'Gargoyle" Glib In Gleeful G u r g l e s Pawlowski Sys 1200 Miles An reHour Is Possible Speed In Air From the colored cover on the{ front, to the last joke on the final "It is entirely possi le that a speed sor Pawlowski was very enthusias- page, the October number of the Gar- of 1200 miles an hour will be attain- tic. He believes that very soon a per- goyle appeared yesterday as purely ed within the next twty-fiv years,, son in ordinary circimstances will be and simply a Freshman number- f able to afford an airplane. At pres- pure as possible for the Gargoyle, declared Prof. F. W. Pawlowski of ent one may purchase an aeroplane and as simple as the freshmen them- the aeronautical, en ering depart- from the government for less than selves. ment, yesterday, spe g of the re- $250Q, and mass, production similari First and foremost is the cover de- cnpropnecy of -regnet'that sign. It is by James house, '23, and it within this time an aeroplane ,will is good. These two statements have encircle the world Jn -twenty-four gone together in speaking of the Gar- hours. "This is the speed which would goyle for some time. Contrasts are be necessary to accomplish the feat.j well played in this cover with the It would seem that the aviattor wouldI timid freshman and the bold knight be flying faster thaa,,,h earth is showing the faults of the other. The turning, so to him the sun would ap- frontispiece is, also by' James House pear to be going in the wrong direc- and is interesting as frontispieces 'go.Ition." "The Freshman Primer" is abso- Record is No Surprise lutely, horribly, and delightfully sim- Commenting on the Mt. Clemens ple. If the minds of the first year men races, Professor Pawlowski said, were ever so naive they could not help "The new world's speed record ofI but understand this primer. Of like 248.5 miles per hour as' iade by Lieu-l nature are the "Frosh Club" and tenant Maughan is not a surprise to "Aunt! Lena's Bedtime Story." those in the field of aeronautics. This They editorials of the issue lack the record has served onlyt convince the pep that made those of last year so layman, concerning a- belief which, readable, as does also the Preface has been prevalent with us for a good' page that rises from the pen of while-that there is no limit to the "Preffy." The almanac is readable and speed which may be attained in the laughable. air. The cartoon of Professor Wenley, "Experimentation with gliders is of of the philosophy department, as practical value only in so far as it printed on the editorial page, not only may help in improving t he construe- has- aroused' the mirth of his many tion and better proportioning of the s vital parts of the plane. Gliders uti- tents from the professorthimself. lize ascending air currents and it is "The present generation is so de- not remai4able that they have stayed "The stgeerain is sor ein the air for more thanto hours. prayed," he stated in a lecture yes-1 It is simply a matter of starting at an te'rday, "as to enjoy jazz and Gar- elevated position and gliding down a goyle cartoobs." Professor Wenley valley in which the air current is go- added that he went home and, for ing in the opposite direction. If the' the first time in many years, looked wind doesn't change, one may circle into a mirror. R. A. B. and even ascend, thus being enabled to remain in the air for a long time. GIVEN COVETED WORKS 'Gliding' has great possibilities as a sport, but is of fery little commercial use." tto that of the. Ford Motor company will bring about a tremendous reduc- tion in prices. "The field of aero- nautics P. enlarging vo r'y," he said. "Members of the last graduating class from the University have all ob- tained excellent aeronautical positions with industries, with the National Ad- visory commission for aeronautics, and with the Bureau of Standards. LThis has not been so in previous years." Graduates Form Plans for Year More than 160 graduate students met }Wednesday night in Barbour gymnasium to elect officers and dis- I cuss a program for the school year. Prof. Alfred H. Lloyd, Dean of the Graduate School, spoke on cultural education. The following officers were elected: Pres., T. L. Purdom, Instructor in the School of Education; vice pres., Clare Hamel; sec., Miss Howe, social director of Adelia Cheever house: treas., ., L. Fink. y Will Observe "Forget-Me-Not Day" Bay City, Oct. 18.-"Forget-me-not Day," to be observed nationally Nov. 4, will be marked by a fitting program here. Disabled war veterans will take part. --- -- WOMEN ORGANIZE 1that a large number of girls will now Invalid Student REPUB LIC AN C LU B sign up for the election, Nov.7. Canoes To Health ,oresters Plan Annual Publictaon Efforts are being put forward by en- Work on the annual publication of thusiasts of the Republican Club of the Forestry club was started last By paddling a canoe 1200 miles in 3 night at its regular bi-monthly meet- six weeks, and earning his way en the University toward the organiza- ing. This publication, which will be sixes, atnd Htion of a separate club of the same na- published in the spring, covers the ture for women. Until this is consu- activities of the forestry department sity of Wisconsin student, . found a mated, arrangements have been pro-- during the year. Elections were also way this summer to build up his held at the meeting for the entertain- health and prepare himself to con - vided, whereby Republican women of heda h etn o h neti- thethan prlaeigmibfleco- ent, attendance, and executive com- tinue his college course. the eligible voting age will be taken m attees.n Convalescing from infantile paraly- care of at the coming election. For-_ sis and too weak to walk any distance this purpose a booth has been install- 1 Halloween decorations, place cards, he started out alone in June, and pad- ed in the corridor immediately adjoin- etc. at Wahr's University Bookstore. died down the Yahara, Rock, and Mis- ing the women's entrance in the -Adv. sissippi Rivers and returned up the Michigan Union. Here, girls may reg- Illiois, Hennepi Canal and Rock ister and through this medium blanks River. He returned robust, strong and for absentee voters will be supplied. A REAL GOOD MEAL ready for college work. with more Beatrice Campbell, '23, who is in CHOP SUEY - STEAKS money than he had when he started. charge of this work, has stated that IEverythig good at tup to the present time the girls have shown little spirit and enthusiasm. 314S . State-Second Floor RUBBER WANTED 1 With these arrangements it is hoped Man wanted who has had ex- perience. bandaging and rubbing athletes. Report to E. J. Math- er, Varsity basketball coach.. Phone 468-R.( - MADE 0 TO Q FIT. if. I CLARK 634 FOREST £Jpk @18osn~q~ e dalv of zlu *j"1 Your name neatly embossed in Gold on all Purchased at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 338 So. State St. .esr.uri.a *................. s ................. MILLER'S BARBER SHOP Win. A. Miler, Prop. - Motto- Service and Courtesy 1 11 4 S. University Ave. Chippewa Farm1rs Ship Sault Ste. Marie, Oct. wa county farmers are large part of their meat other markets, a survey field has revealed. Meat Away 18.-Chippe-j shipping a products to of the local "i "1 'I When You Wish to Look Your Best - When Your Overcoat Needs Pressing- When Your Suits Need Cleaning - And You Wish to Look Your Best - REIEMBER- IT COSTS NO -MORE TO HAVE THEM- MASTER CLEANED. Ann Arbor Steam ye Works Phone 628 204'.E. WASHINGTON What if she can't go to 0. S. U.? She's going to enjoy that party at any rate!. Why not help her have a better time What is considered one of the finest pieces of (typography ever done in America has been presented to the University library by Mrs. A. W. Wat- kins of this city. The gift is a three volume edition of Florio's translation of Montaigue. It was done by the Riverside press under the personal supervision of Bruce Rogers, who is acknowedgedto be America's foremost exponent of the art of printing.. The set is extremely rare, and it has long been the, hope of the University to ob- itai one. Although not ,yet on exhibit, the volumes may be seen on request- Ironwood Prepares to Receive Legion Ironwood, Oct. 18.-Ironwood for- mer service men already are making plans for the next annual meeting of the Michigan department of the American Legion, to be held here in the autumn of 1923. Planes Will be Common in Future As to the future of aviation, Profes- and give her a ................a..aaaa"aaa".. WafI ..........11ffYY/YfIfV IYI/MIaRNa V IIrv RYA 1 GOs, NEW 11 . LSA1~rtE ~h e 0-A vv TWO SH WS THSK-NG Saturday Night Sp1-EDY 7 & 10P. M. Mich-Ohl) Attraction HARBIAN.III[ATRE~ COLUMBUS FRDAY OCT20-21 SAT1143DAY 5- i rd Corsage? The best at MAIL ORDERS accompanied by re- mittance in full 'and self-addressed envelope, will be honored in order of receipt. BE SURE to specify WHICH performaupe Saturday desired. Make all remittances and send orders to R. F. Boda, Manager artman Theatre, Columbus, Ohio. Prices -$1.10, $1.651, $2.20, $2.75i Including tax. /r 7 err- $ 1 THO' we're not going to Columbus, we're mighty lucky to be able to watch Mich- igan win play by play on the Big Alectricat Scoreboard Auspices Alumni Association and Women's League 225n Eblir atiraI(fi. 225 E. Liberty I -7 HILL AUDITORIUM , ;: # RESULTS Have you ever advertised in the classified columns of The Daily? If you have, it's safe to say that you know what Results are. "Results" means not only answers, but also a sale, or renting. One answer to an ad may be just as important to you, if it makes a sale, as any number of answers. But never- theless, no matter how many replies you get, Daily want ads get results. Phone 960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 W, AL&. Out of every tickot apercentage. sold the Women's League gets Fifty Cents. Phone _1321 I V . ._- _ _ - _ . _ - _. _ , -_ _. 1* Couple Straps -and Very Dressy } r,. "' agJl lll1 !/ll " Ir I/X tl/ l1 - f . _ - ;.a. X111 '' lli rtli! tUl ; . '' DR. W. S. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 616 Flrst Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office Hours Phone 9-12; 1:30-5 321-FI PERSONAL STATIONERY PRINTED OR BLANK A smart little digr from plain ankle ing to twin bu Adds novelty to t styles -goes wi smartest of the costumes. - J ' ression -dress- ittons. the fall th the e new IN WHICH TO PAY YOUR I LY . RI so $.00 Double Sheets Y, x 6% folded Envelopes to match SI.5O A~o ~ JPV4 AT, THE RATE OF Your name and address printed in blue or black ink. Fine bond paper, exceptional offer. Send check or money order to STANDARD PRINTING o. YPSILANTI, MICH. as, 115 S. MAIN P f 2s .5. I S2V L. G RtE N.NA N ym CUSTOM TAILOR Beginning November istthe pri Tuxedo' GQlf Suitsr Evening Clothes SATISFACTION You save 50c by Paying Now. Send in your check for $3.50 today to the Circu t I