponed. MRS. ULRICH PHILLIPS, Chairman.- Rehearsal of "Much Ado About Nothings": Members of the cast will meet me at 8 o'clock sharp, Monday evening, Oct. 23, in University Hall. Each member should bring a marked copy of the play. Students in Public Speaking 14 and 14e are invited to attend this meeting. It is imperative that every member of the cast be present. R. D. F. HOLLISTER. School of Education Students: The general rules for Attendance in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts obtain also iti the School of Education. All vomen will report at the Registrarls Office,. University Hall, Monday and Thursday, 11 to 12:15. All men enrolled in this School will report at the Office of the School of Education, Thursday 11 to 12 andThursday 4 to 5. A. S. WHITNEY. in boarding 'homes. It is interesting to note that there are more requests for the adoption of normal, healthy infants than can be met. During the past year this welfare society handled as many as seventy-six children in a month, and ninety-six were received for temporary aid. One may ask, "What is done with children whose parents wish to keep them, but because of economic condi- tions, the mother as well as the fath- er is compelled to work outside of the home? The Day Nursery is the solution of such a problem. Here the! busy mother may leave her small chil- dren for the day to romp and play! safely in clean surroundings until she calls for them after her day's work. These organizations will ask for fi- nancial aid in the November drive of' the Community Fund association. Evanston, Ill., Oct. 18.-College boys are becoming better looking each year, Prof. L. G. Kranz, director ofi physical education of Northwestern university, declared today in summar- izing of 300 freshmen of the univer- sity. Professor Kranz attributed this ad- vancement in, beauty to the new plan adopted almost universally in high schools of giving students two years of health training. Improvements in physical condition of students since the institution of health training in high schools, as noted by Professor Kranz, are clear- er skin, greater interest in health ed- ucation, better carriage and posture and greater interesg in athletics. "Y" HOLDS SERVICE 1'A'%Tb XTV1X7 XRAILr'W1C OPEN DAILY-11 a.m.-12 p.m. FRI. & SAT. - 11 a.m.-1 a.m. DELIVERY-Sc ONE BOWL SOUP ONE -BOWL RICE PLAIN CHOP SUEY ONE POT TEA - 35c Phone 604 R ALL KINDS OF CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES QUANG.TUNG LO 613 E. Liberty St. - r K R iN E W LVIVMBL Free 500 Suspects (By Associated Press) Bucharest, Roumania, Oct. 18.- New Y. W: C. A. members were rec- Five hundred persons were released ognized yesterday afternoon at an im- from jail today after being confined pressive candle light service held at during the three days of festivity that the Congregational church. Cabinetj followed the cooronation of King Fer- members, dressed in- white and carry-1 dinand and Queen Marie. Every one ing lighted candles, opened the serv- of whom the olice had the slightest ice by singing a processional hymn. suspicion was locked up during the After devotion, led by Miss Mary period of, celebration. Not even in Ross, general secretary, and a short Russia in the days when czars ap- address by the president, Margaret peared befor the public were such Whyte, '23, the candle light ceremony stringent precautions taken against was carried out. The association light assassination of those who surround- of service was symbolized by the ed the Roumanian king and queen flame of a large candle which was during the coronation ceremonies used by the cabinet members to light, over.thesmaller candles of the new mem- just bers. A Litany of consecration closed Flint May Open Branch Librales the service. Flint, Oct. 18.-Plans for extension of the Flint public library by means When yo'u want something, try a of branch libraries in several parts "Daily" classified ad. It will help of the city are being considered by you.-AdV. school and library association offi- vials. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. 1 j Going to the Game? Then do not Forget Better slip a pair of Fownes' to take along one of those Buck Gloves in your pocket soft, warm Angora Reefers for that cold wind will nip which we are showing such your fingers if you don't! a large assortment of this OR if you had rather have an eason unlined Mocha or Fur-lined___ we have them also-the Wool-lined as low as $3.00 tepair. Sec the Nem Pcadil Buckski An n A r ~at A ,.-OPN $3 and $3.50 STATE AT VILLIAM STREET Celebrated Glove," j. 1 WHAT'S GOING ON NOTICE-Copy for this column should be submitted by 5 :; 1 d ock o the day before pulJitlIon. 4:I5-Pidti' Ir rr sdk- .to 1C gener- al puhiik in Il ,I. Lav building, oi "Some lalle lnt.rnational Pro- ts:R "01 c Chemistry 7 :3(0-Ai;~ia rM m i , fot floor, University !'a . 7:0-Upper ocm ibl ci:s meets in Lane hall. S00-Douglas Mcdo ii ihe "Rookies Return" at Weslay hall. U-NOTICES Camp Davis men may secure prints of pictures taken this summer by calling at the surveying depart- ment and ordering them. There is an exhibition of portraits of leaders of the war in Alumni Mem- orial hall daily from 2 to _5 o'clock. This is given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art association. Members of the senior class of the School of Education must pay their dues today 'in order to insure reser- vation of space in the 'Ensian for their pictures. Call from 2-12 and 1-3 o'clock in Tappan hall. Westerners Club postponed to Wed- nesday, November 1. Fred F. Wy- man, Pres. Westerners' Club. Detroit Students' Dinner Postponed The dinner of the Detroit students who are at Michigan, which was to have been held at the Union last ev- ening was postponed on account of the O. S. U. pep meeting. The ban- quet will be held early next month. All students who are attending Michi- gan and who are residents of Detroit are asked to watch for the announce- ment of the date. Let a "Daily" classified ad rent that vacant room for you.-Adv. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. OUR DANCE HALL IS FREE To STUDENTS AT ALL TIMES-IT'S OPEN WHEHEYOU T4T OR NOT THE CHINESE GARD S, "Get the Habit" 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHONE 1549 EXQUISITE DRAPERIES A Final Touch to the Home By Special Order PILBEAM AND MARZ NEW STORE 206 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE NEW STORE Y OUR 'Ensian photo-. graph is the one of yOur entire university career that you want to be the best possible. That is assured when you engage our services -as thousands of for- mer graduates would tell you. Portraits " + ! r I Whitney Theatre Mon. Oct. 23 THE MOST MILLIFLUOUS OF ALL MUSICAL COMEDIES Sue Dear COMING TO US DIRECT FROM ITS FOUR MONTHS' SUCCESSFUL RUN AT THE TIMES SQUARE THEATER, N. Y. With Its Own Original Production Virginia O'Brien . George Sweet Bradford Kirkbride Bobbie O'Neil Alice Cavenaugh Berta Donn and Splendid Cast, Including John Hendricks Madeline Grey Peppy Albrew And the Same Perfect, Jovial Bevy of Songstresses that Helped Make Sue Dear the Pronounced Lyrical Comedy Hit.