____________________________________ A prominent British literary critic recently declaredthatthe state of af- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE fairs in the world today gave him the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN impression that the other planetst Published every morning except Monday were using the earth as a lunatic during the University year by the Board in asylum, and Mr. Tomlinson, London Journalist, commenced an essay pub- Member of Western Conference Editorial lished a week ago with these words: ASsociatiOn., "Anyone who does not believe the, The Associated Press is exclusively en- world is crazy is probably himself in titled to the use for republication of all need of skilled medical attention." news dispatches credited to it or not other-. wise credited in this paper and the local Postulated by these remarks the news published therein, now existing logomachy among Eu-, nerei at the postofice at Ann Arbor~.ropean diplomats over who won the Michigan, as second class matter. Near East peace will not seem unus- Subscription by carrier -or mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor .Press Building,May. ual. Lloyd George in his Manchester nard Street. speech stoutly maintains that it was Phones: lEditorial, 214and, 7- Bui ness. :6o. E414 176-M Bus the'presence of the British fleet near the Dardanelles that frightened the Commnications not to exceed Soo words Turks into submission and Henri if signed, the signature not necessarily toTuk inosb sin ad Hei appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, Franklin-Bouillon, special French en- and :iotices of events Will be published in The aialycat the discretion of the Editor, if voy to the recent Murania conference, left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- tilts furiously at the little Welchman signed commn+ications will receive no con- sideration. No manuscript will be returned an avers that it was nothing short unless the writer encloses 'postage. The Daily of the intervention of the French does not necessarily endorse the sentimentsI expressed in the communications, government which brought about the peaceful settlement. EDITORIAL STAFF Unless the United States wishes to Tek h n Aes 2414 and 176-H arrogate to itself the name of peace- a TED RLL DAY BY DAY' IN - 'EVERY WAY WE { SHALL BEAT OSU "I weep for NUFF-SED-he is dead. Oh weep for NUFF-SED though our tears Thaw not the frost which binds so dear a head." He was our brother-we loved him. No finer fluting nor volute* more ex-I quisite ever graced our fair colyum. Now that he is dead and beyond all that we can say or do for him let us console ourselves with the thought4 that he will be among the chosen few when the rolls are called up(?) yon- der. Peace be with him. ZEKE. *Ah, Fine Arts. The below is not in the nature of a spirit message from the afore-men- tioned deceased, but merely that per- son's sole literary remain in our hands. CAL. OH, CLARENCE CAMPUS OPINION Oct. 19, 1922. Editor. The Michigan Daily: The Official Bulletin of this morn- ing's Daily announced that the spe- cial train for Columbus on Saturday morning, carrying Michigan women, would leave Ann Arbor at 6 o'clock. Rather late, we think, to insure our getting to the game on time. Why are the women being made the goats of? First the officials do not supply enough Pullman accommodations for the women who want to leave on Fri- day night, and then they schedule the. women's section in the morning so late that riding on it is a gamble on whether we will see the game at all or not. Those who went to Madisonj last year know that the special train! was three hours late. Also those who! went to the Illinois game missed half of it. This year we are spending our time and money to see the Ohio game,j and to see the dedication of the new stadium, and we want to be there. What else is the special train for?, We aren't going for the delightful ride. And it seems that if Michigan women are willing to get up at any hour of the morning to get to Colum- bus in time, the railroad officials ought to be willing to run the trains out early enough for us to get there. We protest! BETSY BARBOUR GROUP.I EDITORIAL COMMENT Ai LAST EDITION( I MIC HIGAN SONG BOOK s: : A T :,,: BOTH STORES Ironwood Refuses School Pay Raise Ironton, Oct. 18.-The board of ed- ucaton has denied the request of jan- itors, truancy agents and clerks of grade schools here for salary in- creases. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6:oc a.m.. 7:00 a.m., S:oo a.m., 9:05 a.m. and hourly to 9:o.5 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p.m. Local CarsrEast Bound-7 :oo a m. and ev- cry two hours to 9 :oo p.m., i x :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-!1:4o p.m., s:15 a.m. To Saline -Change at Ypsilanti. Local (Ars West Bound-7:5o a.m., 12:Io p. m. To Jackson and Kalamazoo - Limited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p In. 1 MIMEOGRAPHING F You are to blame yourself if your mimeographed book or out line is not ABSOLUTELY CORRECT as to FORM and ACCURACY. We will furnish proof which you may read and correct yourself, we will correct the stencils verbatim with your returned proof-then, mimeograph your books. MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL Ncw s Editor................Paul Watzel Lcity 1F1Itor..........James 13. Young Assistant City Editor-...... .Marion Kerr Editorial Board Chairman...,.E. R. Meiss Night EIditors-ay Ralph Byers flat':y Trey J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack . .r. lie-'sbdorer R. C. Moriarty H. A. Dora hue Sports Editor..............F. H. McPiKc Sunday Magazine.Editor.......Delbert Clark Wonme i's Edton.... ......Marion Koch Humor Editor...............Donald Concy Conference 1 ditor ............1I1. B.' Grundy PictorialEditor .. . .........Robert Tar Music Editor ..................E. H. Ailes Assistants M. it. Pryor fohn Garlinvhouse .Dorothy liennetts Isabel Fishex Maurice Beman Winona A. Hibbard R. A. Rillingto Samuel Moore - W. B. Butler T. G. McShane 11. C. Clark W.. 3. Rafferty A. Bi. Couiiahlc V. 11. Stoneman Evelyn J. Cougblin Virginia Tryon Eugere Carmichael P. M. Wagner Bernadette Cote A. P'. Webbink aValacet F.Uliott Franklin Dickman T. F. Fiske Joseph Epstein Maxwell Fead J. J V. Ruwitch BUSINESS STAFF - Telephone 960 BUSINESS.jMANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertiing........ ..John J. lamel, Jr. Advertisi...... ..Edward Ia. Conlin Advertising........Walter K. Scherer Accounts... ...Laurence H. Favrot Circulation .....David J. M. Park Publication.......... .. L. Beaumont Parks Assistants TownsendI T. Wolfe:Alfred M. White Kenneth Seick Wtu. D. Roesser George Rockwood Allan S. Morton ferry M. Hayden James A. Dryer 1 ligne L.I_ Dnne Vim. 11: Good W-1. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman Tolin C. TIaskin A. Ilartwell.a Jr. Harvey F. Reed J. Blumenthal C. L. Putnam Howard Hayden H. T). Armantrout \V. K. Kidder FT. W. Cooper Henry Freud Wallace Flower Herbert P. Bostwick Edw. B. Riedle L. Pierce Harold .I. -Tle' FRIDAY OCTOBER 20, 1922 Night Editor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE ALL ABOARD maker it would be better to suspend This is the sad Story Judgment on this point until the pres- Of Clarence, the Masher ent dispute betwedn the European Who tried to hold Hands nations themselves has been settled. With Girls He had never seen before OUR BUMPER ICE CREAM CROP In the Show. "COMPARE OUR PRINT, PAPER, AND PRICES" EDWARDS BROTHERS 308-10 SOUTH STATE STREET 2ND FLOOR Figures recently received show that 300,000,000 gallons of ice cream were consumed in America last year. This means an increase in consumption of one gallon per capita over the year previous. When ice cream was first in- troduced in Europe, it was regarded as a curiosity, a rare toothsome sweet, which might be eaten by the aristocracy on auspicious occasions, a delicacy to be sparingly partaken of, 'a dish highly prized. Today ice cream is no loifger aj delicacy which must be served only on special occasions. It is now a food, an everyday food, produced and consumed in enormous quantities. Many causes have contributed to the startling increase in the consump- tion of ice cream., Perhaps the chief cause is the wide-spread advertising campaign of ice cream manufactur- ers. The poularity of "malted milks"1 which contain. ice cream is another factor in the increased consumption. The invention of such creations as "Eskimo Pie" has helped to swell the amount of ice cream demanded by the public. Again, many men, since giv- ing up alcoholic drinks, have substi- tuted ice cream di'inks. A habit which perhaps finds its greatest expression in Americans is that of eating between meals. Ice cream, made into sodas, malted milks, or eaten plain is probably the lead- ing between-meal food. It is likely that in future years ice cream will become more popular than ever as a food. It is easy to obtain and convenient to eat. The American people demand convenience and pala- tability. In ice cream they seem to have found both. One night When he went to Bed He thought He was being Tried Before a Court Of Women. The Judge was Margot Asquith, And he groaned Because he knew It would Get into the Papers. And when he Looked at the He almost Wept Because he recognized Every One Although he had only seen In the Dark. 'nd when Margot asked or the Verdict, The Jury With one Accord Said: "Guilty." And the guard came And it was the Devil With Horns And a spiked Tail Just. like the One On the Devilled Ham Can; And with him Were fifty Other Devils With Pitchforks; And they said, "We have come To take you to. . Er-Home with Us." F;, 1922 1 1, 22 29 1W .2 1 6 23 30 OCTOBER. T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 6 13' 20 27 1922 4 14 21 28 Jury them And in the Morning On the Campus The Chimes rang; But Clarence did not hear them; He did not wake up. He was not there. And when it came time for that Eight .O'lI ki Beginning this evening at 11 o'clock GLOOM DISPELLERS The Prof. looked Around the greater part of Dlichigan will Last week the American Bankers And said, association held one of the moat "I see That embark on the special trains .bound I fruitful - anual sessions in the history Clarence is Absent." for Columbus. There tomorrow, in the of that organization. The entire at- And neither the Prof., new stadium of Oho State university, mosphere was uregnant with the pros- Nor the Class, will be waged a gridiron battle which pect of a prosperous year ahead and Nor Clarence's friends, has aroused the interest of the entire optimism was the order of the week. Nor his Best Girl, Ever since the World War ended a Ever saw Clarence country. spirit of general pessimism and a Any More. This in the feeling of disgust and gloom has BEWARE, CLARENCE. Michigan-Ohio contest arises from been floating about and somehow or NUFF SED. the keen athletic. rivalry which has. other everyone has felt that the worst . * * grown between the two universities was yet to come. This has been more Shure an' They'll Be Black an' Blue of a mental state than anything else. FRIEND CAL: I consider it a rath- durng the last few years. It is a riv- Consistently the most reliable econ- FREDCL Icosdriarth er remarkable fact that one of our airy which has been characterized by omists have waved the streamer of most patriotic institutions, the Onion, clean rlay and good sportsmanship. coming prosperity and a happy fu- has on sale for who desire to pur- In their trip to Ohio the men of j ture, but up to the present their ban- chase them "OHIO BLUE TIP Michigan must bear in mind this rec- ners have floated in vain. MATCHES." Or maybe they mean ordl of clean play and sportsman-' "Now, however, the attitude is chang- that the tip is going to make Ohio d ing. Almost every one of the thous- ship. These are not merely athletic£ ands of bankers from all parts of the, GOG AND MAGOG terms, although they are essential to country went home with a smile. This proper spirit in the rodting stands. smile was not an empty and inane But the terms apply equally well one of shallow self-satisfaction but In Spite of Odds and Superior elsewhere, one which comes from self assurance Numbers To damage property in the course: of future prosperity. AT T Il HT ORGAN RECITAL of l.re-game hilariousness or in the- r nD y joy of victory, aside from being a The tremendous sale of Concert se- -Our Own Daily. criminal act, is decidedly unsports- ries ,tickets testifies to the fact that manlike. If any such breakage occurs Ann Arbor is beginning to realize just We do on board the special trains the imme- what a great achievement the School Believe and asseverate 'diate victims will be the railroad com- of Music has to its credit in arrang- That staff members of panies, and the individual perpetra- ing these programs. The gargoyle tors if they are caught. But the act-' Should be exempt ual victims will be the Michigan men Although Michigan's plans for a big From persecution of next year and the years to follow, tent week were given up last year, By that sheet's when they desire to charter special from the appearance of all the differ- Sales force. accommodations and are refused be- ent band wagons it looks as if a' per- * * * cause of the experiences of the past. manent street carnival is in order on DEAR UGALICULPA: And rowdyism upon the part of State street. We read in our own dear daily: students in the course of the trip will "FOR SALE: Reed baby carriage. be a decided breach of fair play in There's only one thing harder than Call " a sense much stronger even than that getting by the Gargoyle salesmen on Galloping asthma is seeking infor- which applies to athletics. The fair the campus each month. That is mation regarding Mr. Reed. Every play to be considered in this case is getting by the newsboys in front of year this same man, or one of his to the University. Rowdyism upon the the Union every day. heirs or ancestors, tries to dispose part of any of her men will mean the of the family baby carriage. dragging down of Michigan in the An Indiana man worked 18 years Now that so many years of our col- eyes of the vast numbers who will be without receiving any pay until his lech edicashun have passed and the present at Columbus tomorrow. employer died. If patience is a virtue conveyance is yet not sold; we as a Tonight Michigan's rooters set out his trip to heaven is assured. party of the third part, want to of- for the field of battle. Theywafre-out fer some advice to Mr. Reed: That to win and they will do anything Ann Arbor now has a fox farm, ac- he either display the carriage in the within their power to help humble cording to a newspaper story. And University Museum or junk it for ,z. a . .:........_, 7 __ ..,. f .. ..,# w.n s s n m nn o a~r. Fb . r r.r~n , ....# ;. .. ., _a WOMEN IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Detroit News) Those who view current events as marks on the gauge of history have found food for thought in the an- noumnement of the appointment of a. woman to the Unite States senat. Als it has started some argument among these same philosophers. The particular appointment is of academic interest only perhaps, as the new senator is 87 years old, and her term of office, and prerogatives, will expire witgh the election day on which the governor who named her seeks the same office. But even a nominal senatorial in- cumbency for a woman gives the his- toriographers ground for renewed re- search. There seems to be no dispute as to the place which woman's as- cendancy occupied on the barometers of civilization in former ages. Wont- an's ascendanicy in public affairs has almost invariably been coincident with the decline and fall of the nation in world infinertee. The unfortunate fact that the nations of the ancient world carried thehr records with them in their falls has left historians only a few fragments of information to work with. But regarding those nations whose records remain, there seems to be no question. That's one side of it, anyhow. Greece ari' Rome climbed to the pinnacles of world power and influ- ence, then fell. Their declines were characterized by the emergence of the woman from the home and her activity in public affairs. The nations which sprang up following the barbarian overrunning of Europe experienced the same development. Spain and the various Italian republics of the mid- dle ages also are cited as examples pointing in the same general direc- tion, but not anywhere near so em- phatically. While there is practically no dis- pute among students of this business as to the nlace on a nation' road from vigor to decay, at which woman's as- cendancy in public affairs may be ex- pected, there is considerable ques- tion and much argument as to wheth- er the fact may be considered as a cause or a symptom of approaching decline in national strength. Those who maintain the former con- tention argue that the departure of the woman from the home is the fun- damental cause of the weakening of the national fibre. With her attention withdrawn from the training of chil- dren, they insist that family life must fail. And without family life, every- one must admit that there can be lit- tle to argue for the state. Persons who insist that woman's as- cendancy in public affairs is merely a symptom rather than a cause, main- tain that woman's entry into the ad- ministration of affairs outside of those of her family comes only be- cause man has failed in his task. And man's failure at public adminstration must have come, they argue, because the nation's decay has already set in. There is small comfort for the phi- losopher in either explanation, but it may be taken for granted that most women will insist upon being called causes, rather than symptoms. Then there is the third school, which holds that proper participation of women in public affairs really con- stitutes a guarantee of the life of the nation. Probably none of us will live long enough to see the complete demon- TEN SPECIA LISTS 308 So. State St. Start Right With a Good Iat We do all kinds of HIGH CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at low prices for GOOD WORK. When you want a hat done RIGHT bring it to us, our work is regular FACTO- RY WORK. Hats turned inside out with all new trimmings are like new. We also make and sell POPULAR PRICE and HIGH GRADE hats, FIT THEM TO YOUR HEAD and save you a dollar or more on a hat. We give values and quote prices which cannot be excelled in Detroit or anywhere else. Try us for your next hat. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 (Where D.U.R. Stops at State Street) REAL PEN SERVICE RIDER'S PEN SHOP " A IL . Y I i tr' It .. , 0 .. ,, ;, _... _ _ . ti r r( Ann Arbor'~ Candy Shop HUYLER S SCHRAFFT'S MORSE'S SPOEHR'S 709 N. UNIVERSITY f' y ' This is you-at college I profess Don and let it rem Published in into y the interest of Dec-m ricad Development by Byl fl I nti4fb oa. corn be heped by .a- plunge c7cr hefts the the pra rs rY. If y college Viir ING a symbolic figure to represent Knowl- ge, let us turn away from the muses of ity and the be-capped and be-gowned of our own day. k about the Football Player Tackling a ny? Isn't he typical of everything you do se four years i are the Football Player. The dummy is knotty problem you tackle, every effort n your way through, every examination, campus activity. kle the dummy hard, and you'll be ready en bigger tests in the game of business or sonal life. rot say about this symbol, "How clever", it go at that. It is worth nothing unless inds you to get the spirit of the Tackler our work. his earnestness he sems to feel the thrill [bat. With set jaws and muscles tense he -s at the dummy. For him it is alive, and actice is a means to win the game. ou intend to help score touchdowns after e, here is a man to-measure up to. Electric COmpay F- I S';"ro IRAQ mn nr[ nsrr, rlrrfrrhvfns-c rlrolorfr;,l onrrre4mcnf f .. I